Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 114 Recuperation

Chapter 114 Recuperation
Chen Wei squinted at Che Wang Qing's distorted face, and said with a slight smile, "Young gentleman, you know, Chen didn't come here to drink tea, but to return something..."

The corners of Wang Qing's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile and said: "Could it be that the horse thief that the general wiped out took back the stolen goods of Mr. Wang? Those goods were taken back by the general with his life. How could I, Mr. Wang, dare to take them back? I gave them all to the general. Give it to the general..."

"Haha..." Chen Wei laughed loudly.Standing beside Chen Wei, Sun Hou said without a smile: "My general said to return the things, so he has to return them. I don't care if you want them or not!"

"Yes, yes..." Wang Qing nodded hastily.

Sun Hou snorted coldly, and beckoned the soldiers outside the hall to bring in a few wooden boxes.

Everyone in front of the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, with fear and bewilderment in their eyes.

Wang Qing saw the heavy sound of the boxes being brought in on the ground, and his eyes jumped uneasily.

"Wang Shishen won't open it to see if it contains your lost goods?" Chen Wei said with a faint smile.

Wang Qing walked over tremblingly, lifted the cover with trembling hands and feet, and a scorching stench hit his face.

Wang Qing's complexion changed drastically, and he fell to the ground in horror, screamed, and passed out from fright.

The rest of the people couldn't help looking up, they were all scared out of their wits, it turned out that the wooden box was full of human heads, all of which were scorched and rotten, it was too horrible to look at.

Sun Hou directly called someone to bring a basin of water to wake Wang Qing up. When Wang Qing woke up, his face was bleak and his eyes had already lost their soul.

"Here are all the heads and corpses of horse thieves. Wang Shishen will identify them and see if they are your lost goods?" Chen Wei sneered, "If you don't recognize them clearly, there are nearly a thousand corpses waiting for you in Xuanyuan Mountain Canyon Go and identify!"

Wang Shishen was paralyzed to the ground like a deflated ball.

Chen Wei sneered, stood up, looked majestically at everyone in front of the hall, and shouted: "After Wang Qing privately recruited the canines of the villagers, oppressed the people, and took them by force. Now he is colluding with horse thieves, mutilating the people, and murdering the court." General, you deserve death..."

Wang Qing, who was paralyzed on the ground, heard this, rushed towards Chen Wei like crazy, and roared, "I'm wronged, this is a false accusation..."

Sun Hou directly kicked Wang Qing who was trying to get close to Chen Wei.

"The evidence is convincing and there is no room for you to argue with your arguments. Someone, drag them out and chop them up!" Chen Wei shouted without blinking.After experiencing the tragic scene in the canyon, Chen Wei's mind is no longer what it used to be.In this chaotic world where the jungle preys on the jungle, only the strong can survive.

"All the properties of the Wang family were confiscated and brought into the government treasury... But the county magistrate Zhou Hong, as a common people's official, colluded with the government and businessmen, exploiting the common people, knowingly breaking the law, the crime is aggravated, and there is no pardon!"

Following Chen Wei's order, Wang Qing and Zhou Hong were forcibly dragged out of the hall like dead dogs, beheaded in front of everyone, blood shot from the broken neck, the screams stopped abruptly, and they fell to the ground Become a headless corpse.

Seeing this scene, the whole hall was terrified, and the rest of the gentry and landowners lost their souls in fright, and hurriedly knelt down in the hall, begging for mercy.

Chen Wei turned around and swept these kneeling gentry and landlords begging for mercy, and said expressionlessly: "You also bullied the common people and joined forces with Wang Qing. You were supposed to punish the crimes one by one, but since you are just helping the tyrants and not the leaders of thieves, let's forgive you for now." You die. But the death penalty is inevitable, and the crime of living is inevitable. You will be allowed to continue to develop in Yongning County, but you must hand over [-]% of your respective industrial fields, and all the private soldiers will be incorporated into the officers and soldiers. Who has any objection?"

