Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 154 Stunning Woman

Chapter 154 Stunning Woman
Yiyang City, a dangerous pass fifty miles away.The winter sun is like the yolk of an egg, weakly shining its light on the land where the flames of war are burning.

The two armies are attacking and defending, and the battle has reached a fierce and fierce stage.Neither side should give up easily.

"Bang bang bang" several times, whizzed through the air, and the black boulders rolled down from the top of the city built by the guards, causing the enemy soldiers who couldn't dodge below to fall down.


The banner of the siege party was unmoved, and the officers who followed were roaring and shouting, their faces bloody, driving the soldiers to continuously attack the pass in front of them.

On the top of the pass wall, there is a big flag with the word "Liu" written on it. It flutters weakly amidst the shouts of killing, but stubbornly keeps it from falling.

The Cao army below the pass was hitting the pass like a tidal wave. The corpses of the criss-crossed enemies had been piled up under the wall to form a small slope. It seems that this cannot be called a city with the blood of corpses, but the city can only be submerged in a pass of a wall.Amidst the hissing and shouting, almost every moment, the pass built at the narrow point of the two mountains was in danger.

Suddenly, there was chaos at the upper right of the pass. A group of warriors different from Cao Bing rushed in and fought with the guards of the pass. Blood gushed out and their limbs were broken. This group of warriors was obviously ten times stronger than ordinary soldiers. Like a blade, it gradually tore open the protection on the pass.

Just hearing a "poof", a warrior's sword pierced the opponent's body fiercely, tearing the gushing blood and spraying the city wall.Guards were constantly killed, and then overturned to the foot of the city wall.Become one of the dense piles of corpses.

On a high ground in front of the confrontation at the pass, several people watched from a distance as the fighting at the pass became more and more fierce.

"Oh, Mr. Sima, the 'Kongtong Guard' of your Kongtong Mountain is really extraordinary. Look, I believe that there is no city defense that you can't attack."

A soft and pleasant voice, both male and female, resounded on the high ground. Looking along the voice, the speaker was a man as handsome as a beauty. His white face and facial features were very delicate. , Ruo holds a flower needle in his hand like a girl in a boudoir, but there is a small cricket lying on the back of his finger.

This person is exactly the "sissy" Zhang Yun that Chen Wei met when he burned Cao Jun's grain camp.

On Zhang He's right, Sima Yi, who was wearing a light blue long gown with his arms behind his back, smiled disapprovingly, and said, "These are just the peripheral disciples of our Kongtong Mountain, and their cultivation level is not high, making General Zhang laugh. "

Even so, the pride in Sima Yi's eyes could not be concealed.

"If you capture this pass, you will be able to directly attack Yiyang City. Mr. Sima, you have made another contribution, and I will report it to Mr. Cao." The masked man sitting on the grand master's chair laughed softly.

"How dare you take credit for your meager strength." Sima Yi bowed slightly, but an imperceptible smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth. When the masked man turned around, his expression had returned to its original state.

The masked man focused his eyes on Sima Yi, as if he could see through his heart.

The masked man patted Sima Yi on the shoulder lightly, and asked, "As long as you are loyal to Duke Cao, a meager effort is also a credit."

Sima Yi's heart shuddered, his eyes complicated.

In order to conceal the fluster in his heart, Sima Yi took a step forward, put his finger on the edge of his lips, and made a strange sharp sound.

When the warriors in the distance heard the signal, they immediately sped up the plundering. The leader of the warriors shouted loudly, and exerted force with his feet. Hesitantly cut towards the "Liu" banner.

The main flag in the army was the flag of the monarch and commander in ancient times. It has the symbolic meaning of honor and unified command. When the military flag falls, the morale of the soldiers will definitely be hit.Therefore, the military flag is often the most important thing. In ancient wars, when the military flag often falls, it often means that this side has lost its power.

The pass was already in jeopardy. If the military flag fell again, the soldiers would definitely lose their fighting spirit to continue resisting.

