Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278 Wandering in a false name

Chapter 278 Wandering in a false name
"I heard the sound of singing in the dark, and knew it was Chang'an Road."

At the front of the three thousand tiger and ben army, Chen Wei, who was riding a steed, looked to the west and couldn't help but read a poem.

"I didn't expect that it would take two years to go there once." Chen Wei sighed.

"Chen Wei, do you still remember when I sneaked out to find you?" Dong Bai became excited when he thought that he would finally return to Chang'an.

Chen Wei smiled and said, "How can I not remember, that scene seems to have happened yesterday."

Not far from Chen Wei, Sima Feixue sat on the horse and glanced at Chen Wei and Dong Bai indifferently.

Chen Wei turned his head to look at Sima Feixue, and said with a smile, "Feixue, I wonder if you have been to Chang'an before?"

"No." Sima Feixue replied softly.

"Although Chang'an was just the accompanying capital of Luoyang before, there are many sights. I will take you around when the time comes." Chen Wei laughed.

"Thank you."

Seeing Sima Feixue's cold reaction, Chen Wei didn't mind, so he didn't say any more.On the contrary, Dong Bai was a little jealous, because Sima Feixue was cold-tempered, and the relationship between the two of them was not very harmonious, so during the past few days, Dong Bai and Wang Weixiu became more and more familiar with Sima Feixue, but they didn't like Sima Feixue.

Hearing the conversation between Chen Wei and Sima Feixue, and seeing Sima Feixue's indifferent reaction to her future husband, she felt even more dissatisfied, and then whispered to Chen Wei: "Chen Wei, why did you take her to Chang'an? polite."

Chen Wei smiled and said: "She is my friend, and she has such a temperament, don't think too much about it, girl."

Dong Bai suddenly smiled, "It's fine to be indifferent to you, she is so beautiful, if not, you will fall in love with her."

"I have a crush on someone, but they may not necessarily have a crush on me. Don't worry about it." Chen Wei laughed.

"Who said that you are the man who will become my husband, the best man in the world." Dong Bai said proudly.

Chen Wei laughed, and looked back at the carriage behind him.

And because Xing Tian's body was too huge, almost no war horse could bear his weight, so he and Wang Weixiu sat in the carriage.

Er Zaizi hugged Hei Zai and muttered to himself, while Wang Weixiu quietly looked at the car window, and happened to turn her head to meet Chen Wei's eyes.Wang Weixiu bit her lip and lowered her face, while Chen Wei smiled.

Suddenly, a scout came running up ahead and reported, "Report to the general, there are welcome troops from Chang'an five miles away."

"How many people are there, and who is the leader?" Sun Hou asked.

"About 5000 people, led by General Zang Ba."

Jia Xu looked at Chen Wei and said, "According to my report in Chang'an, this Zang Ba is Lu Bu's lieutenant general."

"The name is to greet, but Dong Zhuo is actually worried." Chen Wei laughed, "Let's explore again!"

Chen Wei raised his head and looked forward, and sure enough, dust billowed in the distance, obviously a large army was coming.

"Chen Wei, as you said, Dong Zhuo sent people so far away. It seems that we took Tongguan and aroused his vigilance, so he sent people to watch us in advance." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei nodded and said, "This Zang Ba is Lv Bu's lieutenant general. Dong Zhuo sent him. It seems that Lv Bu has won Dong Zhuo's trust and trust."

"We were almost wiped out by Zhu Jun's army in Sanjiao back then, which shows Zhu Jun's talent, but Zhu Jun died in the hands of Lu Bu. It seems that Lu Bu is really not easy." Sun Hou said.

Chen Wei also sighed in his heart. According to the historical records, Lu Bu was the most powerful military general in the Three Kingdoms. The words "Lv Bu among men, Chitu among horses" are enough to explain what kind of character this man is.

"Let me wait and see what kind of person Lu Bu is." Chen Wei thought to himself.

