Chapter 244
Chen Wei is actually a very serious person. Although he can't talk about revenge, the entanglement with Han Hua really makes him reluctant to get too close to him.

Er Zaizi is a simple and good boy who never bears grudges. Although he is born with supernatural powers, he never bullies the weak.When people beat him and scolded him, they all laughed it off.And Wang Weixiu never gave him a good look, but he always smiled and never cared.But the fact that Han Hua cut off the black cub's tail, the big fool really remembered it clearly.So whether the other disciples of the Jiange in Shuzhong cast contemptuous and discriminating eyes on him, or Tao Chengzhi was not willing to express his opinion in circles, or whether Chen Wei brought a fool into the underground palace together, the two sons stood obediently behind Chen Wei and smirked, Only when he sees Han Hua, he shuts up and gets angry.

"Brother, I want to beat him!" Er Zaizi said to Chen Wei.A few days ago, Tian Chenwei gave Er Zaizi the precious soft armor he got from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, saying that the next time he saw Han Hua, he would break his arm and feed Hei Zai. He still remembered it very clearly.

The only time Chen Wei saw Er Zaizi get angry was when Han Hua hurt Hei Zai. Knowing the relationship between a man and a dog, he patted his shoulder lightly to calm Er Zaizi's irritable mood, and said softly: "Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Er Zaizi shook his head, not understanding.

"It's just that there are too many of them, so don't do anything for now."

This time Er Zaizi understood. After entering the cave, he followed Han Hua, looking like he was waiting for an opportunity.

Chen Wei had no choice but to stand in the middle of Er Zaizi and Han Hua, with an angry expression on his face.

Seeing that Chen Wei was angry, the second son scratched his head, and obediently followed Chen Wei.

Han Hua naturally didn't notice the movements of the two of them. In fact, he didn't pay attention to Chen Wei and Er Zaizi at all.

It was still daytime outside, but the light inside the cave had already dimmed.A torch was prepared in Erzaizi's back basket, but it was obvious that Jiange in Shuzhong was well prepared, so Tao Chengzhi lit a torch and walked in front.

After entering the wall cave, a long stone step appeared, which seemed to lead to the ground.

Because they were afraid of the agency, everyone walked very slowly.Zhuge Liang and Chen Wei were at the end, thanking Chen Wei for saving Sima Feixue in a low voice.

"You don't say thank you for your kindness, and you'll be out of touch if you're too polite." After a while, Chen Wei couldn't help asking: "You Jiange in Shuzhong doesn't seem to be harmonious?"

Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, and said: "When the sect is big, there will be such criticisms."

"What's going on?" Chen Wei asked.

"It's a long story."

"You cut the long story short."

"Family ugliness should not be publicized."

"I saved your Pavilion Master's daughter."

"You still say you don't say thank you for your kindness..." Zhuge Liang gave Chen Wei a contemptuous look, and then sighed softly: "I, senior brother Liu Zifan and Feixue are all direct disciples of the pavilion master, but although Han Hua and the others are of the same generation as me , but the master is my uncle and the second elder of Jiange, Hu Zhao. Although Uncle Hu and my master Sima Hui are from the same sect, but because of the dispute over the master of the pavilion back then, the situation is now raging, and we second-generation disciples are naturally divided into Two factions."

"Han Hua is my Master Hu's proud disciple. In order to avenge his loss to my Master, Master Hu carefully cultivated him for ten years. He is the only person in the cabinet who can be as powerful as my Senior Brother Liu Zifan. So apart from Senior Brother, He is the one in my generation who has the highest voice to inherit the position of Pavilion Master..."

"Oh? You can't beat him either?"

"My low-level tricks are no match for Senior Brother Han."

"But I have fought against him, and found that his sword skills are not as good as yours."

"That's because you haven't seen him use a sword. He is the only one in Jiange in Shuzhong who doesn't use a sword."

Chen Wei couldn't help looking at Han Hua in front of him, he was shocked, "But why does he wear a sword, and where is the knife?"

"The sword is just his disguise. As for the knife, it's on him, but you can't see it."

At this moment, Chen Wei realized that he had underestimated Han Hua, and felt sad in his heart.

