Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 128 Continental Situation

Chapter 128 Continental Situation
The tentacles of the Candela Business Kingdom Alliance are not only spread across many human countries, but also have great influence in the dwarves and orcs. Only the elves who have little contact with the outside world are not covered by the institutions of the Candela Business Kingdom Alliance.

In addition to the above-mentioned three empires, nearly ten kingdoms, and an alliance, there are countless duchies and small states in the human world—even some independent forces with only one city.Most of these small countries exist in the area between the big countries, as a buffer zone between the two big countries.

It is naturally uncomfortable to be caught between two big countries. Many small countries are secretly controlled by big countries.The most typical ones are some principalities between the Holy Lion Empire and the Botswana Empire. The grand dukes of these principalities were all canonized by the two empires, and as the vanguard of the two empires, they were divided into two camps to wrestle.

Of course, not all small countries are controlled by big countries. In the area of ​​the mainland that borders the sea in the east, there is an area that can be said to be lined with hundreds of countries.There are many countries in this area, and the small countries are fighting each other all the year round, and there are also many foreign races living here, so this place is called a land of chaos.The area where humans are located extends westward from this chaotic place, all the way to the middle of the continent, and also includes the coastal area in the south of Eslaze—this is the territory of the Canaan Empire.

As for the Warcraft Mountain Range, it is the largest mountain range on the Eslazer Continent that runs from north to south and has many branches.Most of the human forces stop at the Warcraft Mountains. Most of the human territory is east of the Warcraft Mountains, and most of the west of the Warcraft Mountains are alien races, the main ones are the orcs and dwarves.As for the elves, apart from the elves in the south near the Canaan Empire, there are elves in forests in many places, but they don't show up easily.

The place where Yu Fei is now can be regarded as the place where the territory of the human race is separated from the territories of other races, so going west is the territory of the dwarves and hills, while the east is the territory of the human race.Yu Fei's place is already the northern part of Eslaze Continent. The Warcraft Mountains extend here, branching out towards the east and west sides. The north is the Forest of Wind Whispers.If you go further north, you will gradually reach the northern ice field and the endless ice sea.

According to the information obtained from the diary of the second son of the unlucky grand duke, there is a humanoid race living in the northern ice plain——Amazon.However, this race is not interested in humans. It once launched a war with the Duchy of West where the unlucky guy was, but was repelled by the Severn Kingdom, the backstage of the Duchy of West.

Well, there may be a lot of contact with this Amazon family in the future! Yu Fei has already started to think about the way to expand outward.No way, I have to find the cheating thing called Eternal Heart, otherwise I won’t be able to advance~~Xiangxi is a dwarf race, and the dwarf race is a relatively united race. If the blood of the dwarf king is not cut off, it may be a dwarf directly It is not suitable for the empire to expand westward for the time being.

If you go to the north, the environment is not very good, not to mention other things, at least Yu Fei doesn't like the environment of the ice field.What's more, you can also consider attacking the territory of the human race with the Amazons. They are very difficult to deal with the human race.Needless to say, going south, the Warcraft Mountains, this must continue to be explored, for the energy mines!But this is step by step, don't worry too much.

Then it is expanding to the east where human beings are located.To the east of the Forest of Wind Whispers is the human Principality of West, surrounded by several other small principalities and states, all of which are more or less influenced by the Severn Kingdom.But even if the Severn Kingdom takes action, the violently exhausted night elves can sweep this area.

Think about it, judging from the information Yu Fei got.The Principality of West is one of the strongest small countries around.But their strongest combat power is only a swordsman at the beginning of the legend, and other small countries don't even have a legendary combat power.And Yu Fei's subordinates now have three legendary battle strengths: Tyrande, Holy Giant Wolf and Shadow Demon Tiger.Among them, Tyrande is still a sweeping type at the same level by virtue of its advantages in skills and equipment.

And monsters of the same level are generally much stronger than humans, so the combat power of the holy giant wolf and the shadow tiger is also extremely terrifying to humans.What's more, Yu Fei believes that Illidan and Maiev will soon be able to rise to level five. With their skills and equipment, they may be swept at the same level as Tyrande.

From the perspective of soldiers, according to Yu Fei's estimation, ordinary-level archers are equivalent to Eslazer's bronze-level strength, and archers are the first unit of the night elves, and other units will be stronger.Moreover, elite level archers are equivalent to silver level, and elite level archers have reached gold level.And Yu Fei believes that if the technology research is full, and the arms are equipped with complete equipment, the individual strength of the lightning shooter, the wind shooter, and the magic horse may reach the level of Yunxiao.

