Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 218 Qin King's Underground Palace

Chapter 218 Qin King's Underground Palace
Under Qin Shihuang's tomb seal, the entire foot of the mountain was excavated by Cao soldiers for several months in order to find the entrance to the underground palace.

In a certain tunnel, it was dark and silent.The four walls of the tunnel were water-stained faintly, and the feet were muddy.

Chen Wei moved forward quietly in the tunnel, and he would mark every corner so as not to get lost.


A group of mice ran past Chen Wei's feet.

"It seems that this underground palace is easy for them to find. The mountain roads inside are so deep and winding that it's easy to lose their way." Chen Wei thought to himself.

There was a sound of wind blowing from the mountain road in front of Hu Hu, it was obvious that this tunnel was connected to other tunnels.There are torches hanging on the mountain wall, but these torches are all wet and extinguished.

After walking a few hundred meters in the dark, more and more water seeped from the mountain wall, and water began to accumulate on the ground, covering Chen Wei's feet.The water is cold under your feet, which is very comfortable.But when passing through a certain tunnel, Chen Wei felt that the water dripping from his head was actually warm.

"The water seeped from the mountain, why was the water cold just now, but the water here is warm?"

Chen Wei thought in his heart, and moved forward another mile or so.But at this moment something even more strange happened, a drop of water fell on Chen Wei's neck, it turned out to be like ice, it was so cold that Chen Wei shivered.

"Why is this mountain water hot and cold?" Chen Wei felt a little unbelievable.

"The shopkeeper Liu said that Qin Shihuang's mausoleum is hidden in the middle of the mountain. Could it be that the place above my head should be the underground palace? Could it be that there is something hidden in the underground palace that caused the same landscape to become hot and cold?" Chen Wei felt a little surprised.

After Chen Wei couldn't figure out the reason, he had no choice but to put it aside. At this moment, a fork appeared in front of him.

"The tunnel that Sima Yi and the others entered is in the northwest of me, so it should be the road on the left." Although Chen Wei didn't know where the tunnel led, he made sure that his direction was probably the tunnel leading to the tunnel that Sima Yi and others entered.

"Wow~~" A spring mouth was dug in a corner of the mountain road, and white water flowed out of the hole.

Chen Wei tried the water temperature, it was slightly cooler, but there was no difference.

Suddenly, a black shadow popped out from the mouth of the spring. Because the light in the tunnel was dark, the black shadow jumped in front of Chen Wei. When he realized it, the black shadow came in front of him. Only a few fists away from his face.

Only at this moment did Chen Wei realize that this thing turned out to be a big, ferocious-looking fish, with a slender body and a length of more than one meter. The big fish's pointed head and gills were opened, revealing its scarlet mouth. The two rows of teeth were as sharp as sawtooths. .

"What kind of fish is this? Is it a piranha?" Chen Wei grabbed its throat with his left hand, pulled out a dagger from the back of his waist with his right hand, and cut it in half.

The "piranha" that was broken in two was thrown on the ground, and it was still swinging continuously, and it took a long time before it died.

"This mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin is really weird. There are such vicious piranhas in the dark spring inside the mountain?" Chen Wei was still in fear. It seemed that he not only had to deal with Sima Yi and others, but also be careful of the weird creatures in the tunnel.

Chen Wei continued to move forward. At this moment, the shoes under Chen Wei's feet were already filled with slippery mud. He simply threw away the shoes and proceeded cautiously with a dagger in his hand.



A huge roar suddenly came from the tunnel in front of him. Chen Wei stopped and hid in the shadows. Looking far ahead, he could vaguely see a figure shaking.

Chen Wei clung to the mountain wall quietly, and moved forward quietly, regardless of the water seeping out of the mountain wall mixed with sand and soiling his clothes.

In front of him was a wheelbarrow, which should be used for digging tunnels and transporting mud.Chen Wei hid behind the pusher, and moved forward slowly under the cover of the pusher.

