Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 315 Someone else

Chapter 315 Someone else
Dong Huang was forcibly taken away by Chen Wei in Fengming Pavilion, which caused an uproar in Chang'an City.

Before the news reached Xiangguo's Mansion in Meiwu, after leaving Fengming Pavilion, Chen Wei took Dong Huang back to the General's Mansion non-stop and threw him into the dark room.

In the dark and secret room, Dong Juan was tied to a chair, his face was ashen, his head was downcast, his clothes were scratched in many places, his hands were tied behind his back, and his feet were tied with iron chains.Opening his eyes, it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, he shouted angrily, but only his own voice echoed in the secret room.

After a long time, Dong Juan, who was sweating profusely, became more and more irritable, but no matter how much he yelled, no one paid any attention to him.Dong Huang never imagined that in Chang'an, he would be reduced to the state of a prisoner when he was invincible.At this moment, he could only pray in his heart that his uncle Dong Zhuo would come to save him.

Suddenly footsteps came from the secret room, and Dong Huang was shocked.

The iron door opened with a click, and white light came in from outside the door and cast it on Dong Huang's face, making him unable to see the figure outside the door clearly.

The people who came in were Chen Wei, Jia Xu and Wen Yang.

After Dong Juan slowly adjusted to the light in the room, Dong Juan immediately said angrily to Chen Wei: "Chen Wei, you know how to let me go immediately, if my uncle comes over, you will destroy your general's mansion!"

Wen Yang moved a chair and placed it opposite Dong Juan, Chen Wei sat down in front of Dong Juan leisurely, smiled slightly and said, "I've locked you up for so long and thought I could calm down your arrogance, but I didn't expect you to still be like this Hard mouth."

Dong Huang sneered and said, "You think you can get away with arresting me? I'm afraid you'll have a bird!"

"Why, you dare not admit it if you dare to assassinate me?"

Dong Huang laughed angrily and said, "I am in your hands, how you frame me is not up to you."

"The evidence is right in front of you, how can you deny it?" Jia Xu dropped a letter, which was the letter between Dong Juan and the killer.

Dong Juan never thought that Chen Wei could even find the letter, his face turned pale, he knew that this matter could not be escaped, but he was unwilling to give in, and said: "So what if I did it, I just can't understand you , I want to teach you a lesson."

Wen Yang threw down a poisonous dagger and said with a sneer, "The weapon used by the assassin is coated with poison. This is what you call a lesson? How about I teach you a lesson by cutting your face?"

"What kind of bastard are you, dare to talk to this young master like this?" Dong Huang said angrily.

Chen Wei sneered and said, "Dong Huang, don't talk nonsense, tell me all the details, so as not to suffer."

But Dong Huang dismissed it and said: "Torture to extract a confession? If you dare to touch me, my uncle will definitely look after you."

Chen Wei restrained his smile, and said coldly: "Take off his clothes!"

Before Dong Huang could speak, Wen Yang tore Dong Huang's clothes without saying a word, and became naked in a short while.

A look of panic appeared on Dong Huang's face, and he exclaimed, "Chen Wei, what do you want to do?"

Chen Wei sneered and said: "Didn't you say that I dare not touch your hairs? Now I will not only move, but also burn all your hair!"

Dong Huang saw Wen Yang approaching with a torch, and the target turned out to be his lower body, he immediately said in horror: "Chen Wei, you dare? You don't, you don't..."

"You have Dong Xiangguo's uncle. I dare not kill you, but I can burn your life to offset the crime of assassinating this general. Presumably your uncle will think it's worth it." Chen Wei sneered and shouted :"burn!"

The blood on Dong Huang's face faded, his legs gave way, and he knelt down on the ground, trembling all over. He really couldn't stand the threat, "I say, I say", before the torch came close, he immediately compromised, with a painful and struggling expression on his face.

The corners of Chen Wei's mouth twitched, although these sons who are used to living a colorful life regard their lives as worthless, they often cherish their own lives very much, and this Dong Huang is addicted to sex like his life, if he doesn't have that life, he will be a real life Better to die.

