Chapter 105
Looking at the gentry from the Wang family who left one after another, Chen Wei turned his head and walked into the house with hatred.

"Human lives are ignored, people are murdered, and more than 20 people are poisoned to death without bloodshed. I didn't expect these people to be so vicious!" Chen Wei cursed angrily.

There were only Chen Wei, Jia Xu, Fan Jian, and Sun Hou in the room. They thought they could use this incident to hurt the vitality of those gentry and wealthy families, but they underestimated the determination of these wealthy families to use whatever means to protect their own interests.

Sun Hou saw with his own eyes more than 20 corpses bleeding to death from seven holes. It is not that he has never seen corpses scattered all over the battlefield, but he also felt sorry for poisoning so many unarmed people to death. Said: "These local wealthy families can viciously kill these own people, maybe someday they will poison all of us outsiders to death at once."

Jia Xu sat quietly beside the coffee table, took a sip of tea kissingly, looked up at Chen Wei and said, "Chen Wei, if they can't assassinate you this time, they can do it without leaving any chicken feet for you." , It shows that their dark power in Yongning County is far beyond what we thought. Today they dare to come to you openly and without fear, just to prove to you that they are the masters in Yongning County..."

Fan Jian said with a serious face: "Before I went to identify the corpses of these more than 20 murderers, I found that these people were all unidentified and undocumented people. Although many places are in chaos, household registration management is still strict. These days, even if Refugees and beggars also have household registrations, and most of them are those who commit crimes and become bandits because they are worried about hurting their families and clans, so they change their names and surnames, give up their original identities, and become undocumented people."

Jia Xu was surprised and said: "No wonder these landowners dare to assassinate Chen Wei. Even if Chen Wei catches them, as long as they refuse to admit their crimes, we will not be able to convict these landowners."

Chen Wei smiled wryly and said: "It seems that these wealthy landowners not only have bright and upright armed soldiers, but also secretly recruited a lot of vagrants and bandits to solve some shady things."

There was a brief silence in the room. After a long time, Jia Xu and Chen Wei looked at each other, and they seemed to see what the other was thinking.

Jia Xu gently put down the teacup in his hand, adjusted the hem of the gray robe, and said solemnly: "Chen Wei, if we want to return to Luoyang one day and kill Guo Si to replace him, there is only one way in front of us, and that is in Yongning." The county develops its own power. Although Yongning County fell after the war, it has a superior geographical location and the convenience of Luoshui River. As long as it is properly managed, it is not difficult to grow rapidly. Judging from the current situation, we must unplug Yongning County. An entrenched and powerful landowner family."

Chen Wei nodded and said: "I communicated with some people in the county last night. Yongning County has a good foundation. The reason why there are so many poor people is because these landowners like the Wang family overcharged taxes and fees. If we Being able to pull them out and incorporate private taxes into official taxes will not only reduce the burden on the common people, but we will also have financial revenue, and recruiting troops will naturally be on the right track!"

"However, how to pull out this nail has to be considered carefully." Fan Jian frowned and said: "You must know that these landowners have no law, and their armed forces are much stronger than ours."

Jia Xu nodded, stroked his beard in thought.

"If you can give us two thousand soldiers and horses, we will directly kill and wipe out these landowners." Sun Hou said helplessly.

Chen Wei shook his head and said: "The reason why these powerful families are so unscrupulous in the face of the government is because every household has private armed forces. The combined strength must be more than [-] troops, and the weapons and equipment are even much better than ours. And don't forget that they have private weapons. There are also a lot of rogues without household registration. We only have [-] ordinary soldiers, and Guo Si is not worthy of food and grass. These landowners provide food and shelter for us people. One day they will run out of food. The rogues are no different, and they must be far behind us."

Sun Hou sighed negatively: "Given the general such an analysis, our situation is really difficult!"

"But there is no need to be discouraged. If you are too strong, we can outsmart you." Chen Wei narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Jia Xu and Fan Jianzheng were discussing countermeasures in whispers, when they suddenly heard Chen Wei's words, they looked at Chen Wei in unison, and asked, "Chen Wei, do you have any good plans?"

Chen Wei nodded, then winked at Sun Hou.Sun Hou understood immediately and closed the windows and doors in the house.

The four of them sat at the coffee table, and Chen Wei said in a low voice, "Since they have blamed the bandits for assassinating me, let's go along with the flow and make up a reason, saying that we want to wipe out these rampant bandits and ask them to provide money, troops and weapons ..."

A look of joy flashed in Fan Jian's eyes, he nodded and said, "That's a good reason, it's the so-called attacking the shield with the spear of the son."

Jia Xu was more thoughtful and said, "Maybe they can provide money, but weapons and soldiers involve their bottom line, so I'm afraid they won't agree to you so easily. Even if they agree, they won't provide too much."

Chen Wei said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how much. The important thing is that we get one point and weaken one point for convenience. This can also just test their strength. If they don't agree, we will call for conscription, and we can also send Some refugees without household registration were included in the army, and they were given household registration."

"However, conscription requires a large sum of money. The government's finances are in the hands of the county magistrate Zhou Hong, and Zhou Hong and the Wang family are colluding, so they will not allocate funds to us so easily." Fan Jian said.

"Our conscription is justified. No matter how much Zhou Hong has, he will deny the government's lack of finances. Then we can also logically propose to rectify government and city taxation. This is a restricted area for Zhou Hong and the Wang family. It involves the bottom line of the Wang family. If they take risks Kill us on the charge of treason against the imperial court, or else we will choose to compromise." Chen Wei said.

Jia Xu stroked his beard and praised, "Chen Wei is very thoughtful."

Jia Xu was resourceful and resourceful, and Chen Wei saw that his strategy was approved by Jia Xu, so he also confirmed the feasibility of this strategy.

"Then I will trouble you, Fan Jian, to go there yourself," Chen Wei said with a smile.

"I'm going to see Zhou Hong right now." Fan Jian also said with a smile.

After Fan Jian left, Chen Wei and others waited in the house for news.After dark, Fan Jian finally came back with a calm face.When they returned to the room, Fan Jian took a sip of tea and sighed: "Sure enough, as Chen Wei expected, Mrs. Wang and the others are only willing to pay, not weapons or people."

Chen Wei smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, how much will they pay?"

"150 million five baht!" Fan Jian said angrily.

Chen Wei's face suddenly turned ugly. You must know that after the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo issued five baht coins arbitrarily, and the five baht coins were no longer worth much. You must remember that in Chang'an, when Chen Wei and Zhang Ji were jealous in Fengming Pavilion to redeem the girl Chu Chu of Korea Zhang Ji threw down 20 five baht coins without blinking an eye, which shows how much the five baht coins have depreciated.

"How many soldiers can be recruited with 150 million troops? 100 people are not enough!" Sun Hou shouted angrily.

Chen Wei stood up suddenly, and shouted in a low voice: "100 people will be 100 people, and the conscription will start tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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