Because the light in the tunnel was dim, and the speed of the cart was moving too slowly, the people in front did not notice that the cart was slowly moving towards them.


There was another loud bang.At this moment, a light appeared at the corner ahead, and it should be that a torch was lit in the place ahead.

With the light, Chen Wei didn't dare to move forward, but at this moment, he could see the people in front of him from his position.

"It's them." Chen Wei immediately saw Sima Yi and the others.

"Why did they stop?" Chen Wei hid behind the wheelbarrow and looked quietly, only to see that in front of them, a thick wall blocked their way forward.

The surface of this wall is all mud, and only the luster of the stone is faintly exposed.

And the thumping sound just now was obviously the sound of them hitting the wall.

"Let me do it!" Xu Chu picked up a big hammer and swung it at the wall!

"Boom..." The deep voice kept echoing in the tunnel.

With this hammering, the soil attached to the wall was shaken off, revealing dark brown patterns.

"What is painted on it?" Sima Yi and others discovered the strangeness of the wall.

"This wall is not built of stones one by one, but a whole piece!" Liu Zifan said in surprise, stroking the lines on the wall.

"How heavy is such a big stone wall?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"At least a thousand catties, how can such a heavy stone be transported into the mountain?" Gongyang Zhi condensed his inner strength, and the gas rose from his dantian, gathered on his fist, and slammed on the wall.There is no trace on the wall, thick and hard.

"It's the gate of the underground palace." Sima Feixue said after seeing the patterns on the wall with a torch.

"Palace gate? The entrance to the underground palace?" Everyone became excited.

"That's right, it's recorded in the Eight Formation Map." Sima Feixue said calmly.

When Chen Wei heard this, his heart trembled. It turned out that the Eight Formation Map was in Sima Feixue's hands.But shopkeeper Liu didn't say that there are two entrances to the underground palace, one is the gate of death and the other is the gate of life.But the Eight Formation Diagram in Sima Feixue's hand seems to work at the gate of death?
Chen Wei couldn't help poking his head out and looking at the wall, because he was afraid of being discovered by the other party, he didn't dare to show his body too much, so he could only see some words engraved on the palace gate carved from a whole block of stone, vaguely About to be able to read a few large characters: King Qin's underground palace!

"This door is very heavy, how can it be opened?" Gong Yangzhi looked at Sima Feixue.Although he couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, the feeling that this woman was so cold and unapproachable made him more interested.

Everyone also looked at Sima Feixue, because she held the key to enter the underground palace - the Eight Formation Diagram.

"In the Eight Arrays, it is said that the palace gate weighs [-] catties, and it is impossible to move it with manpower. Although it is not detailed in the book, there must have been a palace gate switch when the tomb was built." Sima Feixue said lightly: "Perhaps the switch is nearby."

Everyone immediately looked around with torches.

At this time, Gong Yangzhi actually walked towards the cart where Chen Wei was hiding with a torch.

Seeing Gong Yangzhi approaching step by step, Chen Wei had already clenched his dagger tightly and held his breath.

"Sima Yi and the others are more than ten feet away from here. I have fought against Gongyang Zhi. In the case of a sneak attack, I can take his life within three moves."

"Even if I'm discovered, I'm sure to kill Sima Yi before they find out, and run away after killing him. Sima Yi is stronger than me and it's hard to catch up."

Chen Wei has already made up his mind that every point that can weaken the opponent's strength is worth one point.

Gong Yangzhi was still ten meters away from Chen Wei, holding a torch in his right hand, and focused all his attention on finding the switch that might be hidden in the wall, without knowing that there was a person hiding behind the trolley not far from him.

"Eight meters, seven meters, six meters, five meters..." Chen Wei held his breath, thinking about the distance silently.

Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, "This is the time!"

At the moment when Chen Wei was about to make a move, a surprise sound of "found it" came from ahead, and Gong Yangzhi stopped, turned around and walked back.But at this moment, Gongyangzhi didn't know that if he took another step forward, his life might be lost.

