Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 320: Too Much Appetite

Chapter 320: Too Much Appetite
The court meeting is usually held in the early morning, but in case of emergencies such as mutiny, the emperor will also call important court officials to attend an emergency meeting.Usually, those who can participate in this level of meeting are at least the important ministers of the third rank and above.

Wang Yun, Huang Fusong and others were summoned to the palace to attend the meeting. When they heard that Dong Zhuo wanted to make Lu Bu the general of the town army, they immediately opposed it with all their strength. However, after Chen Wei favored Dong Zhuo, the matter was finally finalized.

Before Wang Yun, Huangfusong and others raised the issue, Dong Zhuo hurriedly disclosed the incident of Meiwu's attack. When Wang Yun, Huangfusong and others heard that the rebels had unexpectedly attacked Meiwu, their expressions changed.Because in fact, the rebel army is their secret force to check and balance Dong Zhuo.

When all the ministers were discussing, Wang Yun asked Huangfusong in a low voice with an ugly face: "Who gave the order to attack Meiwu?" "

Huangfusong also looked ignorant, frowned and said: "I don't know anything about this matter, and Luo An didn't send anyone to report it. We still have to find out the ins and outs, whether it was our people who did it!"

"After the meeting is over, send someone to contact Luo An immediately." Wang Yun said with a gloomy face.Since Zhu Jun's death, the morale of the rebel army has been seriously injured. In order to preserve their strength, he and Huang Fusong ordered Zhu Jun's deputy general to serve as the commander-in-chief, and lead the rebel army to hide in the Shouyang Mountain area of ​​Caoyang to recuperate. Unexpectedly, Luo An took the initiative to attack Meiwu .

Finally, when Dong Zhuo ordered Chen Wei to lead the army to conquer the rebels, Wang Yun and Huang Fusong glanced at each other, and they both saw each other's panic.

After the meeting was over, Wang Yun and Huangfusong really went to find Chen Wei in private.

Chen Wei had already guessed that Wang Yun and Huangfusong would look for him, and he had already made up his mind, got into the other party's carriage, and drove all the way to an elegant house, which must be their property.

The courtyard is surrounded by high walls. There are three or four courtyard houses distributed in the garden. The main building is two stories high. Looking from the window, you can see the dense palaces, the resplendent palace, the inner city wall and the moat not far away.The lake in the center of the courtyard is like a mirror embedded in the trees, and the scenery is pleasant.

In the Yaxuan beside the lake, there were only three people, Chen Wei and Wang Yunhuangfusong.

The three of them leaned on the soft cushions and sat on the floor, separated by a generous table with drinks on it, but the ulterior motives were not in the wine, at this moment Wang Yun and Huangfusong didn't have the mind to drink tea and drink.On the contrary, Chen Wei picked up the teacup bluntly and sipped the tea carefully.

"Chen Wei, you agree to let Lu Bu be promoted to be the general of the town army. You clearly want to help the evildoers. What do you want to do?" Huangfusong scolded.

Chen Wei took a shallow sip of tea, raised his head and glanced at Huangfusong, and asked back: "Master Huangfu actually sent a brothel mother to provoke my relationship with Xiangguo, what do you want to do?"

Huangfusong's face turned black, but he didn't know how to refute.

But Wang Yun said indifferently: "General Chen, if you are angry because of this matter, it will not help Dong Zhuo's power. Now Dong Zhuo is in high position and Lu Bu is the general of the town army, adding wings to a tiger. You are ruining the Han Dynasty, and you will definitely bear the eternal infamy. .”

Chen Wei smiled and said: "It's up to future generations to judge right and wrong. Maybe I don't have the virtues of Lord Situ. I just know that if I can't live on, how can I care about my posthumous reputation?"

"What you have done will definitely be condemned by heaven and reviled by all people!" Huangfu Song said angrily.

"Really? Why didn't Lord Huangfu go out and go to the street to hear whether the common people scolded me or praised me?" Chen Wei said with a smile.

