Chapter 169
By midnight, the sky began to snow again.

The flying snow all over the sky covered the inside and outside of the mountain like goose feathers, and the snow in the valley was getting thicker and thicker, making it difficult for people and horses to walk.

In the past, this time was the time when hungry wolves came and went, but because the snow was so heavy, these beasts didn't know where to hide in the dark ditch.

But at this time, the sound of "driver" urging the horse sounded in the silent valley. In the snowstorm, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei hurriedly chased after them, but there were not many soldiers who could follow behind.The bright moon was in the sky, reflecting a faint light on the snow, and the horseshoe footprints on it had been covered by new snow, and it was difficult to recognize the traces of Cao Bing's escape.

"Second brother, it's all my fault, thief Cao must have run away!" Zhang Fei rode his horse and chased after Guan Yu in front, his shout echoed in the mountains, shaking off the snow on the dead branches.

Guan Yu just chased forward, his long beard covered with snow flakes.

Suddenly his mount hissed and stopped.

"What's wrong with the second brother?" Zhang Fei chased after him, but saw a person blocking him in front of him.

"Brother Yun, please stay safe!" There was a general in front of him, and the wind and snow hit him immediately, and a lot of snow had accumulated on his shoulder armor, obviously he had been waiting here for a long time.

This person is Xu Gongming, Xu Huang who was ordered to be cut off by Xia Houdun!
"The battle of Xiangfan, it seems like yesterday." Guan Yu's words ended here, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand shook like a dragon's roar, and then the mount under him hissed and slammed into Xu Huang.

Xu Huang raised the big ax in his hand, clamped the horse's belly, and greeted him.

Guan Yu remained expressionless, and slashed with his saber.Xu Huang moved the ax to block it, and sparks were emitted from each axe. The two passed by, and a series of cries of knives and axes resounded through the snow-capped mountains.

The two horses passed by each other, and after running 20 meters, the two reined in their horses and turned around again. This time it was Xu Huang who recklessly charged forward, holding his big ax high, and rode away with the wind and snow on his horse.

Guan Yu shook the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand, patted his horse and rushed forward.

The two riders approached quickly, and when they reached a distance of about fifty paces, Xu Huang's Qinhuang horse suddenly accelerated, galloped like an arrow, and came to Guan Yu's horse as if riding a cloud.

Guan Yu continued to chase, but the horses were already exhausted.But Xu Huang waited for work with ease, and the horse's speed was naturally faster than Guan Yu's.

The speed of the opponent's horse increased sharply, and the force of the impact was even greater than his own.But Guan Yu was not afraid at all, the Qinglong Yanyue knife flicked into the air, spun in a circle, stored its strength to the limit, and swept it away.

The howling wind of the knife seems to be stronger than the northwest wind.

This time the impact of the knife and ax was even louder, sparks splashed.

The two missed again, and when they got back on the horse, Xu Huang realized that his arm was numb, and blood was even oozing from the tiger's mouth holding the big axe.His palm was covered with thick calluses, he could even hold a pot of wine empty-handed, but at this moment, it was split open and bleeding, we can see how shocking the force of the collision just now was.

However, he was also sure that Guan Yu on the opposite side would not feel well either, otherwise the opponent would have charged over.However, thinking that my mount is a bit faster than the opponent, but the strength can only fight against Guan Yu, we can see how amazing Guan Yu's real arm strength is.

Xu Huang endured the numbness and pain in his arms, clamped the horse's belly, and rushed over for the third time.Guan Yu shouted violently and went up to meet him.

Maybe both of them were stimulated to bloody, and the two sides collided again, neither of them had too many skills, but purely pursued the collision of strength.

A touch is a point, but in the short butt, there are countless times of confrontation.

Suddenly, Guan Yu's horse stumbled, and Guan Yu was thrown off the horse and rolled into the snow.

Xu Huang's eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to kill him. If he could get Guan Yu's head, he would be able to make up for his big defeat tonight.

"Stop hurting my second brother!" Seeing his second brother Guan Yu stumble, Zhang Fei immediately faced Xu Huang head-on.

It's just that Xu Huang's horse was fast and came to Guan Yu faster than Zhang Fei.

