Chapter 229
Lin Guoxiang had never felt so tired like today, the way back was full of how to avoid these delicate ladies.But I couldn't think of a method that would not offend others and be effective for a long time, and my consciousness was a little headache.

Seeing her like this, the nanny in charge who was sitting next to her, thought about it for a while and hesitated before saying: "Ma'am, if you really don't want to socialize with those ladies right now, then just say that you are not healthy." I'm not feeling well, I just need to take a good rest. In this way, I can refuse those invitations, and I won't offend anyone, after all, Madam's current body shows that she can't be tired."

Sure enough, as soon as the nanny in charge said this, a gleam of joy flashed across Lin Guoxiang's face, and her eyes brightened.Naturally, the change in her expression could not escape the eyes of the nanny in charge. Seeing the master like this, she couldn't help but smile in her heart. It was not a mockery, but rather admiration for Lin Guoxiang's straightforward temperament.When I was in the palace before, I was used to seeing those palace ladies and maids use all kinds of secret means and interests in order to climb up. Now when I meet such a simple-minded master as Lin Guoxiang, I feel relaxed. stand up.

At least he treats you sincerely, and he doesn't have any intention of calculating or taking advantage of you. You don't have to be on guard at ordinary times, for fear that if you don't do a small thing right, you will annoy the nobleman and you will lose your life.

However, although the nanny in charge is thinking this way, there are still some things that should be reminded: "Ma'am, although this method is very effective, it can only avoid those noble people for a few months. The method that can really solve the problem It still depends on you to get familiar with and adapt to the current social circle as soon as possible.”

Although the nanny in charge has been with Lin Guoxiang for less than a month, she entered the palace at the age of 15 and became a palace maid until she was released at the age of 50. People who have spent their entire lives trying to figure out other people's feelings In life, a straightforward and simple-minded master like Lin Guoxiang can almost see through her thoughts at a glance.So in the past few days, I have been able to figure out Lin Guoxiang's temper clearly. This person is definitely a soft eater.

So there was a pause, and the voice of the nurse in charge softened before she spoke again: "Ma'am, don't think that the old slave's speech is harsh. From now on, you and the master will spend the rest of your life here. If you don't adapt to the present as soon as possible I'm afraid that this social circle may still hinder the future and reputation of the father-in-law and the young master. After all, the pillow problem is still very strong. You don't need to tell me about this. You must understand that since ancient times, many things have been broken Was it on that gust of wind?"

Of course, Lin Guoxiang knew very well what the nanny in charge said, but as soon as she thought about how she would face those so-called aristocratic wives who laughed at nothing and had outstanding acting skills in the next few decades, she would feel dizzy. Dou, the temples on the forehead are also throbbing, and I have a headache.

However, the words of the nanny in charge are also for her own good. She has entrusted her with the hope of endowment in the future, and has a baby face to suppress her. She must be sincere to their family, and Lin Guoxiang is not that kind. He is an unreasonable person, so although he was unwilling in his heart, he still responded in a kind and friendly voice: "I see, I have been seeing so many people around me because of my body getting heavier and hotter these days. When we are together, our hearts are blocked."

The nurse in charge finally showed a smile on her stern face when she heard this: "Madam, don't be afraid, when the little son is born, this old slave will definitely be there to help Madam with Bihe and the others." The implication is that , we will teach you any rules you don’t understand, and we will remind you of your omissions in the world, so you should get your mind right as soon as possible and be a noble lady.

God knows that Lin Guoxiang wanted to die when she heard what the nanny in charge said, and she couldn't even complain.Anyway, she had already planned in her heart to welcome the princess into the door at the end of the year. At that time, it would have been two or three months since she was born in her womb. After the new year, she would take the scholar back with her.Whoever likes to wade through this muddy water can do it, anyway, the young lady won't serve her anymore.

However, if she knew that the nanny in charge and Bi He, the maidservant who was staying with her in the car, were thinking about how to train her to be a qualified lady in the future, she would probably be terrified. Because that's just horrific.

The three masters and servants returned to the Duke's mansion with their own thoughts along the way, and the next day, through the mouth of the imperial doctor who came to diagnose the pulse, announced to the outside world that Lin Guoxiang should rest more and see as few guests as possible.

As for Lin Guoxiang's "retreat", everyone in the imperial capital knew that it was just an excuse for not wanting to be disturbed, but they didn't say anything about it. He gave some tonics and other things to the Founding Duke's mansion. In this way, the upstart of the imperial capital like Wang Yuanzhi successfully showed his favor without disturbing Lin Guoxiang who needed to rest. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the tonic gifts that were delivered, they were sorted and stored by the nanny in charge and a few big maidservants to help direct them into the warehouse. During the period, except for the nanny in charge, she insisted that Lin Guoxiang be watching from the side and learn how to read the list. Everything else was fine except how to return the gift gave her a bit of a headache.

