Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 194 Little Green Lolita

Chapter 194 Little Green Lolita
Everyone is particularly sensitive to their own name, so although the captain's voice was inaudible, Chen Wei, who had a great ear, heard his name keenly.His heart sank suddenly.

Cao Cao was talking and laughing happily, but Chen Wei still noticed that there was a fleeting complexion in his eyes.

After the captain retired, the dinner came to an end.According to the original arrangement, after the dinner, Cao Cao would discuss the details of the weapons business with Mr. Ji Xin, but what made Chen Wei more convinced of the importance of the news that the captain sent to Cao Cao was that Cao Cao temporarily canceled the discussion with Mr. After the breakup, Sima Yi and Cheng Yu left with Cao Cao.

Chen Wei immediately realized what was happening, walked quickly to Ji Xinjun's side, and whispered a few words.Ji Xinjun frowned slightly, looked at Chen Wei for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

At this time Cao Zhi came over and said, "Mr. Xin, since father didn't discuss with you, how about I play a few games of chess with you?"

Ji Xinjun glanced at Chen Wei, with a tired look on his face, and said, "I'm a little tired after traveling for several days, why not another day."

Cao Zhi's eyes showed disappointment, and he stepped back and said, "Then I will send you back to rest."

Ji Xinjun saluted, "Then thank you Zijian."

Ji Xinjun, Chenwei, Cao Zhi and the three talked and laughed all the way back to the residence, Ji Xinjun said: "It's good to send Zijian here, I still have some things to tell Chen Wei, you should go back first."

Cao Zhi hesitated to speak, and finally the modest son reluctantly left.

"It seems that Fourth Master Cao has a deep affection for you." Chen Wei laughed.

Ji Xinjun's expression was flat, she looked at Chen Wei and said, "You are already in a very dangerous situation, and you still have the mood to meddle in other things? Tell me, how can I help you?"

"I'm going to do it tonight. Sima Yi sent an eyeliner to my residence. I suspect that the four maidservants are also sent by him to watch over me..."

"Cao Cao is no one else. There are many talented people around him. Even Sima Yi next to him is something you should be wary of. If you act hastily, you may be in danger."

Chen Wei said with a smile: "It's up to people to do it. And to get the second lady's worry, I'm willing to die."

When Ji Xinjun heard the words, she narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly: "Do you have the ability to say it again?"

"Ahem, for the sake of the tens of thousands of civilians in Yiyang City, I am bound by this danger."

Ji Xinjun snorted, gave the guy a cold look, turned and walked into the courtyard, "Get out."

Chen Wei followed in with a smile.

"Miss, you are back..." Xiao Su heard the footsteps and walked out of the hall. When she saw Chen Wei, her eyes lit up and she said happily, "General Xiao Chen, why are you here?"

"Cao Cao is shabby, I don't have a place to sleep, so I'll come over to sleep tonight, can I make a bed on the floor?" Chen Wei laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you hug the quilt right away." Xiao Su, a pure girl who has no brains at all, immediately shouted happily.

"Xiao Su, don't listen to his nonsense, you go and wait at the door, don't let anyone come in casually." Ji Xinjun ordered, and then took Chen Wei into the room.

After entering the door, Ji Xinjun sat at the table, frowned and watched Chen Wei take off his coat. When she saw Chen Wei's close-fitting black clothes, she asked, "Are you ready?"

While arranging the night clothes on his body, Chen Wei nodded earnestly and said: "The situation is urgent, and I cannot be delayed. In case I am discovered..."

Ji Xinjun's delicate body trembled slightly, and she quietly watched the changed Chen Wei, only to see him grinning, but what did not change was his dazzlingly white teeth: "I will leave you and run away..."


Chen Wei laughed loudly, then covered his face with a black cloth, opened the back window of the hall, and jumped out.

Ji Xinjun stood up, walked to the window, looked at the back that had disappeared into the darkness, and muttered to himself: "Xinjun Xinjun, Master has always taught you to think about the overall situation when you encounter problems, but why are you willing to do it for a stranger? The man is so adventurous..."


Chen Wei, who put on his night clothes, quickly climbed up to a roof, looked down from a high place, roughly determined his position, or walked quickly on the top of the promenade, or used the cover of a big tree to head towards the main courtyard of the mansion. and go.When walking out of the mansion at noon today, Chen Wei probably walked around the mansion, and he knew the terrain, houses and courtyards in the mansion, and the houses in the southeast were patrolled by heavy soldiers. The place where Cao Cao rested or worked.If Cao Cao had important matters to discuss, he would definitely be there.

There are countless houses in the mansion, covering a very large area. The closer to the inner mansion, the stricter the guards. There are watchtowers higher than the houses. There are bells and drums on the watchtowers. It is conceivable that in an emergency, orders, Like an arm and a finger.Once Chen Wei exposed his traces, he would definitely be surrounded immediately.

Chen Wei's skills are amazing, and he has seen the distribution of the houses in the mansion. Although it was difficult, he still sneaked in without anyone noticing.

When passing through a watchtower, the surrounding area was completely open, except for the sentinel on the watchtower, and two hounds tied downstairs.

With nothing to cover his figure, Chen Wei had to stop.

