Chapter 239

Before the setting sun had completely set, the crescent moon rose into the sky.In the mountains, the late birds return to the forest, and at the end of the winding mountain road, there is only the lonely shadow of Chen Wei.

Slowly, the sound of horseshoes sounded from the foot of the mountain road, and after a while, Sun Hou came to Chen Wei's back.

"General..." Sun Hou was about to salute.

"Sit down." Chen Wei didn't look back.

Sun Hou glanced at Chen Wei's back, was taken aback for a moment, and then sat down beside Chen Wei.

There is a dense jungle under the cliff. After a flock of birds flew across the sky, they landed in the forest, and the branches swayed.

"Sun Hou, how long have we been out of Chang'an?" Chen Wei quietly looked at the few birds jumping on the branches, and asked softly.

The two thousand tigers stationed in Lintong County are under the command of Sun Hou. Sun Hou, who has been so busy these days because of the big and small matters stationed in Lintong County, has a rare chance to rest. , After wiping it with his sleeve, he said, "Thinking about it, it's been a year."

Chen Wei nodded lightly and said, "Do you miss your hometown?"

Sun Hou shook his head, with complicated eyes, and said, "General, you also know that I am an orphan. I came out to make a living when I was 13 years old. Later, after I entered the customs with Dong Zhuo, I never went back to my hometown. I have no one to talk to. I miss my hometown."

"I'm sorry for you..." Chen Wei sighed softly.

Sun Hou's facial muscles were stiff, and he said suspiciously: "General, please don't say that. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would still be a man under Niu Fu's command. You are my benefactor..."

Chen Wei shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Come, tell me about your bitter history."

Sun Hou smiled, "I don't have any bitter history. I'm afraid the general will laugh at me if I tell it. When I was young, I was very naughty. I was a gangster in the street. No matter how my parents beat and scolded me, I didn't learn well. When I got angry, I beat my parents and scolded them earlier. Die, hehe, every word of my damn thing is usually reliable, but this unconscionable sentence came true. When Dong Zhuo was 13 years old, Dong Zhuo rebelled, and the Liangzhou City fire burned for three days. My parents were burned alive Yes. I saw them burnt to death with my own eyes, and every time I have nightmares, I can dream of the eyes they looked at me before they died... Before they always scolded me for being worthless, and my ears sounded callused. I don't see it, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I gradually understand that they call me worthless, but they actually hope that I will be a bit promising..."

"Without parents, it's like a duckweed without roots. I know that life is hard. What have I done in those years? I have stolen things, been a beggar, and hacked people to grab a bite of food. I have nothing to do. It doesn't matter, I'm so hungry, I just want to live... Finally, after a few years of fighting and killing, I also became a small military officer. I don't know if my parents see it, is this a little bit promising."

"In Chang'an, it seems that being a small official is very noble, but in fact, you are exhausted all day long. If it is done well, it is one's job. If it is not done well, it will definitely not look good. After all, I have never seen you as a person. But the ups and downs of the past I have never tasted all kinds of flavors in life, and I am happy if I can eat enough. Until I met the general, the general was the only one who regarded me as a person. Niu Fu is a person who can share adversity, but not wealth. General, you are good, I am also happy In the past, when Niu Fu beat and scolded me, I was not angry in my heart, but when the general scolded me, I was happy because I knew that the general was really good to me. It's a pity that Tai Peng died early, not as lucky as me..."

Speaking of Tai Peng, Sun Hou, a tough guy, also had red eyes.

Chen Wei patted Sun Hou lightly on the shoulder and said, "After this matter is over, let's go back to Chang'an and toast a few glasses of wine in front of his grave..."

Sun Hou nodded solemnly, and said with a red-eyed smile, "Back then, Tai Peng and I were willing to follow the general because of the general's benevolence and righteousness!"


The slender white clouds gently linger around the moon in the sky, and the moonlight ripples like water.At night, the mountains are still not calm. There are cicadas chirping nearby, and wolves howling in the forest in the distance.

Sun Hou suddenly woke up and asked, "General, why did you call me here?"

Chen Wei nodded and said: "There are two things for you to do. The first is that I sent Ren Wenyang to Tongguan to borrow troops. However, after Guo Si died, few people believed me to be the general. Xu Rong and Guo Si all came here from Liangzhou to fight together. With this kind of affection, it is unlikely that you will be willing to borrow troops, so you send people back to Luoyang and ask General Yan Shou to bring over a hundred ballistas. The arrangement has been completed in the past few days..."

Sun Hou looked slightly nervous, and asked, "General, the ballista is our secret weapon. Didn't you say that you should not expose it as a last resort..."

"Don't ask why for the time being. Kongtong Mountain will definitely send people to watch our every move. When the ballista arrives in Lintong County, we must take measures to keep it secret, and we must not let the slightest bit of wind leak out. That's it. Listen to my orders." Chen Wei opened a topographic map of Mount Li in his hand, and after telling his plan, he continued:
"This is the first thing, and the second is that you help me go down the mountain and buy [-] catties of charcoal. I will use it."