What about mountain giants?What about druids of the claw?What about... Chimera?After all the states are full, what kind of strength will these advanced arms have?The key point is that they can form a scale, and they can be combined and matched for group combat~~
With the current general silver-level strength and three legendary-level powerhouses, it is enough to sweep the small countries in the eastern part of the Forest of Wind Whispers, but it is still difficult for the Severn Kingdom.But... isn't it about to usher in a stage of rapid strength development?when the time comes, hey
Pfft, off topic, Yu Fei suddenly realized.The specific situation in the mainland has not been analyzed yet - there is still a beastman tribe that has not been mentioned.To put it bluntly, the territory of the orcs is not small. Most of the area west of the Warcraft Mountains is the area where orcs exist, except for the continuous western hills where the dwarves are located.

In fact, among the three races that originally formed an alliance against humans, dwarves, elves, and orcs, the dwarves now have a good relationship with humans, and often have trade contacts. The elves can be said to be indifferent to the world and rarely appear in front of the world. , Only this orc tribe has been having frictions with humans, large and small.In name, the orcs are still a unified national orc empire.
But just like human beings, the orc tribe is actually divided into many forces, large and small. There is only one orc imperial capital in name, but it can only control the area around the imperial capital.The orcs in other regions generally use tribes as units and conduct their own affairs.And many of these tribes are facing the human country across the Warcraft Mountains. In some gaps or non-dangerous places in the Warcraft Mountains, the orcs will always attack the human country because of survival problems-there may be wars 5000 years ago Hate exists.

Most of the western region where the orcs live is a wasteland, so there is extremely insufficient food, so naturally they can only go to other places to plunder.So in the past, almost every human country encountered a "beast disaster".However, this situation was eased later because of the efforts of the Candela Business Kingdom Alliance.

The Candela Business Kingdom Alliance has reached some agreements through transactions with some large tribes of orcs, and exchanged food for ores, animal skins, magic crystals and other things produced in the western wilderness.This kind of transaction made the Candela Business Kingdom Alliance a huge profit, and it also made the large tribes of the orcs no longer have food problems. Naturally, the "beast disaster" was limited to some small orc tribes.

And although these small orc tribes have brought great harm to neighboring human countries, they are nothing more than scabies to the entire human world.And by virtue of this, the Candela Business Kingdom Alliance has also earned a good reputation and a lot of benefits in the human world, which makes Yu Fei have to admire the wisdom of the leaders of the Kingdom Alliance.

As for the Dragon Clan that Yu Fei is more concerned about, after the great war 5000 years ago, they also suffered a lot of losses. After the war, they all retreated to the Dragon Continent, and rarely appeared on the main continent of Eslaze.However, it is said that there are still some giant dragons in some dangerous and special places on the mainland deep in the Warcraft Mountains, and I don't know if it is true or not.
The current situation on the mainland is relatively stable, only some local disputes exist. This reminds Yu Fei of the political situation on Earth. It seems to be quite similar to this~ Well, this stable state may be difficult to maintain, so let the night elves drop a boulder for this seemingly peaceful Eslazer, which should actually be a turbulent undercurrent!

That's all Yu Fei learned about the situation in the Eslazer Continent, and Gargant didn't know more about it.After all, he is only the captain of a small tribe of hill dwarves, and he knows this because there were many human caravans in the Stone Tribe in the past, and Gargant learned about it from talking with those human merchants.

Uh, these dwarves were brought back to get a rough idea of ​​some information on the mainland. Now that they have squeezed out what these dwarves know, what should they do with them?As far as my lover's forging skills are good, among these few dwarves, Gangji has been a dedicated dwarf foundry for a long time, and the casting skills of the other dwarves seem to be good.

However, with the Hunter's Hall, the night elves don't need any foundry, just exchange it directly. Moreover, these dwarves still need to consume a lot of things to forge equipment, which is not as convenient as the Hunter's Hall.What's more, according to Yu Fei's estimation, the equipment with the same effect cast by the dwarves is much less cost-effective than directly exchanging them from the hunter hall.

Well, these dwarves seem to be useless, and they also know the information of the night elves and their own existence, should I let Tyrande put on the expression of a villain boss, and say to them eeriely: "You I know too much~~" Then...wrong!These dwarves are still useful!Yu Fei suddenly thought of something.

Post a chapter first, see everyone's reaction, and then decide whether to post Chapter 2 later or not. By the way, today is the anniversary of the 9.11 incident, Sahua.
(End of this chapter)

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