Chapter 135
However, that Xue Gui is also extremely powerful. Even though Chen Wei's arm is encircling him, he was able to suddenly pull out his left hand, and then tightly clung to the back of Chen Wei's head. He lowered his head and smashed it. If it is hit hard, Chen Wei's nose will be broken, and blood will flow wildly.At the same time, his other arm increased force violently, forcibly pushed back Chen Wei's defense with strength, twisted his shoulder, and hit Chen Wei's temple again with the tip of his elbow.Once these two moves were made, if Chen Wei didn't handle them properly, his head would be bleeding and he would end up in a coma on the spot.

However, the head hammer did not hit firmly, because Chen Wei's palm had blocked his eyebrows at some point, and his five fingers spread out, covering the opponent's face like the Tathagata Buddha's divine palm.

To Xue Gui's amazement, when his blunt head bumped into Chen Wei's palm, it seemed to hit an iron plate. Instead of moving forward, a burst of burning pain came from his forehead.It stimulated his other arm that was attacking Chen Wei's temple to hit it more fiercely and forcefully.

Facing Xue Gui's fierce elbow strike, Chen Wei did not forcibly block the opponent's elbow, but smashed down on the opponent's exposed armpit after twisting his shoulders extremely viciously!The middle finger of his fist protruded slightly, and he hit the spot fiercely.At the same time, the body suddenly shrank, and the left knee was lifted up, and it actually pressed against Xue Gui's genitals.

"Pa——" was like breaking an egg.

At the same time, the two separated again, Chen Wei didn't change his face, but Xue Gui fell to the ground with his hands on his lower body, convulsing violently, his face was as red as an eggplant, his green roots were protruding, and his long mouth was so painful that he couldn't even cry out. voice comes.

The other partner saw that Xue Gui, the strongest and most powerful captain among the guards, couldn't handle three moves in the opponent's hands. At first, he wondered how his three brothers would die in the opponent's hands. I know the reason, because the opponent is too strong, far stronger than they expected.His face turned pale immediately, but at this moment he couldn't allow him to back down, so he also attacked Xue Gui the moment he fell down.

However, Chen Wei's body twisted first, and he punched directly on the opponent's fist that was also thrown at him. Two crackling sounds echoed in the tower, but these two bone cracking sounds did not resound from Chen Wei's hands. Instead, the first sound came from the opponent's fist, followed by the second sound from the arm.

While directly crushing the opponent's arm, without any warning, Chen Wei's right leg, which had been dragging behind, suddenly bounced up, violently hitting the opponent's rib!
With a muffled snort, Chen Wei didn't give the other party a chance to ask for help. With the force of this kick, he bounced up, both hands tightly controlled the other party's wrist, and pushed out his right knee again, hitting the man's chest!

Under Chen Wei's two fatal blows in a row, the man spurted out a mouthful of blood, hit the wall of the tower, his heart shattered and he died.

blah blah... blah blah...

In the dark and quiet wooden tower, slight footsteps sounded.Looking from the bottom to the top of the tower, you can only see a copper bell hanging from the top of the tower; if you look down from the top, you can see a figure quickly going up the circular ladder in the tower.

I have to admire Chen Wei's abundant physical strength. He killed and escaped tonight, and then came back to kill in order to survive. He didn't know how many miles he had run, and how many fights he had experienced, but the speed of going up the tower at this moment was still astonishing.

Suddenly his speed slowed down, not because of fatigue, but because he heard footsteps faintly coming from the topmost floor of the wooden tower.He finally stopped his progress and knelt down on one knee in a dark corner on the penultimate floor of the wooden tower, panting slightly, and then rearranged the bandages tied around his waist and abdomen.Although relying on the yin and yang energy in his body, the wound healed faster than people imagined, but in order to kill Xue Gui and the other two at the bottom of the tower, he pulled the wound and started to bleed again.

"Fucking lady quack..." When Chen Wei re-bandaged, the wound was still so painful that he couldn't help but explode.

After a while, he stood up again, and the moonlight happened to come in from the window on the west side of the wooden pagoda. The bloody sword in Chen Wei's hand gleamed with blood under the dim moonlight.He lowered his head and walked up to the last floor at a very slow and light speed, so slow that it took even more time to circle the stairs on this floor than the eight floors below, and it was so light that he hardly made a sound, just like It's like a cat is walking in the dark...and he is a killer tonight.

The moonlight cast a swaying shadow on Chen Wei's advancing circular ladder, obviously the last floor of the wooden tower was guarded.But Chen Wei no longer stopped walking, and still walked up slowly in an orderly manner.

At the top of the tower, three soldiers holding crossbow arrows were monitoring the situation below the tower while complaining softly.

