Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 103 Yongning County

Chapter 103 Yongning County
Looking at the "Yongning County" where the city wall is piled up with grass and mud, which can only barely be called the city wall, Chen Wei smiled wryly.Once there is an enemy attacking the city, I am afraid that one round of impact can break through the city wall.Although Jia Xu had mentioned the situation in Yongning County beforehand, and Chen Wei was mentally prepared, when he saw the dilapidated city with his own eyes, he was really disappointed.

From a distance, under the city wall, there is a group of village warriors patrolling. Seeing that their equipment is even more sophisticated than the weapons of their own soldiers, one can see how much money these township gentry have spent to strengthen their armed forces.And this money is often collected from the common people by all means.

The team of Xiangyong saw Chen Wei's team from a distance, thought that horse thieves were coming to plunder the city, and immediately beat gongs and drums to warn them. on the periphery.

Chen Wei sent Sun Hou to come forward with the official document. Wu Jin, the captain of the township soldier, was surprised and suspicious when he saw the official document.

Chen Wei smiled wryly. It was really suspicious that the dignified hussar general was sent to garrison a small city.But this is precisely Guo Si's method of humiliating Chen Wei.

Wu Jin looked at Chen Wei and the others for a long time before turning around, and hurried back to the city with the official documents, obviously looking for a master who could talk about something.

Half an hour later, the nobles and gentry of Yongning County, led by the county magistrate Zhou Hong, all came out to greet them.

"Zhou Hong, magistrate of Yongning County, has met General Chen..." Zhou Hong had long and narrow cheeks, a pair of mouse eyes, and two beards, making him look shrewd and full of evil.

Although Zhou Hong was standing in front of everyone, the one who took the second place was a gentleman in his forties, with a white face, a beardless face, a crown on his head, a shrewd face, and dressed as a businessman. Respectful, but with a haughty look on his face, Chen Wei immediately guessed that this was the patriarch of the largest wealthy family in Yongning County, the Wang family when he saw this person.

Seeing that there were only three hundred soldiers behind Chen Wei, Mrs. Wang laughed jokingly in her heart.You must know that there are more than this number of guards in the Guanggao Court of the Wang family.

When Chen Wei first arrived in Yongning, he naturally wouldn't have any displeasure with these local snakes.They exchanged pleasantries in vain, while Wang warmly made friends with Chen Wei, and said that the gentry had already prepared a dinner for the general.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was being polite to him, Chen Wei knew that the other party was just trying to win him over. Perhaps in the eyes of these wealthy squires, Chen Wei was as good as the county magistrate Zhou Hong. Docile post.

The new official took office with three fires.Chen Wei also wanted to start three fires, but thinking of the three hundred poor soldiers behind him, and looking at the thousands of well-equipped rural soldiers on the other side, Chen Wei's fire could not be ignited.

After entering the county seat, the Wang family asked people to greet Chen Wei's three hundred soldiers, and Chen Wei, Jia Xu, Sun Hou, and Fan Jian were invited by the Wang family to a banquet in his courtyard.

Before coming to Yongning County, Chen Wei saw the homeless people in Ting Township along the way, and the hungry people living in the barren fields.Entering the city, although the situation is relatively better, poor people can be seen everywhere in the dilapidated streets.On the street corner, a few ragged children were shouting happily around a bare tree, and kept stuffing something in their mouths.After seeing Chen Wei and these soldiers, they immediately ran away in fright.Chen Wei looked and found that there were ants curled up in the leaves, which were blackened by the fire, and there was a crackling sound from the curled leaves, and then there was a burning smell...

When Chen Wei saw this scene, his heart also became heavy.

Rich and noble households live in good land, while poor and lowly households live in poor land.

The same is true in Yongning County. On the banks of the Luoshui River in Yongning County, they live in wealthy families. The most conspicuous one is naturally the mansion of the Wang family. Layer upon layer, row upon row.Although there are quite a few noble family courtyards around, there is still a big gap compared with Wang's.Judging from the scale of the garden, one can see how lofty the Wang family's status in Yongning County is.On the other side of Luoshui, there are low mud houses of the poor and the poor. In comparison, Wang's courtyard stands out from the crowd.

During the dinner, the table is full of chicken and duck delicacies, as well as fine wine and dishes.Chen Wei couldn't swallow when he thought of the hungry people and children outside eating ants.

He couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, and asked the county magistrate Zhou Hong, "Master Zhou, there are so many hungry people out there, why doesn't the government open a warehouse to distribute food to the refugees?"

As soon as Chen Wei said this, the gentry and county magistrates present looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were shocked why Chen Wei would say this.But Mrs. Wang met the rest of the country gentry, showing dissatisfaction.

After Wang pretended to cover his mouth and coughed, Zhou Hong dared to cup his hands and replied: "The general doesn't know something. In recent years, there have been many soldiers and people fleeing, and the fields have long been deserted. It has only been slightly warmer in recent years, although every year there are grains entering the government. However, Yongning County is a county with tens of thousands of households, and there are a lot of people in it, and the surrounding counties are constantly flooded with hungry people, our Yongning County granary is already stretched, and we really can't provide grain to help the poor."

Chen Wei frowned, pointed to the delicacies on the table and said: "If you use this table of wine and vegetables to exchange grain, you can also exchange ten stones. It has been eaten by several families for a month. How can the official warehouse not get it?" What about sending grain to the hungry?"

With flattery on Zhou Hong's face, he said, "General, the gentry in Yongning County have collected money to clean up the general's dust for this meal, so of course we can't neglect it!"

Chen Wei frowned. Judging from Wang's fat face, fat body, expensive clothes and luxurious mansion, this meal was nothing to Wang.

The information Chen Wei learned before, from tonight's point of view, is indeed not bad.

"The wine and meat of Zhumen stinks, and the road is frozen to death!" Chen Wei stood up, glanced at the crowd expressionlessly, and left the banquet directly.

The faces of the gentry and county officials present suddenly became ugly, while Wang's eyes showed a fierce look.

"It's ridiculous for a general to pretend to be a Confucian scholar who cares about the country and the people!" Huang Chong, a gentleman beside him, sneered.

"We treat him so well and don't think about our kindness, and even speak rudely. He really thinks that Yongning County is his?"

"In Yongning County, it's not his turn to speak!"


The gentry around became angry and cursed among themselves.

"It's just a show, I don't believe there are cats in the world that don't eat fish!" Wang said with a cold smile.

Chen Wei's [-] troops were housed by the county lieutenant, in a bungalow to the south of the county government office.After the banquet, Chen Wei returned to the residence arranged by Zhou Hong, the county magistrate, with mixed feelings.

"Yongning County is suffering from poverty and famine, and the rich and the government colluded with each other, and the power is so powerful, I am afraid that even a small Yongning County will not be peaceful." Chen Wei said to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu nodded and said, "During the dinner party, I observed the situation, and I probably saw that they didn't welcome your arrival."

Chen Wei shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: "Since I don't get along with them, they naturally don't want to see me!"

After saying this, Sun Hou, who had just completed the settlement arrangement and other work, walked in and said, "General, it seems that the powerful families like the Wang family are worried about us, and they even sent people to monitor us."

(End of this chapter)

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