Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 174 There's a Story

Chapter 174 There's a Story
When Chen Wei appeared in the small garden in the side of the backyard with the pot of spider orchids in his hands, he found Liu Rui's shadow as expected.It's just that she, who had just recovered from her illness, did not immerse herself in the flowers and plants this time, but lay alone on the stone table in the wooden pavilion, leaving Chen Wei with a delicate and delicate back.

This girl who was supposed to be in a youthful and lively period closed her heart because she lost her mother early and hated her father. She didn't try to enter other people's hearts, nor did she allow others to enter her heart.

Chen Wei secretly thought about what opening remarks he should say so that his appearance would not look too abrupt, after much deliberation, he could only write an article from the pot of spider plants in his hand.

After thinking about it, he walked over, and when he was about to speak, he was surprised to find that this sentimental girl was not depressed.On the flat stone table, there was a porcelain bowl filled with half a bowl of clear water.I saw that she was holding a brush in her hand, and what she was touching was not ink, but clear water in the bowl.

Chen Wei's eyes fell on the table, and he saw that the water was still wet on it, and there was a poem written on it, the content was "Jian Jia" in "Book of Songs". This poem was included in the textbooks of later generations, so Chen Wei was no stranger, but What shocked him was Liu Rui's calligraphy.

"The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost." The first sentence is in seal script.

"The so-called Yi people are on the side of the water." The second sentence is in official script.

The third, fourth, and fifth sentences are actually written in regular script, cursive script, and running script respectively.

A poem is actually written in five different calligraphy, and the styles are very different. Although it is not popular with everyone, it is also amazing.

"I didn't expect Miss Liu to be a master of calligraphy..." Chen Wei couldn't help admiring.

The brush in Liu Rui's hand froze, and almost at the same time, she picked up a bowl of water and poured it on the stone table, erasing "Jia Jia", and then turned her head angrily. When she saw that it was Chen Wei, her expression flickered.

"Jianjia" is a love letter of desolation and loneliness. It is written that the protagonist pursues the person he longs for but cannot find it.

Apparently, Chen Wei touched the secret hidden in the girl's heart at an untimely time, which aroused the other party's anger.

Chen Wei couldn't help thinking of Liu Rui's reprimand for the first time because of Hua'er. He didn't expect that even though he considered various opening remarks this time, he still failed to get a good start.

He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend..."

When Liu Rui saw the flower pot in Chen Wei's right hand, the trace of anger in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of surprise.

Seeing that Liu Rui's attention fell on the spider orchid, Chen Wei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I couldn't help you last time, so I will give you this pot of spider orchid."

The brush fell from Liu Rui's slender and pale hand, bit her lip lightly, and then took the pot of Chlorophytum, which was not in full bloom.

Seeing that Liu Rui was looking down at the flowers without any other movements, Chen Wei said goodbye softly, turned around and left.

"In winter, it's hard to find hanging orchids..." Liu Rui's voice was still so soft that she seemed to have no strength.

Chen Wei turned around, her beautiful melon-seeded face was endearing perhaps because of the lack of blood, he scratched his head and smiled: "It's not easy to find, but Chlorophytum is afraid of the cold, so it is in the depths of the warm and humid valley." It can still be found."

Liu Rui hummed lightly, as if holding the flowers was too tired, she sat down, glanced at Chen Wei, bit her lips lightly, as if hesitating for something, a faint blush appeared on her pale face , and then said: "If you don't mind, can we have a chat?"

Chen Wei was a little stunned and not pretentious. He sat down on the stone bench next to Liu Rui, glanced at the characters on the stone table that had long since disappeared, and moved the corner of his mouth slightly.

Liu Rui lowered her head and looked at the spider plant on the stone table.

For a while, the two who sat down fell into silence.

At this time, Chen Wei suddenly thought that if he had a cigarette, how suitable it would be for this situation. Although smoking in front of girls would affect his image, there was no need to be so embarrassing.Thinking of this, Chen Wei suddenly came up with an idea. If cigarettes are widely produced and promoted in this era, is it a way to make money?Ever since he had soldiers and territories in his hands, Chen Wei felt the importance of money more and more, because the tens of thousands of mouths under his command needed food.

