Chapter 199
At dawn, the sky was already bright, but the twilight in Changshe City was still thick, and the gray mist floated in the streets and alleys.

The weather was cold, and the residents in the city who were still hiding in bed were awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps and shouting outside the street.On the wet stone street, a large number of Cao soldiers kept running, and the residents who were still in a daze were rushed into the houses and evacuated the houses by the rough Cao soldiers for some reason, and then searched them wantonly.

The disheveled residents gathered at the corner of the street, facing the reckless and rude Cao soldiers, dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and whispered to each other, only then did they know that something big happened in Cao's camp last night, and an assassin appeared in Cao Cao's mansion. It will be so violent that a large number of Cao soldiers searched for traces of the assassin throughout the city.

Superintendent Xu Xia stood in the very center of the block, and the two Qu Chang standing beside him tremblingly stood behind him, looking at his superior carefully.The chief's face was as cloudy as the sky over Changshe City. Obviously, such a serious incident happened in the city, how could he be in a good mood.

Xu Xia had an angry look on his face. He was already in his forties. He had been in the army for 20 years. He participated in countless battles and changed his lords. He climbed from an ordinary cook to a governor who can command 1000 people today.He doesn't have the courage to fight against thousands of troops, nor does he have the resourcefulness to strategize. He just does things down-to-earth. Pragmatic master, he climbed to this year's position in just three years. He cherishes this hard-won position, so he is more cautious in handling things, never daring to make the slightest mistake.

The task area under his jurisdiction is the city defense work of the West City. He is methodical and never makes mistakes. In fact, he has always thought that he has done everything impeccably, so he slept soundly last night, but the sky seems to have played a joke on him. An assassin appeared in the lord's mansion?

Where do assassins come from?How to sneak into the city?From which city gate did you sneak in?And how to sneak into the Cao Mansion?
There are too many responsibilities that need to be investigated. Although he is only in charge of the city defense of the west city gate, as part of the protection, it is obvious that he will never escape responsibility for this matter.He is almost certain that he will lose the saber that symbolizes his status because of this matter. Cao Gong is strict in his army, and he will even lose his life because of this. So he just wants to be able to find the assassin, make atonement, and maybe save himself from death .

"Boss, I have searched all over this area, but I didn't find anything." The generals under his command kept reporting the news. Obviously, none of these news could make the gloom on Xu Xia's face lessen, instead it became more and more serious.

"Promise not to miss any corner?" Xu Xia asked tremblingly, almost suppressing the anger and resentment in his chest.

"It almost turned the floor over." The general's face was also ugly, the assassin's incident was too serious, not only Xu Xia, but even their subordinates would be implicated.

One garrison general is in charge of one hundred soldiers, and one governor is in charge of ten garrison generals.The ten generals under Xu Xia's command reported one after another, but the results were all bad news.

"Look for it again, damn it for me!" Xu Xia, who had been suppressing the panic and anger in his heart, couldn't keep calm anymore, and roared furiously at his subordinates.

Those ten generals looked at each other. In fact, there was a gossip that the assassin had already escaped from Changshe City, and Mr. Sima even found nothing when he personally captured him. Moreover, since he escaped now, it is impossible to return to Changshe City. In this case, search the city I'm afraid there will be no results.But the anger from above forced them to obey the order. After looking at each other for a few times, they immediately turned around and led their own troops to search again.

Xu Xia saw his subordinate's face in his eyes, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He never knew that the next search would be futile, but this was his last hope, even if he knew there would be no result, he would not don't try.

"You two come with me!" Xu Xia turned around and ruthlessly gouged out the two Qu Zhangs beside him, then got on his horse and joined the ranks of searching for the assassin.

With such emphasis on the top, the subordinates below naturally did not dare to be careless, and even more effort was put on them, and they were only three feet away from digging the ground!
There is a five-cent-sized lotus pond under the inner wall of the west city. In winter, there are naturally no lotus flowers, only scattered lotus leaves floating on the water.On the bank of the lotus pond, soldiers with spears and guns were constantly rummaging through the grass, not even letting go of the rocks piled up at the foot of the city.But no one paid attention to the lotus pond, because in winter, the water temperature is like ice, and no one can hide in the water.

