Chapter 208
The winter has just passed, and the night still comes early.At ten o'clock in the evening, large and small, long and flat lanterns were lit up in the town of Lintong County, and there was a small river flowing through the west of the small county.Lanterns reflected in the river.The long candlelight seems to be able to turn back time.

Sitting next to Er Zaizi, who was surprisingly burly, Chen Wei looked at the dots of lights floating in the water, and asked, "Er Zaizi, how old are you?"

"I'm 20 years old. Because my father often scolds me, saying that after raising me for 20 years, I can't do anything, and I still need my father to raise me, and I'm useless."

Chen Wei was taken aback, looked at his disheveled hair and dirty face, felt pity in his heart, and asked, "Then what's your name?"

Erzaizi scratched his head, and said with a naive smile: "My father calls me Erzaizi, others call me fool, I don't know if my name is Erzaizi or fool."

Chen Wei smiled slightly and said, "That's not even a name."

"I can do whatever Daddy calls me." Er Zaizi gently stroked the black bear's hair and said.

Chen Wei glanced at the black bear. In fact, after sitting with Er Zaizi for so long, he also found that no matter whether this black bear or the white tiger whose skin was peeled off, there were no sharp wounds on their bodies, and they were indeed crushed to death by fists. .

"Does your father leave you to set up a stall every time?" Chen Wei asked.

Er Zaizi glanced at Chen Wei, grinned and nodded: "Yes."

"Then do you know that your father left you to gamble?"


"Does he win money every time?"

"If he doesn't beat me or scold me when he comes back, he will win money."

"Does he beat you often?"

Er Zaizi grinned and nodded again: "Yeah."

"Oh, fool."

"What?" Er Zaizi raised his head and looked at Chen Wei.

Chen Wei smiled wryly and shook his head.

"How old are you?" Er Zaizi smiled foolishly.

"I, after spring, I am 23 years old."

Er Zaizi stretched out his fingers to calculate, and then looked at his feet. The straw sandals were all torn, revealing his dirty toes.

"You are three years older than me, so do I call you brother?"

"Hehe, my name is Chen Wei, the Chen of the stars, the great Wei."

"I don't know how to read."

Chen Wei smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then you should call me brother."

A group of children ran up the street, and when they saw Erzaizi, they laughed and scolded: "Idiot, idiot..."

Er Zaizi scratched his head and smiled at them foolishly.The child ran away and set up a river lantern by the river.

Chen Wei looked at the scene of tranquility in the town, and sighed in his heart that if there was no war, the world would be so peaceful and peaceful.

"Father..." Er Zaizi called out suddenly.

Chen Wei turned his eyes away from the paper boat in the river, looked up, and saw a man in his forties walking on the street, with a slightly stooped body, a green cloth ragged jacket slanted over his body, his cheeks were shriveled, and his beard was disheveled. of a face.

Shopkeeper Liu looked up at the sky while walking, cursing his mother's bad luck. When he came to the stall, he glanced at the white tiger whose skin had been peeled off. There was no expression on his face, just When those bright eyes saw Chen Wei, they immediately smiled and said, "Young man, do you want to buy a tiger skin?"

Chen Wei carefully looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, he was much older than his actual age, his shriveled face was morbidly pale, he took out a long pipe from his bosom with a bark-like hand, and tapped pumped up.

Chen Wei shook his head lightly.

Shopkeeper Liu put away the smile on his face, glanced at the tiger skin, then at the foolishly smiling son beside him, immediately showed anger, picked up the long pipe and hit Er Zaizi, cursing: " Playing tricks on people again? How many times have I said that you must give money before you give things. Now you have skinned the tiger, but you haven't received the money. You're going to die..."

Er Zaizi

Chen Wei frowned slightly, and said, "Boss Liu, I bought this tiger skin..."

Shopkeeper Liu grinned angrily, and said with a grin: "Okay, young people have good eyesight. The white tiger skin is so precious, but I don't sell it cheaply. You can give me 30 taels of silver, and you can take the tiger skin."

"Boss Liu, I heard that you live in Lishan, and I'm about to take a trip, can you show me the way?"

"It's okay to be brave." Shopkeeper Liu took the money, smiled all over his face, and then turned around cursing and telling his son to pack his things.

Although it was gradually getting dark, the ancient town began to become lively, especially at the intersection near the river. The ancient town formed a lively business distribution center by virtue of this natural estuary.

Walking along the small river to the outside of the city, the gurgling water of the small river tells the history of the town.

From Lintong County to Lishan Mountain, you have to walk five miles on the mountain road.After two miles, the terrain suddenly became rough.The mountains in front stretched, neither high nor majestic, but in the twilight it gave people a plain and hazy feeling.

Leaving the small town and entering the mountains, everything around becomes empty.In the night, the small river flowing from the county town reached the foot of the mountain and merged into the big river. The originally slow-flowing river also began to rush. The sword points to the black sky.

