fruity fragrance

Chapter 160 Disagreement

Chapter 160 Disagreement
Looking at it this way, isn't the scholar's face green?Because of being forced to shave by Lin Guoxiang every day, the scholar's chin is indeed blue, and Lin Guoxiang's body is relatively petite now, what she sees is the scholar's chin closed, and it really catches the eye what.

Lin Guoxiang was still watching seriously, but Xiucai was dumbfounded by her behavior, and didn't know how to say good things about her.In the end, there was nothing I could do, so I pretended to be angry and put on a straight face: "Stop making trouble, I'm telling you something serious!"

It's rare for a scholar to show such a stubborn expression. Lin Guoxiang stared at him for a long while, and finally, she was really a little annoyed by seeing Xiucai before she smiled and said, "Yes, tell me, I'll listen."

"It's not allowed to smile." Xiucai said still bluffing.

Lin Guoxiang looked at the blue-faced scholar, and her heart was about to cramp from laughter. It was so much fun for the kid to put on a straight face and pretend to be angry. When she rolled her eyes, she immediately straightened her face, stood at attention, and then became serious. said, "Yes!"

This time the scholar couldn't hold back anymore, so he laughed first, but after only a little smile, he immediately put on a straight face again.Lin Guoxiang rolled her eyes in her heart, you don't have that aura and want to pretend to be strict?However, even though he thought this way in his heart, he still put on a serious face, waiting for the scholar to speak.

Lin Guoxiang finally figured it out now, as long as the scholar doesn't get angry, then the old lady Cui's ownership issue can be resolved, and his elder brother's matter can also be resolved, otherwise if he is really angry, he will fight with himself When the time comes, it will do him no good at all other than letting that woman from Mrs. Zhang pick up a big joke for nothing.

Lin Guoxiang didn't speak, Xiucai held back for a while and finally couldn't help but speak: "Guoxiang, how about this, let's discuss with elder brother, how about the old lady living in each house for half a year, we and elder brother take turns to take care of them."

Lin Guoxiang frowned when she heard the scholar's words, but she didn't speak.If it was half a year ago, she probably would have jumped up to object, and asked Xiucai to choose only one between the child, her and Cui, but since moving to Linjiacun, Zhao and several sister-in-laws have taken turns every day The teaching is not as impulsive as before.

Seeing that Lin Guoxiang frowned and didn't speak, Xiucai naturally knew that she disagreed, but no matter how much Cui did, she was still his mother, and now she was so sick that she couldn't move, even if she received her home, she wouldn't be able to cause any trouble. , coupled with Zhang's reasons, he decided to take her to Linjiacun to take care of her.

"Guoxiang, the old lady is paralyzed on the bed now, and can't even speak, so let her go to our place. Don't worry, it's only half a year, and I won't let you serve her, okay?"

Lin Guoxiang was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised her eyes to look at the scholar, her eyes were a little cold, and the little warmth in her eyes had long since disappeared, she said coldly: "You can do whatever you want, wait a moment I asked my eldest brother to move all your things here, anyway, our family still has a 'home' here, so it doesn't matter if you let your mother live for the first half of the year."


Xiucai wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Guoxiang raising her hand: "That's it, anyway, it's only half a year, you can take good care of your mother at home here, my orchard over there If there are too many things to do, I won’t come.”

After listening to Lin Guoxiang's words, Xiucai's face turned blue for a while, then turned red, then turned white, and finally couldn't help but said: "Guoxiang, she is my mother!"

"I know she's your mother." Lin Guoxiang looked at Xiucai with a look like a fool, "I didn't say she wasn't your mother."

"Then what do you mean by what you said just now?" Xiucai seldom got angry, but this time he was a little angry and asked aloud.

"It means whatever you want." Lin Guoxiang shrugged and said, "I won't stop you if you want to be a filial son, and I don't object if you want to take your mother into the 'home' to take care of me. What else do you want me to do? Do it?" She purposely accentuated the word "family" very strongly, the implication is very clear, there is no one who wants to take that old woman to Lin Family Village to be disgusting!
Xiucai was angry that Lin Guoxiang was even more angry than him, she didn't even know what was in this guy's head, so why didn't he know what his mother was?He also wanted to take her to the Lin family village wishfully, what would the Lin family think?If Mrs. Cui could be half as reasonable as others, then she might agree, but she didn't think about how many excessive things she had done before, and now she still wanted her to take him home willingly and take good care of him. Figure it out!
Lin Guoxiang is not a saint. If someone slaps her face, she can stretch out her face so that another slap can be slapped on the other side to make her face more symmetrical.If others treat her well, she will be very kind to others, but if those who have bullied her, then I'm sorry, you'd better pray that it doesn't fall into her hands, or you will definitely get revenge.

"Guoxiang, are you serious?" Xiucai took a deep breath and let it out slowly before asking Lin Guoxiang.