"Don't worry, general, I will go to work now." Sun Hou said.

Chen Wei nodded, and after Sun Hou walked a few steps, he suddenly stopped Sun Hou...

"When you bring up the charcoal, bring me two boxes of Go, and bring some wine along the way. The two of us and a few cups will drink tea all day long. It's so bitter."

Sun Hou smiled loudly, bowed his hands and said goodbye, and went down the mountain.

After the sound of horseshoes slowly faded away, Chen Wei stared blankly at the mountains under the night, and murmured: "Sima Yi, Wei Ji, what two big fish, I will not regret letting go of such a good opportunity!" gone?"

Glancing at the small shop at the foot of the dark mountain with the light of the oil lamp, Chen Wei stood up and roared towards the cliff.A few black shadows rushed out.

"It's okay." Chen Wei waved his hands at those black shadows, and those black shadows retreated again, hiding somewhere, as if they had never appeared before.

"It's just that I feel a little depressed." Chen Wei muttered, and walked down the mountain alone.

Back at the small shop, Er Zaizi squatted quietly by the door, and when he saw the black shadow descending the mountain, he stood up and smiled silly at him.

Hei Zai ran to Chen Wei's side and barked twice. The half-broken tail shook and shook, but it couldn't shake it to please.

"Brother, it's time to eat." Er Zaizi smirked.

With soft eyes, Chen Wei wiped the saliva from the corner of Er Zaizi's mouth, and said with a smile, "What are you going to do before eating?"

"Wash your hands." Er Zaizi turned around and ran to the courtyard of the house, and brought out a bucket of cold mountain spring water.

Er Zaizi continued to follow Chen Wei after washing his hands, and walked into the house.

Inside the hut, the dim oil lamp on the counter swayed gently.The oil in the oil lamp is almost dry, it was filled by shopkeeper Liu in the past, now Er Zaizi has learned how to pour the oil, although every time he clumsily lets the oil overflow, Chen Wei is always reluctant to scold, and repeats the words patiently every time. One sentence: Only pour [-]% full, and pull the wick out.

The two cubs nodded obediently, but their eyes were a little sad.

Wang Weixiu was sitting at the dining table, and she cooked a few small dishes on the table. The slender and slender hands of the ladies had never been touched with spring water before, and after marrying into the Xing family, they had to do a lot of hard work by themselves.Seeing her fine hands, which are only suitable for elegant things such as making tea and playing chess, gradually become rough, she frowns.

She sat there quietly, watching Chen Wei patiently teach the second cub to wash his hands, light the lamp, meticulously, she was a little confused, although she didn't know who Chen Wei was, how could someone who could command thousands of soldiers be Simple people, but why are they so considerate to a fool?

When Chen Wei took Er Zaizi to the dining table and sat down, her eyes narrowed, her head was lowered, and she stuffed two grains of rice into her mouth with her chopsticks.

"Delicious, delicious." Er Zaizi stuffed the meal into his mouth.

Chen Wei frowned after taking a bite, glanced at Wang Weixiu, and put down the bowl and chopsticks with a heavy slap.

Wang Weixiu's delicate body trembled, with two grains of rice in her thin lips.

"Xiao Tian, ​​spit it out." Chen Wei shouted.

The second cub, with his mouth full of rice like two small hills, shook his head.

"Spit it out!" Chen Wei's tone was much heavier.

The second cub obediently spat out the food in his mouth.

Chen Wei looked at Wang Weixiu beside him coldly.

"I don't know how to cook." Wang Weixiu put down her chopsticks, and said these words in a stiff voice with no idea how determined she was.

"Cook it again." Chen Wei directly dumped all the rice in the rice jar on the table to the ground.The black cub ran over and licked it, then barked twice and ran away.

Wang Weixiu bit her thin lips tightly, her delicate face became a little more bleak.He walked back to the kitchen with the rice jar, half an hour later, he came out with the re-cooked rice.

Chen Wei took out half a mouthful of rice with chopsticks and blew it, then put it in his mouth.

Wang Weixiu bit her lip and looked at Chen Wei.

"Reboil." Chen Wei remained expressionless.


In the middle of the night, the night sky in Lishan Mountain was quiet, only the sound of insects in the mountains and forests.There was always smoke coming from the chimney pipe in the kitchen of the small shop, and when the mountain wind blew, it disappeared without a trace.

I don't know how long the oil lamp in the small shop has been shaking, Hei Zai huddled in the corner of the firewood room and fell asleep, and the dishes on the dining table were cold.

Sweating profusely, with disheveled black hair, Wang Weixiu came out for the seventh time with a rice jar, her face expressionless, but her pure white face was blackened by firewood ash.

Chen Wei tasted half a sip, without saying a word, he filled a bowl for Er Zaizi.


The oil lamps in the small shop went out, and it gradually became dark, quiet.

Only Wang Weixiu sat at the dinner table and cried all night.

(End of this chapter)

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