So no one noticed that there was a person hidden under the cover of a lotus leaf on the edge of the lotus pond.

Chen Wei was submerged in the water from the neck down, with his back leaning against the soil at the edge of the lotus pond, water plants growing around his head, and a few lotus leaves on top of his head.At this moment, his lips seemed to be covered with snow and frost, and his face was pale, but his eyes were still alive, watching the enemy soldiers searching on the shore vigilantly.

He escaped from Sima Yi's hands by chance, but what he didn't expect was that when he returned to the city, the Cao army in the city was already there.What's worse is that when he sneaked into the city, he just encountered a large number of Cao Bing's carpet search. He kept changing his hiding place, and was finally forced to hide in the lotus pond at the foot of the city.

The cold air in the water continuously consumes the heat in Chen Wei's body. He has been hiding in the water for more than an hour. If there is no yin and yang air that keeps emitting heat to keep his body temperature, he may have been frozen to death.Even so, Sima Feixue's sword had severely wounded his internal organs, and there was a wound on his left side rib, which was so deep that it almost reached the heart.

Before that, he had treated the wound in a hurry in a deserted house on the shore, but now that he was hiding in the water, the bandage tied to the wound had slipped off, and the whitish wound could be seen faintly without any blood.

"Even if there is yin and yang energy to protect the body, I'm afraid it won't last long after being immersed in such water." Chen Wei's face was so pale that there was no blood in it, and his lips were already trembling slightly.He glanced at the soldiers on the shore, and initially judged that there were hundreds of them. He was seriously injured at the moment, and he might not be able to break through the encirclement even though he was weak.

Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes sounded from the shore.

"I've seen the governor!" The soldiers on the bank who were searching at the moment saluted one after another.

Xu Xia frowned, scanned the surrounding area, then pointed to the lotus pond and asked, "Has anyone searched here?"

A team leader hurried out of the crowd, came to Xu Xia and respectfully said, "Director, at this time, the water is too cold for people..."

"I asked you if you have searched!" Xu Xia's eyes immediately turned cold.

The captain trembled all over and shook his head.

"Pa——" Xu Xia slapped the captain to the ground, and then shouted angrily: "I said that no place should be let go, did you hear that, any place!"

The surrounding soldiers immediately started to search the lotus pond in fright, and kept using their spears to pick the water plants and lotus leaves on the edge of the lotus pond to the shore.

Chen Wei, who was hiding in the water, changed his face drastically, footsteps even sounded from the bank above his head, and the lotus leaves and water plants only a few meters away from him were picked up...

"If this continues, we will definitely be discovered... But there are too many enemy soldiers on the shore, what should we do?" Chen Wei's mind turned sharply.

Suddenly the lotus leaf above the head was lifted.

"Oops..." Chen Wei was shocked in his heart, took a deep breath hastily, and dived into the bottom of the water.

Chen Wei, who had completely entered the water, only felt that his body was getting colder, and his bulging cheeks gradually sank, "Not enough breath..."

Chen Wei hid in the water for a second, and it felt like a year had passed.

"It's better to fight to the death than just sit and wait..." Chen Wei gritted his teeth and decided to fight to the death.

Suddenly, a shout sounded from above, "Director, we found the assassin's bloody coat in a dilapidated house at the end of the street..."

Chen Wei, who was about to float to the surface, was shaken and quietly crawled in the water.

"Hurry up and take me there, everyone follow me!" Xu Xia beamed, and immediately ordered the soldiers on the bank to follow him towards the end of the street.

"Heaven will not kill me..." Chen Wei resurfaced, thinking that the bloody clothes he left in the dilapidated house must have been discovered when he bandaged his wounds.At that time, the situation was urgent, and he didn't have the opportunity to hide the bloody clothes, and he had always been concerned, but he didn't expect to save his life at this moment.