"Unknown soldiers, how can you cut down our flag!" Just as the warrior was about to cut down the flag, he heard a roar from his feet, and the warrior hurriedly looked back, only to see a stalwart figure had come behind him, Unable to see the opponent's appearance clearly, a shadow of the knife had already been wiped away, and he felt the cold wind from the knife. He hurriedly raised the knife to resist, and with a loud "bang", the warrior was directly blasted into meat paste and died tragically under the wall.

The surrounding warriors turned pale with fright when they heard the sound.I saw that this man was nine feet long, with a beard two feet long, with a face like jujubes, lips like fat, phoenix eyes, eyebrows crouching like silkworms, and a dignified appearance.

When the guards on the wall saw this person, they were surprised and cheered, "It's General Guan, General Guan is here!"

This person is none other than Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, who is heroic and heroic, known as the "enemy of ten thousand people"!

When the guards on the wall saw Guan Yu, their morale was immediately boosted. They were originally at a disadvantage, but because of the arrival of Guan Yu, they regained some advantages!
Seeing this, the rest of the warriors immediately besieged him, trying to kill him.

Guan Yudan's phoenix eyes were lowered and motionless, while the 82-jin Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand swept across thousands of troops like a mat. Those "Kongtong Guards" who were still extremely sturdy before were swept away and hacked to death by the swarming guards .

All the 20 Kongtong Guards were killed in battle, and none survived.

Cao Jun, who kept coming from behind, saw that all the Kongtong guards had died under Guan Yu's hands, especially when he saw Guan Yu standing on the wall with a horizontal sword, his phoenix eyes were powerful, like a god, and he was afraid and retreated like a tide.

In the smoke and fire of embers, the setting sun is like blood.In fact, everything above and below the pass was red with blood.

On the high ground, seeing the sudden change in the situation, especially the stalwart green robe on the wall, the man in the mask couldn't help frowning, waved the command flag in his hand, and the retreating soldiers swarmed up again, and more soldiers joined them, densely packed like a tide Generally rush forward.


When the two armies were fighting fiercely, in the distance to the east, a man and a woman were silently looking at the pass that was already densely packed with corpses.

This woman stands on the top of the mountain, wearing a white dress like a veil, as if she is in the smoke and fog, elegant and refined, elegant and immortal.

But it was Sima Feixue who "a beauty in white clothes wins the snow".

Sima Feixue slowly looked away from the distant battle, and turned around slowly. At this moment, she actually removed the veil from her face, revealing that mysterious appearance.

Ice muscles and bones, peerless appearance.

This is the feeling at first glance.Like the wind blowing over a jade tree, and the snow covering a bud, under the beauty of the ages, the vulgarity and boredom have faded away.

The rays of the setting sun in winter shone on her face, but there was still no trace of blood on her face.It is beautiful and unconventional, as if it does not eat fireworks in the world, it is really beautiful, clear and cold.

On the stone in front of her, sat a foolish guy.His clothes were sloppy and his face was slovenly.His sitting posture is particularly loose, with his left foot tucked in next to his buttocks, his right foot raised up, his right hand resting on his knee, and his left hand is holding a black wine gourd!
Compared with the fairy-like Sima Feixue, this man is like a beggar, a world of difference.

And Sima Feixue looked at the man sitting on the boulder, a faint smile appeared on his calm, pure and flawless cheeks.

Bai Meisheng smiled sweetly.There is such a stunning woman in the world!Any man who sees this kind of woman will feel that she seems real and illusory, that she is not a person in the world, but a fairy from the Nine Heavens.

Surprisingly, the man sitting on the rock looked at her with an angry face.

"Young Master, I don't understand. You can find a husband-in-law. With your face, you are afraid that you won't find a handsome man like me? In fact, Young Master met a buddy in Chang'an. He is very good, and he couldn't be worse. That sanctimonious bastard who holds a folding fan all day and pretends to be a gentleman?"

