Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 263 Maiev's Assassination

Chapter 263 Maiev's Assassination (Part [-])

That's right, now, it's time for the night elves to show their fangs again.

Today's night elves have exceeded [-] in terms of numbers alone.Because they haven't fought many battles after being trained, night elf archers and huntresses are only at the elite level, and the elite level is only those before.

Most of the units that can only be trained at the ancient tree level, such as mountain giants and claw druids, are only at the ordinary level. The strength of those units that invaded once was much worse.

However, because of sufficient energy, all night elf units are equipped with enchanting equipment suitable for themselves through the construction of many hunter halls.Although most of the equipment is relatively low-level enchanted equipment, the improvement of strength is still unquestionable.

Yu Fei temporarily returned his consciousness to his body.For such a major event as a full-scale invasion of the human world, he still needs to give orders.

In the eyes of many night elves, Father God, who had been sleeping for a month, finally opened his eyes again, and commanded Tyrande in a low voice: "Tyrande, take my children, and conquer more lands." Territory!"

After Tyrande responded in a low voice, she began to make arrangements in an orderly manner.Seeing Tyrande's unhurried orders, Yu Fei felt very relieved.

This Tyrande finally has the appearance of a true hero unit.In the years that followed, Yu Fei decided to minimize his appearance in front of the night elves and the native elves who would come here later.After all, the god needs to maintain its mystery, and he only needs to communicate with a few hero units.

What's more, Yu Fei's Elf King avatar will gradually come to the fore as an existence to manage the local elves.As a unit created by Yu Fei, the night elves naturally wouldn't worry about their loyalty, so he could rest assured that they could be handed over to a few heroes for management.

However, the degree of trust in the local elves obviously needs to be discounted, and Yu Fei decided that it is better to let his avatar control it himself.

Under Tyrande's arrangement, about [-] newly trained night elves stayed in the Forest of Wind Whispers and the previously conquered human countries.One hippogryph knight in one city is obviously not enough to deter those human beings who have lost their country.

Although there is a supportive puppet management class, mobile troops as a deterrent force are still necessary.What's more, the loyalty of those humans who ostensibly surrendered to the night elves to gain management status is also questionable.

In addition to the night elves who stayed behind, the others included the night elves who had participated in several wars before; together with the vassal races subdued by the night elves, they formed an army of more than [-] units and began to pour into the Severn Kingdom. .

Those conquered before were all weak human duchies or even states, so the division of troops could achieve faster results.The Severn Kingdom is one of the most powerful kingdoms in the human world besides the three great empires. It is very wise for Tyrande to choose to fight in groups.

With the strength of the night elves far exceeding the average human army, plus the number of [-], it is enough to crush one human army after another.If the troops were divided, it would not be easy for a small night elf army to escape after being besieged by a large number of human troops.

No matter how you say it, personal strength will be infinitely weakened in the war.Even [-] night elf warriors with average silver-level strength and various special abilities will be wiped out in the face of [-], [-], or even [-] human soldiers who are all trainees with average strength.

As the vanguard of the night elves, Illidan led most of the highly mobile huntresses and hippogryph knights to cross the border of the Severn Kingdom first.

His task is not to attack the city, but to clean up the "soft tissue" between the "hard bones" in advance, and cut off the passages between the cities and other places that the night elves have chosen as their attack targets.Huntresses and Hippogryph Riders come and go like the wind are more than up to the task.

Illidan led the troops assigned to him by Tyrande, bypassed the fortress of the Severn Kingdom and some subsequent cities, and began to wreak havoc in those towns.At the same time, the main force of the night elves led by Tyrande also came to the western fortress of the Severn Kingdom, outside of Fort Braque.

Marshal Cole, as the current highest officer of Braque Fortress, is very satisfied.Those duchies and states to the west of Braque Fortress are said to have been beaten by the resurgent Amazons recently, which gave the Severn Kingdom a chance.

Marshal Cole, who is a young and strong faction, had just heard the news a month ago, and he strongly asked Severn IX to send troops to quell the invasion of those small countries by foreign races.After all, only in war can the value of soldiers be reflected.

However, under the objections of those elderly ministers, Severn IX temporarily shelved this request.It was not until a month later that Marshal Cole was summoned for a secret talk.

Then, Marshal Cole took a third of the kingdom's army and stationed in Fort Braque.In the past few days, Marshal Cole woke up with a smile from his dreams.It turns out that His Majesty the King is not not planning to launch a war, but is planning to continue to expand the territory in the name of repelling the aliens!