The days passed day by day, and it was mid-September in the blink of an eye, and Lin Guoxiang's stomach was growing rapidly at a growth rate that could be seen with the naked eye, like blowing up a balloon.Xiucai panics every time she sees her chubby belly, which is so round that you can't see the tip of her toes. When she was pregnant with the two children before, she didn't see her tummy so round even when she was about to give birth.As a result, Xiucai suffered from insomnia, and stayed with Lin Guoxiang all night without daring to sleep, for fear of accidentally touching her round stomach that seemed to explode in a second.

Maybe it's about to give birth, Lin Guoxiang has been unable to sleep all night because of the tossing in her stomach these days, tossing and turning in search of a comfortable position.But he didn't know that Xiucai would break out in a cold sweat every time he saw her turning over, and his heart was jumping with fear.He even felt that before the child was born, he probably couldn't support himself.

On this day, Lin Guoxiang was reclined in the rocking chair to enjoy the cool air with a happy expression. Although it is already autumn, the autumn tiger is scary, so Lin Guoxiang couldn't stand the heat.

Bi He next to him thoughtfully handed over a glass of fruit juice, and Lin Guoxiang wanted to drink it, but unexpectedly, her stomach suddenly hurt, causing a lot of juice in the glass to spill.Originally, she thought she was just stretching out her hand, but she didn't know that the pain came in waves, and the fine porcelain cup in her hand fell to the ground due to the pain.

The maidservants next to her were all startled, especially Bihe stood up immediately, but her temper was very stable, but she soon regained her composure, and the conductor helped Lin Guoxiang enter. The delivery room was prepared a long time ago, and then someone invited over Wen Po, who had been invited to live in the mansion a month ago.Another person went to call Xiucai over, and then heard Lin Guoxiang's yelling in the room, but she turned the Xiucai upside down and cursed at the same time: "Wang Hao, you bastard... woo woo, I don't want to give birth." Oh, this fucking hurts too much..."

Xiucai turned around in a hurry, and heard Lin Guoxiang scolding in the delivery room, so she hurriedly said, "Yes, I'm an asshole, if you want to scold, you can scold loudly." As long as the delivery can go smoothly, As for being scolded by his wife, he won't lose a piece of meat, let alone when he is working hard to continue the incense of the Wang family.

The corners of the servants' mouths twitched involuntarily when they heard the interaction between the masters, and they all expressed their speechlessness.

Because it is the third child, Lin Guoxiang did not encounter any dangerous things when she gave birth, but the indescribable pain that seemed to tear her apart in an instant made her unbearable, and at the same time felt extremely wronged: next I will never give birth again, and if I want to give birth, I will change the child to his father to give birth again.

It's really rare that Lin Guoxiang can still have such a dumbfounding and speechless thought in her head at this moment.

After many efforts, Lin Guoxiang finally gave birth to a baby boy two hours later. When Xiucai heard the baby's cry outside, she was obviously relieved, and the heart she was carrying was also dropped again. Back to the stomach.The originally tense body suddenly loosened for a moment, and his hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't use his strength.

He staggered even more. If it wasn't for a boy next to him who quickly supported his arm, he would have sat down on the ground just now.

After taking a breath, the scholar showed joy and gave rewards to his servants, and those maids and servants who were happy said auspicious words to him again and again.

Besides, Lin Guoxiang in the delivery room didn't care about the weakness after giving birth, she raised her head and asked one of the midwives, "How is it, is it a boy or a girl?"

The midwife got it wrong, thinking that Lin Guoxiang was afraid that she had given birth to a daughter, so she quickly congratulated her with a smile, "Congratulations, madam, you are a young master." Xiang turned her head back with a disappointed expression on her face. The huge disappointment made her already tired body unable to exert any energy, and she was groggy.

In a daze, Lin Guoxiang even murmured in her heart: How could it be a boy? The belly was round when she was not born. Didn't it mean that all boys who are pregnant have pointed stomachs?

God knows how much Lin Guoxiang, who already had two sons, hoped to have a daughter this time. Now, based on the family's conditions, if she really gave birth to a daughter, she would definitely be raised to be more delicate than flowers, but why is it a boy?
Lin Guoxiang really couldn't figure it out, so she got into a dead end, feeling that she was cheated.You must know that before she gave birth, she had discussed with Xiucai whether she was pregnant with a boy or a girl. Although Xiucai guessed that it was a boy, but because of Lin Guoxiang's persistence and violent resistance, she finally changed her words due to grievances. I guessed with her that it was a girl, but the result...was really disappointing.

But when Granny Wen washed the baby, wrapped it in swaddling clothes and carefully placed it next to her pillow, Lin Guoxiang's heart softened when she saw the red and wrinkled bun that looked like a little monkey.Forget it, no matter whether it is a daughter or a son, she was born after all.

(End of this chapter)

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