Chapter 214
On the top of Mount Li, Chen Wei watched silently the mausoleum of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, which was as tall as a mountain. Compared with that after 2000, the current Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is naturally relatively well preserved.Of course, the [-]-kilometer-long inner and outer rammed-earth city walls have long been incomplete, and what can be seen now is only a section of the inner city west wall.Those magnificent ground buildings were burned by Xiang Yu hundreds of years ago.

On the remaining ruins, a large number of soldiers were digging to find the entrance to the underground palace under the sealed tomb.A large number of bricks were carried out from the tunnel.

"Er Zaizi, do you know how long they have been digging here?" Chen Wei looked back at Er Zaizi who was sitting next to him.

Er Zaizi was sitting on the wet soil, not afraid of getting dirty, and played with Hei Zaizi foolishly.Black Cub's tail is gone, and he walks with a limp.A piece of long hair on the front legs and even the belly was also shaved off, and there were several clear wounds on it.Chen Wei was amazed by the life force of this animal, and survived such a serious injury.

Hearing Chen Wei's words, Er Zaizi raised his head and looked down the mountain, and smiled foolishly: "They have been digging for a long time..."

"How long is a long time?"

"I'll do the math." Er Zaizi began to wrench his fingers again.

"Cough, forget it, do you know what they are digging?"

"Dig the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum."

"Oh? You actually know this?"

"Hehe, Daddy said, my ancestors guarded the tomb at the foot of Mount Li, guarding the tomb of an emperor named Qin Shihuang."

"So you are the descendants of the mausoleum guards?" Chen Wei was surprised, but thinking of the historical records, Lintong County was multiplied by the mausoleum guards sent by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, so it is only natural.

"Then you are just watching them dig the grave?"

"Hehe, they can't dig in."


"Because the grave robber died."

"Who said that?"

"My father said it. He said that there are many organs in the imperial tomb, and no one can get in."

"But they have already found the underground palace."

"I don't know."

Chen Wei shook his head helplessly, and turned his attention to the hill at the foot of the mountain again.

"Now that people from Jiange in Shuzhong and Kongtong Mountain are all gathered, it seems that it will be very difficult for me to get a share of the pie." Chen Wei silently looked at the figures under the mountain.

"Fishing in troubled waters." Chen Wei smiled, turned his head and smiled at Er Zaizi: "Let's go down the mountain."

"Hei Zai, let's go down the mountain!" Er Zaizi stood up, patted the dirt on his butt, and rolled down the mountain like a huge boulder.The black cub happily followed behind, limping and yelling.What a great pair.

Halfway down the mountain, suddenly there was a thunderbolt, and the dark clouds in the distance rolled in. When it fell to the foot of the mountain, it was already raining.

"It's raining in the mountains."

The two and a dog ran back to the small shop in the rain. As soon as they entered the door, the rain suddenly became heavy, and the appearance of the distant mountains could not be seen clearly under the rain curtain.The branches and leaves were blown down from the mountain by the wind and hit the roof of the small shop with a crackling sound.

"Second bastard, why hasn't your father come back yet?"

"Hehe, I'll be back."


Two people and a dog sat under the eaves, quietly watching the rain.Chen Wei lowered his head, thinking about something.

Suddenly, the black cub barked wildly.In the rain, a black figure braved the downpour and walked up the mountain.

"I'm back." Er Zaizi grinned at Chen Wei, as if he had guessed right, and he was very happy.

"Er Zai is really smart." Chen Wei laughed.

Looking at the black shadow coming from the rain curtain, Chen Wei slowly restrained his smile.Because that figure does not belong to Shopkeeper Liu.

The man braved the strong wind and rain, and finally came to the door of the small shop with difficulty, glanced at Chen Wei, then took Er Zaizi's hand and left without saying a word.

"Second bastard, come with me."

Er Zaizi sat on the ground foolishly and couldn't get up. He smiled at the man and said, "I know you. You are the owner of the pharmacy. I won't leave. I'm waiting for Daddy to come back."

In the heavy rain, the wind howled the rain.The pharmacy owner yelled something at Er Zaizi, and was blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye.

Er Zaizi scratched his head, looked at Chen Wei foolishly, and then followed the pharmacy owner into the rain.

The black cub barked twice and ran over.

Chen Wei frowned, looked back at the dark shop, and suddenly became depressed.He closed the door of the shop, put on his coir raincoat, and slowly disappeared into the rain.


"Do you know your father is sick?" The pharmacy owner grabbed the bamboo hat above his head and would be blown away by the mountain wind if he was not careful.

"I don't know. Hehe..." Er Zaizi strode on the muddy mountain road with bare feet, and the sharp stones could never cut the skin of his feet.

"What disease?" Chen Wei asked.

"Who are you?" The pharmacy owner looked back at Chen Wei.

"Hehe, he's my brother."

The owner of the pharmacy glared at Er Zaizi, did not continue to ask, and said: "The terminal illness cannot be cured. If you are willing to spend some money to find a good doctor in the big city half a year ago, you may be able to save it. But I am not willing to spend money. Every month Go to my store to pick up some mountain herbs and boil it..."

"He would rather gamble his money than his life?" Chen Wei sneered.

"You know what shit!" The pharmacy owner cursed angrily, "He's a bad gambler, but he stopped betting a year ago!"

"Then where did his money go?"

"Who are you, and what does it matter to you?"

"Hehe, he's my brother."

The pharmacy owner stopped in his tracks, took off his bamboo hat, and hit Er Zaizi, cursing, "You idiot, idiot! Your father came to this field just because of you!"

"Hehe..." Er Zaizi scratched his head, the rain hit his face, his long hair was messily stuck to his neck, like a silly lunatic.

Chen Wei frowned and asked, "Shop owner, what's going on?"

"What's going on? His father knew that he was going to die, and he was afraid that no one would take care of the second son in the future. Before he died, he bought a good house in a brothel in the city, and asked for a wife for the second son..."

"A good family is so expensive. I advised him to buy a good girl. He said that a good girl would be easy-going, and he would not take care of his stupid son in peace. He would have to spend ten times more money to buy a girl from a good family, which is solid enough."

"Now I managed to get enough money, but I met Chen Qi, a rascal bastard. Seeing that girl liked it, I had to ask your father to give it to him. If your father refused, he was beaten half to death, and he climbed out of the brothel to go. Sue the officer, hehe, sue the officer, the county magistrate is Chen Qi’s brother-in-law, isn’t it courting death to sue the officer?

After the pharmacy owner finished speaking, he turned around and left again.

The wind and rain are getting heavier, and the black clouds and thunder above the head are flickering.The river flowing at the foot of the mountain is rushing down, and the river overflows the river bank.

The ancient and dilapidated Lintong County trembled in the wind and rain, and the weeds growing from the gaps in the city walls swayed desolately in the wind and rain.

Three people and one dog entered the city, the streets were empty, and the shops on both sides were closed.Such weather, of course, no business.

I don't know whose window was blown open by the wind, and there was a bang, which made my ears buzz.

"When you get to the official office, don't complain. Kowtow when you see the official. I'll spend some money to see if I can get your father out. Is there any fool?" the pharmacy owner shouted.The sound echoed in the empty street.

The second cub nodded foolishly.

(End of this chapter)

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