fruity fragrance

Chapter 226 A Different Kind of Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Meeting

Chapter 226 A Different Kind of Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Meeting

After negotiating the marriage between Wang Yuanzhi and the princess, the big stone in Lin Guoxiang's heart finally fell to the ground.Strange to say, when she was still on the road a few days ago, when she thought that her precious son was going to marry the princess, she felt so tired, but this time the matter was really settled like this, but she accepted it calmly. up.In fact, there was nothing she could do if she didn't accept it, and she couldn't resist the whole matter, but the result of this matter was quite satisfactory in general, at least all the benefits that her precious son should have were not missing.

With nothing to worry about, Lin Guoxiang took another day's rest in the Founding Duke's Mansion, which was a complete change of spirit, and now she dragged Xiucai around the capital without having breakfast.Imperial Capital, this is the same existence as City B in the previous life, it was one of the places Lin Guoxiang yearned for most in the previous life.Just because she is a little road-crazy, grandpa never dared to let her play, so she can only search some travel pictures on the Internet and imagine those towering and majestic ancient buildings in her mind, as well as the original courtyard...

Although the imperial capital of this era is not the city B of the previous life, it can be regarded as fulfilling her dream of visiting the capital at any rate.

Xiucai looked at Lin Guoxiang, who was extremely excited, and glanced at her slightly protruding belly, feeling a little depressed.Didn't it mean that pregnant women are not in good spirits and want to stay at home and sleep late every day?Then why is this one also pregnant, but why is she so energetic?Look at the light steps, if it weren't for the protruding belly, I really wouldn't know that she is pregnant now.

Xiucai watched Lin Guoxiang running here and there excitedly. If he didn't want to spoil Lin Guoxiang's good mood, he couldn't help but want to carry her back several times.


Xiucai looked up at the sky, it was already noon and it was time for lunch, but someone still dragged him around happily.Then he turned his head and glanced at the two bodyguards and attendants sent by his son when he was about to leave the door. They were also covered with all kinds of gadgets, not counting what they held in their hands.Xiucai couldn't help but groaned in his heart, and subconsciously stretched out a hand to hold his forehead. Why didn't he see that his wife had the potential to go shopping like this before?

Sure enough, as long as you are a woman, no matter how homely you are or how sedentary you are, once you really have someone to accompany you to go shopping, it will definitely be quite crazy. If you go shopping like this, you will really die!
Finally, Xiucai couldn't help but said: "Guo Xiang, I've been shopping here for a long time, and it's already noon, why don't we find a restaurant to eat before we go shopping?"

Now the most envious of scholars is probably the second son Wang Yuanyue who is sitting at home eating cold drinks and looking at the little book at ease.This kid is still shrewd, he knew his mother would be like this, so he hid far away early in the morning.The more I think about Xiucai, the more I envy and hate my youngest son.

Lin Guoxiang happened to be tired from shopping, and she had basically visited all the major "tourist attractions" in the imperial capital, so when Xiucai said this, she nodded and agreed without thinking.As for the two entourages who came with them, when they saw "Lafayette" nodding, tears almost flowed out of their eyes, and finally they could rest for a while. Going shopping with women is actually more tiring than fighting and physical training.

"Is there a Zuibin Building here?" From the corner of Lin Guoxiang's eyes, she glanced at a small restaurant next to it with a lot of customers. For some reason, she suddenly thought of the Zui Bin Building in her hometown, so she turned her head and asked the two people behind her. followers.

"Yes." These two attendants are guards selected from the army. They used to follow Wang Yuanzhi. Lin Guoxiang and the others came to protect them temporarily, so their temper still retains the candidness unique to soldiers. Neat, Lin Guoxiang answered whatever she asked, and never said a single word or nonsense.

However, the other guy who was a little shorter was more active than the one who answered the question. When he heard the madam ask this question, he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Madam, the Zuibin Tower is not far away, and I will take you there." Let's go." Then he led Lin Guoxiang and Xiucai ahead.

So Lin Guoxiang and his party headed towards Zui Bin Lou in a mighty way. When they arrived in front of the restaurant, Lin Guoxiang had not had time to lament that the main building of Zui Bin Lou was magnificent before he was attracted by a farce at the entrance of the restaurant.

I saw a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, wearing an emerald green gauze skirt that she couldn't name the material, her willow eyebrows were upside down, with one hand on her hips and the other holding a girl with clear features and a trace of heroism between her brows. The boy's clothes don't let go.Because they were a little far away, it was difficult to hear what the two of them said clearly, but judging from their actions and demeanor, it was estimated that there was some dispute.

When Lin Guoxiang saw this scene, she immediately regained her spirits, and the fire of gossip that had been silent for a long time suddenly blazed up.

There is a play to watch!There is a good show to watch!

At this moment, Lin Guoxiang's mind was filled with these two sentences, like subtitles floating back and forth in her mind.

"Hey, let's take a closer look." Lin Guoxiang stared at the handsome man and the beautiful woman who were still in a stalemate with a pair of eyes, and because she was too excited, a pair of claws unconsciously grabbed Xiucai's arm The painful Xiucai grinned and made all kinds of weird and distorted expressions.

As for the two attendants behind them, they were naturally very winking, one on the left and one on the right, naturally protecting the two masters in the middle, especially Lin Guoxiang.

After getting closer, Lin Guoxiang saw clearly the heroic boy between his brows, and involuntarily narrowed his eyes slightly, and then heard the sweet-looking girl keep saying that the boy was a heartbreaker, The vicious act of stealing money from her and then stealing it from others caused an incomparably weird smile to appear on the corner of her mouth.

What kind of boy is that boy? It's clearly a girl disguised as a girl, okay? What kind of eyes is this guy? He can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.It's so obvious in appearance, okay? No one can mistake such a cute person for a man.

For some reason, an extremely evil word popped out of Lin Guoxiang's mind - Lily.

Lin Guoxiang almost vomited disgusted by her own thoughts, and she blamed Meizi, who would talk about Tanmei Lily when she had nothing to do, which caused her to follow her wild thoughts.

Then Lin Guoxiang suddenly became a little melancholy, and she really started to become evil slowly, which is not good.

Lin Guoxiang was still worried about her messy thoughts, and the boy who didn't realize that he was pulling with the girl over there changed his expression slightly the moment he saw her, and then he didn't know where he came from. With a strong force, he just broke free from the grip of the girl in the green skirt and almost fled in despair.

The scholar who had been watching the theater with Lin Guoxiang did not miss the slightly changed face of the young man when he saw them, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, as if he had caught something in his heart, but he didn't have any clue.He habitually squinted his eyes, turned his head and asked the follower who was more active in his mind in a low voice: "Do you know the boy just now?"

The attendant faltered for a long time before finally blushing and whispering something in the scholar's ear.After Xiucai heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes. He never thought that the young man who ran away just now was his future eldest daughter-in-law—Princess Changping.

This... This meeting is really different.

(End of this chapter)

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