Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 304 2 Full of Beauty

Chapter 304 The Best of Both Worlds
To Chen Wei, going to court is still a new thing.When he entered Chang'an at the beginning of the year, Chen Wei was not qualified to participate at that time. Now that he is a general, Chen Wei participated in the court meeting for the first time on this day.

As soon as Chen Wei's carriage stopped at the palace gate, the rest of the officials who were about to enter the palace slowed down one after another. When Chen Wei got off the carriage, many officials spoke to Chen Wei, and they were very polite and respectful.Although these ministers are somewhat difficult to accept a young man who can be their son as their boss, but Chen Wei's strength and power are here, and they will not allow them to dare to make mistakes.

On the contrary, they didn't have such a good face towards Chen Wei's handy Jia Xu. The so-called literati look down on each other, and these dignified ministers still have a smell of corruption and self-respect in their bones.

Since they are both courtiers, meeting Wang Yun, Huang Fusong and others is naturally inevitable.Before entering the main hall, Chen Wei met Wang Yun face to face and walked together as expected.The rest of the ministers also retreated tactfully.

Wang Yun was kind to Chen Wei, and his words were mostly polite. Although Chen Wei didn't like this kind of hypocritical performance the most, he was in the officialdom and couldn't help himself in many things.Thanks to Chen Wei's ingenious rhetoric, he still has a deep understanding of the trick of pretending to be a snake, so he evaded it perfunctorily, and he also knew that this was just a prologue.

Sure enough, when Wang Yun stepped on the steps of the main hall, he introduced Wen Kangtai who was behind him to Chen Wei without any trace.

Wen Kangtai is much younger than his actual age, he looks only about forty years old.Obviously, Wen Kangtai's official career can be regarded as smooth, and those who have maintained a good life all the year round are often younger than their peers.Moreover, this gentleman has a clear appearance, a pair of long eyes shining brightly, a tall stature, only two inches shorter than Chen Wei, his appearance and temperament are indeed extraordinary.

The two exchanged a few words, and Chen Wei had to sigh secretly that these old fritters who had been in the officialdom for more than ten years were all good. In just a few words, Wen Kangtai praised and praised without any trace Chen Wei said that the ancient people often spoke concisely and concisely. Chen Wei thought about it carefully and found that Wen Kangtai only said about twenty words. When translated into vernacular, it simply means that Chen Wei is handsome and extraordinary. Young and promising, very good at fighting, and I heard that he is also very talented. It is a blessing for the country that the emperor has such ministers; There is no stability, why do the people of Li people worry about living and working in peace..."

Hearing these words, Chen Wei couldn't help feeling elated, almost thinking that he was really the saint who saved the common people that Sima Feixue said.

Wen Kangtai and Chen Wei chatted very happily. Wang Yun who was next to him saw it in his eyes and was very happy in his heart. Then he began to test Chen Wei's tone. He obviously wanted to test his tone from Chen Wei's mouth. Although Chen Wei seems to be young, he is more cunning than his own old fritters who have been immersed in officialdom for many years. On the surface, he is outspoken and speaks freely, and his sentences are high-sounding, very polite and decent, but when he listens carefully, he finds that he is not interested in the candidates. It is airtight, watertight, and cannot hear any substantive and useful information.

Not far from Chen Wei and Wang Yun, there was another noise of guests among the ministers, Chen Wei couldn't help turning his head to look, but the people who came were Lin Cun and Tai Chang Cai Yong.

Lin Cun and Cai Yong also saw Chen Wei and Wang Yun, Lin Cun immediately signaled Cai Yong to follow him to pay respects, but Cai Yong seemed disdainful of this kind of flattery, just bowed his hands to Chen Wei and Wang Yun from a distance, and then walked alone into the hall.

Lin Cun was so angry that he complained that Cai Yong didn't understand etiquette, because Chen Wei was very decisive in the choice of Zuo Zhonglang.

Both Wang Yun and Wen Kangtai were observing Chen Wei's expression, obviously hoping to see some anger or dissatisfaction from Chen Wei's expression, but to their disappointment, Chen Wei just smiled lightly, and then whispered to Jia Xu beside him. Whisper up.

All the officials and ministers entered the hall one after another. There is a pool in the center of the hall. In the middle of the pool is carved a white jade dragon with a pearl in its mouth and water flowing out.

During the bowing ceremony of all the officials, the young Han Xiandi sat on the throne, and the other ministers stood on the left and right sides of the Dragon Court. Only Dong Zhuo sat on the left side of Han Xiandi.