Now in Chang'an City, it is rumored that Chen Wei killed Dong Huang, and the people have reported it one after another.Who is Dong Huang?The nephew of Dong Zhuo, Prime Minister of the current dynasty, the notorious number one playboy in Chang'an City!In Chang'an City, Dong Zhuo was the most hated by the people, and Dong Huang was the second.Dong Juan didn't have Dong Zhuo's talent, but he was more brutal and bloody than Dong Zhuo.The crimes of beating people to death on the street and robbing women in broad daylight have long been complained about. Now that the law is being punished, the people of Chang'an naturally celebrate with each other, and naturally appreciate and praise Chen Wei.

Wang Yun's expression changed slightly, and he lightly stroked his white beard and said, "Dong Huang was full of crimes during his lifetime, and the people of Chang'an had long been resentful. Chen Wei killed Dong Huang and eliminated harm for the people. Naturally, everyone praises it. It's just that these are just temporary. Yes, in another ten or fifty years, I am afraid that you, Chen Wei, will be the guilty subject of our big man."

Chen Wei gently put down his teacup, and said with a smile, "I don't know if Mr. Situ has ever heard a word called 'live in the moment'?"

Wang Yun stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, and said: "It's good to live in the present, but I'm afraid that General Chen will not be able to live in the present soon. Dong Zhuo has gained Lv Bu, and he has already added wings to a tiger. If General Chen sends troops to conquer the rebels, disaster will be imminent." , the end of self-destruction is not far away."

Chen Wei laughed, his face slowly showed anger, and said: "Master Situ, I want to ask, when I went to Luoyang, the marching route was kept secret, but on the way, I was ambushed by Zhu Jun in Sanwei Mountain. I really want to know , Is it Zhu Jun's ingenious plan, a forerunner, or is there someone who tipped off the news in advance?"

Wang Yun and Huangfusong's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at each other without showing any signs.

But these details fell into Chen Wei's eyes, and he became more certain in his heart, and then he smiled angrily: "Master Situ asked me to be lenient with the rebel army, and I agreed, but how will Master Situ treat me? The first battle almost wiped out my entire army. After I came back, I never mentioned it to the adults. It’s not that I don’t know, but I’m too lazy to argue with the two adults. Who is the villain and who is the gentleman? Please give me Comment!"

Wang Yun and Huangfusong knew they were wrong, and they didn't know how to argue for a while.

Chen Wei sat down again, glanced at the two of them, and said, "Actually, I have no choice but to give in to what happened tonight. With Dong Zhuo's pressure and the threat of Dong Huang's death, I can only give in. Don't I know how to sit down?" Seeing that Dong Zhuo's family dominates, is it self-defeating for both of us? It's just that, I implore the two adults to teach Chen Wei, what should we do?"

Wang Yun and Huangfusong looked at each other, they were not as aggressive as before.

"Does Lord Situ think that I don't know the interests of the rebel army and the two lords? It's just that if I agree to Dong Zhuo's sending troops, I will be the one who suffers." Chen Wei said.

After pondering for a while, Wang Yun said, "The Rebel Army can contain Dong Zhuo, as long as the Rebel Army is still there, Dong Zhuo will be afraid..."

But Chen Wei interrupted: "Could it be that your lord still wants me to be lenient and let the rebel army survive?"

Wang Yun coughed, finally nodded and said, "That's right, but this is beneficial to both of us!"

"Hehe, Zhu Jun almost sent me to hell when I spared the rebel army back then. Now you let me let the rebel army go, how will Dong Zhuo treat me?" Chen Wei laughed angrily, "I don't agree!"

"Although my rebel army's vitality has been seriously injured, I don't necessarily fear you. I don't know who will win the battle when the time comes!" Huangfu Song said angrily.

