Chapter 145
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Not bad, Yu Fei is very satisfied.One Explosive Moonblade and one normal attack will kill all five amphibious murlocs, clean and neat!And Yu Fei could see clearly that if there were only four amphibious murlocs, the Explosive Moonblades combined with the Elite Huntress's ejection and constant attack, all of them could be solved with one blow.

Sure enough, in the face of low strength but large number of enemies, the role of the huntress is too great.I believe that even in the face of hundreds of low-level amphibious murlocs, as long as there are five elite-level huntresses, they can quickly deal with them without getting hurt.You know, the huntress' mobility is also very strong.

Yu Fei knew that the soldiers in the general army of the Eslazer Continent were generally only at the novice level or even less than the novice level.Only the elite legionaries of some powerful kingdoms and empires can reach about two or three levels in average strength.But the second-level amphibious hunter is also killed by the elite-level huntress, which means that even facing the most elite legion on Eslazer, the elite-level huntress can still have a half-clearing attack effect.

And the number of such elite legions will definitely not be too many, at least not in those principalities in the eastern part of the Forest of Wind Whispers. Maybe the Severn Kingdom will have such elite troops.If the number of soldiers in these units reaches a certain level, it will be very troublesome. At least it is difficult to eliminate a certain number of second- and third-level fighters with the Huntress alone.

However, the night elves are not the only unit of the huntress, they can be paired with other melee night elves, such as allowing the mountain giants to attract the enemy's firepower-for mountain giants with taunting skills, this task is still very easy.In this way, the huntress can output as much as she wants, and bring huge losses to the enemy by means of ejection attacks.

But it's still too early to think about these things. Even if it expands to the human world, it won't soon come into contact with the elite legions hidden by the kingdoms and empires.Yu Fei believes that the night elves, which are designed as a fighting race, can definitely be swept away when facing ordinary armies.

And after the night elves reach a certain scale and even upgrade themselves to the tree of eternity, I believe they have no opponents in the entire Eslazer.But. At that time, what else do I want to pursue?I believe that after arriving at the Tree of Eternity and having a complete mix of arms, it might not be difficult for the night elves to unify the Eslazer Continent.

After all, after the scientific and technological research is complete and the arms and equipment are fully equipped, the archer can also reach the strength of the fifth or sixth level on the continent of Eslazer.And a race with the lowest strength at level five - a pure fighting race, would have no problem sweeping the continent.However, even if he conquered the entire Eslazer, it seemed meaningless to him.

Beauty?After being a tree for a while, Yu Fei's pursuit of beautiful women is not very strong, at least he doesn't plan to build a that I open a gold mine casually, I am afraid that I will be a billionaire on earth, right?Power?After unifying Eslazer, he will naturally become the most powerful person in the world.
After struggling for a while, Yu Fei shook his head.Alas, after all, I still can't get rid of the clichés in time-travel novels—after all, I still want to return to my hometown, Earth.Even an orphan has feelings for the place where he was born, not to mention that Yu Fei's parents are still alive, his younger brother has not grown up yet, and there are many people who Yu Fei cares about living on the earth.
But these are things that are farther away than the unification of the continent. What I should think about now is how to cross the river in front of me.Yu Fei retracted his thoughts and looked at the river lying in front of Tyrande and the others. Yu Fei felt a little worried.Needless to say, the night elves are very powerful in land battles; they are not weak in the air - after all, many night elves can fight against the air.Only the water troops were the only ones, and the night elves didn't have any.In other words, none of the four races in Warcraft has water combat units, and only some field units have water combat or naval combat units—such as the Naga tribe.

This kind of design is naturally irrelevant in the small land-based map of Warcraft, but it is more depressing on this huge Eslazer continent.Let's not talk about fighting in the water, that's a matter in the sea, and only a few small boats are needed to transport troops on the mainland.But the night elves don't have the "small boat" unit!

This river is about seventeen or eight meters wide, and even the black panther under the huntress' crotch can only jump about ten meters at a time.Among the troops that came to the Forest of Whispers to capture the kobolds, perhaps only Tyrande himself and the purple dragon Reed could cross the river.