Lin Guoxiang spread her hands and a serious expression flashed across her face, she was playing for real this time.

Xiucai took a deep breath again and let it out slowly, gritted his teeth for the last time, and said, "Okay, I'll stay here at home to take care of my mother, and I don't need your brothers to send my things, I'll get them myself!"

"Alright then, it's up to you." Lin Guoxiang said lightly.In fact, her lungs are about to explode right now, wishing she could beat up Xiucai and then take a small hammer to knock his head open to see what's growing inside.Knowing that she and Mrs. Cui's wife are at odds, she used to go to Lin's house to bully Mrs. Zhao, and even made Mrs. Zhao faint from anger. Just because of this, she couldn't let the old woman go to Lin's village, let alone She has to serve that dead old woman like a little maid like other daughters-in-law.

What Xiucai said was good, if she didn't let her take care of her, she would only live there for half a year. If he really asked him to take her to Linjiacun, it probably wouldn't be the case. It's likely that the old woman would end up in Linjiacun for the rest of her life.Besides, if she really wants to take someone over, can she, a daughter-in-law, serve her?At that time, he must not be scolded to death by those people in the village behind his back?You know, a daughter-in-law who is not filial to her parents-in-law will be cast aside in any era, so she shouldn't be taken advantage of.

After speaking, Lin Guoxiang left without looking back, Xiucai didn't keep her this time, just watched her walk up to Lin Sijin and the others and said something, and then saw the three brothers of the Lin family all staring in surprise. He looked towards Xiucai.

Lin Situ was impatient, so he walked up to the scholar and asked him: "Brother-in-law, didn't you two be fine just now? Why do you still stay here at home? I heard from my younger sister that you still want to live here." The first half of the year?" If that's the case, the daylilies are probably going to be cold, so why are the couple arguing about separating after a year of consolation?
Lin Situ is not an idiot either, the little girl's expression and tone of voice just now were not pleasant, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the two had quarreled.But no matter how angry you are, you can't play like this, and you're not a child, why do you want to act like an enemy and don't get along with each other?

Xiucai felt a little bitter in his heart, and could only smile wryly when faced with the fifth uncle's question.But it seems that Lin Guoxiang didn't tell her brothers what they said just now, otherwise Lin Situ's protective nature would definitely not talk to her in such a pleasant manner, nor would she care so much.

Lin Guoxiang is very good at this point, even if she says nothing to her, she will never talk nonsense to her natal family, and never let her natal family meddle in their affairs.

"Fifth brother, what are you dawdling about? Let's go." Lin Guoxiang was obviously displeased when she saw Lin Situ asking about the scholar, and her tone of voice became a little impatient, "If you don't go, I'll go home later. It's late, you and your eldest brother are going to work in the field tomorrow, don't delay."

After finishing speaking, Lin Guoxiang walked out of Wang Liang's house without looking back, found the donkey cart of the Lin family and got on it.

Seeing that the younger sister was angry, the three brothers of the Lin family had nothing to do, so they all came over to comfort the scholar: "Brother-in-law, don't worry about my younger sister's temper. Tell me, it's over."

"Yes, I'll help you persuade my little sister." Lin Situ also echoed.However, the two elder brothers above him all doubted the credibility of his words, and to be honest, they really didn't trust him.

The scholar smiled bitterly, and then said to the three brothers of the Lin family: "Big brother, second brother, fifth brother, you go back first, my mother is sick and I will stay here for a few days."

The scholar had already talked to this point, and the three brothers of the Lin family couldn't say anything more, so they comforted him a few more words, and promised to persuade Lin Guoxiang before leaving the door.Xiucai sent the three of them to the door, watching Lin Guoxiang urge them to leave in the donkey cart, full of bitterness.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his donkey cart not far away, and Xiucai finally felt better. It seemed that Lin Guoxiang hadn't done so well, at least he had left a donkey cart here.

When Wang Liang saw Lin Guoxiang and the others leave, he became anxious immediately. No matter how stupid he was, he could see that the couple was having a conflict, so he hurriedly urged him: "Second brother, hurry up and chase your younger brother and sister, what's the matter with the couple?" It's all easy to discuss, so don't... well, forget it." Thinking of himself and Mrs. Zhang, Wang Liang's eyes darkened suddenly, and he simply shut up and didn't speak.

"It's okay, let her hang out today, and I'll go back tomorrow, and I'm sure nothing will happen." Xiucai pretended to be relaxed and said, but in fact he didn't know the bottom line. He still knew Lin Guoxiang's temper somewhat, so He was afraid that she would really drive him out of the house, and then he would cry so hard that he couldn't find the place to cry.

"Hey!" Wang Liang sighed for a long time, "Then I'll clean up a room for you, and you can stay at home tonight." What kind of unlucky day is this today?Even Wang Liang, with such a simple and honest temper, couldn't help but want to scold his mother. This bad luck was all caused by the two brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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