Chapter 212

In the end, Father Lin made the decision on this matter. The mouse's life could be spared, but he would have to be punished, and he had to stay at the Lin family to help clean up the orchard.

Although everyone in the Lin family was a little unhappy about Father Lin's decision, they didn't dare to say anything. As for the Song family, they were naturally very happy, and Mouse's parents were even more grateful to Father Lin.Originally Song Dongdong wanted to say something, but the mouse's father stared at him with red eyes, and swallowed back the words in shock.

Song Dongdong's idea is actually very simple. On the one hand, although the mouse is his own nephew, he is not his son after all, so he was sent to the official office by the Lin family for his own sake. Although he felt somewhat guilty, but only a little guilty That's all, besides, who told him that he was too stupid to be caught every time?

If you want to say, you can only blame him for his bad luck and bad luck, or if no one else was caught, why did he have an accident?

If the mouse who was imprisoned at this moment knew what Song Dongdong was really thinking, he would probably be able to chase him to the ends of the earth with red eyes.In order to help you, I'm going to risk my life on you, and you're still making sarcastic remarks here!Are you still human?
But the mouse is still locked up now, waiting bitterly for his uncle to come up with a way to rescue him. He didn't know that the uncle he had always admired had no plans to rescue him at all, and even wanted to save him. Take the last sliver of residual value out of him to benefit yourself.

As for Song Dongdong's other thought, since the mouse was sent to the government office by the Lin family, he must have suffered a lot, and now he should give some money as compensation, right?As his natal uncle, how could he just let it go if he came to drink the wind with him in such a cold winter?

But seeing his father's appearance of wanting to eat people, he reluctantly suppressed the words that came to his mouth, but the eyeballs were still rolling, thinking about why his family came this time I have to stay at the Lin family for a few days. On the one hand, I want Xiucai to take back what I said before. On the other hand, the Lin family must have saved a lot of good things when the Chinese New Year is approaching. They may be able to walk along when they leave. Some, it’s not a loss, is it?

To be honest, people with the highest level of normal thinking will never understand, just like Song Dongdong's family.I almost cut off other people's livelihood, and wanted to take advantage of the victims.It's not bad that the Lin family didn't pursue your faults and beat you out with a big stick. You're not grateful for Dade, and you don't know what's good or bad.

That's why it is said that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, especially people like Song Dongdong, who want more benefits after getting cheap.


Speaking of which, the Lin family's mobility is still very fast. No, they picked up the mouse in the afternoon. This time, the mouse can be regarded as a capital crime, so the jailers in the prison have tormented him a lot. During the two days in the market, the whole person was sallow and thin, a pair of eye sockets were sunken and black like a panda, his hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and there were long and short hairs on his face and body. The whip wounds, look how embarrassed it is, how pitiful it is.

When the mouse's parents and Sun saw the mouse's appearance, they immediately burst into tears. The mouse's mother even supported the mouse's father and burst into tears. The flood that broke the embankment is usually out of control, and even the pain pickled in the wound where the tears flowed to the face can't be taken care of.

The mouse couldn't hold back the grievance in his heart for the past two days, and threw himself on his parents and cried endlessly.So the family of three and Sun's grandmother were together, and the four of them cried in a daze.

But the yamen servant on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted impatiently: "Is there still no end? You are still fucking endless, and those who celebrate the Chinese New Year have to go home after the funeral. Don't add anything at the gate of the yamen." unlucky!"

The yamen servant's words really worked. Before he finished speaking, the four members of the mouse's family immediately fell silent. They all looked at him anxiously and fearfully. Fuck off, do you still want our brothers to invite your family to stay for two days?"

The Song family shook their heads almost subconsciously when they heard the yamen servant's words, and then Mouse's father became ruthless and hesitantly stuffed a small cloth bag wrapped in a coarse handkerchief into the yamen servant's hand. , here is the tael of money (a tael of silver) that the whole family has saved for two years of frugality: "It's the Chinese New Year, and this is for the elder brothers to buy wine and eat."

The yamen servant shook the small cloth bag in his hand calmly, and there was a gleam of joy on his face. Although there were only two coins, which was one tael of silver, it also depended on where it was taken out, like theirs. The monthly salary of such a small yamen servant with no background is only one tael of silver, and the money given by the mouse's father is too much in the eyes of rural people.

After accepting the money handed over by the mouse's father, the yamen servant's attitude was much more friendly. Although he kept urging the Song family to leave quickly, he didn't make any moves and directly beat them with the handle of the knife in his hand.It seems that this is the benefit of using money, otherwise the mouse family would not be so easy to pass the test today.

