fruity fragrance

Chapter 198 Burning the Orchard

Chapter 198 Burning the Orchard ([-])

Strange to say, Wang Yuansan's luck was absolutely good this day. Although he didn't win any big money, he actually won three or four taels of silver. Yinzi was so happy that he could see his teeth but not his eyes.He even thought about whether to buy two or three when he bought meat buns later, and his favorite roast chicken and pig's trotters, all to satisfy his hunger.

Although Wang Yuansan is the one who is very favored among the three brothers in the family. It can be said that he wants the stars and not the moon since he was a child, but he is also a rural child after all. The family does not have the conditions to often buy him roast chicken and pig's trotters to satisfy his hunger. What's more, even if you buy it occasionally and take it back, and two brothers eat it together, how can it be enjoyable?

Wang Yuansan clutched his silver and fell into a beautiful fantasy alone, he didn't notice the obscure look that frequently flashed in the mouse's eyes.

In addition to being envious and jealous of Wang Yuansan's good luck, the mouse is more interested in the money he is clutching in his arms, four taels of money, if he gets it in his hands, it will be enough for him to play for a long time time.If one's luck is good, one might be able to make money with these money.Like all gamblers, Mouse always believes that one day he will come back, win back the money he lost with interest and make a fortune.But he didn't use his brain to think about it, if it was so easy for him to win a lot of money, would there still be gambling halls in this world?
If you don't make money, you still pay for it. I guess no fool would do such a thing, right?

When the two of them were walking back with their own thoughts, a group of people surrounded them from the opposite side. It seemed that they were probably gangsters from this street.Being able to hang out near the gambling hall, it is estimated that these people are somewhat related to the gambling hall, even a slow-witted person like Mouse can guess it.When he saw this group of people, for some reason, a layer of uneasiness suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart, and an ominous premonition surged up from the bottom of his heart. His intuition told him that someone was deliberately retaliating, but he just wanted to break his head I can't even guess who is going to punish him.

"Are you the mouse?" The leader was a middle-aged man with two hideous scars on his face. Looking at the sharp knife-like eyes on his face, he instinctively told the mouse that this person was definitely not a good person.Moreover, vaguely, he could even smell a faint trace of bloody smell.

This person probably killed someone before!This thought suddenly appeared in the mouse's mind, and then it was out of control. This terrifying thought filled his whole mind, and his mind was full of how many lives he had borne.

It has to be said that people have always had a very keen intuition when facing dangerous animals. Take Mouse as an example, his guess is absolutely correct, this scarred face is indeed a desperado with two lives on his back.

"I, I, I am..." Facing the powerful scarred face, the mouse's voice trembled and he began to stammer, his bloody face gradually turned pale, and his legs Started shaking.

Seeing the rat so cowardly, the scarred face couldn't help snorting from the management, the disdain in his eyes was stronger than before, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "It's just so cowardly, and it takes a lot of effort to make Lao Tzu Do you bring someone to clean it up, scoff!"

However, Scarface understood Master Niu's partner for many years, that is, he is small-minded, narrow-minded and greedy, and he probably tried to blackmail the coward in front of him but failed, so he held a grudge.Scarface turned out to be the truth, Master Niu asked him to deal with the rats because of the attempted extortion and hated him, so he avenged his personal revenge under the guise that the rats owed money to the casino and asked Scarface to collect the money.

Scarface thought in his heart, so his sharp eyes scraped back and forth on the two of them again, and he couldn't help curling his lips, tilting his head slightly, and said disdainfully: "Such a coward is not worthy of grandpa's hands, you go away .”

Don't look at the scarred face, he looks like a rough man who can only wield knives and guns, but he is actually careful, and his intelligence is no less than that of Master Niu.He began to observe from the moment he met Mice and the others. The happy expressions on the faces of the big and the young didn't look a little unlucky because they owed money to the gambling house, and it was obvious that they had won money.Although Scarface cooperates with Master Niu, one manages the casino and the other is responsible for collecting accounts, but this does not mean that he must be used as a gun by Master Niu.