But Tyrande and Red alone couldn't catch enough kobolds, and they still had to find a way to get the whole army across the river.After contemplating for a while, seeing the five mountain giants standing in front of the troops, looking across the river, Yu Fei had an idea and suddenly came up with a solution that seemed feasible.

After telling Tyrande about this method, Tyrande also respected Father God even more.Such a simple method, why didn't I think of it!Without hesitation, Tyrande quickly issued orders to Tino and the other four mountain giants.

After receiving Tyrande's order, five huge mountain giants walked towards the river in front of the night elves step by step, and soon reached the edge of the river bank.The five mountain giants lined up, and under the leadership of Tino, they stepped into the river one by one with a "plop".

Tino, the leader, did not stop after stepping into the river, but continued to walk forward. It seemed that he would not give up until he reached the other side of the river.When Tino walked to the middle of the river, Yu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.This river is not very deep, the depth at the center of the river is only eleven or two meters, and the height of the mountain giant is about 20 meters, so it is easy to implement it by yourself.

When he was about to reach the other side of the river, Tino stopped in his tracks. At this time, the five mountain giants had all entered the river.The water depth of the riverbed on the opposite bank where Tino is located is only about three to four meters deep.According to Tyrande's order, Title Oh didn't hesitate, and directly lay down on the river bed on the opposite bank.

After lying down, Tino immediately formed a large foothold on the river bed on the opposite bank, making the river not look very wide at this place.As Tino lay down, other mountain giants also lay down one by one, but in the depths of the river, two mountain giants lay down on top of each other (I'm evil 0.0 for the sake of hair).

As for whether the mountain giant will drown, Yu Fei is not worried at all - the mountain giant is made of rocks and needs very little oxygen.Besides, creatures that are originally legendary, I am afraid they can survive in an environment without oxygen. How could a mere small river drown them?
This made the five mountain giants form a stone bridge in the river, allowing the night elves to pass through smoothly.Although the mountain giant had some influence on the flow of the river after lying down, Tyrande and Yu Fei didn't care.Anyway, after the night elves crossed the river, the mountain giant would get up, and it wouldn't affect anything else.

Under Tyrande's orders, the night elves and Feral Wolves quickly began to tie up the uh no!It was lying on the stone bridge and started to move towards the other side of the river.It didn't take long for all the night elves and feral wolves to cross the bridge of mountain giants and reach the other side of the river.

During the river crossing, these dozen or so amphibious murlocs jumped out of the river and attacked the night elves beyond their limits.But under the casual blow of several huntresses, these amphibious murlocs were all killed directly, and their bodies fell into the river.Tyrande could see that there were actually quite a few dark figures at the bottom of the river—these were obviously amphibious murlocs.But after two trials and found that Tyrande and the others were not easy to mess with, the amphibious murlocs remained silent.

Contemptuously looking back at the amphibious murlocs hidden in the river, Tyrande ordered the mountain giants to stand up from the river, and they all came to the other side of the river.During this period, the amphibious murlocs didn't make any moves.

Instead of taking care of the amphibious murlocs at the bottom of the river, Tyrande looked towards the forest further west.Among them, there are kobold slaves that the Father needs.The next step is to attack the kobold tribe mentioned by the kobold fortune teller and capture more kobold diggers.

Leading the night elves and feral wolves who crossed the river full of murlocs without any casualties, Tyrande continued towards the forest to the east.After walking for about 5 minutes, Tyrande ordered his subordinates to stop.Her keen pointed ears quivered slightly, and heard some movement.

Hmm. Fighting, screaming, and even the sound of blood gushing out, it seems that there is a battle ahead.Could it be that the kobold tribe is being attacked?After asking the kobold fortune teller, and knowing that the kobold tribe was about four or five kilometers ahead, Tyrande confirmed his guess.

Then, she used her scouting skill to summon an owl, flew to the east, and started scouting.Yu Fei habitually switched his vision to the owl again, and went to the kobold tribe to investigate the situation.

How can there be a fight?Didn't it mean that this kobold tribe is the strongest in this area?I hope that the kobolds will not die too much, otherwise their mining team will shrink.With this eggy worry, Yu Fei quickly followed the owl's flight to see the scene where the fighting sound came from.

(End of this chapter)

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