fruity fragrance

Chapter 231 Lin Guoxiang's Mother-in-law's Life

Chapter 231 Lin Guoxiang's Mother-in-law's Life
Lin Guoxiang, who originally planned to go back to Linjiacun with Lin's parents and brothers after her son's wedding, was stopped by Wang Yuanzhi and Princess Changping begging for nothing, anyway, they just wouldn't let you go.In the words of Princess Changping, I just got married here, but the mother-in-law took her father-in-law and uncle back to the countryside together, what do outsiders think?They knew that Lin Guoxiang was actually unwilling to deal with those noble ladies, but outsiders didn't know.They would definitely think that she was bullying the two elders by relying on her status as the eldest princess, and forced them away.

Just thinking about the scene of being wronged by others in this way, Chang Ping felt extremely wronged.Of course, Chang Ping really wanted to be filial to his husband and mother.In addition, Lin Guoxiang and Xiucai, as mother-in-law and father-in-law, are both amiable and cheerful, and they usually don't get involved in the affairs of their young couple. Even if they occasionally quarrel and let them know, they will just pretend not to know and let them know Solve conflicts by yourself.

Where can I find such a sensible father-in-law and mother-in-law?Not to mention the families of princes and aristocrats, there is no such thing in the homes of ordinary people. Which mother-in-law in this world does not protect her son desperately?As for the daughter-in-law, to be honest, few of them really think about whether she has been wronged or whether she has been bullied by her son.

Besides, Lin Guoxiang, a mother-in-law, usually doesn't interfere with the management of the inner house, and doesn't even mean to intervene. You can manage it however you want, as long as someone takes care of her.

The longer Changping lives with Lin Guoxiang, the more she can discover the advantages of this mother-in-law. She is not domineering, not partial, and does not intervene in the affairs of their young couple without authorization. These three points alone make Changping secretly Fortunately, my father found a good family for me, a good mother-in-law.Moreover, Lin Guoxiang's straightforward temper is also very suitable for her appetite. Although she is a little irritable and has little patience, at least she is easy to get along with, and she doesn't have so many twists and turns like others.When he was free, he would go out with him to play together. Although he often made his father-in-law angry, such a childish mother-in-law is really hard to find in the world.

With so many benefits and advantages, Changping is even more unwilling to let Lin Guoxiang go. Who will play with her after she leaves?After all, Changping is still just a teenager. Even if he is married now, his childishness will not disappear in a short while, not to mention that now there is another mother-in-law who is equally childish. Speaking of which, this little life is simply more carefree than when he was in the palace.

So when Chang Ping heard that Lin Guoxiang announced that he was going to leave, he kept blowing the pillow wind in Wang Yuanzhi's ear, anyway, the meaning was the same, the old lady and the old man should not be allowed to leave.In the end, they even threatened, if the two elders leave, then you can sleep in the study for me, and I won't serve you anymore.

Wang Yuanzhi was so happy that Changping treated his parents so sincerely that it was too late, so how could he offend her, not to mention he was also reluctant to leave his parents, so naturally he wanted to try his best to persuade him.In the end, they even tricked Wang Yuanyue to join the ranks of persuasion.The two of them added a daughter-in-law, which was a courtesy to their affection, and in the end even Lin Guoxiang felt that if she left like this, she would be too unflattering and too hypocritical.Your son wants to keep you by his side to be filial to you, but you want to go to the backwater countryside without knowing it. What do you want to do?

There was no other way, Lin Guoxiang had no choice but to stay with the scholar, and watched helplessly as her parents and elder brother left the imperial capital.That day, Lin Guoxiang sent her family all the way outside the city gate before she watched the escorting convoy leave with tears in her eyes. Her expression was like a child abandoned by her parents and family. They couldn't bear to see the scholar who came to see him off together.

After seeing off everyone in the Lin family, Lin Guoxiang happily returned to the Founding Duke's mansion, stayed in the house for two days, and then became lively again.She finally figured it out, since she had agreed to shed it at the beginning, then she should have a better time, otherwise the child would be unhappy in her eyes, and it would make everyone feel depressed.

After regaining her mood, Lin Guoxiang started to have fun by herself, since she was not allowed to go, she would find something interesting to do by herself.Anyway, she can't be bored at home with mushrooms.

When she was bored, Lin Guoxiang remembered what happened to Changping when she disguised herself as a man before she got married, so she thought about it and asked the embroidery house to make a holly-colored men's suit and a pair of men's cloth boots for herself.Putting on this outfit, she brushed Bi He into a man's bun, then got two mustaches from no one knows where, and stuck them directly on her lips.

When things were done, Lin Guoxiang cheerfully went to find his daughter-in-law Changping.Chang Ping was learning to manage accounts with the dowry mother, and she had a painful expression on her face, but she didn't know that Lin Guoxiang appeared in front of her like this.When Chang Ping and the dowry nun saw Lin Guoxiang's attire, they were obviously stunned for a moment. In the end, the dowry nun came back to her senses and reminded Chang Ping without hesitation, and turned her gaze directly to He decided not to look at her.If it wasn't for the separation between master and servant, she would even want to hold her forehead with one hand.

It's nothing more than a princess with a child's heart, but Lin Guoxiang, the mother-in-law, is also like this. She can even foresee that when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law meet together, it will be like a thunderbolt, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Sure enough, Chang Ping was just a little dazed for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he started discussing with Lin Guoxiang with great interest.She originally wanted to find an excuse to get rid of the dowry nanny, but this account book looked really annoying, but Lin Guoxiang appeared here in a man's attire just at this time, so she was dozing off and sent a pillow in time ?It would be strange if she didn't grasp it well.

Lin Guoxiang recalled the last time she saw Chang's usual appearance and immediately gave her an idea: "You didn't look like you last time. A man should have an Adam's apple no matter how young he is, but you don't. Also, your skin is too fair and tender. , at first glance, you can tell that it is a woman disguised as a man. And the shoulders should be wider." Lin Guoxiang thought for a while, and gestured to her shoulders while talking.

Chang Ping listened carefully, it seemed that he really took it to heart.

Then the two discussed various details. The dowry mother at the side wished she could look up to the sky and sigh, so she secretly winked at a dowry maid next to her. The little maid nodded in understanding and went out quietly. just came back.Then after a while, Xiucai came over with rice noodles in his arms. After Xiucai came, he didn't say a word, just put the little bun into Lin Guoxiang's arms, and complained silently with his eyes.

Lin Guoxiang took the little buns and finally remembered that she was the mother of three children now, and the older ones were married to wives, and then remembered that she didn't look like a mother-in-law at all, and finally showed a bit of embarrassment on her face.This time, there was no need for Xiucai to say anything, and he just found an excuse to lead Xiucai away with the little bun in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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