Dong Huang struggled for a long time, and finally said slowly: "It was not my intention to assassinate you. Although I hate you, I know how capable I am, so I will never kill you..."

Chen Wei smiled slightly: "Then you mean that someone ordered you to do it?"

Dong Juan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"These assassins are all strangers. They are not locals, nor are they the retainers of your mansion. I believe that you did not send someone to do this. However, it was your hands that these assassins were able to sneak into the city. Who is behind the scenes?" Black hand?"

"Is it Dong Zhuo?" Jia Xu asked.

Dong Juan shook his head.

"Who is it?"

Dong Huang said: "Half a month ago, a new underground casino was opened in the south of the city. I planned to go there to play a few games. I didn't expect that I was bewitched that night. After staying all night, I lost 300 million taels. Next week I was in debt, although none of the creditors dared to pursue the debt, but if I didn’t pay back the money, no one would dare to gamble with me. Later, someone found me and was willing to subsidize me with 50 silver bills. At first I thought it was to I didn't care about those who flattered me, but I lost all that night, and what I didn't expect was that the person gave me another 50 yuan, and I lost again in the end."

"For the third time, I couldn't help but want to ask the man for money. The man not only promised me 100 million taels, but also said that there was a way for me to win money, but there was a condition."

"The condition is that you come to kill me?" Chen Wei fixed his eyes on Dong Juan, looking for clues in his expression to determine whether he was lying.

"Yes, no, I'm not that stupid. It's not that I don't know how risky it is to kill you. I didn't agree at first, but later he said that the assassins will be arranged by him. I just need to help them transport the assassins and weapons into Chang'an, and provide you Normal activities will do.”

"If you can kill me, get rid of the relationship, and even win money, why not do it?" Chen Wei said with a smile.

Dong Juan nodded with difficulty, and then said: "I told you everything, let me go!"

Chen Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "Until I find the person you mentioned, you should stay here."

Dong Huang said angrily: "What I said is all true, I didn't lie to you!"

"You didn't lie to me, but I don't believe you. Tell me how that person connects. As long as I'm sure what you said is true, I won't pursue the fact that you helped the assassin to murder me." After Chen Wei finished speaking, he left Xia Jia Xu was in charge of questioning, and then walked out with Wen Yang.

"Wenyang, when Jia Xu finds out who that person is, go and copy that guy out immediately." Chen Wei said.

"But General, I don't know if what Dong Huang said is true, what if it is false?" Wen Yang asked.

But Chen Wei shook his head and said, "If Dong Zhuo wanted to harm me, there is no need for Dong Juan to lie. As for Dong Juan's words, how likely are they to be true? Let's wait until you find that person."

After a while, Jia Xu drew the portrait of the person described by Dong Juan, and said, "General, according to Dong Juan's words, this person should have sneaked into Chang'an City pretending to be a merchant, and he is also left-handed, because Dong Juan It is said that he smokes with his left hand."

"What if this person ran away long ago." Wen Yang said.

Chen Wei said: "The security of Chang'an City has always been extremely strict. In order to prevent spies from sneaking in, the identity of foreigners entering and leaving will be strictly checked. That person can have so much money to gamble with Dong Juan, he must have entered Chang'an City pretending to be a wealthy businessman or something. , and there must be a record in the city gate official office, you go and find out what wealthy businessmen from other places have entered Chang'an these days, and pay special attention to any noteworthy people who left the city on the night of the failed assassination and the next day."

"The subordinate understands. But this time the assassination failed, did that person choose to stay in Chang'an City instead of running away?" Wen Yang asked.

"That's even better. Now that Dong Juan has been arrested by me and the whole city knows it, that person must have guessed that Dong Juan's soft gun will confess him, and he will definitely choose to run away. You should inform Sun Hou outside the city and let him Take three thousand tiger guards to search within fifty miles outside the city, and we must find out the person Dong Huang mentioned!"

And at this moment, the people below reported: "General, President Yulin is leading Master Dong Min to ask for an audience."

"Dong Min?" Chen Wei smiled coldly.

"Finding people is coming." Jia Xu laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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