Chapter 206

After seeing off Wang Liang, comforting the husband and mother for a while, and chatting with a few brothers and sisters-in-law for a while, Lin Guoxiang and Xiucai went back to their home in dismay.As soon as she entered the study, Lin Guoxiang's gloomy face all the way became even more gloomy. She looked at the scholar like two cold knives, swishing straight at him, stimulating the scholar The scalp tingled for a while.

The scholar knew he was wrong, so he couldn't help touching his nose embarrassingly, and then showed Lin Guoxiang a flattering smile that he thought was more gentle, and he wanted to pinch her shoulders when he walked over to please her: "Lady, you have worked hard, come here for your husband." Give you a loose shoulder..."

"Die!" Lin Guoxiang was in a rage at the moment, she was in no mood to play with him, so she simply brushed Xiucai aside like a fly, "Stay away from me!"

"Uh." Xiucai was pulled aside by Lin Guoxiang, his movements were obviously stagnant, and then he came over like a bee, hugging Lin Guoxiang directly from behind, no matter how much Lin Guoxiang swung him away, he would not let go , still kept yelling, "If you don't let it go, you won't let it go, and you won't let it go even if you die!"

"Let go!" Lin Guoxiang finally calmed down after several times of struggling to no avail, and let Xiucai hold her stiffly. Seeing Lin Guoxiang compromise, Xiucai's eyes were almost narrowed when she was smiling behind her. Just now The little unhappiness that I felt flew away in an instant.If it wasn't for Lin Guoxiang's anger and ignoring him, he would probably be humming in a good mood right now.

But obviously it's not the time to be happy right now, because the girl is still angry, and her life is still in danger, so the scholar rolled his eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then spoke seriously to recognize her first. Made a mistake: "Guo Xiang, I know it's wrong to make decisions on my own just now, don't be angry, let me explain to you carefully."

The so-called attitude determines fate, Lin Guoxiang's temperament and talent can be regarded as clear, even if you can't understand it too deeply, but you can guess it pretty well, if he apologizes first, then she will be full of it He wouldn't vent his anger easily, because no one is being reasonable, so Xiucai's move directly defeated Lin Guoxiang invisibly, but Lin Guoxiang was blocked and had nothing to say.

There's no way, everyone has apologized, you can't just hold back, can you?Well, I have to correct my attitude and listen carefully, but Lin Guoxiang has made up her mind, if this guy can't convince herself later, he will be punished for nothing.Speaking of which, Lin Guoxiang hasn't taught anyone a good lesson because of her leg injury in the past three months, which made the violent woman with the hidden violence factor feel uncomfortable all over her body.

"Well, tell me, I'll listen." The subtext is, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, don't blame me for being rude to you today.

How could Xiucai fail to understand the hidden meaning of Lin Guoxiang's words, so he raised a hand exaggeratedly to shake off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and then brewed his emotions before hesitating slowly He opened his mouth and explained to Lin Guoxiang. Anyway, what he said was nothing more than one meaning: my elder brother is innocent, and you also know that he is relatively dull and honest, so it’s hard to refuse him after saying that, right?Wouldn't that make him feel more embarrassed?
After listening to the scholar's explanation, Lin Guoxiang thought for a moment, rolled her eyes, then nodded with drooping eyelids, and said, "Well, you're right, big brother is indeed very innocent." Added a sentence, "I think our orchard is also very innocent..." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help sighing, "Oh, you said that the orchard has provoked everyone, why can't it escape being burned? It's a pitiful fate."

As soon as Lin Guoxiang finished speaking, she felt that Xiucai's body froze for a moment, and a triumphant smile flashed across her eyes.Hmph, in the past, it was not uncommon to talk to you, but now you are still fooling sister You into an addiction. This is a disease that needs to be cured.

Then Lin Guoxiang's eyeballs rolled around again, and then her tone of voice slowed down a lot, and she also said slowly like a scholar: "I know you feel sorry for big brother, but you also want to see our family. The specific situation? The orchard at home is... ahem, the eldest brother’s youngest son was burned. You don’t care if he was teased or not, but he did it all the time, so from this matter, he is The principal offender is also an accessory, and although the family members didn’t say anything, it doesn’t mean they feel at ease, and now you want your elder brother to come to the orchard to help, isn’t that making people feel uncomfortable?”

"That's right, you and your eldest brother are indeed well-intentioned, but put yourself in your shoes, if it were you, would you readily agree?" Anyway, Lin Guoxiang thought she wasn't that generous, so she wouldn't let herself It's not bad for those dozen big dogs to scare them, but let them hang around with their eyelids lowered?Isn't that against yourself?