If you pass over the eaves, you will be easily spotted by the sentries on the sentry tower; the ground is more difficult to deal with, and the sight of the animals at night is more acute. I am afraid that as soon as you show up, they will bark wildly and attract the attention of the sentry tower.

"Cao Cao's location has not been determined yet, let alone delay here...these two hounds must be dealt with first..." Chen Wei couldn't help but feel a little anxious in his heart, and suddenly came up with a plan in desperation.He picked up a stone from the ground, threw it out with a bang, and hit the hound under the sentry tower with precision.

There was a sound of dog barking, and the sentry on the sentry tower immediately looked down at the ground.

Almost at the same time, Chen Wei slammed across the ground three feet away, rolled over the eaves silently, spotted the foothold, jumped down from the sky, hid behind a tall tree next to the sentry tower, hid his figure and went back Looking from above, I saw that the sentinel was attracted by the hound, but found that there was no movement on the ground. After cursing a few words at the hound on the ground, he retracted his head.Chen Wei, on the other hand, took advantage of the fact that the sentinel's perspective was obscured, left the back of the tree, and ran towards the front corner of the room.

The hound immediately spotted Chen Wei and barked again.

The sentinel on the sentry tower yelled again, and smashed down a porcelain wine bottle, which frightened the two hounds to jump non-stop, and then lay down peacefully, their green eyes looked at Watching Chen Wei's figure disappear above the eaves.

After climbing over the courtyard wall and entering inside, Chen Wei hid in a dark place under the eaves. When he was about to pass through the wide courtyard and search for Cao Cao's location, voices came from the side, and a group of guards came under the eaves , actually stopped and spoke in a low voice.

Chen Wei, who was hiding in the shadows, groaned in his heart. After waiting for a while, the group of guards actually came towards him. Chen Wei gritted his teeth fiercely, pulled out a dagger, stuck it in through the window, and gently opened it. Unlatch the window, pull the window open, and turn into the room.

A gust of wind swept into the room, and Chen Wei screamed that something was wrong. Before closing the window, a pleasant voice came from the bedroom, "Xiaoqing, have you closed the window yet?"

A girl's voice named Xiaoqing came out immediately: "Miss, I will go to lock up."

Chen Wei's voice was familiar at first glance, as if he had heard it before.

The sound was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that Xiaoqing came out of the dormitory. Chen Wei was surprised and scanned the surrounding environment. It was difficult to find a place to hide, and the chairs around him couldn't cover people at all, so in a hurry, he rolled to the side of the candle and squeezed out the candle core.

Xiaoqing, who had just walked from the dormitory to the living room, exclaimed, "Ah!", "The wind blew out the candle!"

People have a short period of adaptation from light to darkness. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Wei tiptoed behind a screen in the hall. When Chen Wei hid here, he immediately regretted it, because he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the screen. come.

Chen Wei looked through the gap in the screen, and was surprised to find that Xiao Qing was the boy in Tsing Yi he had seen at the dinner party.

It turned out to be this little guy. Could it be that the woman who spoke just now is Cao Cao's daughter?Thinking of this, Chen Wei couldn't help but get excited, wishing to go out and see how this female hero who can train Cao Cao into obedience looks like.

But at this moment, Xiaoqing had come to the side of the screen, and Chen Wei had only a large wooden barrel filled with water for bathing and a few basins beside him. Hiding behind the big wooden barrel, he had no choice but to pick up the dagger. The opponent was knocked out.

But the scene that made Chen Wei cry out appeared, that Xiao Qing pulled out her bun, let down her long hair, and then took off the green clothes on her body, revealing the pink obscene clothes.

Chen Wei was shocked immediately, this Xiao Qing turned out to be a daughter.

No wonder at that time I felt that the boy in Tsing Yi was a girl disguised as a man because of her pink and tender appearance.

After that Xiaoqing took off her hair, she looked like a juicy little lolita!
Because of the blown out candles, the screen was dark and the wooden barrel was so big that it just covered Chen Wei's figure. Xiaoqing didn't notice that there was someone hidden behind the barrel. She brought a low wooden stool and turned it into the wooden barrel. Humming and starting to take a bath.

Chen Wei immediately took the opportunity to crawl out by sticking to the ground, the little loli in the wooden bucket was just getting excited, so he didn't notice that there was someone underneath.

After finally climbing out of the screen, Chen Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He tiptoed to avoid disturbing the daughter of the Cao family who had never met in the dormitory. When he walked to the door, a faint candlelight came from the direction of the dormitory. He couldn't help it. Glancing in the direction of the dormitory, it was a gorgeously furnished room. In addition to the low couch with hanging curtains, there were dressing tables, bronze mirrors and other things from the daughter's boudoir. The lights were bright, and the voice of Cao's daughter reciting poems could be heard.

Cao Cao is a talented man, and he gave birth to two talented sons. It seems that this daughter is also a talented woman.

While Chen Wei was thinking to himself, he had already slipped out of the room.The guards outside the door had already left, and he looked back at the bright room, where he could vaguely see a beautiful figure in the paper window, holding a book and reading softly by the candle.

Chen Wei grunted and left the verandah.

"The sound is really nice..."

(End of this chapter)

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