fruity fragrance

Chapter 107 Snake Soup

Chapter 107 Snake Soup
After the wheat was harvested, everyone in the Lin family was busy with the finishing touches, such as leveling the land, turning out the roots of the wheat grass and putting them on the farm tools, smashing the soil on the roots of the wheat grass, and bringing the roots of the wheat grass back to the sun, so that the wheat roots would be dry after drying. It is very good firewood. This kind of wheatgrass root is as convenient to burn as wheatgrass, and it is also easy to burn.

On this day, when I was about to make lunch, I saw Lin Fanghou and Lin Fangnian, who brought water to the fields for the workers at home, ran back excitedly, holding a soft stick in their hands. Lin Guoxiang took a closer look and it turned out to be a snake that had been decapitated and skinned.

The snake was at least one meter long. Even Lin Guoxiang, who was so courageous and fat, couldn't help but gasp when he saw the fat snake in Lin Fanghou's hand. To be honest, such a long snake is still very rarely seen.Although there were snakes in the past and modern times, they were all short and thin. How can it compare to this snake?

Seeing Lin Guoxiang gasping for air, Lin Fanghou thought she was afraid, so he scratched the back of his head and said apologetically, "That... aunt, I forgot, you are afraid of snakes. Well, I'd better take this thing Let's go outside and bake." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave with a few children, but was stopped by Lin Guoxiang, "Wait a minute, put the things in your hands in the pot house, I will give them to you at noon You make snake soup and eat it."

This time it was replaced by a few little ones with horrified faces, and they all looked at her in unison. Who didn't know that Lin Guoxiang was most afraid of snakes and insects, but she just said that she wanted to make snake soup for them. Could it be that they got it wrong?

Lin Fanghou even picked his ears with his little finger, and asked again with some doubts: "Auntie, what did you say just now, say it again, I didn't hear clearly."

Lin Guoxiang: "..." You don't have to be so exaggerated, don't you just say something wrong?

"I said I'll make snake soup for you at noon." Lin Guoxiang had no choice but to say it again.This time, the children stared at her unblinkingly as if they had seen a ghost, and suddenly Lin Fanghou turned to Wang Yuanzhi who was beside him, "Big cousin, did you hear what auntie said just now?"

Wang Yuanzhi nodded: "I heard, Mother said just now that she would make snake soup for us to eat at noon."

Lin Fanghou was stunned for a second when he heard such an affirmative answer from his cousin, and then he said "Oh", "My mother, my aunt actually said that she would make snake soup for us to eat! My God, could it be How many days does the sun come out from the west?"

Lin Guoxiang: "..."

She never expected Lin Fanghou to be so exaggerated.

I don't know what I thought of, but I saw Lin Fanghou's eyeballs rolling, and a fox-like smile appeared on his face, and he deliberately handed the skinned dead snake to Lin Guoxiang: "Auntie, since If you want to make snake soup for us, then take it."

Lin Guoxiang didn't even look at the dead snake, but looked at Lin Fanghou with her arms folded and a smile that was not a smile, she thought to herself: I'm a petty person, it's quite courageous to use this method to scare your aunt.Don't you look at who I am, to be frightened by such a dead snake?Even if you bring a few more live snakes over, I can still slaughter them in front of you without changing my face.

Lin Guoxiang was a tomboy when she was a child. When she was eight or nine years old, she would often go down the river with the boys in the village to catch fish, catch shrimp, look for eels and dig snake holes in the summer. She even climbed on the roof of the house with a few people when the master was not prepared. Digging out the swallow's nest, she has never seen or played with anything, this little brat actually used such a dead snake with no lethality to scare her, it was beyond the tolerance of uncle and auntie.

Lin Fanghou felt his scalp tingle when he was stared at so sharply by his aunt, and he was defeated in a short while.Lin Guoxiang looked at Lin Fanghou's gloomy look with his head slumped and his heart was filled with joy, and he thought to himself: Little boy, let's see if you dare to fight with me in the future.

Lin Fanghou brought the snake to the pot house, and then Lin Guoxiang quickly chopped the snake into pieces amidst a few stunned expressions, and asked Wang Yuanzhi to help light the fire. When the water boiled, Lin Guoxiang put the snake pieces into the boiling water Continue to cook.Taking advantage of this time, Lin Guoxiang rummaged through and found some ingredients, and happened to go to the town in the morning to buy a large piece of tofu, and now it is being stored in the well water. It was originally planned to cook soup with fish at noon or evening, but Now that Lin Fanghou brought back a snake, that piece of tofu would be even more useful.

I remember that when she was a child, she once watched a Chef King Contest, in which there was a person who cooked soup with tofu and snakes.She was very impressed with this soup at that time, because the tofu in the snake soup was cut into thin shreds with internal fat tofu (commonly known as thin tofu), and after the snake soup was cooked, the tofu shreds were unbroken. .This is also the reason why Lin Guoxiang learned how to cook. At that time, she was envious of the chef who could shred tofu, so she made up her mind to learn cooking well.

Lin Guoxiang fished out the piece of tofu from the well water, cut off a small half from the top, and put the rest back in again to keep calming it down.