The steps of the imperial throne in the main hall are divided into two floors. On both sides of the steps are Dong Zhuo's guards with knives and axes. They line up directly from the steps under the imperial throne to the gate of the hall.

Except for these imperial guards, those entering the temple are not allowed to carry weapons.

More than 80 civil servants and military generals, dressed in neat official uniforms, lined up on both sides.Those who are eligible to participate in the "Chaohui" are the "San Gong" and "Jiuqing" who are equivalent to the level of the central government and committee members, and the minimum must be the fifth-rank officials at the deputy department level.

On the right is a group of civil servants headed by Wang Yun, and after Wang Yun is Lin Cun.Wang Yun is Situ, Lin Cun is the doctor of imperial history, they are both three princes, and their status naturally belongs to the highest among the civil officials. Show unwillingness.Both Wen Kangtai and Cai Yong are fourth-rank senior officials, but they can only be ranked around No. 20.

On the left is the generals headed by Chen Wei, followed by Dong Min and others. Lu Bu is the general of Habayashi, a third-rank official, and has the responsibility of protecting the court.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie was young and was very afraid of Dong Zhuo. He could only obediently watch Dong Zhuo's winks at the court meeting. However, at a young age, he was calm and composed when facing officials, and he had the air of an emperor. , Maybe he will be a capable emperor in the future, but it's a pity that the Liu family's power has declined, and the Han Dynasty is coming to an end.

After Liu Xie announced the start of the court meeting, all officials paid homage to Long Live, but Dong Zhuo stood proudly on the dragon platform.

All the ministers reported in turn, and finally it was Zuo Zhonglang's turn to choose the main candidate.Dong Zhuo looked down at the ministers and said: "Your Majesty, I have learned from you that our great man is now experiencing troubled times, with internal and external troubles. It is sincerely necessary to immediately reorganize the government, fill in the vacancies, make every effort to govern, and renew our mighty virtue."

All the ministers agreed one after another, with great momentum.

Dong Zhuo looked at everyone's reactions coldly, and said indifferently: "General Zuo Zhonglang and Lord Right Shulang are very important. After discussing with Wang Situ, our family believes that both Wen Kangtai and Cai Yong are suitable for this position. Let everyone Coming here is to unite as one and pick out the best candidate."

Wang Yun, Huangfusong and the others all showed anger, apparently Zuo Zhonglang should be recommended by them, but Dong Zhuo was so despicable that he secretly promoted Cai Yong.

"Originally our family agreed to let Wang Situ and Huangfu Taiwei discuss and decide on this position, but the position of Zuo Zhonglang is of great importance. If he is not a person of high morals, he must not be able to teach people to obey. For the sake of the great Han society, it is natural to be a virtuous person. Yes, since Master Lin recommended Cai Yong, our family has to think about it. Of course, our family will not participate in this matter. As for Cai Yong, our family is just offering an opinion. Wang Situ and Taiwei Huangfu won't mind Right?" On the surface, Dong Zhuo was asking for opinions from Wang Yun and Huangfusong, but in fact he was secretly putting pressure on the court officials.

Both Wang Yun and Huangfusong remained silent, but their faces were filled with anger.

Lin Cun, the official censor, said happily: "I think Cai Yongde is highly respected, and he is indeed the best candidate."

Hearing this, Chen Wei looked at Cai Yong who was standing opposite, and began to scrutinize this famous writer who has been famous for thousands of years. To have a person like a fairy.When Lin Cun, the official censor, recommended him, his eyes drooped slightly and he remained motionless, apparently unmoved by power.

On the contrary, Wen Kangtai behind him lowered his head and remained silent, his face flushed, obviously panicked.

At this time, Wang Yun stepped forward and said: "Although Cai Yong is quite talented and famous, he was born as a civil servant. He has been in charge of etiquette and sacrifices these years. Wen Kangtai was born as a Zhonglang, and his performance these years has been very good." It has been recognized by many ministers, so I think Wen Kangtai is more suitable for this position."

Huangfusong also said: "That's right, the position of General Zuo Zhonglang, most of his subordinates are in the military and political department, so this person must have military experience, and in order to stabilize the morale of the army, although this person says he has to experience hundreds of battles, But at least he can be good at riding and shooting, so that he can convince his subordinates sincerely. Cai Yong has never had military experience, but Wen Kangtai was the emperor's bodyguard and entourage back then. This condition is very important and must not be taken lightly."

The two Sangongs expressed their views, and the rest of the royalist ministers also echoed.