When the gentry and landowners heard that they were still alive, they gave up their money to save their lives.

In fact, it's not that Chen Wei doesn't kill the grass, but he considers that although these squires are small in strength, they are too many, and they are distributed in various townships in Yongning County, involving a wide range of people. If they are all wiped out, Yongning County may be plunged into chaos and people will panic. , so these gentry pavilions are still valuable.Killing Wang Qing was to serve as an example to others, killing chickens for monkeys to see, and disarming private individuals and handing over most of their property, these country gentry would not be able to pose a threat to Chen Wei.

What surprised Chen Wei was that the confiscation of the properties of the Wang family's family alone had already brought Chen Wei's financial resources to an astonishing level.

In Yongning County, the wealthy Wang family owned [-] houses, [-] hectares of land, [-] silver shops, [-] pawnshops, [-] taels of red gold, [-] silver ingots, five baht coins, and [-] million Wen.There are even eight granaries, with [-] shi of grain.No wonder Wang Qing was able to raise a group of thousands of horse thieves, the wealth of which was already incomparable!
The rest of the gentry and landowners did not add up to Wang Qing's sum, which shows the seriousness of Wang Qing's money grabbing.Moreover, Wang Qing has many wives and concubines, and even more servants and maids, but he doesn't have many children, only his son Wang Ping, who is only young.When Wang Qing died, Wang Ping hugged his father's body without crying or fussing, his calmness was chilling.Seeing the strangeness of this son, Jia Xu persuaded Chenwei to kill the grass and get rid of the root.

Wang Qing's crimes were heinous, but Chen Wei could kill Wang Qing's wife, children and children, but he couldn't kill them all.In the end, Chen Wei dismissed Wang Qing's descendants, incorporated them into household registration, and became civilians.But the next day, Wang Ping disappeared.

In the end, most of the money and goods of the big landowners in Yongning County fell into Chen Wei's pocket, and all the private soldiers and township soldiers in Yongning County were incorporated into his own army by Chen Wei, allowing Chen Wei to change from the original more than 1000 people. It suddenly rose to more than 4000 people.

Finally, according to Fan Jian's statistics, nearly [-] hectares of land and [-] shi of grain fell into Chen Wei's hands, and the money is hard to estimate.

But the more important measure is that Chen Wei put the land and grain handed over from these landowners into official land except for two hundred acres and five thousand shi of grain as soldiers' grain and grass, and the rest of the land, grain and other materials are called to recruit people. Tuntian, Chen Wei's actions are like dry fields and nectar, the common people are overjoyed, and Chen Wei of Yongning County has suddenly become a well-loved parent official.Even every household posted a portrait of Chen Wei next to the altar...

Immediately afterwards, Chen Wei reorganized the management of the city, adjusted the tax regulations, and changed the original [-]% off to [-]% off [-]%. Greatly relieved.This move attracted people from nearby counties around Yongning County, and I don't know how many people flocked to join Yongning County's household registration.

Jia Xu was shocked to see that Chen Wei had such an unexpected performance in managing the economy.However, Chen Wei was ashamed. He came from the future, and he had vision and insight far beyond that of the ancients. These methods were well known to future generations, but in the Three Kingdoms era, they were shocking actions.

In any case, Chen Wei achieved amazing results in reorganizing the economy of Yongning County. Within two months, the economy of Yongning County, which was on the verge of collapse, was gradually restored and developed. It was beyond the backwardness of Wang Qing's period.And Yongning County has also become the base of Chenwei's development.

With financial support, Chen Wei also has the opportunity to expand his military strength.He began to recruit recruits on a large scale, but Yongning County is a county after all, and the number of recruits must be established at a level that can be supported by taxes.However, the number of soldiers is not expensive, but the quality is the most important.

In the end, Chen Wei's newly recruited soldiers plus those he had before made a total of [-] soldiers, and then practiced day and night to make this army an iron army capable of conscripting and fighting.

However, the development of Yongning County has gradually attracted the attention of some surrounding forces, making Chen Wei vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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