In a few more days, when His Majesty's order arrives, I can send troops to the small western countries, become a hero who expanded the territory, and leave a heavy mark in the history of the Severn Kingdom.Every time he thought of this, Marshal Cole couldn't help but be grateful to the alien race that invaded the small human country.

If it's not those alien races, how can I, Cole, have a chance to become famous?Thinking of this, the elated Marshal Cole went up to the tower of Debrak Fortress, and looked westward to the vast land that would be conquered by him as the territory of the Kingdom of Severn.

Standing on the tower, looking west, what Cole seems to see is not the land, but his own bright future.Huh?what is that?Marshal Cole suddenly saw a black line.

The black line gradually advanced, showing a rough outline.Relying on the strength of a cloud-level fighter, Cole saw the true face of the black line.The thick branches and green leaves turned out to be big trees!Cole suddenly realized.It seems that the land in these small countries in the west is quite fertile. There are such tall trees that even form a forest.

wrong!Cole reacted suddenly.how is this possible?Those giant trees are actually moving!The black line formed by the giant trees was getting closer and closer, and Cole had an ominous premonition.

At this time, due to the strength of the people, only Marshal Cole saw the true face of the black line among the people on the tower, and the other ordinary soldiers and accompanying personal guards did not notice it.No, although I don't know what the situation is, but I must be alert quickly!
Thinking to himself, Marshal Cole was about to open his mouth and ask the accompanying guards to notify the soldiers on the city wall to enter the fighting state.However, just as he waved his hand to call a personal guard over, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.At the same time, a Yunxiao-level mage who was also on the tower also shouted: "Marshal, be careful!"

Cole reacted extremely quickly, and as soon as the warning signal came out, a lazy donkey rolled forward and rushed forward.However, this circumvention is in vain.I saw a dagger exuding a faint green light and a penetrating aura that seemed to emerge from the void, and it sank into the back of Marshal Cole.

This dagger was originally shot at the original position of Marshal Cole. It stands to reason that Marshal Cole's extremely quick evasion could definitely avoid this dagger.But the dark green dagger actually crossed a curve in the middle, and shot into the body of Marshal Cole who thought he had escaped the danger.This made everyone who saw this scene dumbfounded.

After the dagger sank into the back of Marshal Cole's heart, his face turned green quickly, and he lost his breath within two seconds—Marshal Cole, who possessed strength at the level of the sky, was instantly killed by this dagger !
Not far from the body of the fallen Marshal Cole, a figure in a black cloak suddenly appeared.It wasn't until this moment that Marshal Cole's personal guards came to their senses, shouting "There are assassins!" while rushing towards the figure that appeared.

However, the assassin who instantly killed Marshal Cole didn't care about the numerous bodyguards who rushed forward. It seemed that he just turned around casually, and countless short darts flew around.In an instant, more than a dozen marshal's personal guards all fell to the ground.

At this time, the mage who warned Marshal Cole also muttered a spell, aimed at the assassin, and was about to release his spell.However, a gleam of light suddenly flashed on the target, and then disappeared in place.

Just when the mage was annoyed by the assassin's escape, he found that his surroundings were shrouded in thick fog, and the spells he had prepared suddenly dissipated inexplicably.
This assassin is naturally Maiev who has returned to the night elves. Shadowsong.In order to make the war go more smoothly, Tyrande did not let Maiev lead the battle - Maiev was also not suitable for frontal combat.

Like Illidan, Maiev was also given an important mission to assassinate the leaders of the Severn Kingdom's army and cities.Originally Maiev was still worried about where to find the leader after sneaking into Braque Fortress through permanent invisibility and flashing, but he didn't expect that Marshal Cole would appear directly on the tower. Maiev would naturally not be polite to this guy who wanted to die.

With a shadow attack, Marshal Cole was instantly killed.Then the marshal's personal guards thrown out by the knife array were also cleaned up.In the end, facing the mage, Maiev used the mage's Nightmare Fog skill, which was also easily resolved.

Afterwards, relying on blinking and permanent invisibility, Maiev easily left the Black Fortress, leaving only the Severn Kingdom army in chaos due to the loss of the highest officer.

However, they didn't have much time to be confused - the main army of the night elves had already arrived under the Brak Fortress under the leadership of Tyrande.

(End of this chapter)

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