Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 248 Great Determination

Chapter 248 Great Determination
The moon is sparse, the sky is silent, and the mountains are shadowy under the night.

In the Lishan small shop, at the second watch, the stove was still on in the room, and Wang Weixiu's pretty face was a little sweaty under the light of the fire. She was sitting on a chair, holding a dagger in her hand, although her expression could still be maintained Calm, but the waist and limbs are straight and a little stiff.

Outside the hut, the sound of fighting kept ringing.Although the doors and windows were closed, she could still feel the fierce fighting outside.She never understood why Chen Wei left a dagger before leaving, but at this moment, she finally understood.

She didn't know why so many killers suddenly appeared, and these killers came towards her, but she knew that the original intention of these killers was not her, but because of her relationship with Chen Wei.

"But why did you involve me?" Wang Weixiu felt more resentment than panic.Because the bloody storm outside must have nothing to do with him, but because of him, he has to bear these dangers.

What made her feel a little relieved was that the sound of fighting outside the house gradually became quieter at this moment, but when footsteps sounded outside the door, her body tensed up suddenly, her expression tensed, and she firmly grasped the dagger.How can a weak woman who has an inch of iron but no power to restrain a chicken resist a man who is like a tiger and a wolf?She reversed the dagger and pressed it against her abdomen.

The door opened, and Wen Yang, covered in blood, walked in. Seeing Wang Weixiu sitting on the chair, seeing the dagger in the woman's hand and her calm demeanor, she couldn't help but secretly admire the woman's determination.He walked up to Wang Weixiu, a seven-foot man, his voice subconsciously lowered a little at the moment when he was soaked in blood, trying to make his voice softer:
"Don't worry, the killer has been wiped out."

Wang Weixiu glanced at the man Chen Wei left behind to protect her, that unattractive but resolute face was covered with blood, her tense heart finally relaxed, but her voice trembled with lingering fear:

"Who is it?"

Wen Yang tilted his head and said, "People from Kongtong Mountain."

"Why did they kill me?" Wang Weixiu bit her bloodless lips.

Wen Yang seemed to think about it, and said, "This... let the general tell you."

Wang Weixiu let go of the dagger in her hand. After she relaxed after a night of tension, she felt exhausted as if overdrawn. Although she couldn't see outside the house, a strong smell of blood came over her face, which was very pungent.

She turned paler and turned away, her shoulders trembling violently.

Wen Yang hesitated to speak, and finally said his words, exited the room, and gently closed the door.

He glanced at the fallen corpses outside the door, there were killers, and most of them were Tiger Army.Although the Huben army was carefully selected, it paid a high price to stop these Kongtong guards.

Wen Yang made a gesture, and the surrounding black-armored tiger guards immediately moved away the scattered corpses outside the hut, and then washed the blood on the ground with mountain spring water.

He sat at the stone table in the open space outside the house, gently wiped the blood on the sword, and then raised his head to look towards the west mountain.

At the foot of Qinling Mountain on Lishan Mountain in the west, an even more tragic fight was taking place.

Halfway up the mountain, Sun Hou quietly watched the fighting in the valley. Hundreds of Cao troops including Wei Ji were surrounded by dense tiger and cardinal soldiers. Under the impact of these tiger and cardinal soldiers, Cao soldiers kept falling.

Under the protection of Xu Huang, Xu Chu and several fierce generals, Wei Ji broke through the encirclement at the mouth of the valley.

Xu Huang and Xu Chu are all mighty generals. Among thousands of soldiers, no matter how fierce the tiger and cardinal soldiers are, they will not be able to wipe them out in a short time.

On the mountainside, a hundred ballistas circled the mountainside for half a circle, aiming at the mouth of the valley.

"Let the archers prepare." Sun Hou said.

"Lieutenant, are we going to use the crossbow now?" An officer next to him showed hesitation on his face, and looked at Sun Hou: "Our people haven't all withdrawn yet!"

"Kill the masked person at all costs." Sun Hou said coldly.

"But I'm afraid we may accidentally injure our soldiers..."

Sun Hou saw that under the protection of Xu Huang and Xu Chu, Wei Ji had slowly rushed out to the mouth of the valley.

"Do it!" Sun Hou's face showed anger!

The officer raised his flag!
There was a neat and clear buzzing sound from the mountainside, and all the hundred ballistas transported from Luoyang fired arrows more than one meter long!
Under the night, there were only a hundred ballistas, but they shot arrows like rain, densely packed like countless locusts, they were thrown into the air, and then shot towards the mouth of the valley!

Seeing the densely packed arrows flying towards him, the eyes in Wei Ji's mask suddenly lost their light.

"Chen Wei, you are so determined to kill me!" Wei Ji's eyes showed resentment.Now not only all the wealth transported from Qin Ling's underground fell into Chen Wei's hands, even his life had to be confessed here.

"Military Master, let's retreat into the valley first!" Xu Huang's expression changed when he saw the arrows shooting from the sky, he grabbed Wei Ji and ran into the valley.

But how could his legs outrun the arrows? Xu Chu, who was deliberately dragged behind, pulled up a bowl-sized tree and swept it towards the incoming arrows, while Zhang He grabbed two corpses and stood in front of him. back at the same time.

A round of arrows rained down, and the mouth of the valley was full of desolation. Not only people, but even trees and grass were shot to pieces.At this moment, the few hundred remaining Cao soldiers and the Huben who could not evacuate in time were all dead under this round of arrow rain.

But Xu Huang's strategy was right, he chose to retreat, and escaped by chance, but Xu Chu and Zhang Xi, who were dragged behind, underestimated the power of the crossbow. How could the corpse withstand such a powerful crossbow arrow? The corpse in front of him was shot through, and then Zhang He was shot through, and Zhang He died tragically on the spot.

Because there were trees blocking Xu Chu's chest, this tiger idiot actually blocked the rain of arrows, but there were three arrows stuck in his limbs, all of which pierced through, revealing three shocking blood holes.

"Kill—" Sun Hou gave an order, and the five hundred cavalry on the mountainside sprinted down.

"Xu Huang, lead the army to run—" Xu Chu turned his head and roared angrily, raised the tree trunk in his hand, and swept towards the tiger and cardinal cavalry who rushed over.

The cavalry rushing forward were directly hit by the sweeping tree, and even the man and horse were knocked to the ground, their internal organs shattered to death.But a tiger idiot is a tiger after all, no matter how fierce a tiger faces a pack of wolves, he will only be bitten to death with cuts and bruises all over his body!

After sweeping the five cavalry, Xu Chu was shot in the shoulder by a tiger. Under the impact of the horse, he was stabbed and flew out, and fell heavily among the corpses.

And the brave tiger and ben cavalry continued to kill Wei Ji, because tonight's fight had only one goal, to kill Wei Ji!
(End of this chapter)

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