The journey is full of winding and rugged mountain roads, and there are many forest trails along the way. If you are not familiar with the roads, it is easy to get lost at night.

Er Zaizi walked in front, carrying a big basket, which contained the meat of the black bear and white tiger, which together weighed several hundred catties, but Er Zaizi walked on the mountain road with his back on his back, walking like flying.From time to time, he looked back at his father and Chen Wei who were following behind him.

Chen Wei, carrying a burden on his back and holding a blood sword, walked side by side with Shopkeeper Liu.The two chatted one sentence at a time. Shopkeeper Liu was very measured. Although he talked a lot, it never involved why Chen Wei came here, and why he came to Lishan.

Maybe he talked too much, shopkeeper Liu coughed, and the sound of coughing echoed in the mountains and spread far away.

After walking for about two hours, it was already so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.Occasionally, there was the sound of howling wolves in the mountains, wild animals wandered in the woods beside the mountain road, and the faint green pupils swayed in the trees.Shopkeeper Liu coughed and smiled, reassuring Chen Wei not to be afraid, and proudly said that with his son around, all the beasts in the mountains would retreat.

After going up a slope, the terrain leveled off.In the valley, there is a lonely wooden house.Before the three of them arrived, a dog barking sounded from the hut, and then a big black dog rushed out, ran to Er Zaizi's feet, and circled around fawningly.

Shopkeeper Liu walked into the house, lit the oil lamp, and the dark cabin slowly lit up.

Only then did Chen Wei see the appearance of this ugly big black dog. This dog was surprisingly big and ugly. The black hair on its head was long and dirty, sticking to its body in a mess, and its tail was curled behind its back. shake.

"Hei Zaizi, come, eat meat." Er Zaizi seemed to love the black dog very much, put the basket on his shoulders by the door, cut off a piece of tiger meat with a hunting knife and threw it in front of the black dog.

"A man's name is Erzaizi, and a dog's name is Heizaizi. It's a good match." Chen Wei laughed.

The black cub ran to the corner of the room with his mouth in his mouth and began to bite, eating with gusto.Erzai squatted aside, looked at it stupidly, and stroked the long hair on its head.

"A dog that eats tiger meat?" Chen Wei couldn't help but be amazed, this black cub who was too ugly was just like the second cub, he was a freak.

"Boss Liu, what breed is this dog?" Chen Wei pointed at the thick black dog and looked at Shopkeeper Liu.

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "Who knows, Er Zaizi picked this dog up from the mountain. It was black and ugly at the beginning. I don't know if it was because it ate too much tiger meat. I didn't expect it to grow like a seedling in the field in half a year. Crazy, now the dog doesn't look like a dog, I don't know what kind of monster it is."

Chen Wei was stunned, and couldn't help walking over, but before Chen Wei approached, the black bastard immediately raised his hairs, and his fist-sized eyes stared at Chen Wei vigilantly.Er Zaizi patted it, then lay down obediently, and continued to bite the tiger meat.

Shopkeeper Liu received 30 taels of silver from Chen Wei, so he greeted him very warmly and thoughtfully. He made a bed with long wooden benches in the corner of the hut and spread a quilt for Chen Wei to rest.

After lying down, the mountain became quieter at night.The second cub was sleeping on the ground holding the dog that looked like a dog but not a dog, snoring like thunder.Shopkeeper Liu's coughing sound came from the room inside the house, it was very violent, as if he was about to cough up his lungs.

Although the improvised bed is hard and uneven, Chen Wei is not a delicate son, so it doesn't matter, but the snoring of the second son and his father's coughing are like a symphony of excitement, one wave after another , It really made it difficult for Chen Wei to fall asleep. Since he couldn't sleep, Chen Wei went out of the house, found a flat place at the foot of the mountain, and meditated with his eyes closed.The yin and yang qi in the body settled down at the dantian point, like stagnant water, and only when Chen Wei was running, did it cause slight waves, but this was already a great improvement.

"At the initial stage, this yin and yang energy was like heavy copper water, and I couldn't control it at all, but after I entered the martial arts realm, I was able to push it slowly..." Chen Wei thought in his heart.

"Is it possible to completely control it after reaching a certain level?"

"Mr. Ji Xin said that Qi practitioners are divided into three realms: entry, martial arts, and fate knowledge. And martial arts are divided into three levels, and the third level of martial arts is to know fate..."

"According to Mr. Ji Xin, what I have reached is the first level of watching martial arts. I wonder if I can completely control this yin and yang energy after reaching the realm of knowing fate?"


After thinking about it for an unknown amount of time, Chen Wei slowly entered the state of meditation.

The cold rain woke Chen Wei up, and when he opened his eyes, he realized that the sky had already dawned and it was drizzling.

Chen Wei returned to the small shop, the shop was quiet, shopkeeper Liu stopped coughing, and the second son stopped snoring.

