Chapter 35 Just Get Stronger
"Who the hell are you?" Sigang Muhang stared at Qi Feng, "Why do you know the personality and characteristics of this brainless?"

"My guess."

Dead handle wooden hanging: "???"

If you can guess it, you'll be damned, Sigangmu Diao smiled angrily, "No brain, kill him."

Without hesitation, Qi Feng took out the personality supplement from his pocket and used it up for the last time.

At the same time, Nao Wu's attack also arrived instantly, Hong Jiao Dong and Aizawa Xiaota shot at the same time, the former froze Nao Wu's feet, the latter wrapped Nao Wu's hands, Qi Feng jumped up and came behind Nao Wu, With both hands pressed on its back, the thunder light lit up.

"Thunder shock."

The brain trembled in an instant, and the lightning flashes were very scary.

"Don't bother, it's not afraid of thunder and lightning." Sigangmu Hang scratched his chin and said, "Your lazy personality is so unbearable in front of it. Experience the despair."

Nao Wu trembled all over, instantly shattered the ice on both feet, and then threw Aizawa Xiaota out, Qi Feng quickly jumped up, but it was still a step too late, Na Wu's speed was very fast, and the punch had already hit the ground. Qi Feng's body.

Qi Feng flew tens of meters away in an instant and spit out a mouthful of blood. If he hadn't used the air barrier, he might have died with this punch.

"Qi Feng!" Hong Jiaodong's face changed, and he rushed towards Qi Feng. This insane punch sent Qi Feng so far, and Qi Feng's life might be in danger.

"You'd better take care of yourself first." Sidangmu Diao narrowed his eyes, and rushed over without thinking, and raised his hand to grab the head.

Hong Jiaodong's unprecedented fighting spirit was aroused. With his hands together, he pushed forward suddenly, and a big ice burst appeared instantly, freezing Nao Wu into a giant sculpture.

Aizawa Xiaota is worthy of being a professional hero as a teacher. Although he is not physically strong, he can still display his extraordinary strength. With weird steps, he followed the white straps to wrap around the dead handle wooden hanger. Now I can share a little bit for everyone. Stress is also good.

Lu Gu stared blankly at Qi Feng lying motionless on the ground, his eyes suddenly turned red, could it be that Mr. Qi Feng died?

He didn't dare to imagine that Mr. Qi Feng, who is usually outstanding in one item, would be knocked down with a single punch. This ignorant punch seemed to contain infinite power, which he had only seen in All Might.

Nao Wu is like a war machine, painless and tireless. After breaking free from the Big Ice Burst again, he relentlessly kills Hong Jiao Dong. The dead handle wooden hanging is its will. Whoever he lets die must die .

Hong Jiaodong knew that he was not Nao Wu's opponent at all, but it was a little bit of time to delay it now. After using the big ice blast to freeze Nao Wu again, he turned his head and looked at Qi Feng who was lying on the ground beside him.

Qi Feng didn't die, nor did he faint, but was resting. He was very aware of his current situation. Three ribs were broken. Although it was painful, he didn't lose his fighting power.

At this moment, he also understands how naive his thoughts are. Hei Nao Wu is really not something he can contend with now. He doesn't know how to make this kind of creature, and his power is so powerful.

It can be said that except for All Might, basically none of the people present is an opponent of this black brain, let alone a dead handle wooden hanging and black mist.

Nao Wu broke free from the bondage again, and Hong Jiao Dong was a little bit powerless. After all, his physical strength was limited, and he had exhausted too much dealing with Nao Wu, and he was tired of coping.

Just when Nao Wu was about to catch Hong Jiao Dong, Green Valley on the side finally erupted and rushed towards Nao Wu, with tears in his eyes, but more of a determination.

He knew that with this punch, his right hand would be useless, but nothing was more important than his friends and classmates, if he let him watch them die, he couldn't do it!
"Stop it!" Lu Gu accelerated suddenly, punching Naowu's back, "Smash!"


There was a shocking sound, and after the impulse, Lu Gu was pleasantly surprised to find that his right hand was not broken, which means that he punched with a perfect score.

But the next moment, his face became ugly, and there seemed to be no scars on the back of his head. This punch didn't work, and he didn't even hurt the enemy.

What kind of enemy is this?
Lu Gu's face turned pale, he felt that he was going to die, he couldn't save everyone, and he couldn't save himself either, why, why was he so useless, he couldn't control his strength?
The deep self-blame in his heart could not be eliminated for a long time, and Lu Gu sat down weakly and faced the reality.

"Sometimes, it's not that one's strength is the strongest, and it's not that one is incompetent, but that the opponent is too strong." Lu Gu looked around in surprise, Qi Feng slowly stood up, straightened his waist, "Then what should be done?"

Qi Feng's legs were surrounded by thunder and lightning, and after exerting his strength, he rushed towards Nao Wu, his hands were constantly changing, as if he was brewing extremely strong power.

"It's very simple, we just need to become stronger!" Qi Feng suddenly shouted, "Lei Dun Lei Li Hot Knife!"

At a flashing speed, under the extremely dense thunder and lightning, Naowu's waist was actually cut open, and the red liquid flowed out, which meant that it was injured.

"It seems to be a bit worse." Qi Feng fell forward weakly, and Lu Gu quickly jumped up and hugged Qi Feng, and said with tears: "Qi Feng, thank you."

At this moment, Green Valley seems to understand a lot of truths, and also understands that the world is not peaceful after all. Enemies are everywhere, and darkness is everywhere. Since you can't change the world, you should change yourself first.

When you have that ability, it will not be too late to change the world.

When Sigang Mudiao was busy dealing with it, he saw Qi Feng strike again, but with one blow, a hole was cut in his extremely hard body.

Pupils shrank, Shigaraki looked at Aizawa Shouta, "What's his name?"

"Why, you are very interested in him?" Aizawa Xiaota gasped and said, "Or, are you very afraid of his strength and potential?"

"It's really annoying." After dodging Aizawa Shouta's attack, Shigaraki ran towards Qi Feng. He had to kill this brat, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

"Not good!" By the time Aizawa Xiaota realized it, Shigaraki had already passed Qi Feng, and the white bandage swept away but was dodged by the opponent, it was too late.

"Disgusting guy, let me deal with you."

There was a relentless roar, and Bakugo Katsuki rushed towards this side quickly, his hands turned from red to red, and there was a big explosion against the dead handle wooden hanging.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and Lugu jumped out of the danger zone with Qi Feng in his arms, and landed beside Aizawa Xiaota. Aizawa Xiaota glanced at Qi Feng who seemed to be in a coma, and said to Lugu, "Good job .”

"Everyone hinders me, why? Is it because of the hero's justice?" Shikuraki walked out of the smoke and dust with his hands hanging down, and his eyes swept around everyone, "There is no need for Xiongying High School to exist in the world. There is no need for heroes, and soon everyone will understand that what we do is for everyone, for the world!"

The dead handle wooden hanger with his hands covered in blood suddenly laughed out loud, the smile was extremely distorted, very penetrating, it seemed that there was endless pain and sadness in his heart, and the will of the black devil to tear him into pieces was burning.

 A reader found a problem and corrected it. Thank you for reminding me that I was careless.

(End of this chapter)

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