Chapter 77 Unless...

"Order the army to speed up—!"

As soon as Emperor Qin waved his hand, he couldn't feel Wang Zhong's worries at all.

Because in his heart, in this world, he is invincible.

The heart of invincibility has been generated.

Not to mention facing an unachieved Cao Mengde, even facing an army of millions, Emperor Qin was confident that he was invincible.



"General, the first ruler is only ten miles away from the camp. Do you want to order the soldiers to go out to meet him?" Guo Jia's eyes flashed brightly, looking at Cao Cao and waiting for his decision.

After getting along for a period of time, Guo Jia felt that Cao Cao was far more suitable as a monarch than Emperor Qin. Except that his military strength was not as good as Emperor Qin, everything else was no longer inferior to Emperor Qin.

And Cao Cao has one of the biggest characteristics, that is stability.On the contrary, this is what Emperor Qin lacked the most.

In Guo Jia's original plan, Emperor Qin gradually came to cannibalize the Han Dynasty, instead of taking it from top to bottom in one fell swoop.Moreover, all civil and military officials such as Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty and the 27 doctors of the Sangong Jiuqing were exterminated.

All of this made Guo Jia see Emperor Qin's urgency, which obviously needed to be completed step by step in several years, or even decades.

Forcibly completed by Emperor Qin with absolute personal strength in a short period of one month, the consequences left by doing so will be endless.

This scene is like that at the end of the Qin Dynasty, when the eighteen princes rose together, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, swept the world in a short period of time, but in the end he did make wedding dresses for others.

Today's Emperor Qin, like the Overlord of Western Chu back then, was too hasty in doing things, and both of them preferred to suppress with absolute force.

"Feng Xiao, now the first ruler holds the Yuzhou Ding, one of the Nine Dings, and the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword, the sword of the holy way, and at the same time, he has obtained the Jade Seal of Chuanguo."

"This means that even heaven and earth recognize that the first ruling is the destiny of heaven, and that the first ruling is so powerful that a single sword can break the city wall of Changsha."

A look of powerlessness flashed across Cao Cao's small eyes. He shook his head at Guo Jia and said, "The land of the Central Plains is already a mess. Except for the first ruler, no one else has the ability to clean it up."

"At this time, we must go out to meet, but all those who betrayed will die under the sword of the first ruler."

"What the general said is very true, the first ruler is indeed unparalleled in the world!" Guo Jia also nodded solemnly at this time, and he admitted what Cao Cao said.

"Sima of the Chinese army, immediately dispatch iron cavalry to meet the first ruler!" The two looked at each other, and seeing Guo Jia nodded, Cao Cao shouted loudly.




The sound of horseshoes came rumbling, and Emperor Qin could feel it from far away.Sensing the signs of a large-scale dispatch of iron cavalry, the corners of Emperor Qin's mouth rose slightly.

If anyone knows Emperor Qin, he will find that Emperor Qin doesn't play cards according to the routine at all.

"Cao Cao led the iron cavalry to meet him, and ordered the army to slow down and move slowly!" Emperor Qin raised his sword in his hand and shouted.

"My lord has an order: slow down—!" Wang Zhong immediately shouted, and the aura of the Great Qin Ruishi quickly changed.

"Young master, are you on guard..."

Casting a glance at Wang Zhong, who was worried about Zhong Zhong, Emperor Qin looked at the direction of the sound of horseshoes, paused every word, and said, "Don't be wary, if Cao Cao turns his back on him, today's place is his burial place."

"Furthermore, in the Great Qin Empire at this time, all forces are about to move, and no one can suppress it except this young master..."


In fact, what Emperor Qin said was right, the world is just suddenly put into the central court by Emperor Qin, and the thirteen prefectures on the land of the Central Plains are still powerful.

If the Qin Emperor's suppression is lost, the land of the Central Plains will inevitably return to the Warring States Period. In the thirteen states, anyone with a little bit of power will support themselves.

Emperor Qin believed that the treacherous hero Cao Cao must understand such a simple truth, so he would act so boldly.


The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and the vibration on the ground became more and more obvious and stronger.

Suddenly, a group of black cavalry swept in like a black torrent, the speed was astonishing.

"Young master, what an elite cavalry soldier, this Cao Mengde is truly a military genius!" Wang Zhong looked at the mighty cavalry with shock on his face.

Hearing this, Emperor Qin's eyes flashed a gleam. Looking at the rushing black torrent, he sighed faintly and said, "Cao Mengde is not just a military genius, he is a genius."

Emperor Qin knew in his heart that Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, who was known as an invincible traitor, was definitely not a simple person.

Moreover, this person is full of talent, whether it is poetry, singing, marching or fighting, or even governing the local area, he has a skill.


Cao Cao reined in the horse's reins and raised his sword with his left hand, and the cavalry stopped immediately, which is really strict discipline.

Afterwards, Cao Cao dismounted from his horse, bowed solemnly to Emperor Qin, and said, "The last general, Cao Cao, led his cavalry to meet the first ruler."

"I'll pay my respects to the first ruler!" At the moment Cao Cao saluted, all the people in the army saluted Emperor Qin one after another, with great momentum.

"Get up, Mende!"

Emperor Qin gave a little support, and then stretched out his hand, Xuanyuan Xia Yu swung his sword, and said loudly: "All officers and soldiers, you have worked hard—!"


After the group entered the camp, Emperor Qin took a sip of tea, nourished his throat, and said, "The giant deer is already the last territory of the Yellow Turbans. When the Great Qin Empire was first established, it should be the first achievement to wipe out the Yellow Turbans."

"Meng De, Feng Xiao, what is the plan for the two of you to break the city in one fell swoop in a short time?"

There is not much time left for Emperor Qin, at this time, he is naturally more anxious.In this plane, there are still too many things that have not been done.

Moreover, Cai Yong's attitude towards him is only dissatisfaction with him, but he has not been expelled from the school, and there is still a settlement between him and Cai Yong, and between him and the Daqin Academy.

Especially after the systematic confession, Emperor Qin realized that his situation would become more and more difficult every time.Even though he has an immortal body, there are bound to be disadvantages if he uses it too much.

It even appears that I am not mine!


"The first ruler, Julu City has high walls and thick walls, and there are no large siege equipment. It is impossible to break through the city in a short time..." Cao Cao frowned. He had attacked many times before this.


Taking a deep look at Cao Cao, Emperor Qin paused every word, and said, "Don't hesitate, unless what, say?"

Looking up at Emperor Qin, Cao Cao cupped his hands and said, "Unless the first ruler, like in front of Changshe City, shatters the wall of Julu with one sword..."

(End of this chapter)

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