"However, Wen Kangtai is only fifty years old. Compared with Mr. Cai in terms of prestige and talent, he is still slightly inferior. Since the position of General Zuo Zhonglang is of great importance, it is most appropriate to choose a person with high morals and high prestige. I think Cai Yong is the most suitable!" Dong Min said.

As soon as Dong Min came out, he also got the support of the rest of his party members.

Both sides argued over it.

Dong Zhuo didn't express his opinion because he said that he would not participate in the cooperation, but Dong Min and the others acted based on his wink, and actually intervened indirectly in this matter.

Chen Wei has been watching the changes quietly, seeing that the situation is gradually leaning towards Wang Yun's side, he knows that he can't wait any longer, otherwise if he makes a mistake, his plan will be in vain.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Chen Wei finally stood up, and everyone immediately turned their attention to Chen Wei.

"Chen Wei, you have been silent, our family really wants to hear your opinion." Dong Zhuo walked down the steps slowly and came to Chen Wei.

Chen Wei discussed a good strategy with Jia Xu beforehand, and said with a calm smile, "Master Dong Min was right just now, but I don't think it's enough just to be respected."

When Wang Yun and the others heard the words, their faces immediately showed joy.On Dong Zhuo's side, his face darkened a bit.

"Xiangguo said just now that meritorious service is the only choice, that is, first of all, this person must have real talents and knowledge, enough to take up this position. Both Mr. Wen and Mr. Cai are talented people. Mr. Cai is older and more virtuous than Mr. Wen. But Dewang can be cultivated from scratch..." Chen Wei said.

The more Wang Yun listened, the happier he became, and he kept nodding in agreement.Dong Zhuo stared at Chen Wei with an unkind expression.

"Master Wen used to be a Zhonglang in the past, and from experience, it is obviously more suitable for the position of Zuo Zhonglang..." Chen Wei glanced at everyone, but changed his voice and smiled: "However, I don't agree with this position. One point. Having experience is not always a good thing, because it is easy to stick to the rules and follow the laws of the predecessors without knowing how to change; sometimes military positions are assigned to literati, but it will have the magical effect of turning stagnant water into living springs.”

Dong Zhuo's ugly face slowly softened, while Wang Yun and the others slowly frowned.

"General Chen, we just want to hear your opinion on the choice of General Zuo Zhonglang, rather than asking you to state the pros and cons of both parties." The censor doctor Lin Cun couldn't help but said.

Chen Wei glanced at him indifferently, and then said to himself: "Actually, I just want you to know that both Mr. Wen and Mr. Cai have their own advantages and disadvantages, and we can only compare them based on experience and virtue." , is actually unfair to them. If we really want to see which of them is more suitable for the position of Zuo Zhonglang, I am afraid that there will be no results in a short time."

All the officials started talking, but Cai Yong showed surprise on his face. Originally, he thought that Chen Wei was just a warrior, but he didn't expect that although Chen Wei was young, his views were unique. Very thorough.

At first Huangfusong thought that Chen Wei was supporting his side, but he didn't expect that this was not the case, his face darkened, and he said coldly: "After talking so much, General Chen still can't come up with a result."

Chen Wei twitched his lips slightly, and said, "My point of view is to let the two of them serve as Zuo Zhonglang for half a month, and then we can judge who is more suitable according to their performance."

In fact, Chen Wei's concept comes from the "internship" of later generations. Before college students come out to work, there will be a probationary period. Companies will decide whether to recruit or not based on their grades.

Chen Wei's idea was very new in the Eastern Han Dynasty, so when all the ministers heard it, they exploded like honeycombs, and there were many discussions.

Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun also frowned slightly, obviously thinking about the benefits and disadvantages of Chen Wei's method for their side.

Jia Xu expressed his appreciation towards Chen Wei, presumably he is the only one among the ministers who understands Chen Wei's real intention.In terms of talent, Wen Kangtai, who got to where he is today by relying on nepotism, is definitely not as good as Cai Yong. After investigating the two of them [internship period], once Cai Yong wins, it will be a matter of course for him to be Zuo Zhonglang. Wang Yun and others Even if people complain, they can't blame Chen Wei.In this way, the goal can be achieved and Dong Zhuo's side can be balanced without offending Wang Yun and others.

Chen Wei's idea was very reasonable and reasonable, and finally both Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo agreed.

After the court meeting ended, Chen Wei and Jia Xu left the palace, but they didn't leave right away.After Cai Yong came out, he let the carriage follow him from behind.After staying away from the palace, Chen Wei asked Wen Yang to stop Cai Yong's carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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