fruity fragrance

Chapter 156: Come Out

Chapter 156

"Hey, good!" Lin Situ yelled, jumped onto the donkey cart nimbly, picked up the whip, flicked the whip flower, and was about to drive the donkey cart to Wangjia Village.He was originally a master who was not afraid of anything, and his temper was closest to Lin Guoxiang's. Now that the younger sister has spoken, as a good brother who loves his younger sister, he naturally has to obey the younger sister's orders.

When Xiucai saw the brothers and sisters, he knew that this was going to be serious, and he couldn't help but feel a headache. What's the matter? After solving a problem, why are they all so annoying?Can someone like sister-in-law Zhang be provoked casually?He wasn't afraid of trouble, but he was afraid that Lin Guoxiang would suffer, because Zhang's eldest brother and sister-in-law seemed to be living in the elder brother's house these two days, and neither of the couples was easy to get along with, and if they really got involved, they would throw them away. Do not take off.

Thinking of this, Xiucai hurried forward to stop him and said, "Guo Xiang, calm down first, let's not be so impulsive, okay?"

"Calm down, calm down, I can't calm down." Lin Guoxiang shook off Xiucai's hand holding her arm and said angrily, "She has bullied us like this and you still tell me to calm down? How can you tell me to be calm? "He made me think that if the tiger didn't show off his power, would he really think of her as a sick cat?
The more Lin Guoxiang thought about it, the more angry she became, but Lin Situ still added fuel to the flames by yelling: "Little sister, are you going to Wangjia Village?" After being persuaded, he was unwilling to go to Wangjiacun. He had long wanted to find a chance to go to the house of his elder brother, a scholar in Wangjiacun, to make a fuss. My heart is really upset.Why can those two women be at ease when my little sister has suffered so much all these years?There are no doors!

Hearing Lin Situ's yelling, Xiucai's head suddenly became bigger two and a half times, he rubbed his swollen temples and continued to discuss with Lin Guoxiang in a low voice: "Guoxiang, don't be impulsive, listen to me Is it all right?"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Lin Guoxiang was willing or not, he stretched out his hand and dragged her off the donkey cart, and then pulled her aside to discuss with her in a low voice, but the final result ended in failure.Lin Guoxiang pushed him aside, jumped over him and jumped onto the donkey cart, and said to Lin Situ, "Fifth brother, let's go!"

"Okay!" Lin Situ flicked the whip, and slapped it on the buttocks of the big donkey in front. The donkey raised its head and let out a "high" cry before pulling the cart. Run towards the entrance of the village.When Xiucai saw it, his head was a circle and a half bigger than before. After turning around a few times, he gritted his teeth and went to the Lin family's orchard to find the old man.Now it seems that only the old man can stop Lin Guoxiang and Lin Situ.

However, no matter how fast a scholar is, he can't compare to the donkey cart running away. When he ran to the Lin family's orchard and found Father Lin, Lin Guoxiang and Lin Situ had already left Lin's village and were on their way to Wang's village. up.

Xiucai was also in a hurry, so he went to his father-in-law Qiqi Ai and explained the matter briefly, then looked at Father Lin blankly, waiting for him to make a decision.

Father Lin didn't disappoint the scholar either, he just hesitated for a moment and then shouted to Lin Sijin and Lin Simu who were deworming the fruit trees not far away: "Boss and second, you should take a donkey cart and go to Wang's house now!" Village, bring your fifth brother and younger sister back!"

Lin Sijin and Lin Simu were taken aback when they heard what their father said, then they put down their work and trotted back to the village, quickly put on the donkey cart, and the scholar who came back drove the donkey cart to Wang's house Chase in the direction of the village.

In fact, according to the original intention of the two brothers Lin Sijin and Lin Simu, they supported Lin Situ. Although his approach was a little inappropriate, it was the most direct and most relieved.Going to Wang's house to make a big fuss would have made the two women feel uneasy, but the old man had spoken, and the brother-in-law followed, so the Lin Sijin brothers, who originally wanted to slow down on purpose, had to With one heart sideways, he speeded up his journey.

But both of them prayed in unison in their hearts: Fifth brother, you must hurry up the donkey cart, and don't let us catch up with you halfway, this is finally a chance to fight back, and you must succeed...

