Chapter 152
Chen Wei smiled slightly and said, "But two hundred can also be our secret weapon."

"Yes, the crossbow is powerful, it is a surprise weapon in our hands, it can defeat the enemy if necessary!" Jia Xu laughed.

"Let Cao Ahan taste the power of our crossbow when necessary, haha..." Yan Shou laughed loudly.

But Jia Xu frowned slightly and asked: "Cao Cao's garrison is now in the south of Luoshui, and he has stood still for a whole month. Before Tongguan, there was news that some of Cao's troops were active in the Lishan area of ​​Guanzhong. I don't know what's the plan. , Chen Wei, what do you think?"

Chen Wei paced back and forth, raised his head after a while and said: "Cao Cao sent his troops to the west, what he wants is not Luoyang, nor Chang'an, but the present day!"

When Yan Shou and Jia Xu heard the words, they both looked at Chen Wei in astonishment, wondering why Chen Wei was so sure.

In history, after the Chang'an Rebellion, Cao Cao entered the pass and plundered the young emperor.Because he was afraid of Yuan Shao in the north, after Cao Cao plundered the young emperor, he did not occupy Chang'an, but brought the emperor back to Xudu, but he was able to achieve the political purpose of coercing the emperor and ordering the princes.

Chen Wei naturally wouldn't tell the historical facts he knew, but he was almost sure that Cao Cao's goal was to capture the emperor of the Han Dynasty.Because his own Luoyang is the first obstacle in front of Cao Cao!
"Cao Cao is a hero all his life, with great ambitions. He wants to dominate the world and become the second Dong Zhuo. He wants to thank the emperor and order the princes. Let the princes of the world all look at his face and act according to his appearance. When others raise troops, they are rebelling. On the side of orthodoxy and justice," Chen Wei said.

Jia Xu and Solemn were immediately shocked. Obviously, the information revealed by Chen Wei shocked them a bit unacceptably. They did not expect Cao Cao to have such amazing wisdom and strategy.

But Chen Wei vaguely guessed that Cao Cao was able to think of this amazing strategy of holding the emperor hostage, and he had an inseparable relationship with someone.Because that person knows history as well as himself.Almost at the same time, they are all changing history!

Chen Wei also thought about imitating Cao Cao, holding the young emperor hostage, and ordering the princes of the world.But he soon discovered that with his current strength alone, not only could he not coerce the emperor to order the world, but he could easily cause the world's heroes to attack.Only Cao Cao has a huge strength base, can he dare to keep the emperor and become his puppet!
Since you can't get it yourself, you can't get it for Cao Cao.

"Wei Ji, since you want to change history, I will prevent the change of history!" Chen Wei thought in his heart.

At this time, a soldier suddenly reported urgently.

"General, I sent a spy to monitor Cao's army and report that Cao's army has moved south. I don't know why."

Chen Wei, Jia Xu, Yan Shou and the three were startled.

Yan Shou said: "We are in the northwest of Cao Cao, how can he go south?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said: "Cao Cao wants to attack Luoyang, either from Hulao Pass all the way, or bypassing Luoshui... But when Guo Bang was around, he had already made the strongest defense against Hulao Pass. Cao Cao has been attacking for three months and it is difficult to conquer, is it possible that he wants to bypass Luoshui and attack our weakest south of the city?"

Chen Wei's slightly pale face became serious, and after a while, he said softly: "That's right, Cao Cao is going to attack Yiyang, and then attack Luoyang along Luoshui..."

"Whose territory is Yiyang?" Yan Shou asked suddenly.

"Yiyang is the north gate of Liu Biao, and Liu Bei is the city guard!" Jia Xu said.

"Liu Bei?" Chen Wei's originally lowered eyelids suddenly opened, and the eyes shone brightly.

In the boudoir that smelled of sandalwood, Chen Wei quietly stared at Dong Bai lying on his bed.

At the door, the imperial physician bowed to Chen Wei apologetically, then shook his head and left with a sigh.

On that beautiful and slightly pale face, those once vivid and clear eyes were peacefully closed and never opened.

Chen Wei frowned and said, "Silly girl, why are you so savage, you have searched for all the doctors within a radius of five hundred miles in Luoyang City, are you unwilling to open your eyes?"


"Your grandpa sent an imperial doctor here. Could it be that the best doctor in the world can't wake you up?"

"Not only did your grandfather not hold me accountable for killing Guo Si, but he even appointed me as a general, and even promised to marry you to me. Dong Zhuo in history was cruel and ruthless, but at this point, I have to thank him. Although To a large extent he is dependent on me..."

"No matter what, today's Chen Wei is no longer the Chen Wei that everyone can bully and humiliate. I have learned that in order to control my own destiny in troubled times, I must become strong. To not be bullied, I have to stand on top of others. "


"Today I'm leaving Yiyang to help Liu Bei fight against Cao Cao. Hehe, you probably can't understand my current mood at the moment. You must know that in my era, they...they were very powerful characters..."

"I promised you that I wouldn't leave you, but I can't let Cao Cao take Yiyang, otherwise Cao Jun will be able to drive straight in and attack the city of Luoyang..."

"After I come back this time, I will take you back to Tongguan, and read your favorite "Tong Guan Guan Gu", will wake up..."


There was no one on the post road, and there was a chilling and desolate atmosphere.The wind blows the leaves, and the two rows of endless maple trees beside the post road rustle.

Slowly, a brown banner appeared at the other end of the long road, with large white characters embroidered on it - "Chen".

Under the flying flags, there is a 5000-man army.

The cold wind in the morning made everyone's clothes fly, but the halberds in the hands of the soldiers were firmly pointed at the sky.In front of the large troops was General Chen Wei, whom they respected.

Chen Wei's expedition to Yiyang this time is quite prepared for the rainy day of "resisting the United States and aiding Korea" in his previous life.However, Chen Wei did not go out in full force. Without fully judging the situation and knowing the enemy and himself, he chose a prudent strategy, but led five thousand light cavalry with the most mobility, and each of them carried five days' food alone, so that It can have a rapid impact when dealing with emergencies in war, and can quickly withdraw from the battlefield when it is not conducive to one's own side.

"General, now that Cao Cao's [-] troops are besieging Yiyang, we only send [-] light cavalry to help Liu Bei. I'm afraid it won't do much."

(End of this chapter)

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