As for everyone in the Lin family waiting not far away, Lin Situ squinted at the mouse family from the corner of his eye, and muttered to Father Lin: "Father, what are you doing to redeem that bastard? Why do you still have to spend money for him when the way of life is cut off?" As he said that, he let out a breath from his nostrils, saying that there has been no such reason since ancient times, and I will still take the money when you smashed my job Please keep smashing?
Lin Situ's words had touched everyone's hearts, so as soon as he finished speaking, several pairs of eyes focused on Father Lin. Father Lin surprisingly didn't scold Lin Situ this time. He also expressed his anger calmly: "I know you have resentment in your heart, but I'm actually not at ease, but I also saw that he was pushed by Song Dongdong."

After a pause, Father Lin glanced at the surrounding Lin family members, and continued, "Besides, he is the only man in his family. If he really kills someone, then his family will be extinct. It's a shame, and their family will come to fight us desperately. As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone people. Besides, Fang De's wife is pregnant, and we have to take care of the little baby It’s not about accumulating virtue.”

When Father Lin said this, everyone in the Lin family fell silent.That's right, their Lin family has a large number of people, but they can't hold back the Song family's coming to Yin. What's more, if they really pick women and children behind their backs, it's something that can't be stopped. You always You can't just stay at home and watch your wife and children without doing anything, right?
So the Lin family fell silent, and no one complained or objected.Forget it, let's spare the kid this time, anyway, the two families have already agreed that when the mouse comes out, it will go to the Lin family to work as a labor force for free, so there will be ways to cure him at that time.But Father Lin didn't tell everyone that the reason why the yamen servant was able to let people out so happily was because he spent ten taels of silver on management.

Ten taels of silver is not too much, and at least it is considered a lot of money in rural areas with no source of income. If everyone in the Lin family knows about this, it may not be so easy for the mouse to come out.Fortunately, the money came from a scholar, and it was handed over to Father Lin through Lin Guoxiang's hand, so the whole process went smoothly.

Of course, it is inevitable for a scholar to be complained by Lin Guoxiang.Although the pocket money of the two is earned and spent by themselves, and they usually don't give each other too many restrictions, but the two are still a family, so in a sense, his money is equal to the two of them in common? ?Asking Lin Guoxiang to pay to redeem the mouse, she was really unwilling, even though she had promised to let the mouse go.

Besides, after the Mouse's family hugged their heads in pain, the Mouse's father dragged the Mouse over to apologize to the Lin family, and said a lot of grateful words, and made the Mouse swear that he would reform himself in the future, etc., and then told the Mouse that he would start today. To work in the Lin family for free to compensate the loss of the Lin family.

The mouse was full of reluctance at first, but when he heard his father's words, his face immediately collapsed. He opened his mouth to refuse, but his father gave him a hard look. Just as he was about to scold Lin Situ, he spoke first: "You don't want to work for our family? That's fine. Anyway, you haven't left the yamen yet. You can go in by yourself. You will live in it and don't come out."

Threats, this is a naked threat.I have to say that Lin Situ's words were too cruel. As soon as he finished speaking, the faces of the Mouse's family changed completely. Li's life was worse than death, and his lips trembled in fear.This time there is no need for the old man to ask for help, he nodded quickly and said, "I am willing to work, I am willing to work!" while swearing again.

The Lin family didn't want to quarrel with the Song family either, they just asked the mouse to come to the Lin family to work after the fifth day of the first house, and then the two families separated and went back to their respective villages.Song Dongdong had already winked at Wang Liu and asked her to rely on the Lin family to go with her, but it was a pity that Xiucai and Lin Guoxiang didn't come, and they couldn't talk to the rest of the Lin family. The indifference attitude of the crowd finally came to nothing with all their heartfelt plans, and they had to go back to Songjia Village unhappy.

When Song Dongdong returned home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He felt that he was angry with the Lin family, and felt that Wang Liu was useless. It was of no use. He had a big fight with her, almost because of this. children started fighting.If it wasn't for the impediment of old man Song's majesty, it is estimated that the couple would not even have a good life for a year.


The days passed quickly, and it was March of the next year in a blink of an eye.The Lin family also came out of the shadow of the orchard being burned at the end of the year, and each one is gearing up to prepare for a big fight this year.Because Lin Guoxiang and the Five Elements Brothers did a lot of experiments and wasted a lot of seeds, they built a greenhouse with straw curtains without plastic film and earth dragons.Once the greenhouse is successfully built, it means that the melons and fruits grown by the Lin family can be on the market one or two months earlier than other orchards. Don't underestimate the one or two months, in ancient times, the profits will be huge.

While the Lin family was happy, they were also concerned about Xiucai's entrance examination in the county last year. Besides, Xiucai is the son-in-law of the Lin family. At that time, all the faces of his Lin family will be covered with smears.Why do you say that you are the only Juren?It was because another Juren was invited by the school in the town to be a teacher after he passed the exam, and now the whole family has settled down in the town, which means they have left the village.