"That sanctimonious bastard you're talking about...are you referring to Sima Yi?" Sima Feixue's voice was soft and soft, and he looked calmly at his little senior brother who was sitting on the rock.

"Will it be someone else?" The sloppy guy sitting on the big rock tapped his fingers on the wine gourd and said seriously.

"I don't know if he is sanctimonious, and I don't know the Chang'an brother you mentioned...but Sima Yi is the head disciple of Kongtong Mountain. I have never seen a man who can match him in terms of status, talent, and martial arts. ..." Sima Feixue said softly, "And... when did I say I was looking for a husband?"

"Then why did you go down the mountain?"

"Because I want to help Dad find something."

"Why didn't Master tell me?"

"Because this matter is very important, it is related to the survival of Jiange."

"Since it's so important, will Master not tell me?"

"Daddy said that you are fooling around all day long, so you don't feel at ease entrusting it to you."

"Ahem... This question is not discussed. Can you explain what is meant by talent and knowledge or martial arts? Have you ever met anyone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Sima Yi?" Looking at Sima Feixue in front of him, he said.

Sima Feixue's eyes revealed a mischievous look, and he said with a soft smile: "Our little brother in the Jiange of Shuzhong, who claims to be unprecedented and will never come again, doesn't even care about my father, how can the little Sima Yi be able to beat him?" And you?"

"It's not...why do I always feel that your tone is not kind?"

Sima Feixue smiled disapprovingly, turned around and looked at the setting sun that seemed to be stained red by the bloody battle at the pass, and said softly: "Now Kongtong Mountain and Cao Cao have formed an alliance. I can see the ambition of Kongtong Mountain..."

"The sky is dead, the troubled times are falling apart, and Kongtong Mountain is no longer willing to keep pace with our Jiange in Shuzhong. It wants to become a super sect that surpasses all sects... But as long as we find that thing in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, Kongtong Mountain How can your ambition be easily achieved?"

"What exactly is the thing that Master told you to find? It's so important that I didn't even tell you." Zhuge Liang asked.

"I'll tell you, but absolutely don't let the third person know about it." Sima Feixue's clothes were fluttering, and his posture was dignified, like a fairy.Her voice was soft and gentle, but there didn't seem to be any warmth in her tone, and her gentle words had a majesty that was hard to resist.

Zhuge Liang's expression froze for a moment, and he nodded in astonishment.

Sima Feixue showed a dignified look on his pale and beautiful face, and said: "The ancestor of our Jiange in Shuzhong was once the royal craftsman of Qin Shihuang, who knew astronomy and geography, and was good at divination and arithmetic. The structure is from the hands of the patriarch, for this reason the patriarch also wrote the "Eight Forms Diagram."

"The Eight Arrays not only contain profound martial arts and swordsmanship, but also imply a map to enter the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. For a long time, the world and even us Jiange disciples have been kept in the dark. We always thought that there were only two volumes of "" "Eight Array Diagram" is not the real Eight Array Diagram."

"Actually, the treasure of the town hall "Eight Arrays" preserved in our Sichuan is just a scroll of swords and air, but the third volume that really contains the profound meaning of "Eight Arrays" is lost!"

"Do you still remember that Dad summoned me alone a year ago?"

"I didn't know until after that time that the real "Eight Arrays" is the third volume, but when Qin Shihuang sacked the six kingdoms, our Jiange lost the third volume. And it is the most important third volume. Daddy said it was true. The map of the Eight Arrays is the third volume. The first two volumes imply a map to enter the underground palace of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and the third volume contains a huge and mysterious power. Even he knows nothing about it. But Dad told me , the patriarch once left a legacy, saying that after 400 years, the world will be in chaos and a saint will come to the world. And we descendants of Jiange in Shuzhong must find the third volume to assist the saint to unify the world!"

"Didn't the third volume be lost after the death of the patriarch? How did he know that the third volume would be lost? Besides, the patriarch died 400 years ago. How did he know that the world would be in chaos after 400 years?"

(End of this chapter)

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