Chapter 288
"General, Zang Ba has a reckless temperament, and he offends the general because of his outspokenness. Naturally, he should be punished, but it just reflects his sincerity. For the sake of the big man, and for the good of General Chen Wei, let's just think that his original intention is good. Please also invite the general Forgive me!" Gao Shun, the sinister strategist next to him, said, "On the contrary, I am very interested in what the General said just now, and I hope to hear the General's insight, so that I can learn from the General's extraordinary strategy."

However, Lu Bu's anger faded slightly, and he shouted: "Gao Shun's words are somewhat reasonable, but this guy is too lawless, throw me out, and hit him with a hundred army sticks!"

Zang Ba pretended to plead guilty, then walked out swaggeringly, and glanced at Chen Wei provocatively.


On the opposite side, Jia Xu said softly to Chen Wei: "First let Zang Ba belittle Chen Wei, and then Lu Bu pretends to be angry, and then Gao Shun comes forward. The three of them sing together, not only let Zang Ba escape the capital crime he committed, but also show Lu Bu's dissatisfaction. It's a selfish side, and this so-called one-hundred-army stick is just a show. Sure enough, it kills three birds with one stone!"

"It's not easy." Chen Wei sighed inwardly.

At this moment, Lu Bu looked at Chen Wei and apologized, "My subordinate recklessly offended General Chen. I will punish myself with three cups as a token of my gratitude."

Lu Bu's false act of atonement for his subordinates made everyone present appreciate him a lot.At this time, Chen Wei wanted to pursue further, but he seemed narrow-minded.

"Just now General Chen said that the words of his subordinates are all nonsense. I wonder if General Chen is willing to teach you?" Lu Bu changed the subject subtly as soon as he changed his voice.

The crowd also had no time to investigate whether Zang Ba would really be beaten with a hundred sticks. They all looked at Chen Wei, hoping to hear his explanation.

Instead, Chen Wei glanced at everyone calmly, and his tiger eyes gleamed on Lu Bu.

Seeing Chen Wei's composure, Lu Bu frowned slightly, obviously not understanding where Chen Wei's confidence came from.

Finally, after Chen Wei drank all the wine in the wine glass, he smiled lightly and said, "From Brother Lu's analysis, there are too many factors that are beneficial to us, so how can there be only three reasons? You can also say Cao Cao still has Yuan Shao in the north watching, and Yuan Shu in the south waiting for an opportunity..."

Hearing that Chen Wei spoke for Lu Bu instead, everyone was a little confused.

But Chen Wei changed his voice and said with a smile: "Since everyone can see our advantages, why don't you talk about our disadvantages?"

"Back then, there were only [-] troops in Luoyang City, and after Xiangye moved the capital to Chang'an, I am afraid that everyone here is more aware of Luoyang's situation than me..." Chen Wei looked at Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo's face suddenly turned ugly, because he was the one who burned Luoyang City. Seeing that Chen Wei pointed the finger at him, Dong Zhuo couldn't help being angry. When he was about to speak, Chen Wei cupped his hands and smiled: "Xiangguo, listen to me first. The Eighth Route Princes □ Luoyang, the vanguard Sun Jian broke through the Luoyang Hulao Pass, the Allied Forces were invincible, and Luoyang City would be lost. For the sake of the overall situation, Xiangguo took the risk of leading the emperor, civil and military officials to move the capital westward, because he did not want to leave any supplies for the Allies Equipment, so I ordered that all those that could not be taken away were burned, and Luoyang City was set on fire. If Xiangguo hadn't made a decisive decision back then, I am afraid that the Han Dynasty would have been torn apart by those rebellious officials and thieves."

After speaking of this, Dong Zhuo's face turned better. Chen Wei saw it, laughed secretly, and continued: "Dong Xiangguo has contributed to the country, and for the sake of the overall situation, Luoyang City had to make some sacrifices. This is understandable, Mr. Xiang , am I right?"

