Chapter 427 The Real World
He got the medicine box.

"Yeah! Sister Jingmeng, goodbye~" Xia Ning waved at Gu Jingmeng.

"Goodbye." Gu Jingmeng replied to her lightly. After the two said goodbye, Xia Ning walked out of the airport. Gu Jingmeng took a small plane from the airport in SR District of 3S City to SSSR District.

Gu Jingmeng took the subway directly back to No. 9999, then took one of the straight elevators in the subway station to the ninth floor of the duplex building, and talked to Gu Zhouying during this time.

When the elevator door opened, Gu Jingmeng looked up and saw Gu Zhouying at a glance. He was leaning against the door of the duplex room, and when he heard the sound, he glanced in the direction of the elevator.

Gu Jingmeng strode towards Gu Zhouying, saw a small box the size of a palm in his hand, and immediately reached out to pick it up, "Thank you."

Gu Zhouying naturally handed out the medicine box, put it in Gu Jingmeng's hands, and sized her up lazily, "You're leaving in a hurry."

"It's okay." Gu Jingmeng replied blankly, opened the medicine box, and a gust of cold air rushed towards his face.

There are two grooves in the box, the size and shape are exactly the same as the tube of R04 potion and the transparent antidote container they took out in "Zombie Academy".

After reading it, Gu Jingmeng closed the medicine box and looked at Gu Zhouying, "Do you have a place to park the helicopter here?"

"You bought a helicopter?" Gu Zhouying didn't seem to expect Gu Jingmeng to ask this suddenly, and was a little surprised in her heart.

After being surprised, Gu Zhouying raised the corners of her mouth without emotion, and her eyes became more inquiring, "Yes, the place where the helicopter is parked is on the side of No. 9999 closest to the sea, near the exit there."

It's that sea area...

A sense of strangeness flashed across Gu Jingmeng's heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and smiled casually, "Then where will I park the helicopter then?"

"Up to you." Gu Zhouying spit out two words lightly, looking indifferent.

"Okay." Gu Jingmeng responded, then turned around, stretched out his hand and randomly wiped his fingerprints on the door lock, and the door was opened with a sound of "Di--".

Gu Jingmeng held the doorknob, pushed the door open and walked in, stopped after taking a step, suddenly thought of something, pulled the door to cover it a bit, turned around and looked up at Gu Zhouying who hadn't moved yet.

"Have you gone in to see that mysterious area?" Gu Jingmeng stared at Gu Zhouying's eyes and asked him somewhat seriously.

When Gu Zhouying saw that Gu Jingmeng asked about the place, he licked the corners of his mouth with interest, but did not hide it, "I have been there."

Gu Jingmeng's eyes moved, watching Gu Zhouying remain silent, waiting for his next words.

Gu Zhou's video line scanned around Gu Jingmeng's eyes, and leaned lazily by the door, "When you have nothing to do, go for a walk, blow the sea breeze, and look at the sea view."

"Well, the bleak sea scenery is not bad." Gu Jingmeng answered, recalling the scene he had seen when he first walked into No. 9999.

The sun can't shine on the beach over there, it's like a double sky of ice and fire, you can feel the sun every day if you get closer to the middle, and if you go further to the sea, you can feel bleak every day.

"It smells pretty good too." Gu Jing dreamed, and added another sentence, his consciousness drifted away.

Gu Zhouying took a look at Gu Jingmeng, then stood up straight, "I'll take you there another day."

Gu Jingmeng was a little surprised in his heart. He looked at Gu Zhouying in surprise, then immediately concealed his emotions, and nodded slightly, "Okay."

"Go to bed early." Gu Zhouying said lightly, then said nothing more, turned around and walked towards the stairs, up to the tenth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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