Lin Fanghou and his friends were originally curious about how Lin Guoxiang made snake soup, because snakes were not eaten by wealthy families in this era. On the one hand, they were afraid of being poisonous; on the other hand, the common name of snakes was Xiaolong, which also had auspiciousness and power. meaning, so in their view, eating snakes is a very unlucky thing.

But the rural areas don't pay so much attention. Some people are so poor that they can't even eat. How can they pay attention to what is auspicious or inauspicious?In the eyes of the villagers, the snake is a good thing. It can not only satisfy the gluttony, but also improve the food and nourish the body. Therefore, if anyone can catch a snake, bring it back and cook it, the whole family will be happy.

But when Lin Fanghou and the others saw that Lin Guoxiang quickly cut the piece of tofu into thin shreds and put it in cold water to cool down, the astonishment on their faces was replaced by admiration. They had eaten tofu more or less, but To be able to cut tofu as thin as a line, to be honest, this is really the first time they have seen it, which shows how shocked they are.

So Lin Fanghou couldn't calm down: "Auntie, this did you cut the tofu into shreds?" It's amazing that such soft tofu can be cut into such thin shreds and it keeps's amazing!
"It's nothing, as long as you are willing to practice knife skills for a long time, you will be fine." Lin Guoxiang said indifferently, but no one knew that she wanted to cut tofu into filaments as thin as thread to eat. How much bitterness and sweat.Maybe everyone thinks it is very simple, maybe they will say that it is just chopping vegetables, it is very simple.But it’s not like that when I really do it. After cutting vegetables for a long time, my arms will be sore, and when I stand there when chopping vegetables, not only my feet will hurt but also edema.

Even though Lin Guoxiang said this, the young people still admired him very much. Lin Fanghou even stared at the porcelain bowl containing shredded tofu in a daze. It was not until a while later that he looked firm as if he had made a major decision. Said to Lin Guoxiang: "Auntie, I have decided, I will learn to cook from you in the future!"

This time it was Lin Guoxiang who was surprised: "Do you want to be a cook?" No wonder she was surprised, after all, cooks were not as respected in ancient times as they are in modern times, and the status of cooks was still very low in the eyes of ancient people.

"Don't you plan to stay at home and learn how to grow fruit trees and take care of the orchard?" Lin Guoxiang could even see the shock caused by Lin Fanghou's words. There are not many, such as pruning fruit tree branches, applying medicine to fruit trees to kill insects, etc. are all figured out by themselves. Generally, they are regarded as ancestral things and passed on to their descendants from generation to generation. As for others, they keep it secret. Learn and don't teach.

But now Lin Fanghou actually said that he wanted to learn how to cook from himself. If the old man and the others knew about this, would they have to peel his skin?Even if he hadn't been skinned, he would probably have to scold him a few words for not knowing the blessings.

"I don't want to plant those fruit trees. It's so boring." Lin Fanghou curled his lips in disdain, "It takes a whole family to plant such a small orchard, so what's the point? Come and fight, don't feel tired and panic."

Lin Guoxiang looked at Lin Fanghou speechlessly, and suddenly felt powerless in her heart. Could it be that children in ancient times were so smart and assertive?
"Auntie, you will teach me how to cook, right?" Seeing that Lin Guoxiang was silent, Lin Fanghou hurriedly asked her.

Lin Guoxiang looked down at the eager Lin Fanghou, hesitated for a moment before saying, "Well, you can secretly learn from me first, if you find it boring, forget it."

"Okay, that's it!" Lin Fanghou nodded, but he made up his mind to learn this.


Lin Guoxiang and other things are put in the snake soup. After it is cooked and put into a bowl, the soup turns green and looks good when paired with milky white shredded tofu.Lin Guoxiang knew that everyone must have never eaten snake soup, so she deliberately cooked more when cooking, and asked a few small families to bring some to try it out at lunch.

When Father Lin came back at noon, he saw the bowl of snake soup on the table, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then asked Lin Guoxiang: "Girl, what kind of soup is this, the color is so beautiful."

And it smells good too.

"Snake soup." Lin Guoxiang replied, and then took a spoon and put a bowl in front of Father Lin, "Father, try it."

Father Lin looked at his daughter suspiciously, then hesitantly picked up a spoon, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth, and tasted it with his mouth flattened: "Well, it tastes good... Hey, why does it still smell like tofu?"

"Grandpa, the milky white filaments in this soup are shredded tofu!" Wang Yuanzhi replied proudly for Lin Guoxiang without waiting for her to speak.

Father Lin was really surprised this time: "This white thing is shredded tofu?" Tofu can be cut into such thin shreds?How proficient knife skills can do this?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up at his daughter. It seemed that what his wife told him was true, and he could rest assured that the child would not be afraid of having nothing to eat after he had this skill.

Thinking about it, Father Lin scooped up a few more spoonfuls and drank it, while still nodding his head, the taste is really good.The snake meat is soft and rotten, and the tofu is smooth and delicious. The combination of the two has a fresh and delicious taste.

(End of this chapter)

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