Chen Wei waited for the enemy soldiers on the bank to evacuate, and immediately climbed to the bank. At this moment, he was blown by the cold wind, so cold that he almost fainted directly.

Chen Wei bit his lip to wake up his drowsy head, and left without hesitation before the enemy soldiers returned.

Perhaps the enemy soldiers had assembled towards the end of the street, but Chen Wei easily crossed the west city and returned to Cao's mansion.

Chen Wei, who was lying on the eaves, watched from a distance that the defenses around the Cao Mansion were more than five times higher than before, and could not help crying secretly.

Just when Chen Wei was thinking about how to sneak into Cao's mansion, the closed front door suddenly opened, and the person who came out turned out to be Sima Yi.

Chen Wei, who was hiding on the eaves opposite, hastily lowered his head, only showing a pair of eyes to stare at the opposite side.

"Mr. Sima, according to the report from the West City, a bloody coat was found in an abandoned house, but I'm not sure if it belongs to an assassin."

Sima Yi said blankly: "You follow me immediately!"

Seeing that Sima Yi had mobilized some troops, the surrounding defenses were immediately reduced a lot.There was a flash of luck in Chen Wei's eyes, and he quietly went down the eaves. The moment he landed, he felt his eyes darken and his head numb. When there were no guards to fill the vacancy, I jumped up the wall with the last of my strength, and jumped down after seeing that there was no one in the wall.

Fortunately for Chen Wei, the outside of the mansion is heavily guarded, but the protection inside the mansion is much lower.Holding his last breath, Chen Wei found Ji Xinjun's house. When he climbed over the wall, he was completely exhausted and fell off the wall.

"Ah—" Xiao Su, who was pacing anxiously back and forth in the yard, suddenly saw a person falling from the wall, and screamed in shock.

"Don't...don't yell..." Chen Wei shouted hoarsely, afraid that Xiao Su's shout would attract others.

Seeing that it was Chen Wei, Xiao Su turned around and ran away.

"Hello..." Chen Wei no longer had the strength to shout out.

The next moment, Xiao Su ran out with Ji Xinjun.

When Ji Xinjun saw Chen Wei lying on the ground, his face changed instantly, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Help him into the room quickly."

While giving orders, Ji Xinjun took out the medicine box she carried with her and came to the bedside. When she saw the wound on Chen Wei's lower rib, her calm face paled slightly.

How could he come back alive with such a serious injury?

The word incredible came to Ji Xinjun's mind, and she quickly started to deal with the wound on Chen Wei's body.

"The wound is sealed?" Ji Xinjun's eyes flashed an unbelievable color, "The wound is so deep that ordinary people have already lost too much blood to death, and he actually..."

Ji Xin Junyue was even more shocked when she checked.

Chen Wei opened his eyes in a daze, and seeing Ji Xinjun's hazy face, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ji Xinjun frowned slightly, and scolded with a bit of anger: "Why did you come back? You still have a chance to escape. Don't you know that the whole city is searching for you? Coming back is a dead end!"

I don't know if it's because of the sleepless night last night, but Ji Xinjun's beautiful eyes are bloodshot at this moment.

Chen Wei nodded lightly, his chapped and pale lips slightly opened and closed: "I know."

"You..." Ji Xinjun was so angry that she couldn't help but want to scold again.

"But...if I don't come back...they will find out that I'm fake...fake...will" Chen Wei was so angry that his eyes rolled white, and he passed out before he finished speaking.

Ji Xinjun's tender body shook, and she bit her lip tightly.

Seeing that Chen Wei closed his eyes, Xiao Su thought he was about to die, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss, please save General Xiaochen quickly..."

Ji Xinjun's face was pale, she looked at Chen Wei who had passed out, bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Xiao Su, watch outside the courtyard, no matter who you are, don't open the door."

(End of this chapter)

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