The strongest personality in hero academia

Chapter 374 Re-Chapter Normal Life

Chapter 374 Returning to Normal Life
"You take out this to change your life, aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?" Hua Nianyun looked at Qi Feng with cold eyes, but his heart was extremely hot.

"You won't, and even if you want to kill me now, I can escape the moment you kill me, then from today onwards you will never get this Wuxin lotus again." Qi Feng said confidently, he didn't believe it Hua Nianyun would commit this kind of confusion.

Hua Nianyun's eyes narrowed. She knew how Qi Feng escaped. He might be stronger now than before. If she made a rash move, he might really make him escape.

She has to get the Wuxin Lotus, and she has to hide it from Junior Brother Fang. Compared with killing Qi Feng, getting the Wuxin Lotus is the most important thing. Junior Brother Fang can deal with it first, and then make a long-term plan later. After all, she is the head of the sect. But Junior Brother Fang was not.

"I agree," Hua Nianyun suddenly thought clearly, "But if I don't kill you, it doesn't mean that my junior brother will let you go. I will delay you for a month at most. When the time comes, I will not kill you personally. no way."

"No problem at all!" Qi Feng made the deal, and handed the Wuxin lotus in his hand to Hua Nianyun. After Hua Nianyun took it, a greedy look appeared in his eyes.

Qi Feng's heart is bleeding, it seems that this Wuxin lotus is a good thing, but now he still can't keep it with his own strength.

However, it is enough to exchange for a month. The most important thing is that Hua Nianyun's junior brother is not as strong as her, and he is only in the middle stage of Jindan. When his cultivation reaches the middle and late stage of foundation establishment, he will be able to kill The one whose surname is Fang.

"It's good to do it for yourself!" Hua Nianyun snorted coldly, and disappeared directly with the Wuxin lotus.

"It's so dangerous." Qiao Beiqiao patted his chest and said, he thought he was about to start a life of fleeing again, but he didn't expect that Qi Feng had turned the danger into safety.

"By the way, what did you give her just now?" Qiao Beiqiao felt that what Qi Feng gave was definitely a good thing, otherwise Hua Nianyun wouldn't be so excited, and wouldn't let them go so easily.

"I lost at least several billions, no, tens of billions!" Qi Feng punched the rock beside him, and the rock was instantly crushed into powder.

"What the hell is it?" Qiao Beiqiao continued to ask.

"I don't know, I got that thing in the small world. I wanted to see her reaction, but I didn't expect her reaction to be so strong, so I simply traded it for our lives." Qi Feng sighed, still I am not strong enough.

"Thanks to you having this good thing, otherwise our lives would be over!" Qiao Beiqiao heaved a sigh of relief, but in a month's time he might face that old woman's junior and be hunted down.

"Don't mention this to me, please invite me to take a bath, give me a massage, and calm me down, or you are finished!" Qi Feng patted Qiao Beiqiao's shoulder and walked back.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to the best place in the city to take a bath, really." Qiao Beiqiao shook his head and followed.

As promised, Qiao Beiqiao took Qi Feng to a luxurious bathing place. The two spent more than 4000 yuan for the night, and of course it was all paid by Qiao Beiqiao.

And Qi Feng didn't do anything else, just took a bath and massage, and then ate some buffet.

Although Qi Feng has established his foundation now, it doesn't mean that he is a casual person, and he still has to be selected from those few girls for the first time.

Inoue Sakura is his older sister, not in the scope of consideration, only 800 million, Bai Xue.
It seems that there is no more?

The body of Du Wo is actually not bad, but Qi Feng doesn't want to mess around like this, so let's think about Bai Xue and 800 million first.

"Damn it, what are you thinking?" Qi Feng patted his forehead, 800 million is still a student, okay, he's only in high school, no, no, it's too evil.

Then after thinking about it this way, there is only one that fits, only Bai Xue?
Bai Xue is in her early twenties, already an adult, but Qi Feng is a minor
Qi Feng simply put these thoughts behind him, and took advantage of the night to return to the island country with Qiao Beiqiao.

This time when Qi Feng came back, no one intercepted him, and no professional heroes came to arrest him, not because Qi Feng changed his face, but because Qi Feng is now a hero in the island country, a hero who can replace All Mate.

However, All Might can never be surpassed, even if Qi Feng is stronger than All Might now, he still cannot be surpassed, that is a myth imprinted in the hearts of everyone.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't run out of money? You can spend what you have at that time." Qi Feng motioned to Qiao Beiqiao in advance, and after the two recognized each other, Qi Feng went directly to the house. At this time, Sakura Inoue had been released by the police station up.

"Xiaofeng, are you back?" Sakura Inoue heard the sound of Qi Feng opening the door.

Qi Feng was taken aback, it's past one o'clock in the middle of the night, sister Ying hasn't slept yet?
"Sister Ying, why haven't you slept yet?" Qi Feng saw Inoue Sakura coming out wearing a pajamas, with dark circles around her eyes.

"It's really Xiaofeng!" Sakura Inoue threw herself into Qi Feng's arms, and said with some choking: "Can you stop being in danger again, and don't leave again."

Feeling the warmth from Inoue Sakura, Qi Feng was very moved, patted her on the back and said: "Sister Ying, I'm fine now, no one can do anything to me, I will be with you .”

"Yeah~" Inoue Sakura said with tears in her eyes.

After pushing Sakura Inoue away, Qi Feng looked into her eyes and said, "It's my fault that you can't sleep well these days. It's getting late now, go back to your room and rest early, and you can go to bed early in the future."

Sakura Inoue obediently returned to her room to sleep, and Qi Feng also took a shower and went to bed to rest.

At present, this house is still rented before. The house that Qi Feng bought has been renovated, but because of many things before, he has never been there, and now he plans to move there when he comes back.

And his store was closed, it's time to come back.

Early the next morning, Qi Feng called the moving company to start moving, and at the same time notified Pingyuan Xiongda and the others to come and help.

Ping Yuan Xiongda is of course happy, since Qi Feng and his female apprentice left, he has never seen him again, and he can only see it on TV, and it was the time of the battle between Shen and Ye.

After being busy for half a day, Qi Feng's rented house has almost been tidied up and basically completed.

Qi Feng is too lazy to participate in things like moving. He is now going through the formalities at the police station to restore his store to normal.

Of course, Qi Feng went to the police station with sunglasses, after all, he is a hero now.

"Senior Qi Feng, your store can be used normally." A police officer carefully handed over the procedures to Qi Feng.

"Thank you." Qi Feng patted the young police officer on the shoulder, turned and left.

"Wow, I was actually appreciated by Senior Qi Feng!" The young police officer said excitedly, he admired Qi Feng very much, and he vividly remembered the extremely talented demeanor during the battle between Shen and Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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