After the large army had advanced two miles, Chen Wei ordered the army to stop advancing, spread out their positions, and waited for the 200 cavalry led by Zang Ba to slowly approach, and they faced each other [-] meters away.

After the opponent's army stabilized their position, Chen Wei saw a green horse rushing out from the opposite side. The man on the horse was wearing armor, with a tiger's body and wolf waist, a leopard head and ape arms, and a golden spear in his hand.

This person rushed to the front of Chen Wei's formation, glanced coldly and proudly, and shouted: "I am Zang Ba, Captain Xiaoqi, let Chen Wei come out to see me!"

This person's voice was loud, and he was full of toughness, and he was very imposing under the roar.

Wen Yang heard that the other party called Chen Wei directly by name, so brave and arrogant, he said angrily: "Lieutenant Xiao Xiaoxiao is so arrogant, the general ordered me to behead this man and come to see him."

Jia Xu beside him looked at Zang Ba in front of him, and said to Chen Wei: "This Zang Ba is from Kansai, and he is the leading general in Lu Bu's army. It is quite prestigious and cannot be underestimated."

"General, it's obvious that Zang Ba came here for us, we can't show weakness, let me meet him for a while!" Sun Hou pleaded.

Chen Wei nodded slightly.Obviously, when I first returned to Chang'an, if I was weak here, I'm afraid people would look down on me when I arrived in Chang'an City.

Sun Hou got the order, rode his horse out of the battle, and shouted: "Zhuzi is rude, he won't get off his horse and kneel down when he sees the general."

Zang Ba's tiger eyes looked at Sun Hou coldly, pointed at Sun Hou with a golden lance in his hand and laughed arrogantly: "Could it be that you are Chen Wei, I thought you were such a majestic figure, it turns out that you are a skinny yellow-haired boy with a yellow and emaciated face..."

Sun Hou yelled angrily: "Your grandfather, I am Sun Hou, the captain of Pinglu, a man without eyes, let you see how powerful I am!"

Sun Hou clamped the horse's belly and went straight to the bully.

When Zang Ba saw him, he was not angry but happy. He shouted loudly and rode his horse to meet Sun Hou.The two fought in front of the battle, forty or fifty times, Sun Hou showed a disadvantage, but Zang Ba became more and more courageous in the battle, and the golden lance in the wild laughter made Sun Hou lose every step of the way.

Chen Wei frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Sun Hou is not as strong as Zang Ba, Wen Yang, go and replace him."

Wen Yang immediately let out a low cry, rushed forward with a long halberd, and shouted: "Lieutenant Sun, the general asked me to replace you!"

Sun Hou was already exhausted, and when he saw Wen Yang coming to save him, he didn't dare to resist any more, so he turned around and ran away.

When Zang Ba saw Wen Yang approaching the enemy, he didn't show any timidity, instead he laughed and said, after forcing Sun Hou to dodge with a sweep, he went straight to Wen Yang.

Wen Yang reacted very quickly, dodging Zang Ba's golden spear in an instant, and stabbing Zang Ba with the halberd in his hand at the same time.

The halberd was fast and ruthless, but Zang Ba did not panic. When the halberd hit his face, his left hand suddenly grabbed the end of the halberd and pulled it violently.

Wen Yang was startled secretly, his body was habitually pulled off balance, and he leaned forward.At this moment, Zang Ba laughed wildly, and smashed the golden spear in his hand to Wen Yang's head from top to bottom.

Dong Bai's face turned pale when he saw this, he hastily covered his face, not wanting to bear the sight.

Chen Wei was expressionless, not in a hurry.

Sure enough, when Zang Ba's golden lance was about to pierce the back of Wen Yang's head, Wen Yang's upper body suddenly flashed horizontally to the left, and at the same time his right hand stretched out like lightning, also grabbing Zang Ba's golden lance.The two of them grabbed each other's weapons and competed with each other, trying to take the other's weapons away.