Not long after, shopkeeper Liu got up and started to work in the kitchen.

It was full light that day, and the number of pedestrians on the ancient road outside the store gradually increased, and many people entered the store to rest.A couple of vendors sold more than a dozen steamed buns in the store, replenished fresh water, and started on the road again.

"Second boy, get up quickly and go hunting in the mountains for me. You don't have to do anything, and you won't starve to death." Shopkeeper Liu yelled at second boy after finishing his work in the kitchen.

"Boss Liu, I want to hire Er Zaizi to take me for a walk in the mountains. How about if I have ten taels of money here?" Chen Wei said.

"Haha, easy to talk, easy to talk." Shopkeeper Liu took Chen Wei's money without showing any emotion.

Gentlemen are greedy for money, let alone traffickers.Chen Wei didn't care too much, and went out with Er Zaizi after the rain stopped.

The black and dirty black cub ran ahead happily, and the two of them went up the mountain with a dog.

Lishan Mountain has many peaks, dense forests, and complex terrain. It is not easy to find the mausoleum where Qin Shihuang's tomb is deeply buried.And Er Zaizi lived in the mountains all year round, and often hunted in the mountains, so he was naturally familiar with the mountains and forests in this area, which was why Chen Wei asked Er Zaizi to lead the way.

"Second boy, do you recognize this place?" Chen Wei drew a topographic map on the ground.

In later generations, archaeologists have confirmed that the location of the underground palace of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is under a low mound in Lishan Mountain. Chen Wei drew it according to the shape of the low mound he had seen from TV books.

There are many mountains in the mountainous area, and Chen Wei is not sure if Er Zaizi can recognize them.Moreover, the gap between later generations and the present is nearly 2000 years, and the landform may have changed a lot.

Sure enough, Er Zaizi looked at the topographic map on the ground, scratched his head and thought for a long time, then shook his head.

Chen Wei wasn't depressed either, he didn't have any hope at first, and said with a smile: "It's okay, just take me for a walk, don't get lost."

The second cub grinned and nodded.Hei Zaizi didn't know where he went, but after Chen Wei and Er Zaizi walked for a while, it reappeared with a bloody leopard in its mouth.

Chen Wei couldn't help laughing, it seemed that this leopard was not good at eating black cubs, and even lost his life.

At noon, Chen Wei and Er Zaizi walked to the side of the mountain stream and simply stopped to rest.There is a water pool under the mountain stream, Er Zaizi and Hei Zaizi immediately ran to play in the water pool.

The originally clear pool was suddenly stained black by the dirt from one person and one dog.

When Heizi came ashore and shook the water off his hair, Chen Wei was dumbfounded.

The black boy had two colors of hair, black all over, but brown on his face and feet.And the hair that was attached to his body piece by piece was scattered at this moment, just like a male lion.

Moreover, Chen Wei saw that there was a slight groove on the top of Hei Zaizi's head, extending from the top of the head to the middle of the skull, and joining with the occipital bone.

Chen Wei was astonished, he finally understood why Hei Zaizi looked like a dog but not a dog, because it was not an ordinary dog ​​at all, but a Tibetan mastiff!
And where it stands, looking up from a distance, a sense of arrogance and arrogance is immediately revealed.

The king of mastiffs!
Chen Wei didn't expect that the dog raised by Er Zaizi turned out to be a rare and rare wild mastiff king!
Hei Zaizi glanced at Chen Wei coldly and arrogantly, the originally bristling hair fell down, and then rolled around on the ground a few times, the originally clean hair became dirty again, then ran to Er Zaizi and howled docilely, immediately from the mastiff Wang turned into a big black dog.

"Damn it, it turns out he's the one who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!" Chen Wei swallowed half of his saliva, being quite frightened by this guy's acting skills.

You must know that wild Tibetan mastiffs are more difficult to tame than ordinary Tibetan mastiffs, especially the wildest mastiff king, ligers and tigers dare not approach.But this guy knows how to disguise himself, he dared to believe that the leopard just now was deceived by this fellow.

Chen Wei sighed in his heart that his master was stupid, but this guy was very shrewd.

Get on the shore and move on.After seeing Lushan's true face of this animal, when Hei Zaizi walked into Chen Wei, Chen Wei immediately hid beside Er Zaizi tactfully.

After wandering around in the forest for a long time, the sky was gradually getting dark, so Chen Wei had to prepare to go back with Er Zaizi.

And at this moment, on the other side of the forest, there was a faint knocking sound, far away, but clearly heard in the silent forest.

Chen Wei was rather strange. Walking through the edge of the forest, he saw a wide plain hundreds of meters away, with a low mountain in the middle of the plain.And under the dwarf mountain, at least hundreds of people can be vaguely seen digging at the foot of the mountain.

The sound of the hoe hitting the hard stone came from the foot of the mountain, and Chen Wei, who was watching this scene from the edge of the forest, became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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