However, compared to the attention and tension of everyone in the Lin family, the two parties involved, Xiucai and Lin Guoxiang, didn't feel anything at all.Both of them had a tacit understanding and agreed that last year's Qiu Wei was just a play, and they hadn't touched a book for several years, so what if they read the book a few times before?Can you understand the book more thoroughly than other students who have studied hard for ten years?That's simply not possible.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Xiucai's rush for the exam last year can only be regarded as a warm-up, to find out the feeling of rushing for the exam, and strive to perform better next time.Anyway, as long as the two of them know about it, as for the others, they don't intend to speak out, it will only make people laugh, which is more embarrassing than failing the ranking.

After breakfast this morning, Lin Guoxiang came over to chat with Mrs. Zhao as usual, and several sister-in-laws also gathered around to fix shoe soles or mend clothes. Who started it first, so the sisters-in-law all asked about Lin Guoxiang Xiucai's exams last year.Little Gu is a straight-hearted person, and he couldn't hide things in his heart, so he finally couldn't hold back and asked Lin Guoxiang directly: "Little sister, can Wang Hao's work be done? Go back to the town to buy, and the town's teacher Ju Ren It’s really beautiful, adults and children all embrace it.”

"Yeah, isn't that right." Fan also took up the conversation, "If Wang Hao really passes the exam this time, then our Lin family will be able to have a good time with the real people, and they will be tough when they go out and talk to people. "

Fan's words naturally resonated with the other sisters-in-law, and they all nodded in agreement. This made the atmosphere a little more lively than before, and they all looked at Lin Guoxiang expectantly.Even Mrs. Zhao couldn't help but stare at her, which gave her a headache.

In the end, I had no choice but to say: "Mother, sisters-in-law, don't look at me like this anymore, the court didn't ask me to correct the papers, and I don't know what's going on."

As soon as the words came out, Mrs. Zhao and the others were overjoyed. Mrs. Zhao raised her hand with a smile and patted Lin Guoxiang's arm lightly, pretending to be annoyed, "Damn girl, if you really have the ability to correct files, then our family It’s really developed.”

These words made the sister-in-laws burst into laughter.

Lin Guoxiang sighed deeply in her heart, saying that no matter ancient or modern, everyone is so keen and concerned about exam results.But then again, is this a civil service exam for a scholar?Modern times pay so much attention to it, not to mention that this is still ancient.Thinking about it, Lin Guoxiang couldn't help but smacked her mouth, wondering how to divert this troublesome topic.

However, the sisters-in-law obviously didn't intend to change the topic, they were in high spirits, and it was related to the face of the entire Lin family, so they pestered Lin Guoxiang to give an accurate answer.

Lin Guoxiang had a headache, she wished she could play piss escape like Lin Fanghou and those four boys.

While the mothers were talking, they saw someone from the village come to their house to announce the good news, saying that a senior official had come to their house.Before they finished speaking, they heard the sound of a horse bell outside, Fan and the others suddenly stood up from the small stool, all with excited faces.

Mrs. Zhao was helped out by several daughters-in-law, when she saw a group of people coming towards this side, and after a while, the Lin family was completely surrounded.Then a few people wearing official hats and uniforms posted happy announcements on the door of Lin's house.There was one who went to the village school to study when he was a child, and learned a few loads of watermelon-sized characters, so he showed off his knowledge and read and read the happy news: "Congratulations to your master, Wang Hao, for accepting his undergraduate degree." Wuzhou County Examination, High School No. 30 four candidates. Good news to Wu Qingfeng."

The man read, and the expression on his face gradually became smug, as if he was the one who raised people in high school.As for the others, while listening, they stared at the happy news, their faces were full of envy and jealousy, and those who were so active squeezed through the crowd to congratulate Mrs. Zhao, saying a lot of auspicious words, nothing more than celebrating high school, The official luck is prosperous and the like.Mrs. Zhao was so happy to hear that, Mrs. He and the others also beamed with joy.

Only Lin Guoxiang was extremely suspicious, with the half-bottle of water from a scholar, how could someone come back from the exam?Thinking about it, she couldn't help raising her head and glanced at the not-too-glare sun, and she couldn't help muttering in her heart: Could it be that the sun will come out from the west in the future?The second reaction was that it was weird. She always felt that things were not that simple, and the whole thing was filled with an indescribable weirdness, as if something was waiting for her.

However, Lin Guoxiang was puzzled, but Mrs. Zhao and the others cheerfully and politely invited the official who announced the good news into the house, and they gave rewards and made tea. The face came along.It's not that she likes to drink it, the main reason is that she thinks that when guests come to the house, she can take it out as a prestige, and besides, don't waste the good tea that doesn't cost money.

After a while, Father Lin who got the news quit their work in the orchard, and rushed back with all their tools beaming, warmly entertaining the officials who announced the good news.On the other hand, a scholar, as expected, belonged to Lin Guoxiang's family, and his thinking direction was basically the same. He was also full of doubts, and always felt that this matter seemed too simple.He had no intention of passing the exam himself, so why did he pass the exam?Could it be that his personality exploded and he got on the list by mistake? shouldn't be possible...

(End of this chapter)

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