"The general is going to marry the Grand Master's granddaughter. I heard that she is very beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy..."

"I have never seen such a person. The most beautiful one I have ever seen is the third girl in the kiln in the south of the city. She is covered in white onion meat, especially the pair of meat buns, which are like cattails, big and white..."

"So you have no vision, how can a bitch in a brothel compare to a fairy? Let me tell you frankly, when I was a soldier in Chang'an, I happened to meet Miss Dong Sun who was out hunting in the city. Tsk tsk, she looks really good. , At that time, we thought in our hearts that if such a woman is willing to smile at us, we are willing to lose one year of life..."

"Hey, if she sleeps with you, I think you would rather die..."

"Haha... You just want to be beautiful. How can we inferior people be worthy of such a high-ranking beauty? Only heroes like the general are worthy of it. Heroic beauties."

"I can't marry such a beauty, but at least let me take the opportunity to have a drink. His father blames that surnamed Chen. If it wasn't for him, we don't need to continue to stand guard here..."

"Didn't Captain Xue recruit a battalion of brothers to go to Beicheng District just now? We are already comfortable sitting here. If you blame the fugitive so much, why don't you go to Beicheng District to search for that kid, catch him and give him Have you tasted the skill of stabbing the ditch with the stick under your crotch?"

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the loud laughter above his head, Chen Wei pursed his lips slightly, and then quietly appeared on the top of the tower.

"I'm not a bamboo stick, but it's a golden gun..." Wang Biaosan laughed and cursed angrily, and suddenly his expression changed.

"Hey, Wang Biaosan just scolded you, do you need to show my face..." Before the guy on the other side finished speaking, his body trembled suddenly, and when he bowed his head, he saw a knife that was so sharp that it shone coldly. The sharp sword lay across his throat at some point, and he pulled it gently. He hardly felt any pain, only heard the crackling sound of his Adam's apple being cut, and then blood sprayed out of his throat like a fountain.

The other two soldiers turned pale with fright. They didn't call out the word fugitive in their fright. They instinctively picked up their weapons, only to find that the bow and crossbow in their hands, which could usually hold the enemy a hundred feet away, was like a useless bent wood.

The two hurriedly threw away their bows and crossbows, trying to pull out the sabers at their waists.

When the No.2 soldier closest to Chen Wei had half drawn his saber from his waist, Chen Wei raised his right foot from bottom to top and kicked it under the scabbard. The half drawn saber was put back into the scabbard In the middle, Chen Wei's right foot did not stop, the toe continued to go up, and it hit the man's knee ligament heavily. The soldier cried out in pain and knelt directly on the floor. When he raised his head, Chen Wei The right sword hilt had hit the back of his head hard, and the soldier passed out directly.

The last soldier took the opportunity to pull out a big knife, raised his hands above his head, shouted in horror and slashed at Chen Wei with all his strength.

Chen Wei, who had turned sideways to him, twisted his feet, turned his body half a circle counterclockwise, and let the big knife stick to the tip of his nose to cut, Chen Wei did not pretend to play any wonderful tricks, but left He stretched out to hold the opponent's hands and fell down suddenly. The last soldier couldn't stop leaning forward, and at the same time exposed the flaws in his back. Chen Wei pulled the sword in his right hand from the bottom up, directly cut the opponent's chest, and cut the opponent's chest. The heart in the body was cut in two.

In between breaths, the three soldiers on the top of the tower fell down.

Standing on the top of the tower, Chen Wei walked to the edge and looked down, most of the whole Luoyang city could be seen.When Chen Wei walked to the west side, he could see the Taimiao [-] meters away from the wooden pagoda.

At this moment, Chen Wei could see the back of the main hall of the Ancestral Temple, and the backyard of the main hall was surrounded by small pavilions on three sides, with a courtyard in the center.These buildings constitute the whole of the Taimiao, and the Taimiao is surrounded by high red walls.From the ground, you have to climb over the surrounding high walls, and there are a large number of guards at the entrance, so the possibility of entering the Taimiao from the ground is too small.It's not impossible, but Chen Wei's goal is to kill Guo Bang, and before that he must retain enough physical strength to deal with it.So the only way is to go down from the air, avoid the guards outside the high wall and enter the Taimiao.

Chen Wei glanced at the three corpses lying at his feet, there was nothing but bows and arrows and a big knife.Then he went down the first floor, searched around, and finally found a bundle of twisted ropes in a corner.He tried whether it was tough, and after confirming that the length could reach the Taimiao, he picked up the rope and went back to the top of the tower, then knelt on the ground on one knee, and tied the second half of the long arrow with one end of the rope, In order to prevent slipping, Chen Wei made a few extra knots on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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