Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 75 Red Young Dragon

Chapter 75 Red Young Dragon

After the stone platform stops accumulating the energy in the magma, the magma energy under the volcanic wasteland will no longer gather here. On the contrary, the huge energy accumulated under the volcanic wasteland will slowly spread to other places through the leylines.In this way, the volcanic wasteland will not have terrifying high temperatures in the future.This is good news for Yu Fei, because if he wants to migrate to the Warcraft Mountains, he must pass through the volcanic wasteland—the detour is too far.If the volcanic wasteland is still as hot as before, it will definitely have a relatively adverse impact on Yu Fei's migration.After all, although he has already claimed to be an old demon of Montenegro, he is still a tree, and the high temperature of the volcanic wasteland will make him wilt.
The phenomenon of temperature drop gradually occurred from the volcano to the surrounding area, so after a while, the centaur and the sharp-haired beast who were fighting lively discovered this situation.At this time, the emperor of the spiky-haired beast and the great centaur wizard felt a little thumping in their hearts, the sacred object was born!The two beasts looked at each other at the same time, and both made up their minds to resolve the battle as soon as possible.The spiky-haired beast emperor and the centaur wizard obviously wouldn't know that even if they fought hard to defeat the enemy and won the victory, they still wouldn't be able to get that egg.Moreover, it is also possible to face a group of orioles.

Among the exploration troops, the egg that Tyrande brought back from the stone platform was placed on the ground, being observed by Tyrande, Luna, and Avril.Of course, they couldn't observe anything, so they still wanted their Father God Yu Fei to take action.With the help of Tyrande as the carrier, Yu Fei used his mental power to scan the egg that had absorbed an unknown amount of fire elements.

The huge mental power swept across, and Yu Fei was surprised to find that it was difficult for his own mental power to penetrate the shell of this egg?Uh, Yu Fei is a bit embarrassing, is he going to lose face in front of his creation?However, the next moment the egg changed.The egg was placed in the center of the exploration team, and the feral wolves and the night elves retreated a certain distance, leaving a small open space.The egg was in the middle of the open space, and suddenly it made a crackling sound, which could be heard by the entire exploration team.

Uh, about to hatch?Looking at the cracks gradually appearing on the eggshell from shallow to deep, Yu Fei guessed.It didn't take long for everyone to wait, the crack on the egg was getting bigger and bigger, and finally there was a click, and a big gap was cracked at the top.A small red head protruded from the gap, but its eyes had not yet opened.From the head, the creature inside the egg looks like a lizard?No way. Such a big battle would definitely not be the result of such a cheating salamander. Maybe it was a red dragon?Yu Fei couldn't help but look forward to it.

After a while, the whole egg broke into several pieces under the struggle of the cub inside, and everyone could finally see its whole picture.At first glance, the cub looks like a red lizard, but upon closer inspection, the cub has two very small horns on its head and a pair of very young wings on its back.This, this, this is clearly a red dragon cub!Developed this time!

After being freed from the egg, the red dragon cub seemed to want to open its eyes.Yu Fei suddenly thought of it. In the YY novels that he had read, the monster eggs obtained by the protagonist were hatched so that the cubs could see him for the first time, so that they could develop feelings.But now I am still thousands of miles away, so depressed!Why don't I have the treatment of the protagonists in those novels?
Under Yu Fei's reminder, Tyrande jumped vigorously from the back of the white tiger to the front of the red dragon cub.Coincidentally, when Tyrande lightly landed in front of the red dragon cub, the red dragon cub flapped its front paws and opened its eyes.Naturally, Tyrande was the first thing the red dragon cub saw.Seeing Tyrande, the red dragon cub uttered an inexplicable raving, then turned into a red light and threw itself into Tyrande's arms.Caught off guard, Tyrande staggered and almost fell, but finally adjusted with his legendary strength and saved the red dragon cub.

Seeing the speed of the red dragon cub, Yu Fei was dumbfounded again.This is Luya's Lihuo Changhong, right?Just born, the speed is comparable to the speed of a huntress driving a black panther at full speed.Yu Fei thought of another plot in the novel, so Tyrande brought the cub to the eggshell of the dragon egg, and brought the cub closer to the eggshell.The red dragon cub blinked his big eyes, and looked at his "mother" suspiciously, with a look of confusion.

A few vines hang down from Yu Fei's head, ah no, a few black lines hang down. YY novels are harmful, who said that monsters would eat their own eggshells after hatching?It's right to think about it, and I haven't seen any oviparous animals eating eggshells on earth.Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate, so why eat them and drink Sanjing blue bottle of calcium (this is definitely not an advertisement).

Well, our great night elf father has lost face before his own creation.Depressed, Yu Fei began to scan with mental power to check the attributes of the red dragon cub.

Red Drake: Special Unit
Attack Type: Chaos

Attack range: 100
Attack speed: fast
Attack power: ★★★☆
Movement speed: fast
Armor Type: Heavy

Armor: ★★★★

HP: ★★★★
Magic value: ★★
Primary scorching breath: The breath of the red dragon is extremely scorching, and each attack causes the target to continue to suffer weak burning damage for 10 seconds.

Elementary Magic Immunity: Immune to the effects of magic of level five (gold level) and below, weakening the effects of magic above level five, and the degree of weakening depends on the power of magic.Including buff magic.

Explosive breath: Consume a small amount of mana, so that the red dragon's breath will cause 200% damage of normal attack, and add 50% splash effect.

Endurance Aura: Increases the movement speed and attack speed of allies within 300 meters by 10% and 5%.

Damn it, is this a newborn creature?Damn, just in terms of attributes, it can be compared to the terrifying wolf.And looking at the characteristics again, whether it is scorching breath or magic immunity, they are all extremely strong talents.The first level in the front indicates that these two talents will be strengthened as the red young dragon grows up. In the end, the red dragon may become the nightmare of all magicians in this world.As far as Yu Fei knows, although there are dragons in this continent of Eslazer, they also have the talent called magic immunity, but the so-called magic immunity only weakens the effects of middle and low-level magic, and has no effect on high-level magic like legendary epic myths. extremely tiny.Presumably it should be the reason why the blood is not pure enough.

@@@The true face of the sacred object is finally exposed,,, I didn’t expect it before these two chapters. Today is only these two chapters, this network is too unstable, Hong Chen is publishing this chapter with a notebook.
Thanks to Tong and Feifei for the reward of 8888 starting coins, and thanks to Yong Ge Shuai for the reward of 200 starting coins
Congratulations to sisters Tong and Feifei for becoming the No.1 hall master of this book!Men are not strong.
(End of this chapter)

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