Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116 Procrastination

Chapter 116 Procrastination
The junction of Yongning County and Mianchi County is separated by a river.On both sides of the river bank, peonies can still be seen in full bloom during this season in previous years, and they are all over the field, but now there are only a few places.

In the early morning, the water is cold and the wind is like a knife, the carts are rumbling, the horses are rustling, and the soldiers have bows and arrows at their waists.On the south bank, the two armies are already confronting each other, and their swords are drawn, and they are about to explode.And there are endless war horses crossing the autumn water and joining the camp.

Chen Wei's horse is in front of the army, and behind him are [-] infantry and [-] cavalry.On the other side of him, more than [-] Mianchi soldiers were densely packed.Mianchi and Yongning counties are adjacent to each other. Chenwei's expansion in recent months has attracted the attention of many forces around him, and conflicts naturally follow.

Suddenly, the delicate peony was scattered all over the ground amidst the howling of horseshoes. The two armies rushed to meet each other.

This battle is already Chen Wei's third battle after taking over Yongning County.Victory in all three games, big victory!But this time, the enemy is outnumbered, and the outcome is hard to decide!
Under Chen Wei's leadership, it was not the first bloody battle for the soldiers of Yongning County who had practiced hard for two months.Five hundred cavalry rushed out of the camp following Chen Wei, followed by two thousand infantry, like dense black spots rushing out of an ant's nest, rushing towards the enemy in the screaming arrow rain.

The enemy ahead screamed past Chen Wei with a knife in hand, and wherever the gentian silver gun in his hand went, blood splashed and splashed on his face, turning red in his eyes.

Warriors like this, invincible!The blood-stained robe is red through the armor, who dares to fight in Dangyang!
Corpses are strewn all over the fields, blood flows into rivers, corpses are as high as above, throwing away helmets and armor!
"I have killed the general, and those who surrender live!" In the chaos of the battle, Chen Wei, covered in blood, held the head of the enemy general in his hand, shouted violently to the sky, with a murderous aura!
The enemy army was in chaos, nearly half of them surrendered, and the rest fled!


At dusk, the sun sets.The shouts of killing have disappeared, and the corpses on the battlefield have been buried. Only the blood-stained land can let people know that a tragic killing took place here.

Chen Wei's army had already crossed the river, approached Mianchi City, and settled down on a high slope fifteen miles away.

"The enemy army invaded our Yongning County, but now our army is approaching the city. I'm afraid the enemy has never expected this result!" Sun Hou, who was standing behind Chen Wei, said with a smile.

Standing on the high slope, Chen Wei looked at Mianchi in the sunset, and said with a slight smile on his face: "The enemy deceived me that I just arrived in Yongning County, and my foundation is unstable, but how could they know that our development is bigger than they imagined? How soon?"

Jia Xu also stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Now that the main force in Mianchi has been wiped out, the city will be broken just around the corner."

After this battle, the general trend is set.The three of Chen Wei also felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at Mianchi in the distance, they laughed and talked happily.

"I have already sent someone back to Yongning County to inform Fan Jian that the siege engine will be delivered overnight, and the city will be attacked in a few days!" Jia Xu laughed.

Fan Jian was left in Yongning County by Chen Wei to garrison, working day and night to make siege weapons.

One day, Yongning County sent a messenger.

Chen Wei, who was discussing the siege strategy with Jia Xu in the camp that day, heard the news and said happily, "Could it be that the siege weapons were made so soon?"

The courier who saw the travel and dust came into the tent, knelt down in front of Chen Wei, and handed Fan Jian's letter.

After Chen Wei took the letter and opened it, his expression changed instantly.

"One hundred thousand shi for food, five thousand for soldiers? What the fuck!" Chen Wei angrily punched the desk, making a loud bang.

Seeing this, Jia Xu hurriedly took the letter and read it, her face also turned ugly.

"Guo Si sees that we are getting stronger, so he resorted to such insidious tricks to take advantage of us by force!" Jia Xu said angrily.

"At the beginning, we were reprimanded for not sending any food and grass to Yongning County. Now we have worked hard to gain our own territory and troops, but we need food and soldiers for export. This way we want to give them away, which is too deceitful!" Sun Hou was angry! road.Yongning County now has only about [-] shi of military rations, and only [-] soldiers. Guo Si opened his mouth and almost wanted to wipe out Chen Wei's hard-earned family fortune.

Chen Wei's angry mood calmed down a little, he narrowed his eyes slightly and flashed a ruthless expression: "He can't even think about getting a ration of food from me!"

"We can refuse, but I'm afraid Guo Bang will use this as an excuse to blame us!" Jia Xu immediately thought of the consequences, and said, "And he wants us to refuse even more, so that they can become famous!"

While Chen Wei was angry, he also thought of Guo Si's real plan.

"General, we are determined not to give Guo Bang a single soldier. If he dares to lead troops to fight, we will fight him!" Sun Hou said angrily.

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "Although our power is much stronger than before, Guo Si has tens of thousands of troops under his command, and we cannot resist it!"

"Then how do we deal with it? We can't really give food to soldiers, can we?" Sun Hou asked.

"Soldiers and food are our lifeblood, and we cannot give them to others. Moreover, our battle with Mianchi has reached the most critical stage of siege, and we need to concentrate our forces and strike with all our strength." Chen Wei said, and then looked at Asked Jia Xu: "Sir, how should we deal with this time?"

"For the current plan, we can neither agree nor refuse. The only thing we can do is delay. What Guo Si really has to face is Cao Jun. Even if he wants to annihilate us, he can't spare too many troops." Jia Xu stroked Xu said: "However, my concern is that Guo Si will attack when our main force is outside and Yongning County is empty. I suggest that we postpone the attack and lead the army back..."

"But Mianchi is right in front of us, how can we retreat?" Sun Hou asked anxiously.

Chen Wei shook his head and said, "Yongning County is our foundation, and it is ten times more important than Mianchi, so we must never lose it."

"That's right, we have worked hard to manage Yongning County for several months, and if we lose it, our blood and sweat will be in vain. Moreover, the main force in Mianchi has been wiped out, so it is difficult to pose a threat to us. After we stabilize the situation in Yongning County, we can plan for Mianchi again." Not too late!" Jia Xu said.

In the end, Chen Wei had to lead the troops back to Yongning County, and at the same time met the special envoy sent by Luoyang to urge the soldiers to pay.Using Jia Xu's plan, Chen Wei entertained the special envoy sent by Guo Bang, feasted deliciously, served beautiful prostitutes at bedtime, and secretly gave away gold and silk.The special envoy was entertained and agreed to return to Luoyang to convey to Guo Bang Chen Wei's wish to delay the military rations for some time.As a result, Guo Bang angrily beheaded the special envoy and sent Ma Ru to lead the army south.

And these days, the siege weapons supervised by Fan Jian have been prepared, and Chen Wei decisively leads the army to attack Mianchi.Although Mianchi rested for a few days, it was still captured by Chen Wei within two days!
But when Chen Wei's army entered Mianchi that night, he received bad news that Ma Ru led the army to invade.

(End of this chapter)

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