Chen Wei looked at Huangfusong with a sneer and said: "Indeed, I fought against Zhu Jun twice back then, and we were defeated. But at that time, it was because Zhu Jun was stronger than me, and Sanwei Mountain fell into your poisonous scheme. But is the rebel army today the same as the rebel army two years ago? Zhu Jun is dead, and more than half of the rebel army has been lost, and its vitality has been seriously injured. I am afraid that its strength is less than [-]. And I have [-] cavalry in Tongguan, and all of them are elite. It takes [-] iron cavalry to annihilate the remnant and defeated rebels. I don’t know who will die, but I can assure you that within three days, I will wipe out all the rebels outside Chang’an!"

"You—" Huangfusong slapped the table and got up, and was about to scold angrily, but was stopped by Wang Yun, and said: "General Chen is right, but I believe that General Chen is willing to tell us so much, I am afraid there are some one's own thoughts."

The corners of Chen Wei's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "Master Situ is indeed a shrewd person, unlike some reckless people who only smash tables and smash them, and can't get things done."

The implication is naturally to satirize Huangfusong.

Wang Yun also smiled lightly: "General Chen might as well tell us how we can let you let the rebels go."

Chen Wei smiled slightly, dipped his fingers into the teacup, and wrote "Xuanpingmen" and "Qingmingmen" on the coffee table.

Wang Yun looked at the words on the coffee table, and the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

Huangfusong was about to have a seizure, Chen Wei stood up immediately, turned around and left.

Wang Yun shouted: "General Chen, please stay."

Chen Wei turned around slowly, looking at Wang Yun expressionlessly.

Wang Yun walked up to Chen Wei, frowned slightly, and said, "One."

"Kill half!" Chen Wei said coldly.

Wang Yun's cough became worse, and he calmed down after a long time, and said: "General Chen, your appetite must be too big."

"Master Situ is responsible for the soldiers of the rebel army, and I am also responsible for the tens of thousands of horses under my command." Chen Wei said: "And exchange two city gates for a rebel army that can contain Dong Zhuo, I think this account may not be unreasonable." .”

Wang Yun took a deep breath, stared at Chen Wei, and suddenly coughed and laughed. After a while, he slowly restrained his smile, cupped his hands, and said, "Forgive me for not sending me off."

Chen Wei returned the gift, went out, and got into the carriage. Wen Yang, who was on the groom's seat, asked, "General, does Wang Yun agree?"

Chen Wei sat in the car, closed his eyes and meditated, and said softly: "I haven't made a statement yet, but I can't leave."

The carriage left slowly, Chen Wei slowly opened his eyes, and asked, "Is there any news from outside the city?"

Wen Yang said with a smile: "When the general entered the palace for the court meeting, Sun Hou had already sent someone to report that Mr. Jia Xu had 200 people lie in ambush in the woods south of Meiwu to shake the leaves, and sent [-] cavalrymen to tie the branches with horsetails on the east slope. The sand and dust were raised to create the illusion of a large army pressing down on the border. In fact, they just sent the remaining [-] cavalry to attack Meiwu under the banner of the Rebel Army. , Two thousand soldiers and horses lost nearly a hundred people, and finally the master ordered the troops to retreat, and even the corpses were taken away, leaving nothing behind."

"Furthermore, Mr. Sun Hou has already sent Sun Hou back to Tongguan to prepare for the dispatch of troops and supplies."

Chen Wei said with a smile: "Wenhe always makes me feel at ease when dealing with affairs."

Wen Yang also praised: "I heard that Mr. also captured two volunteer soldiers beforehand and sent them to scold the city. The guards in Meiwu had fought against the volunteer army before. When they heard the accent and words of the volunteer soldiers scolding the city, they immediately slammed Consider yourself a rebel."

Chen Wei nodded with a smile.

"General, shall we go back to the General's Mansion first?" Wen Yang asked.

Chen Wei thought that he would leave Chang'an temporarily tomorrow, pondered for a moment, and said, "Take me to the suburbs."

(End of this chapter)

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