The two were in a stalemate, Zang Ba suddenly yelled, and broke Wen Yang's halberd, and Wen Yang who was holding the other end was caught off guard, and the whole person fell backwards and fell off the horse.

Chen Wei's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Zang Ba's arm strength to be so amazing. You must know that Wen Yang's halberd is black rosewood, which is the hardest wood, and it is covered with a layer of iron, but this man broke it with one hand. It can be seen that the strength of the arm is great.

But how could Wen Yang, who was able to be picked by Chen Wei, be weak? At the moment he fell off the horse, relying on the force of the fall, the golden lance he was holding in his hand exerted force violently, and also pulled Zang Ba off the horse. The people fell to the ground and fought again.

However, the weapon in Wenyang's hand was broken, and he lost at the disadvantage of the weapon. Wenyang and Zang Ba fought for nearly a hundred rounds, and soon Wenyang was defeated.

"Haha, useless bastard!" Zang Ba was about to ride his horse in pursuit, when a young general with a purple jade face suddenly rushed out from behind and stopped Zang Ba, "Zang Ba, General Lu just asked us to test it out, don't Impulse, if it causes the two armies to fight, it is a crime."

"Haha, I listened to Wen Yuan. But Chen Wei's general is really incompetent. I think this person is also a false name. He has already given up the position of general to our general." Zang Ba is arrogant laughed.

Here, both Sun Hou and Wen Yang knelt in front of Chen Wei to plead guilty.

With a calm demeanor, Chen Wei asked the two of them to mount their horses, and said: "Zang Ba is brave, but his strength is not as good as others, so he will work harder in the future."

Sun Hou was fine, but Wen Yang was ashamed, clenched his hands into fists, his face was very ugly, obviously he was not reconciled to losing to Zang Ba.

"General, let me change my weapon and fight that guy again!" Wen Yang couldn't be more angry, and begged for his life again.

Instead, Chen Wei shook his head with a smile and said: "No need, losing is not necessarily a bad thing."

Wen Yang and the others were stunned, but Jia Xu smiled knowingly: "General Chen means that showing weakness to others will encourage the opponent's prestige, and he will take it lightly. The higher you lift the opponent at this moment, the more painful it will be for the sun to fall. "

Chen Wei nodded with a smile and said, "We don't know the strength of Lu Bu yet, let them take the lead first."

Chen Wei was not ashamed or annoyed after losing a battle. When Sima Feixue who was not far away looked at Chen Wei, his black and white eyes showed a bit more approval.

"Although Zang Ba is brave, he can be arrogant and proud. He is not afraid, but the person who stopped Zang Ba is interested. Wen He, do you know this person?" Chen Wei asked.

Jia Xu stroked his beard and looked at the other party for a while, then said: "The letter sent back by the Chang'an spies once said that Lu Bu had a young captain under his command, with a face like purple jade and eyes like bright stars. Judging from his appearance, he should be like this. Man, this man's surname is Zhang, his name is Liao, his style name is Wenyuan, and he is from Mayi, Yanmen!"

As for Jia Xu remembering the other party's information clearly, Chen Wei's eyes showed a look of appreciation. Seeing Zhang Liao coming on horseback, Chen Wei suddenly felt that the word Zhang Liao was very familiar, Zhang Liao?Zhang Wenyuan?

Isn't that one of Cao Cao's five sons?Chen Wei's heart was shocked, and he looked at the young captain, and finally knew the origin of this man. Zhang Liao served under Lu Bu when he was young, defeated Cao Jun many times, and later surrendered to Cao Cao. Soochow became famous in one fell swoop.

"Although Zhang Liao's status is lower than Zang Ba's at this time, he is a potential stock!" Chen Wei secretly rejoiced, thinking of soliciting him.

"Captain Fengche Zhang Liao has seen the general!" Zhang Liao rode his horse over, but the horse didn't stop, and he jumped off the horse vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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