Chapter 354
Naturally, Yuan Can couldn't get the result he wanted. If Chen Wei really died, I'm afraid Lu Bu would rush into the General's Mansion and bring Diao Chan into his room.

Perhaps because Chen Wei's life or death was still uncertain, although Lu Bu talked and laughed happily with Yuan Can on the surface, he couldn't hide his worries and slight worries in his heart.As for Yuan Can, a son of a wealthy family, it was not difficult to see that Lu Bu had other intentions, and his worries were even worse.

But both of them performed very well. After ignoring the incident of Chen Wei, the topic turned to romanticism, wine and horses. It was impossible for Yuan Can to talk about war on paper, but when talking about women at the table, he naturally talked with eloquence.Although Lu Bu is a military general, he can also take on the word of elegance. Although he speaks less and listens more, his occasional one or two sentences to the right conclusion also shows that he is not just a brave and foolish man.

In the evening, the flower boat docked slowly, and when the two went ashore to say goodbye, Gao Shun was already waiting on the shore with a gloomy expression.

Lu Bu caught a glimpse and frowned, guessing that there was bad news.

Yuan Can observed people's attitudes, deliberately did not part ways immediately, but stood by the side and exchanged greetings with Gao Shun, but Gao Shun didn't intend to be open and honest, so Yuan Can had to leave in embarrassment.

After getting into the carriage, Wen Zhixuan who was standing under the carriage asked anxiously, "Master, my wedding banquet..."

Yuan Can couldn't get the news of Chen Wei's life and death, so he was naturally in a bad mood. He glanced at Wen Zhixuan coldly, and his tone became a little stiff: "Since I promised you, I will naturally be there. You go back and prepare first, and I will be there later." arrive."

Wen Zhixuan was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.After watching the carriage leave, his eyes slowly darkened, and he muttered to himself without knowing what he was talking about.

He turned his head to look at Lu Bu, Gao Shun and the others at the edge of the river bank, only to see Gao Shun whispering something to Lu Bu, Lu Bu's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly got into the carriage and left.

Although he was not qualified to answer on the boat, he could hear the conversation between Yuan Can and Lu Bu flawlessly. Although he couldn't hear what Gao Shun said to Lu Bu now, he could probably guess that it might have something to do with that Chen Wei. .

For that Chen Wei, Wen Zhixuan naturally wouldn't care about his life or death.He only met him once in Fengming Pavilion, when Dong Huang was forcibly taken away by Chen Wei, and he was deeply impressed by Chen Wei's domineering.Think about how a person like him who thinks about how to make a fortune day and night will not be envious and jealous of Chen Wei.

Regarding Yuan Can's act of plundering Li Fengji, Wen Zhixuan secretly sneered at Yuan Can, because the risk of doing such a thing was too great when Chen Wei's life and death were not determined.Now that there is no definite news of Chen Wei's death, he can naturally understand Yuan Can's anxiety just now.

Of course, he prefers Chen Wei's death, because Yuan Can is the pillar he will rely on in the future after all, if Yuan Can falls, his official career will be more or less affected.

The matter was not much different from Wen Zhixuan's guess. Gao Shun did bring news of Chen Wei to Lu Bu, but it was bad news for most people in Chang'an City.

Dong Zhuo had already received the news that Chen Wei was leading an army from Tongguan to Chang'an, that's why he asked Gao Shun to recall Lu Bu in such a hurry.

In Meiwu, Dong Zhuo was sitting in the high hall, and there were two rows of more than a dozen generals in armor standing below the hall. Everyone's face was solemn, as if they were facing an enemy.

Lu Bu walked quickly into the hall and knelt down on one knee.

Dong Zhuo immediately rose up against the case, pointed at Lu Bu and cursed: "Lu Fengxian, how did you guarantee to our family that Chen Wei would never return to Chang'an? Now it's all right, he not only came back alive, but also led an army of [-] to Chang'an , what is your explanation?"

With a calm expression, Lu Bu raised his head and said, "Xiangguo, my subordinates didn't expect Chen Wei to survive with such a tough life. Please forgive me, Xiangguo!"

Even so, his voice was calm as usual, without the slightest tremor.With Chen Wei not around, