Chapter 318
"As long as Chen Wei temporarily borrows a city gate from Dong Zhuo in the name of hunting down the murderer to facilitate the army's entry and exit, and as long as Chen Wei does not bring Dong Huang to justice, I guess Dong Zhuo will definitely agree..."

"In this way, the [-] soldiers and horses outside our city entered Chang'an City in batches during the day, and sneaked out at night, and then pretended to be rebels to attack Meiwu. Of course, it is impossible to capture Meiwu with [-] soldiers and horses. , so we can retreat after we have done our job." Jia Xu laughed.

Chen Wei nodded in agreement and said, "This plan is very clever and feasible."

When the two were discussing specific matters, Wen Yang rushed in suddenly, and said with a bit of panic: "General, something happened."

Chen Wei was breathing hot air with a teacup, frowning and asking, "What's the matter?"

"Dong Huang is dead." Wen Yang said with an ugly face.

The teacup in Chen Wei's hand shattered with a click, and the tea spilled on the ground between his fingers.

Jia Xu hurriedly stood up and said, "How could this happen?"

Wen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Someone poisoned the food. Dong Huang ate it and died on the spot. The subordinates also caught a suspicious person in the general's mansion, and suspected that he was the poisoner."

Chen Wei, who was full of gloom, immediately walked out the door and came to the secret room where Dong Juan was imprisoned. At this moment, Dong Juan was lying on the ground, bleeding from seven holes, and his body was still warm, but his heartbeat was gone.The food that hadn't been eaten was also knocked down to the ground, making it a mess.

Jia Xu inspected it, and said solemnly, "Chen Wei, Dong Juan is indeed dead."

Chen Wei closed his eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly, "Wen Yang, where are you?"

Immediately, Huben Wei came up carrying a dead body.

Wen Yang said: "After inspection, this person is not from the general's mansion at all, and when his subordinates found him, he was planning to escape from the general's mansion, but found that this person had taken poison beforehand, so when his subordinates caught him He was poisoned and died, and the poison was found on him."

Jia Xu went to the corpse and inspected it for a while and said: "The symptoms of this person's poisoning are different from Dong Juan's. This person has already taken chronic poison, while Dong Juan's is acute poisoning. It seems that he died of poisoning. Dong Huang's murderer is him, but the General's Mansion is always heavily guarded, how could this person sneak into the General's Mansion?"

Chen Wei clenched his fists with his hands behind his back, his heart suddenly trembled, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "This man was brought in by Dong Min."

Wen Yang and the others were shocked.

Jia Xu's hand stroking his beard also stopped in front of his chest, and said: "I see, the person who poisoned this time is most likely Dong Min's person. When Dong Min left, he stayed secretly in the mansion, and then waited for the opportunity to deliver the poison to him." Poisoned Dong Juan’s food, and wanted to escape after poisoning Dong Juan, but unexpectedly, he was given slow poison and silenced in advance, so that Dong Juan’s death could be pushed to our general’s residence!”

Wen Yang said angrily, "Why did Dong Min poison his nephew?"

Chen Wei shook his head, and said with a stern face: "Wen He's analysis is right, but the one who really poisoned Dong Huang was not Dong Min, but Gao Shun."

"Gao Shun?" Wen Yang and the others were puzzled.

Jia Xu frowned and said, "Chen Wei, you mean that the poisoner was sent by Gao Shun?"

"Dong Min wanted to take Dong Juan away from me at first, but after I refused, he was ready to leave, but at this time Gao Shun suggested that Dong Min go to see Dong Juan, in fact, he wanted the poisoner to take the opportunity to enter the general's mansion " Chen Wei finally understood the reason why he didn't have a good feeling when he saw Gao Shun at that time, but Gao Shun succeeded because he didn't raise his vigilance at that time, and now he is too regretful.

"Gao Shun is from Lu Bu, but isn't Lu Bu from Dong Zhuo? Why would he want to poison Dong Huang?" Wen Yang asked puzzled.

Jia Xu said: "His intention is to make the relationship between Chen Wei and Dong Zhuo worse, so that Dong Zhuo will rely more on Lv Bu. Lv Bu is a master of martial arts, and he became famous in Chang'an early on. He has a certain prestige and is regarded as Chen Wei. Wei is potentially the strongest opponent, but currently his status is lower than Chen Wei's, so he has been holding back, and now that Dong Juan is dead, he will definitely take the opportunity to take over."

Chen Wei's face changed from cloudy to sunny, obviously his heart was in a mess.

"Once Dong Huang dies, our previous plan may not be feasible." Jia Xu said to Chen Wei, "And we must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible."

Chen Wei turned around and said in a low voice to Wen Yang: "Wen Yang, pass on the order that the news of Dong Huang's death should not be made public for the time being. Those who know the inside story cannot leave the general's mansion even a single step. Everything else remains as usual, and outsiders cannot be suspicious."

"Dong Min will come to ask for someone in three days, and we only have three days to deal with it. I'm afraid the attack on Meiwu will be put on hold for a while," Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei frowned and said: "No, Dong Zhuo will be furious if he finds out about Dong Huang's death. We are already in a very dangerous situation. It is imperative to attack Meiwu. The soldiers and horses outside the city should not enter the city again, just pretend to be The rebels attacked Meiwu secretly!"

Jia Xu worried: "If this is the case, I'm afraid the risks involved will be very high."

Chen Wei said sternly: "This is the case, we can only gamble. Wenhe, the surprise attack on Meiwu is very important, so I can only trouble you to go out of the city and arrange the surprise attack on Meiwu, and do it in three days."

"I'll leave immediately tonight and secretly sneak out of Chang'an." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei looked at Wenyang again and said: "Although the poisoner was silenced, the matter will not involve Lu Bu and the others, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, they cannot know whether Dong Juan was poisoned to death, so Lu Bu and the others must be sure in the past two days. We will keep an eye on every move of the General’s Mansion, we must not let ourselves get into trouble, and everything will be done as if Dong Huang is not dead.”

"The next day, you transported the body of the poisoner out, and announced to the outside world that another assassin was caught in the general's mansion, trying to poison me, but he failed and was killed on the spot."

"In this way, we will confuse Lv Bu and make him unable to determine whether Dong Juan is dead or alive, so we will have enough time to prepare!" Jia Xu said, "But Chen Wei, you are in Chang'an City, so you must make sufficient preparations to prevent Dong Zhuo from breaking the can bottle."

Chen Wei said expressionlessly: "Tomorrow at the court meeting, I will apply to Dong Zhuo to dispatch [-] cavalry from Tongguan to station [-] miles away from Chang'an City in the name of a rebellious party around Tongguan. I, too, have concerns."

At this time, a tiger guard came up to report: "General, I was galloping past the mansion on horseback just now, and dropped a secret letter on the way, which said that the general personally signed it."

Chen Wei took it in doubt, opened the envelope, and there was a line of letter paper inside: "Someone is going to murder Dong Huang, be careful."

After finishing watching, Chen Wei and Jia Xu looked at each other with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Did you see who the person on the horse is?" Chen Wei asked.

That Huben Wei shook his head and said: "That man's face is covered with a scarf, and his horse walks so fast that his subordinates can't see clearly."

"This person must have known in advance that someone wanted to poison Dong Juan, but this letter was delivered a step too late." Jia Xu sighed regretfully.

Chen Wei folded the letter paper carefully, and said, "Whether it's really someone who wants to help us secretly, or it's just a small trick by Lu Bu to test us, we can't startle the snake, and everything will go according to plan."

After the agreement was completed, Jia Xu immediately sneaked out of Chang'an and joined Sun Hou overnight, preparing to pretend to be a rebel army to attack Meiwu. However, after Chen Wei proposed to dispatch troops at the court meeting, nothing happened in the past two days, and he invited him again. Cai Yong went to the Shuxiang Teahouse to drink tea and play chess, very leisurely.

In the restaurant not far from the Shuxiang Teahouse, Lu Bu and Gao Shun sat by the window, looking out of the Shuxiang Teahouse, Lu Bu said lightly: "The General's Mansion has not seen the slightest reaction these two days, but Chen Wei is as leisurely as usual, Gao Shun Do you think this matter has succeeded or not?"

Gao Shun was also a little puzzled at this moment and said: "If Dong Huang died, Chen Wei would definitely not be so calm. What is the reason?"

"The most important thing is that there has been no news of the people we sent..." Lu Bu frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be Chen Wei's blindfold?"

"Anyway, tomorrow is the deadline. If Chen Wei fails to hand over Dong Huang, the result will still be the same." Gao Shun laughed.

At this time, heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs of the restaurant, and Zang Ba walked up to Lv Bu Gaoshun's table, and said, "General, the newly found news shows that an assassin was caught in the general's mansion yesterday, and it is said that he was trying to poison the Chen Wei has been shot to death, and his body has just been transported out of the general's residence."

A look of disappointment appeared in Lu Bu's eyes and he said, "It seems to have failed."

Gao Shun showed joy, and said, "Dong Huang must be dead, dead!"

Lu Bu and Zang Ba were puzzled and looked at Gao Shun in doubt.

Gao Shun said with a smile: "If Chen Wei evaded it, I wouldn't doubt it, but at this time, Chen Wei publicly declared that he had caught an assassin, which on the contrary showed that he was a guilty conscience. This move was just to confuse us, Chen Wei Wei's laid-back look is just a faux pas."

"Gao Shun, are you sure?" Lu Bu said happily.

"That's right, the person I sent was poisoned by the slow poison I gave beforehand. According to the time calculation, he must have died of the poison the night before. It is impossible to wait until yesterday to be caught, and the news is only today. announced, so there must be ghosts in it." Gao Shun said.

"But this is also speculation," Lu Bu said.

"It's easy to test the truth. We immediately sent people to spread the news that Dong Juan was dead in Chang'an City, and then Feng first went to see Chen Wei, saying that he was ordered by Dong Xiangguo to visit Dong Juan. Wei must evade in every possible way and refuse to let Dong Huang see him, so it can basically be concluded that Dong Huang is dead, and when the time comes to tell Dong Xiangguo the news, Chen Wei may be doomed this time!" Gao Shun laughed.

On this day, rumors of Dong Juan's death spread everywhere, causing huge waves in the city of Chang'an in a short period of time.Lu Bu took the opportunity to go to the general's residence, but was rejected.

The news spread all the way to Meiwu, Dong Zhuo was really furious, and even let Lv Bu lead two thousand iron cavalry from Xiliang to the capital to visit the general's mansion in person, and the iron cavalry surrounded the general's mansion with water.

The entire general's mansion, as if facing an enemy, fell into fear.

(End of this chapter)

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