To be precise, there is actually some disagreement between Scarface and Master Niu, and Master Niu is afraid of Scarface with a trace of disdain, thinking that someone like Scarface who licks blood is a wild man. Not worth mentioning.Scarface also thinks that Master Niu is a narrow-minded, narrow-minded, seemingly shrewd but stupid villain.In fact, these two people don't know how many times they have fought openly and secretly, but because of the terrifying means of the mysterious boss, they have not officially started the fight.

So after Scarface saw that Master Niu lied to him, he released Mouse and Wang Yuansan very "meaningly". It can only be said that Mouse and Wang Yuansan's luck is really good, just in time for the fighting in the casino, otherwise today Even if you don't die, you have to lose half your life.But if he was really beaten, Wang Yuansan's fate would definitely be much better than that of a mouse, after all, no matter how he looked at it, he was still just a half-grown child.

When Scarface got it, Mouse hurriedly nodded and bowed to him, thanked him several times flatteringly, and then quickly flashed away with Wang Yuansan just before Scarface got impatient and wanted to get angry.


Ever since Wang Yuansan went to the town gambling house with the mouse and won four taels of silver, he couldn't forget about it. In addition, when he went back that day, he actually got away with it, which made him more emboldened.From being afraid at the beginning, to then frequently stealing things from home to sell for money to gamble, Wang Yuansan was completely led into the ditch by Song Dongdong's uncle and nephew, and the child was completely ruined.

By the time the Wang family found out about Wang Yuansan's problem, it was too late, and the child would never be saved again.

The days passed by so quickly, and it entered the twelfth lunar month in a blink of an eye. As soon as the Laba was over, the Lin family began to happily prepare for the New Year.Lin Guoxiang's broken right leg has also improved over the past few months. Although she can't run and jump like before, she can basically walk on the ground without any problems, which makes her very happy.After being locked up at home for nearly four months, her whole body is going to be moldy, and it's time to go out to bask in the mold.

In ancient times, the taste of the New Year was not as dull as it is in modern times. Basically, after Laba, everyone began to prepare for the New Year with joy. Stir-fried fruits (peanuts, melon seeds, etc.), window grilles, etc., are usually a group of big girls. The daughter-in-law gathered around talking and laughing while doing these things, and the atmosphere was really harmonious.

In the twelfth lunar month, the farm work in the field is basically done, and the fruit trees in the orchard have been wrapped in straw stalks by the long-term workers to prevent freezing. There are only a hundred or so hens used to lay eggs, and other work is basically done, so there is almost nothing to do in the orchard.Seeing this, Lin Guoxiang specially gave the long-term workers annual leave, and gave each of them some New Year's goods to take home for them to go back and reunite with their families to celebrate the New Year.

Naturally, those long-term workers were full of gratitude to the owner, and they went home happily to reunite with their families with their New Year's goods and wages.

Lin Guoxiang often wanders around the orchard these days, wondering if she should find a way to grow watermelons in a greenhouse, so that the watermelons will be uninterrupted from May to September, so how much more money can she earn, although She still has stock in hand now, but who would think too much money is too hot?

Every time Lin Guoxiang thinks of the white silver that seems to have grown wings and keeps digging into her purse, she is so happy that she can't see her eyes, and she is happy all day long.But the good times didn't last long, and one incident soon caused the mood of Lin Guoxiang and even everyone in the Lin family to fall to the bottom, and they almost didn't have a good time for years.

One day, Mouse secretly found Wang Yuansan, and euphemistically mentioned his uncle's intentions. It was said to be euphemistic, but in fact it was coercion, until Wang Yuansan agreed.He also threatened him that if he refused to do things for them, he would tell the adults in his family that he went into the gambling hall and even stole things from the house and sold them. Wang Yuansan disagreed at first, and he was somewhat scared. , but when the mouse mentioned this, he became even more afraid, and even imagined that Mrs. Zhang would kill him if he learned that he had stolen and sold all the valuables at home.

Even though Mrs. Zhang still doesn't know that the private money and a few dowry silver jewelry she secretly hid have been taken away by her favorite youngest son, and all of them have been put into the purse of the mysterious owner of the gambling hall.But Wang Yuansan still did not dare to imagine the consequences of being known by Zhang and his family, so in the end Wang Yuansan had no choice but to compromise.

