Chapter 261
"Feixue, I hope you don't get involved in my grievances with him." Sima Yi looked at Sima Feixue and said.At this moment, Chen Wei also inhaled the poisonous gas, his strength must have been greatly reduced, and Er Zaizi was just a bull with infinite strength, so what he feared the most was Sima Feixue.If Sima Feixue helps Chen Wei, he will definitely lose.

Sima Feixue didn't answer, looked at Chen Wei, and asked softly: "I want to ask you a question, as long as you confirm, even if my Shuzhong Jiange is forced to turn against Kongtong Mountain, I will help you kill Sima Yi .”

Sima Yi's face suddenly changed.

Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, and said, "What's the problem?"

Sima Feixue approached two steps, only two steps away from Chen Wei, stared into Chen Wei's eyes, and said softly: "Stars fall on Xiaoshan, saints come out, I want to know if you are a person who knows destiny?"

"What is knowing the destiny?" Chen Wei only felt that his breathing began to be a little short.

Sima Feixue raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "He is the one who can predict the direction of the great man's life."

Chen Wei's body trembled, and there was a shocking wave in his heart. He looked at Sima Feixue in shock, she...does she know that I am not from this world?

Seeing Chen Wei's complexion slowly changing, Sima Feixue's heart also tensed up.

On the other side, Sima Yi saw the two whispering, especially seeing Sima Feixue's expression, his expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

But Chen Wei, whose heart was stirred up by Sima Feixue's words, stood there blankly, and even allowed Sima Yi to escape.

But Sima Feixue was even faster, and stopped at the entrance of the corridor in the blink of an eye, and said coldly: "You can't leave until he gives the answer."

"Sima Feixue, is it possible that your Jiange in Shuzhong is going to be an enemy of our Kongtong Mountain?" Sima Yi's expression changed drastically, and cold sweat flowed down his back.

Sima Feixue remained indifferent, and turned to look at Chen Wei who was still standing there in a daze.

Chen Wei turned around slowly, with a smile on his face, and said: "How can there be people who know the destiny in the world?"

Sima Feixue slowly frowned.

Taking advantage of the moment when Sima Feixue was stunned, Sima Yi rushed out of the tunnel.

Chen Wei glanced at Sima Yi who was running away, his heart couldn't be calmed down like boiling water, and he sat weakly on the ground.

"Xiao Tian, ​​brother is hungry." Chen Wei said dully.

"All the food in the basket was lost, only my bow and arrow and gas mask were left." The second boy ran to Chen Wei's side and emptied all the things in the basket.

Chen Wei glanced at the gas mask on the ground, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, if he had been wearing a gas mask, Sima Yi might not be his opponent.However, according to historical records, Sima Yi later mastered the power of Cao Wei, and his grandson Sima Yan even established the Western Jin Dynasty!
"Today, he shouldn't die!" Chen Wei sighed in his heart.

Seeing that Chen Wei's mood seemed to suddenly become negative, Sima Feixue stood quietly on the spot, observing Chen Wei carefully, obviously judging what Chen Wei said just now.

"From his reaction, he is obviously a saint, but why did he deny it?" Sima Feixue frowned.As long as Chen Wei nods, I'm afraid Sima Yi will die in his hands, but why does he still deny it?
Chen Wei sat in the corridor covered with gold, silver and jewels, staring blankly at the glass chamber of the coffin suspended above the abyss in the distance.

Suddenly, his eyes shot brightly, and he looked at the bow and arrow and the gas mask poured out of the basket on the ground.

"I have a way—" Chen Wei immediately got up, handed the bow and arrow to Er Zaizi, and said expectantly: "Little Tian, ​​try it, try your best to shoot the arrow into that glass chamber!"

Sima Feixue took two steps forward and looked at Chen Wei suspiciously.

"What can you do?" Sima Feixue asked.

"You'll know if it works after you try it." Chen Wei said, then patted Er Zaizi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Tian, ​​just use your ability to shoot the shark king that day."

Er Zaizi nodded foolishly, drew his bow and straddled his horse, and pointed his arrow at the glass chamber above the abyss.

Sima Feixue stared blankly at Er Zaizi's bow like a full moon. He had shown a different side when he risked his life to save Chen Wei before, and now Er Zaizi was just like the name Chen Wei gave him—— Xing Tian!
With a bang, the bow was stretched, and the arrow roared like thunder, and disappeared into the dark abyss with a bang, but the next second, with a bang, the arrow was inserted into the glass chamber, but the glass was too hard. The arrow could only be inserted halfway, and then it stuck on the glass.

On the contrary, Chen Wei hugged the second cub happily and shouted: "It's possible, it's possible!"

"What solution did you think of?" Sima Feixue asked.

"At the beginning, I used this trick to sneak into the Taimiao and kill Guo Si, and today I will do the same trick again..." Chen Wei tied the rope to the middle of the arrow, and then handed it to Er Zaizi, and said with a smile: "Little Tian, ​​let me go again!" Shoot once, and it would be better if you can shoot the arrow all the way in.

"I'll try with all my might, for fear that the bow will break." Er Zaizi scratched his head and laughed.

Er Zaizi once again drew his bow and shot an arrow, this time the bow string was stretched into a short oval, this time it was louder, the arrow pierced the air, and with a buzzing sound, the arrow hit the glass chamber again.

The entire arrow shot into the glass chamber!
Chen Dawei was overjoyed, and tightened the end of the rope in his hand, and the arrow stuck to the glass room horizontally.

Sima Feixue saw the connected ropes hanging above the abyss, and immediately understood what Chen Wei meant.

"Xiaotian, you tighten the rope, and I will show you the trick of walking a tightrope later!" Chen Wei chuckled, then turned his head to look at the gems inlaid on the wall in the corridor, and finally dug out a piece with the Tianwen Sword. Sharp-edged gems.

Then Chen Wei picked up the gas mask and was ready to go.

"I'm going too." Sima Feixue said.

"It's dangerous, what if it falls?"

"You think you're better than me?"

"This... well, I'll go first, but put on the gas mask."

"The shape of this mask is strange?"

"That's why it's called a gas mask."


Er Zaizi stood at the mouth of the abyss, straining to tighten the rope, watching Chen Wei who was holding the rope with both hands and moving forward inch by inch, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Compared with Chen Wei's prudence, Sima Feixue was much more unrestrained. He stepped on the rope with both feet, and without moving his waist, he approached the glass room in less than a moment, and then jumped to the top of the glass room with a little step.

After a while, Chen Wei went up to the top of the glass room.Only then did Chen Wei realize that the glass cabinet was about half the size of a basketball court, and there were arm-thick steel cables connecting the four corners to the top of the mountain dome, giving people the illusion that the glass coffin was floating above the abyss.

Chen Wei took out the gemstone and started to scratch a line on the top of the glass.

"What are you doing?" Sima Feixue asked suspiciously.

"When cutting glass in our hometown, we use a diamond-encrusted glass knife, and this gemstone is actually a diamond, the hardest diamond in the world, so no matter how hard the glass is, it will be cut..."

Chen Wei cut a square on the top of the glass cabinet with the protruding corners of the gemstone. After repeatedly deepening the cut, he tapped it lightly, and with a click sound, the piece of glass fell down.

Sima Feixue stared blankly at Chen Wei.

"What? Are you smart?" Chen Wei laughed, put on his mask, and jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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