Dong Zhuo stroked his beard and smiled, "Chen Wei is right."

The corners of Chen Wei's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "Luoyang City burned for a month before the fire was extinguished. At that time, Luoyang City was already in ruins, millions of houses were reduced to ashes, fertile land was burned, and the people had no houses to live in. There is no land to cultivate, people are displaced, Luoyang City, which was once prosperous in the past, has become a veritable empty city, and it has only been five years since the capital was moved to Chang'an, and I went to war two years ago, so who dare to ask, within three years, who is sure to restore Luoyang City to its original state?"

"Of course, if Guo Si can take a rest and resume production, maybe Luoyang can improve in three years, but after I arrived in Luoyang, all I saw was that Guo Si was exploiting the only remaining in Luoyang city day and night in order to fill his own pockets and strengthen his own strength. There are tens of thousands of refugees here, an empty city waiting to be rebuilt, without soldiers, and without food. Dare I ask Brother Lu, what capital do you have to stick to Luoyang City for three months? Your soldiers are all like you just now. Zang Ba is so strong that he can defeat Cao Cao's [-] elite soldiers with one against a hundred without food for three months, and with less than [-] remnants?"

"Everyone who hasn't witnessed the tragedy of Luoyang City may not be able to understand Chen's feelings. But everyone knows that I was only a small third-rank general in supporting Luoyang at that time. General Guo Si held great power, not only took away my military power, but also He ordered me to take hundreds of soldiers and horses into the Cao camp, and burn Cao’s food and grass. Hehe, I don’t know if you have heard the news?” Chen Wei swept towards the crowd, and finally landed on Dong Zhuo. But Mr. Xiang planned a strategy and killed the enemy thousands of miles away, so he naturally knows the military situation ahead, so he must also know about it, right?"

Chen Wei knew Dong Zhuo well. Although Guo Si was his most trusted general, he was suspicious by nature, so it was impossible not to hide his eyeliner by Guo Si's side and report his movements at any time.From the fact that Dong Zhuo was able to control the situation in Luoyang, and from the gift of the barbarian girl to monitor Chen Wei, it has fully demonstrated Dong Zhuo's suspicion.

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo nodded.

As expected, Chen Wei heaved a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "May I ask General Lu to rely on [-] soldiers to break into Cao Ying's [-] troops and burn the food and grass? Loyalty, I will immediately hand over my three thousand tigers to you, and go thousands of miles into Xudu, and take Cao Cao's head to come to the prime minister."

Lu Bu's face changed slightly.

Chen Wei chuckled: "No way? Although I almost died in Cao Ying, it turned out that Cao Ying... was still burned by me."

"Of course, it's not that I, Huang Po, Chenwei, is selling melons and boasting. I just want to explain that how can Luoyang City be defended by Guo Si, a narrow-minded general who framed his subordinates and bent the law for personal gain? It is said that Cao's army is 5, even [-] are enough to break Luoyang City."

"And I am entrusted by Dong Xiangguo, can I just watch Luoyang City fall into the hands of Cao thief? So, even if I was relegated to Yongning County, a small remote county by Guo Bang, I did not give up. When Cao Jun was approaching menacingly, knowing that he could not resist, he decided to surrender to Cao Cao and was willing to counterattack Chang'an as a forward. After I heard the news, I immediately counterattacked Luoyang with only 1000 troops. Under the circumstances, I went to Luoyang, and my life and death were on the line for several times. In the end, I, Chenmou, killed Guo Bang. All this is not fabricated by me. Ms. Dong Baisun also almost died at the hands of Guo Bang. She can fully testify for me... "

Chen Wei's words had only a few embellishments, and they were basically truthful, so they spoke generously and truthfully, which made the people present thrilling but did not believe them at all.In particular, Chen Wei also pulled out Dong Bai, and everyone deeply agreed.

"If it weren't for my general, I'm afraid Cao's army would have attacked Chang'an city long ago!" Sun Hou couldn't help but said.

(End of this chapter)

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