Chapter 220
Because Chen Wei covered his mouth, the Kongtong guard kept twitching, but couldn't make a sound.After a few groans, Chen Wei gently dragged him into a depression in the tomb passage.

Because of the trap in front of them, everyone was already in a panic, so naturally no one noticed what was going on behind them.

After Chen Wei dealt with a Kongtong guard, the bows and crossbows in the tomb passage also stopped firing.At the forefront, more than 20 soldiers died in the rain of arrows.

Sima Feixue's face changed slightly when he saw the arrows in the tomb passage, "It's a dark crossbow!"

"What is a dark crossbow?" Sima Yi asked.

"From the length of these arrows, I'm afraid that this tomb passage is equipped with a machine crossbow. This kind of crossbow is very powerful. It was the same type of crossbow that was used to conquer the six kingdoms in Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. This kind of crossbow depends on people alone. It is very difficult to pull away the arm strength, and it can only be launched by stepping on the machine.”

"This kind of bows and crossbows only need to be linked one by one, and they can be fired in bursts or bursts through the machine to achieve unmanned operation." Sima Feixue said.

"Because Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum contains a large number of rare treasures, in order to prevent theft, this kind of trigger weapon is placed in the tomb door, passageway, etc. Once a tomb robber enters the tomb, he will encounter a crossbow trigger. and then came under heavy fire."

"It seems that we encountered this kind of dark crossbow!"

Sima Yi looked at the corpse in front of him, frowned and said, "This tomb passage is so long, I'm afraid there are still many traps!"

Those soldiers who were pushed forward were afraid to step forward at this moment.

"Military Master, what should we do now?" Xu Huang looked at Wei Ji.

Wei Ji said indifferently: "Go ahead! You and Xu Chu go to the front, those people dare to take a step back, and they will cut off their heads!"

"Yes!" Xu Huang and Xu Chu immediately picked up their swords and walked up. The expressions of the remaining 80 soldiers changed drastically, and they dared not back away.

"Go on!" Xu Chu shouted angrily.


Sima Feixue looked at Wei Ji quietly, frowning slightly, how could such a cold-blooded and ruthless person be the "sage" who the patriarch called to save the world?Am I wrong?
Behind, Chen Wei's black shadow followed quietly, and when he saw the corpse lying in a pool of blood, he couldn't help frowning.

"At that time, the Yellow Turban Army claimed that [-] people had tossed and hacked the ground for a month, but they couldn't get in, and finally withdrew from the tomb in disgrace. Judging from the authorities tonight, it really is not a lie."

"It's just why there are no corpses left behind in this tomb passage? Could it be that this tomb passage is not the only one to enter the underground palace, but also other tomb passages?" Chen Wei thought to himself.

Soon, everyone was ambushed by the second organ again.

This time it is a "serial flip".

Beginning in the Spring and Autumn Period, in order to prevent tomb robbers from stealing the tombs of some nobles, various anti-theft mechanisms appeared.And "serial flap" is one of them.

The so-called "serial flaps" means digging a few meters deep pit in the tomb passage, placing sharp knives and cones under the pit, and then leveling several wooden boards on the upper layer of the pit to camouflage, outsiders will not know the deceit .

Naturally, a soldier stepped on the seesaw before, and the external force forced a certain hook of the taut chain to fall off, just like the pulley for drilling a well suddenly loosened, and the soldier who stepped on it fell down, and was directly crushed by the knife and cone under the pit. Pierce the body and die tragically on the spot.

Surprisingly, after the soldiers fell, the seesaws returned to their original shape, quietly waiting for the next round of people to enter.

But the people behind saw it with their own eyes, so naturally no one dared to step on it.

Taking advantage of the panic, Chen Wei also shot again, and killed No.2 Kongtong Wei quietly.

Chen Wei's slightly scarlet eyes glanced at Sima Yi in front of him, and disappeared into the darkness again.

(End of this chapter)

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