Chapter 349
The face of Sima Feixue, who was pressed under Chen Wei, turned pale with fright. Although she hugged and even kissed him, she always maintained the bottom line she should have. Bad guys have played.It's just that in the past even if Chen Wei dared to push forward, she was able to resist, but now she is sick and weak, if he wants to be tough, she has no ability to resist.

However, he didn't seem to have any intention of pushing his limits, and her beating heart slowed down a bit, and she was taken advantage of by this rascal more than once, if it was just a kiss, she would be resigned to her fate.

She slowly closed her eyes, raised her head slightly, wrapped her trembling hands around his neck, and he sucked out her little tongue in a savage way, and held it between her lips, sucking lightly and slowly, with familiar skills, teasing the pure and pure woman's cheeks Feeling dizzy, the body temperature that had been so hard to drop soared up again.She only felt that she was hot all over, but this time it was not because of a fever, but...

Suddenly, Chen Wei's hands that were holding her arms loosened, one hand tightly wrapped around her waist, which has been slender and elastic because of martial arts training, and the other hand pressed the back of her head, still continuing to kiss this cold girl. The beauty's mouth is not enough. This time the posture is more ambiguous, which makes her delicate body tense up due to nervousness.

She didn't know that what she did made it easier for the rascal to stick her tighter. Sure enough, Chen Wei's right hand hugged her waist and arched it, making her chest more protruding and squeezing. I don't know if he intended it or not. Unintentionally, the movements on his mouth became more and more intense, and his body pressed her chest even tighter, making her feel a little out of breath.

She kept her eyes closed and comforted herself that he would not go any further, but she underestimated the man's ambition in this aspect. After she felt his lips numb from his kiss, the opponent's attack point also slowly shifted downward from the mouth, And the right hand that was originally around her waist has quietly and slowly climbed up, covering her chest through the clothes.

Sima Feixue finally couldn't bear it any longer, opened his eyes, not knowing whether it was from shyness or anger, looked at each other, bit his lip and panted, "How dare you..."

Chen Wei shook his head lightly, and let go of his hand. Just as she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect this guy to penetrate directly into her dress, and his hands were soft and greasy, rising slowly, and instantly reached the waist and abdomen. As long as it goes further, it is a restricted area that no one has ever played with.

She, who had been calm all this time, finally showed a hint of panic in her eyes, mixed with three points of anger. When she reached out to stop the villain's hooliganism, his hand stopped on its own initiative and covered her wound bandage.

He bent down and slowly untied the bandage, looking at the wound healed with his own blood, he even lowered his head.

When his mouth touched the skin next to the wound, Sima Feixue only felt a strange tingling sensation running through her whole body, and she tremblingly said: "Don't..."

Chen Wei raised his head, stared at her, and said affectionately: "You are not allowed to take risks for me in the future."

Sima Feixue's flustered eyes regained a trace of clarity, and he pursed his lips tightly.

Chen Wei saw a trace of sadness in her eyes, and said with a slight smile, "Unless you really want to be with me and share weal and woe."

Sima Feixue's tender body trembled even more violently, because she understood the meaning of this sentence.

He bit his finger again, letting the blood drip down on her slowly healing wound.

Sima Feixue pressed Chen Wei's hand and shook his head lightly.

Chen Wei gently pushed her hand away, and murmured: "Your blood flows for me, and my blood flows in your body, Feixue, do you think our relationship is blood thicker than water?"

Sima Feixue bit her lip and closed her eyes, unwilling to answer this question.

Chen Wei picked her up again to bandage the wound, then hugged her waist and let her sit on his lap.This posture immediately made Sima Feixue's cheeks flush, and he was too shy to open his eyes.

Chen Wei put his arms around her waist like warm jade, and gently covered her cool and beautiful cheek with one hand. She is really beautiful like jade, and tremblingly said: "Open your eyes."

Sima Feixue's delicate body trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at him, her cheeks were like peach blossoms.

"Will I marry you?" Chen Wei pondered for a long time, and finally asked this sentence.

Sima Feixue shook his head.

Chen Wei's face changed slightly.

"You have a wife." Sima Feixue trembled.

"Do you mind?" Chen Wei's heart trembled.

She nodded.

With a wry smile on Chen Wei's face, he leaned his head over to kiss her, but she turned his head away to avoid it.

Chen Wei took a deep breath, let go of her, and said with a bitter smile, "You have a rest, I'll find something to eat."

She turned to face the side of the tent.

When Chen Wei walked out of the tent, she turned her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

About an hour later, he came back, holding a lotus leaf with both hands, which contained small pieces of cooked horse meat.

"I know you are a vegetarian, but you were injured, it's just that eating wild fruit is not good for your health, and eating some meat from red-blooded animals will heal your injury faster." Chen Wei said softly.

She glanced at the snow sword hanging in the tent.

"I didn't use your sword." Chen Wei said hastily.

When Chen Wei walked out of the tent, she looked at the beef on the lotus leaf, her eyes flushed.She knew that he didn't use his own sword, so how much effort did he spend to cut the horse meat so delicately?Did he do it so delicately to make her more appetizing?

Because she was injured, Chen Wei did not leave that day.That night, Chen Wei set up his tent again.

Because she went to bed early last night, she woke up very early the next day. Although the wound was not healed, she was able to barely get out of the tent, but she saw him sitting cross-legged not far away, with his head down and still holding his hand. A wooden stick, stained with blood, on the edge of the dense forest, lay two blood-stained wild wolves.

It turned out that he didn't sleep that night. Was he worried that the injured himself would not be able to withstand the beasts in the mountains?
She bit her lip, turned and walked back to the tent, not crying, but her nose was sore.

On the third day, finally set off.Chen Wei had already killed one of the two horses. He let her sit and led her to walk in front.I didn't run because I was afraid that the violent bumps would tear the wound open.

But in the evening, the mountain road was so rugged that it was difficult to walk, so I had to give up the horse.

Although it is nourished by his blood, it will not take a few days for a wound severely injured by internal energy to heal. Before she gritted her teeth and resisted to rescue Chen Wei, now that she let go of this breath, after walking for a long time, the wound hurt A surge of brains came from the side.

He squatted in front of her and said calmly, "I'll carry you on my back."

The setting sun dimmed the mountains, casting long shadows behind them.The injured young man walked slowly on the winding and rugged mountain road with a more seriously injured woman from Shuzhong on his back.

She didn't know the weight of her own weight plus the cloth bag in his hand, she only knew that he walked steadily and firmly every step, and she knew that this man kept walking on tiptoe in order not to make herself feel bumpy Hundreds of miles of mountain roads.

It was another day, in the early morning mist, he was still walking forward with her on his back.

With tears in her eyes, the beautiful woman whispered to Chen Wei that I like you.

A man who is already tired but pretends to be relaxed says I like you too.

The woman lying on his thick and warm back bit her lip, choked up and asked what if I fell in love with you?
When a man says he falls in love with me, I will marry you.

The woman wiped her tears and said, what if my father disagrees?
The man paused, then moved on, his tone was calm but extremely determined: I will kill Shushan and take you back.

The woman smiled through tears and hugged his neck tightly, but there were more tears on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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