But Xu Huang underestimated Guan Yu's ability after all, and saw that Guan Yu, who had fallen in the snow, suddenly rolled to the side, reached out with his big hand, and grabbed the horse's hind legs.Xu Huang's horse lost its balance, neighed wildly, and fell sideways to the snow, throwing Xu Huang off the horse immediately.

However, Zhang Fei took the opportunity to kill Xu Huang, and with the snake spear in his hand, the three shadows were swaying, and they went straight to Xu Huang's face.

Xu Huang threw away the big ax in his hand, pulled out the saber at his waist, and slashed three times in a row with "chachacha". At such a dangerous moment, he blocked all the three consecutive spears stabbed by Zhang Fei.But Guan Yu has already rushed over, tangle with Xu Huang!
Guan Yu had already bullied him, but the sword in his hand became an obstacle.Xu Huang simply threw away the sword in his hand, and before he could raise his head, Guan Yu stepped in front of him, and with a simple punch, it hit his chest like a thunderbolt from the ground.

Subconsciously, Xu Huang's left hand raised the lightning boat, and it happened to hit Guan Yu's pulse.But Guan Yu's arm was as hard as a rock. Although he hit the opponent's veins, the opponent had no effect and had already attacked his chest.Xu Huang is indeed a first-class master, but at the last moment, his right hand unexpectedly sank to the elbow and hit Guan Yu's fist directly.

The fist passed against Xu Huang's armpit. Although it missed, the place where the armpit was rubbed only felt a sharp pain.

But Guan Yu exerted all his strength, but the foot he stepped out before bounced back suddenly, like a flying stone, kicking the opponent's chest straight!
Xu Huang let out a muffled grunt, and stepped back two meters away, coughing again and again!
And Guan Yu's attack came almost immediately, the red face with clear lines showed no expression at all, the armor on his shoulders tightened, and his arms swept across like two stone pillars!
Xu Huang's coughing stopped immediately, and at the same time he reacted, turning his arms upwards to block it, but he did not expect that Guan Yu's arms were wrapped around him, and with great strength, he was driving his body forward Take a step!
The distance between the two was suddenly compressed to a minimum, Guan Yu's left hand suddenly stretched out, tightly grasping the back of Xu Huang's head, and with a lowered fist, he slammed towards Xu Huang's face, direct and ruthless!
If this fist hits hard, the bridge of Xu Huang's nose will be decisive, and blood will flow wildly.However, Xu Huang's palm did not know when it was in front of his eyebrows, and his five fingers spread out, wrapping the opponent's fist like cotton flowers.Although the hastily extended palm could not completely block the opponent's heavy fist, but with the palm as a buffer, Xu Huang only felt a little pain in the palm and a little dizzy, but he was not really injured.

While defending, Xu Huang did not go passive to the end, but also sought to attack.His other arm slammed fiercely towards Guan Yu's exposed armpit after twisting his shoulders, and the middle finger of his fist protruded slightly, hitting the spot fiercely.


The two separated again. Xu Huang's neck was hit by the tip of an elbow, and blood flowed from his nostrils. His forehead was also slightly red and swollen, but there was no other injury.And Guan Yu received a jab in his armpit, and his tense muscles felt an unbearable tingling pain!

"I didn't expect to see you in a year, but your strength has increased a lot!" Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes couldn't help but narrowed a little because of the strong wind and snow, but it made his phoenix eyes full of power, crouching like silkworms, and heroic. , full of domineering.

"But still not your opponent!" Xu Huang's eyes flashed with displeasure, and he wiped the blood from his nose.

"Then save your life!" Guan Yu's foot stuck in the snow suddenly shook, and his eight-foot body was like a tiger, and he rushed towards Xu Huang.

Xu Huang's pupils narrowed sharply, he inserted one hand into the snow, grabbed a handful of snow and sprinkled it straight on Guan Yu, and at the same time kicked his legs on the snow, his whole back stuck to the snow surface for a few meters, and came to the horse that had stood up again. Next to the war horse, he tore off the bow and arrow from the horse's neck, and shot three arrows in a row.The action is done in one go!
Guan Yu knew that Xu Huang's archery skills were excellent, so he didn't dare to be careless. He didn't rush forward rashly, but rolled continuously on the spot, and even narrowly avoided three consecutive arrows.

But when he got up, Xu Huang had already mounted his horse and left.

"Don't chase!" Guan Yu stopped Zhang Fei who was about to pursue him.