Seeing that the scholar was silent, Lin Guoxiang compared her fingers in her heart, and then said persistently: "What's more, if your elder sister and the others can find someone to do this kind of thing, there will definitely be a second time. You brought the elder brother here, right?" Let them make excuses to save trouble? And your sister-in-law, people like her are easy to get along with? And her natal family, do you think they are fuel-efficient lamps?"

Lin Guoxiang paused for a while and said again: "Don't tell me this has nothing to do with that woman's natal family. An honest person like elder brother usually listens to your sister-in-law. If her natal family really said something to her I guess it will be your elder brother who will be in trouble in the end, and it will make our family unhappy in the end."

It's not that Lin Guoxiang is narrow-minded, the main reason is that what she experienced during this period has to make her think more, as she said, the best ones are not easy to match, and maybe she will be taken advantage of in the end Being pissed to death is not a good thing, and he is not a human being.

Lin Guoxiang's words made Xiucai silent for a while, and finally he couldn't help but sighed: "Well, don't we need someone to help clean up our orchard, let the elder brother help, at least let him calm down a little bit. Calm down. After the new year, I will find someone to help him find a job, and earn some wages to supplement the family." In fact, Xiucai really can't understand Zhang's way of doing things, and he is afraid that his elder brother will not be good enough for a year. He would think of asking him to help from the orchard at home, no matter what, at least he would not treat him badly in terms of food.Xiucai thinks that everything else is empty, and only by eating well can one be in good health. Seeing that his elder brother is only in his thirties but looks like an old man in his forties or fifties, it makes people feel distressed.

Lin Guoxiang also knew what Xiucai was thinking, but it was really hard for her to intervene in this matter, even if she felt sorry, she couldn't let go easily, otherwise she would definitely be in constant trouble in the future, which she was not happy to see.


Besides, when Lin Fanghou and the others returned home, they also had an angry expression on their faces, especially Lin Fangnian. He put in so much effort in the orchard, but Wang Yuansan burned that brat in the end.If it weren't for the fact that Lin Family Village was too far away from Wang Family Village, he would have rushed over to catch Wang Yuansan and beat him up, so he wouldn't have been punished for doing something wrong just because he was young?Why!
"Brother, are we going to let that stinky boy Wang Yuansan go like this?" Lin Fangnian became more and more angry when he thought about it, so he finally couldn't help asking Lin Fanghou angrily. Among the four children, Lin Fanghou was the oldest. He also had the most ideas. Lin Fangnian and the others were used to asking him for advice.

"That's right, I can't see that kid either!" Wang Yuanzhi also waved his fist angrily. This kid has been raised by Lin Guoxiang for the past two years and undergoes various physical training every day. He jumped up slowly, seeing that his height was about to pass the 1.6-meter mark.A kid like him who is only 12 is 1.6 meters tall, and now he is shaking his fists, and there is even a meat mouse on his arm, which is a bit fierce.

"Well, I also think that kid is too much." Wang Yuanyue also echoed solemnly. In the past two years, his height has also jumped up a lot. Although he is not as tall as his brother, he is almost 1.5 meters tall. He likes to read books on weekdays, but now he has a stern face and looks a bit old-fashioned, but there is a sense of slickness in his words, coupled with his obviously immature face with baby fat No matter how people look at the face, they find it funny.

"He's the cousin of the two of you." Lin Fanghou cast a cold glance at the aggrieved brothers Wang Yuanzhi and Wang Yuanyue, as if he was reminding them of something, but in fact he was clearly provoking. In fact, he wished for these two brothers The farther away from the Wang family the better.To be honest, he was really afraid that his two brothers would be abducted by that unlucky boy of the Wang family and ruined.

"Hmph, what kind of cousin is he called!" Hearing Lin Fanghou's words, Wang Yuanzhi immediately became angry, "I wish I didn't have a cousin like him!" This is already setting fire to my own orchard, so don't be such a cousin who doesn't know right from wrong No matter!
"Boy, it's not natural for you to do this." At this moment, a baby-faced joking voice suddenly came from the window outside the house, and the target of the words was obviously aimed at Lin Fanghou. It can be regarded as provoking the feelings between brothers, this behavior of fanning the flames is not considered a manly act." But after saying this, Babyface added with a smile in his heart: But I like it, good boy, so let it be like this.

As soon as the voice fell, he opened the window and quickly jumped into the house.

The four little ones in the room were all shocked, and then Wang Yuanzhi was overjoyed: "Master, you are here!"

 If you are bored, go read my new book "History of Struggle in Another World". If you think it is okay, please vote for a recommendation. It is said that it is very important for the new book... Cough cough, drift away...


(End of this chapter)

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