Chen Wei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also a little risky. Although he couldn't kill Gong Yangzhi, he could still follow him. As long as he found an opportunity, he would naturally not be soft-hearted.

In front, it was Liu Zifan who found the palace door open and closed.

The mechanism is installed on the ground. Common sense of ordinary people would think that the mechanism would be installed on the wall or in an inconspicuous corner, but they did not expect that the mechanism design is ingenious and installed at the foot.At this moment, the elder brother of Jiange in Shuzhong has shown extraordinary careful thinking and judgment of the environment.

On the ground, there is a square stone with a size of one square meter. It is as flat as the ground, with only tiny gaps around it. The gaps have been filled with soil. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find that it is an independent square stone.

"Press down!"

Xu Chu went to Fang Shi and knelt down, pressing Fang Shi down with both hands.

But for some unknown reason, Fang Shi didn't move at all.

"The switch is placed on the ground, so it's not easy to exert force!" Sima Yi said.

Liu Zifan observed around Fangshi carefully for a while, and said, "There are grooves on both sides of Fangshi, grab the two sides and try to pull it up."

Seeing that there was indeed a groove, Xu Chu dug out the soil stuffed inside with the tip of his sword, grabbed it and lifted it up, clenched his teeth, and the green root of his arm protruded.

"Let me help you!" Tao Chengzhi, who was standing beside Han Hua, walked over, and the two of them exerted strength with their four hands.


Fang Shi made a slight sound, and there was a muffled sound from the ground, which penetrated far into the ground.

Everyone is happy.

"Let me do it." Sima Yi's eyes flickered, and he walked to Fang Shi himself. Before he could exert any force, the clothes on his body were gently fluttering due to the circulation of true energy in his body.

Sima Yi let out a muffled snort, and pulled up the square stone by half a meter on his own.

"Ka——" the sound came from the ground again, and this time it was more clear.

But apart from this sound, there was no response.

"Why, that's not right." Everyone was confused when they saw Shimen not moving.

"Isn't this a switch?"

Just when everyone didn't know why for a while, suddenly the tunnel trembled, and the soil fell from the four walls.

Everyone's face changed, and the first reaction was to run out of the cave.Only Sima Yi, Sima Feixue and the others did not panic before the battle, and stood still.This calmness is based on their confidence that once they discover the situation, they can evacuate here as soon as possible.

Soon, the trembling slowly stopped.Those who ran out in a hurry all looked ashamed.

"Can you hear a voice?" Sima Yi looked at Liu Zifan.

Han Hua next to him said expressionlessly, "It's the sound of water, and it's coming from above."

The people in the tunnel fell silent, and sure enough, there seemed to be the sound of a river flowing inside the stone wall above the head.

"How could the river be above the head?" Everyone couldn't believe it. Even if there was an underground river inside the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, it should be at the foot, how could it be above the head.

But at this moment, the stone gate weighing thousands of catties suddenly rumbled, and then slowly rose.

"So that's how it is." Liu Zifan said: "It seems that this stone gate is using water power. The opening of the gate just now should have opened the river channel, and the river water poured in, and the stone gate was opened by borrowing the force of the river water."

"The person who designed this mausoleum is indeed a genius!" Sima Yi couldn't help admiring.

When everyone saw the door finally opened, they were overjoyed and moved towards the door one after another.

Sima Yi, Liu Zifan and the others standing by the door changed their expressions and shouted, back off!
The voice is not finished——

The stone door was opened about the size of a crack, and a black poisonous gas had already escaped from the inside of the stone door.

Chen Wei, who was hiding more than ten feet away, saw that the gas turned out to be colored and discolored.

Because the poisonous gas in general tombs is actually caused by the change of organic matter in tightly sealed ancient tombs, the gas produced will be toxic, but these gases are transparent and will not directly kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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