"Why did you let that thief run away?" Zhang Fei shouted.

"Since Xiahou Dun asked Xu Huang to stop, it was to delay us. It would be too late to chase us now!" Guan Yu saw Xu Huang's horse rushing into the dark forest, and he guessed the enemy's intention.

"Then we just ran away for Xiahou Dun?" Zhang Fei said angrily.

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, Guan Yu was furious and shouted, "If you hadn't left Anlin without permission, would Xiahou Dun have escaped?"

Zhang Fei was speechless for a moment, and sat directly on the snow, his face, which was already dark, looked like black charcoal against the background of the snow.

"Why are you just sitting there, follow me back!" Guan Yu shouted.

"If you don't go back, you will definitely be scolded by your brother again!"

"Brother Mo still scolds you less?"

"It's different this time, I can't see that Chen's schadenfreude!"

"Schadenfreude, if I am like you, you must be dealt with by military law."

"Don't you just wipe your neck and lose your head? There's nothing to be afraid of. I'd rather die than be made fun of by that Chen!"

Guan Yu also sat down next to Zhang Fei. The two men were sitting in the snow, and they were still steaming, without feeling the slightest cold.

"Actually, this Chen Wei has some abilities. Tonight's battle is all due to him!" Guan Yu said.

"No, no, it's just wrong. He sat at home and didn't do anything, so it doesn't count as half of his credit!" Zhang Fei shouted angrily.

"You have worked hard, but what is the credit? The credit does not mean that the more you put in the more!" Guan Yu frowned, staring at Zhang Fei with hatred.

"Second brother, don't stare at me. I know you are the same as my brother. You only think that I am reckless and ignorant. Help that surnamed Chen, hmph, only flower girls in the world treat me well, and don't call me stupid. Just call me Uncle." Zhang Fei pounded his fist heavily on the snow, splashed snowflakes stuck to his mouth, licked it, and cursed: "His aunt's, the snow is bitter!"


It was already daylight, and the wind and snow seemed to be slowly fading away.

"You go back?"

"I won't return even if I'm killed."

"Then you sit down, I'll go back!"

"Well, I don't want you to accompany me...what are you pulling my horse for?"

"My horse is dead, and you won't go back anyway, so give me your horse."


"If you really don't want to go back?"

"I... I... I won't go back... But I'm a little cold..."

"I'll give you the clothes!"

"I'm still a little hungry."

"Where are you going back with me?"


"Aren't you afraid that the surname Chen will laugh at you?"

"I am not afraid of heaven and earth, but I am afraid of being hungry."


The sky is already bright, but the dense forest is still dark.The defeated remnants led by Xiahou Dun retreated eastward.

"Captain, after you have made a clear decision, there will be no danger for the time being!" Yu Jin said.

"However, this time the teacher is unfavorable, and I have no face to meet the lord!" Xiahou Dun sighed.

"Captain, don't blame yourself too much, it's just that our intelligence is incomplete and we underestimated the enemy!"

"Although we damaged the grain and grass vehicles, the large army is still there. My lord will not blame you, the governor."

Listening to the comfort of the soldiers, Xiahou Dun slowly recovered from his depressed mood, his eyes showed a hard look, and he swore: "I will pay back ten times the humiliation today!"

When the soldiers and horses were retreating, suddenly a bonfire appeared at the edge of the woods ahead, and a person was sitting beside it.

Everyone was ambushed one after another tonight, and Xiahou Dun immediately ordered the soldiers to stop advancing.

The people in front of the campfire sat quietly by the campfire, broke off the dead branches one by one, and then threw them into the campfire, crackling, and the fire burned very vigorously.

Before Yu Jin rode his horse, he glanced at the bonfire. There was a sword beside the bonfire. The ashes of the bonfire were already thick, and there were not many dead branches left. It was obvious that this person had been waiting here for a long time.

"Who is it and what are you doing here? Hurry up and report your name?" Yu Jin shouted at the people in front of him holding a spear.

The man raised his head slightly, and the fire finally illuminated his face, which was a handsome face.Hearing the other party's shout, that handsome face didn't show much expression, after breaking off the last dead branch in his hand and throwing it into the fire, he said something softly.

Yu Jin frowned, pricked up his ears, and heard the whispers.

"Oh, I'm here to pick flowers, by the pick heads."

(End of this chapter)

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