Maybe thinking of making money, the corners of Chen Wei's mouth couldn't help but lift up.

For Liu Rui, who has autism, it feels like she's sitting on pins and needles at this moment, especially when she caught a glimpse of the guy opposite who looked like a half-smile, her light and soft willow eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she regretted her decision to keep this guy. .

But when it made her even more uneasy, she didn't know what this guy was thinking, and the expression on his face became thicker and thicker. There was a look in his eyes like a vegetable farmer in the market who sold out today's vegetables and counted five baht. Obscene charm.

Her thin lips were a little pale from biting hard, and she couldn't help asking, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm thinking, Cao Cao and Sun Quan must also be ecstasy with a cigarette in their mouth." Chen Wei blurted out, laughing out loud.

Although Liu Rui couldn't understand his nonsense, she just felt that her previous affection for this guy seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

She frowned, stood up, and planned to leave.

"There is a story, I wonder if you want to hear it?" Chen Wei said suddenly.

Chen Wei didn't care if she listened or not, so he started talking to himself.

"She was a daughter of a poor family, and her parents died when she was ten years old..."

Liu Rui's delicate body trembled, her thin lips were pressed together, she stopped, but she didn't turn around.

"A gambler kidnapped and sold her into a wealthy family as a servant girl for gambling money. Although she would not starve to death and receive 25 baht a month, she had to suffer humiliation and misery that ordinary people could not bear. The slaves and servant girls with the same fate couldn't bear this kind of suffering and chose to commit suicide, but she persevered and even saved a sister who had attempted suicide."

"Eight years later, she met a man on the street who owed money and was beaten to death. I don't know whether it was fate or a coincidence. This man was the gambler who kidnapped and sold her back then. Surprisingly, she Not only did she not blame the gambler, but she also took out eight years of savings to help him find a doctor to treat his injuries. The sister asked her why she still helped the man who hurt you? Don’t you hate him? "

"She said she hated, but if this man hadn't kidnapped her back then, she would have starved to death."

"Later she met a kind-hearted young master who would not be bullied. The young master gave her money to buy rouge and beautiful clothes, but she saved them up and was never willing to spend any of them. The young master trusted her so much that he even let her She kept her own salary. Later, the young master asked for money to redeem a prostitute, but she said that she had spent all the money and had no money. Later, the prostitute committed suicide. Although it had nothing to do with her, the young master still blamed her , she said that she had no money to pay back, so she gave him her own life and served him for the rest of her life without wages."

Chen Wei's eyes slowly blurred, and his voice was very soft.Liu Rui turned around at some point and looked at him quietly.

"The young master found out later that she gave all the money to a girl who was going to sell her body to bury her father, including her own wages..."

After saying this sentence, Chen Wei stopped, hesitant to speak.

Liu Rui pursed her lips tightly, her face was pale, and after hesitating for a moment, she asked, "What happened next?"

"No more." Chen Wei stood up, smiled, and walked out of the pavilion.

Liu Rui saw his forced smile, chased him out, and couldn't help asking: "What happened to the girl? Does the young master still blame her?"

Chen Wei stopped in his footsteps without turning his head, "Dead."

Liu Rui's delicate body shook violently, and she was dumbstruck.

"In fact, what I want to say is, don't always feel that you are miserable and pitiful. In fact, in this world, there is no shortage of people who are more miserable than you... There is no shortage of kind and strong people..."

"Instead of focusing on the ruthless flower, it is better to cheer up and help the lover."

After speaking, Chen Wei didn't stay any longer and turned his back to leave.

Liu Rui looked at his back, but couldn't see that his face was full of tears.

Liu Rui sat quietly in front of the flower window, and a piece of rare rice paper was spread on the sandalwood table, with a line written on it.

This line of writing is smart and elegant, simple and elegant, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Liu Rui stared at the Chlorophytum by the window obsessively, a strand of black hair hung down her cheek, between her lips, her expression was calm and calm, her brows were vaguely tender.

Suddenly hearing the sound of the beaded curtains in the boudoir, Liu Rui's eyes flashed in panic, and she quickly rolled up the scroll in her hands. After seeing the person, she said softly: "Didn't my aunt go to collect medicine outside the city? When will you be back?" ?”