During the conversation, the stone steps seemed to come to an end. A stone room with a width of [-] square meters appeared in front of it. The surrounding walls were cut very flat. The stone room that had been neglected for hundreds of years was already covered with dust. Some civilian clothes that turned into ashes should have been left behind by the prisoners and migrant workers who excavated the Qin Mausoleum in a hurry.

There are dozens of stone chambers like this, Chen Wei and others finally found a square tunnel entrance on the floor of the last stone chamber, and a staircase leading to the deep underground, like a passage leading to an underground abyss , making people feel scalp numb, unspeakable horror.

The stairs are made of wood. Chen Wei stepped on the steps. The wooden steps made hundreds of years ago made a "squeak, squeak" sound from time to time. After hundreds of years, I don't know if it can bear the weight of a grown man. up.Chen Wei threw down the torch in his hand, and he could see such a wooden ladder spiraling down. The torch stumbled a few times before hitting the ground, at least ten meters deep.

Chen Wei tried to step on the foot of the wooden steps with his feet, and walked slowly down the stairs.Hearing the sound of the wooden ladder under his feet, Chen Wei couldn't help feeling a little flustered. If the wooden ladder couldn't withstand the fall, even if he didn't die, it wouldn't be easy.

Fortunately, because they could hold on to the protruding stones of the wall to reduce weight, everyone went down safely one by one.What worries Chen Wei is that Er Zai’s weight is much higher than that of ordinary people. The wooden steps have been corroded for hundreds of years and have become extremely fragile. They must not be able to bear Er Zai’s weight. On the stone pillar, and then walked down the edge of the steps, Chen Wei looked up at Er Zaizi at the bottom, as if walking through a minefield, his heart jumped into his throat.

Suddenly, the board under Er Zaizi's feet was broken, and he fell down in the air. Fortunately, Er Zaizi was holding the rope and was hanging in the air. When Chen Wei was about to tell Er Zaizi not to panic, he didn't expect Er Zaizi to let go of his hand, and the whole person fell down. down.

Chen Wei's expression changed, and he rushed over, but he didn't expect to fall from a height of five or six meters, and Er Zaizi stood on the ground like Mount Tai, shaking up dust.

The second cub grinned at Chen Wei, Chen Wei was both happy and angry, punched him, and cursed: "You're courting death."

The second cub didn't dodge, Chen Wei punched him hard.

"Does it hurt?"

"I have thick skin, and it won't hurt if I punch you a few more times."


Zhuge Liang on the side stared at him. Just now, the stupid big guy felt a little trembling when he jumped off the ground. It was hard to believe that this stupid big guy was so flexible, and he was fine when he jumped from such a high place?Ordinary people's internal organs may be dislocated.

Han Hua glanced coldly and cursed an idiot.

Chen Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, but thinking of Zhuge Liang's words just now, he also knew that although this man was hateful, he also had a proud ability.

Falling below, in the light of the fire, there are several bronze statues and some pottery on the surrounding walls.But no exit could be found.

Chen Wei looked around the stone wall for a week, took Er Zaizi's shovel and beat on the four walls. Every time he hit a place, Chen Wei put his ears on the wall and listened to the sound inside the wall.When Chen Wei walked to the wall next to the bronze statue and knocked, he felt that the texture of the place where he hit was slightly different from other stone walls. When he listened with his ears again, he could hear the sound staying for a longer time.

"It should be here." Chen Wei handed the shovel to Er Zaizi, and then tried hard to see if he could push the bronze statue.But the bronze statue seemed to be growing on the wall, motionless.

Sima Feixue walked over and looked at Chen Wei: "I found something."

"Well, the entrance is most likely behind the bronze statue, but it should require a switch to open it." Chen Wei said.

"Even if I find the switch, I'm not sure it will open the entrance. If any mechanism is touched, let alone find the entrance, I think everyone will die here." Tao Chengzhi was obviously very dissatisfied with Chen Wei, and at this moment he could bear it. He couldn't help but refute Chen Wei's words, which was a bit nitpicking.

"You're afraid, you can go." Chen Wei said coldly, ignored him, and turned to look for the agency.

(End of this chapter)

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