At this time, the scholar was extremely anxious, and kept stretching his neck to look forward, hoping to see the donkey cart of Lin Situ and Lin Guoxiang, so naturally he didn't notice the big uncle and second uncle. Be careful, otherwise I don't know how he will feel.Feelings, this means that I am here alone in a hurry, while others are hoping that things will become big.

Lin Guoxiang and Lin Situ did not disappoint the two elder brothers, they drove the donkey cart very fast all the way, Lin Situ refused to listen and whipped the donkey's ass, poor donkey stand such an anxious The owner of the temper just happened to catch up with him today, so he can only deserve to be unlucky.

If Lin Situ turned the donkey's head to face him at this time, he could even see the tears hanging from the corners of the donkey's eyes.

In the end, even Lin Guoxiang couldn't bear to look at it, so she pleaded with the poor donkey: "Fifth brother, you better stop whipping the donkey like this, it makes you feel pitiful."

"If you don't whip it, you can't run fast." Lin Situ said, he whipped the donkey's butt again, making the donkey scream loudly, but the four legs ran fast without daring to stop.

Lin Guoxiang looked very speechless. Everyone said that the donkey is the most stubborn. Usually, it would not go away but retreated. This time, the donkey is quite knowledgeable, and it doesn't mean to be stubborn at all.Did she meet this rare breed of donkey?
It shouldn't be possible, right?Lin Guoxiang rubbed her chin and thought uncertainly. To be honest, she has never had much contact with this kind of creatures, so she doesn't know much about some of their habits. What others say may not be correct. .

Now that Lin Guoxiang is on the road, her anger is not as strong as before. If she gets angry again, Mrs. Zhang and the others don't know if it is white anger?So Lin Guoxiang felt that she should be treated well, so now she was interested in researching whether her donkey was a "stubborn" creature that knew the times.If Lin Situ, who was driving the car next to her, knew about her idea, she would probably die of laughter. She has never seen such a boring thing.

That's right, Lin Guoxiang is indeed a bit boring.

Driven by Lin Situ all the way, the donkey cart finally arrived at Wangjia Village just as the sun was about to set. Lin Guoxiang jumped out of the cart and moved her body that was about to be knocked apart. Resentment: This damn ancient times, this damn dirt road!Even if there is no bus, it is not easy to walk.Not only was the road dusty and smoky, but it was also full of potholes. Not to mention stares in her eyes, her whole body ached.

Soon, Lin Guoxiang took all the grievances in her heart on Mrs. Zhang. If she hadn't bullied the scholar, would she have suffered this?
Thinking of this, Lin Guoxiang gritted her teeth angrily, and without even thinking about it, she led Lin Situ all the way into Wangjiacun with a murderous spirit and went straight to Wangjia.

Originally, Lin Guoxiang thought that she would meet a few acquaintances and get stumbling, but at the moment, everyone was busy weeding the crops and hadn't come back. She didn't meet any acquaintances, which happened to make her I was relieved.To be honest, she is not very familiar with the people in Wangjia Village, and she didn't have a very pleasant stay here before, and she doesn't have much affection for the people here, so it's just right not to meet them.

When Lin Guoxiang and Lin Situ arrived at Wang Liang's house, before they entered the gate, they heard Mrs. Zhang's voice criticizing Sang Huai and scolding Wang Yuaner in the yard. They called uncle Wang Liang, Mrs. Cui, Xiucai, her and the Lin family together in secret. Everyone scolded it, even eight generations of ancestors were involved.

I only heard Mrs. Zhang scolding with snot and tears, and the more she scolded, the more she scolded, and finally she just named her name: "What do you think Lin Guoxiang is better than me? He's bigger than me. Still skinny like a ghost, why should she be a talented lady and live a good life, so I have to suffer here? Wang Liang, tell me, since I married into your family, which day have I enjoyed happiness? You are useless A man like you, your younger brother can exchange a lot of money to buy land and build a house, why don’t you have that ability? You can’t let your wife and children live a good life, and today I’m just looking for a place for you with your younger brother. An errand, look at your long face, who are you showing off to?"

When she was crying so emotionally, Mrs. Zhang took off the cloth towel on her head and wiped her face, then continued to cry and scold: "Tell me, why does Lin Guoxiang, a broom star, have such a large orchard? Live in such a bright tile-roofed house?" Then she cried loudly in the yard, blaming Wang Liang for not being able to let her live a good life, and then scolded Lin Guoxiang over and over again.