When Ji Xinjun came in, he saw Liu Rui's small movement of putting away the words, a smile flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she said softly: "The sky is gloomy and the cold rain is pouring down. If my aunt goes to gather medicine, there is no handsome man willing to do it for you." If I lean on an umbrella, will I become a drowned chicken?"

Liu Rui bit her thin lips lightly, and said in a low voice: "My aunt is so beautiful, she is good at medicine, and she became the head of the family last year. How come no one is willing to hold an umbrella for you? It's just that you don't like her." That's all."

Ji Xinjun smiled lightly, but she was charming. Looking at Liu Rui in front of her, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Ji Xinjun is indifferent to the Liu family, but she is especially fond of this niece.Naturally, there are also reasons.

At that time, one of the Liu clan moved out of the customs and started a business of selling weapons.The environment is harsh, the family is difficult, and Ji Xinjun was born just in time.Since she was a child, she was frail and sick, and her family thought she could not support her, so they simply abandoned her.Only his mother, Mrs. Huang, tried to keep her, and just happened to meet a nun who was traveling outside the customs to pass the fast. In order to save her daughter's life, Mrs. Huang gave her daughter to the nun.This nun has extraordinary medical skills, not only cured Ji Xinjun's illness, but also passed on her lifelong medical skills to Ji Xinjun.Ten years later, before the nun died of illness, she was sent back to the Liu family.Perhaps remembering the ruthlessness of the Liu family back then, and also in honor of the nun's kindness, Mr. Ji Xin took the nun's surname.

After returning to the Liu family, Ji Xinjun, with the support of his grandfather, gradually joined the management of the family business because he cured his grandfather's illness. The 20-year-old Ji Xinjun showed amazing business talent. Under this circumstance, the family business has achieved unprecedented development. A few years later, it became the largest arms dealer outside the Guan, and the weapons produced even reached the Kansai and even the Guanzhong area.And last year, the old grandfather passed away, and before he died, he tried his best to overcome all opinions, and did not pass the position of Patriarch to his two sons, but to his granddaughter Ji Xinjun.

If placed in later generations, Ji Xinjun will belong to the strong woman who dominates the business world!

And this time entering the customs, Ji Xinjun is to open up the Kanto market, hoping to find a business partner.The most powerful forces in Kanto are Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. Selling weapons to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao is the purpose of Ji Xinjun's entry this time.

Maybe the same sickness and sympathy, Ji Xinjun especially loves this distant relative and niece, so this time he entered the customs, he also came to visit her specially.

"What's written on the scroll, can you show it to my aunt?" Ji Xinjun glanced at the calligraphy and painting tightly held in Liu Rui's hand, and smiled softly.She knew very well that this girl who had closed her heart devoted herself to growing flowers and practicing calligraphy in her spiritual life.If growing flowers can only be said to be Liu Rui's memory of her deceased mother, then calligraphy truly reflects the extraordinaryness of this delicate girl.Not only is she good at five kinds of calligraphy, but she can also imitate other people's fonts so vividly that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

It is no secret to her that Liu Rui is good at calligraphy, so Liu Rui never hides it in front of Ji Xinjun, but this time Liu Rui hastily put away her calligraphy and painting aroused her curiosity.

Although Liu Rui's face was pale, she still had a charming and delicate beauty. She lowered her head and said softly, "Don't look at it, aunt."

"Could it be that Rui'er has a secret from aunt?" Ji Xinjun smiled.

Liu Rui lowered her head, bit her thin lips, hesitated for a while, and finally handed the calligraphy and painting to Ji Xinjun.

Ji Xinjun smiled knowingly, this girl has always been so honest with herself that people can't help liking her.

After opening the calligraphy and painting, Ji Xinjun saw a line of words written on the paper, her clear and bright eyes lit up, and she read softly: "Instead of putting your love on the ruthless flower, it's better to cheer up and help the lover."

Liu Rui's pale face was slightly flushed, she seemed ashamed but not ashamed, and she was as sick as Xizisheng.

(End of this chapter)

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