Wang Yuansan compromised, the task that Song Dong gave to the mouse was half completed, but if the boy was willing to follow his instructions, he had to be given some sweet dates to smooth his hair, or God knows what was going to happen Will this kid regret it halfway?At that time, if he can't complete the task assigned by his uncle, then the one who dies miserably in the end will definitely have to change his mouse.

Thinking of this, Mouse Gulu rolled his eyes, and a smile that he thought he was friendly suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to Wang Yuansan: "Don't worry, as long as you finish this matter well, I will invite you to play for a while." How about it?"

When Wang Yuansan heard that the mouse wanted to invite him to play in the casino, he immediately regained his energy. After several months of "experience", he is now considered a veteran gambler. He is sometimes more transparent than the mouse about some rules and methods in the casino , and even several times the mice would come to ask him for advice.

Wang Yuansan was worried that he had no money to play, so how could he not be excited when he heard what the mouse said, but after these months of contact, he also knew that the character of the mouse was not very good, and his words were often not counted, so he opened his mouth and said: "Give me the money to play first, or I won't agree." Even Wang Yuansan, who is only ten years old, knows how unkind the things that the rat asked him to do are dangerous, he knows it well I remember my aunt's aggressiveness.

Thinking of Lin Guoxiang, Wang Yuansan's neck shrank involuntarily, but when he thought that as long as he agreed to this matter, he would have money to go to the casino to play, so after hesitating for a while, he reluctantly agreed, but the premise is that the mouse must first Give him the money.

The mouse was so angry that Wang Yuansan almost vomited blood, but he could only endure the task that his uncle entrusted to him: "I don't have any money with me now, I'll give it to you when I have money in a few days, you do the work first."

Wang Yuansan would not be fooled so foolishly. Naturally, he was unwilling: "No, you must give me the money first, or I won't do it!"

This time the mouse almost couldn't resist beating Wang Yuansan, but he also knew that if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big conspiracy, and the most important thing at this moment was that the matter couldn't be broken in his hands, otherwise his uncle would definitely not let him go. over him.So the mouse took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, forced a smile, and discussed with Wang Yuansan: "Let's discuss..." Can the money be paid in a few days? no money.In fact, what he wants to say is that he will not give you the money, you little bastard, you are so impatient to take advantage of me.

But he was stopped by Wang Yuansan before he finished speaking: "If you don't pay, you won't talk about it. Don't think that I don't know how dangerous this is." It means that he has no premonition, and he always feels in his heart that something is wrong with this matter, but he can't tell what's wrong, because he just doesn't feel at ease anyway.

Seeing that Wang Yuansan was so "strong", the mouse was angry and impatient, afraid that he would mess things up and go back and be picked up by Song Dongdong, so he wanted to threaten Wang Yuansan again, but the words were swallowed abruptly went back.There is a limit to everything, the so-called extremes must be reversed, who knows if Wang Yuansan will be forced to "rebel" if he pushes on?
So the mouse had no choice but, after hesitating for a while, finally took out a tael of silver and handed it to Wang Yuansan tremblingly, who knew that Wang Yuansan didn't even look at it: "How can you beg for such a small amount of money?" No wonder Master Niu now Staring at him all day, it was really disgusting to only give him two taels of silver back then.

The mouse had no choice, so he gritted his teeth and took out a tael of silver and handed it to Wang Yuansan together with the one tael just now. This was already his limit.Although Song Dongdong gave him four or five taels of silver to lure Wang Yuansan into the bait, that doesn't mean he should give it all, and let him, the middleman, get some benefits, or else he would be trying so hard to figure something out?
In fact, two taels of silver was quite a lot for Wang Yuansan. Based on his understanding of mice, this was probably his bottom line. As for the rest of the money, he was probably greedy.So Wang Yuansan thought for a while and reached out to catch the silver handed over by the mouse. Since he took the silver, he agreed to the mouse's confession.

 "This chapter is considered to be updated today, so 1 words is not considered good, right?hehe.Spelling with a friend, a certain code was [-], and the Fen Dan coded more than [-]. It was so exciting that I almost vomited blood, woo woo...

  In the past two days, I have been interrupted many times when I am not in the state of writing, and the collection is plummeting. I hope that if you like this article, you will continue to support me. I will write well in the future... Run away...》

(End of this chapter)

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