Mrs. Zhang is obviously jealous of Lin Guoxiang. Seeing that her life is better than her own, she is jealous. She wished that Lin Guoxiang would suddenly fall down and be trampled under her feet.She naturally did not admit that this was caused by vanity and jealousy. In her heart, Lin Guoxiang could not compare with her, not even her toes.

Wang Liang turned purple from being scolded by Zhang's black face, but he couldn't speak a word. He had no choice, he was born with a clumsy tongue, and he could say ten or even twenty sentences with Zhang's words. All of a sudden he can be silenced.And the three children in the yard also behaved in their own way. Wang Yuanyi squatted with his father by the door of the main room and lowered his head to listen to Zhang's crying and cursing.

Wang Yuaner is the most unlucky one here. He is the second child at home and he is not as favored as the eldest brother and the younger brother, so Zhang's anger naturally wants to use him as a punching bag, so Zhang cried and scolded for a while. If he was going to beat him up, he was not allowed to cry out, which made him pucker up and tears rolled in his eyes, but he didn't dare to fall down for fear of being beaten again.

Wang Yuansan had an angry expression on his face. In this family, he was on the same side as Mrs. Zhang. He still remembered the incident of Lin Guoxiang and Widow Li coming to the house to make trouble last year. He hated her even more after that.

In the end, Wang Liang couldn't listen anymore, and finally couldn't help but said: "The orchard at my younger brother's house was bought by my second brother and sister's natal family. Don't be so unreasonable, can you?" Then he added another sentence in his heart : This is because her natal family has the ability. If you have the ability, you can ask your natal family to give money to buy land. You know people who bully your in-laws. Why don’t you talk when your brother and sister-in-law come to the house every two days to take things back?

Who knows, it's okay if Wang Liang didn't open his mouth, but Zhang's family exploded at the beginning, and immediately yelled hysterically: "What did her natal family buy for you? Your mother is so old, she was sick and asked us to pay for the treatment, but she secretly used her private money to subsidize your younger brother, he is already a scholar, why would he want to take advantage of the family?"

"Who are you scolding for being old?" Wang Liang was a dutiful son, although he was usually a bit dull. When he heard Mrs. Zhang scolding his old lady, he was not happy, and opened his mouth to question.

"I just called your mother an old man, what's the matter?" Mrs. Zhang has already been dazed by jealousy at this moment, how can she care so much? In addition, Mrs. Cui has been ill for a year. It's terribly annoying.She even thought about going to the pharmacy to buy arsenic and pouring it into the old woman's medicine soup for her to drink up.Fortunately, people are superstitious at this time, and the envelope says about karma, fearing that she will suffer retribution if she does this, or maybe she really did it.

"You curse me again?" Wang Liang was also angry, stood up suddenly, rushed to Zhang Shi, stared at Zhang Shi with a pair of blood-red eyes and blue veins on his forehead, and said to Zhang Shi, "Yes! Can you tell me again?"

Mrs. Zhang was in a fit of anger at the moment, and she only flinched for a second before gaining momentum again, pointing a finger at the tip of Wang Liang's nose and scolding sharply: "I said your mother is immortal, It’s your mother’s old bastard who never dies! That old bastard is so sick, why don’t he just bite his tongue and kill himself, and stay in this world blindly and harm people... ah!”


Mrs. Zhang didn't finish her sentence when Wang Liang slapped her on the face: "Your mother is the one who never dies, and so is your father!"

Well, this time, the issue of Lin Guoxiang's orchard was directly raised to whose parents are the immortals.

Mrs. Zhang was slapped by Wang Liang, and she called her parents to be old and immortal. She was naturally furious, and with a stern howl, she curled her fingers and grabbed Wang Liang's face. There were a few bloody scratches on his face.

Wang Liang was completely annoyed by Zhang Shi's arrest. He was usually angry, but his mother was involved. Now he couldn't bear it anymore, and grabbed Zhang Shi with one hand and pointed at him. With his arms waving, the other hand opened his palm like a cattail fan, and he slapped Zhang's face left and right, making Zhang cry his father and mother.The two immediately wrestled into a ball.

It was the first time for the three sons to see their parents fighting, so they were all petrified. In the end, it was Wang Yuanyi who came to his senses first, and rushed over to try to pull his parents away.When the other two brothers saw that the eldest brother followed suit, they all ran over to persuade the fight. For a while, the whole yard was in a ball of crying and cursing.

 In the past two days, I have been dizzy and out of state. This chapter has been coded up to now, but there are still [-] words, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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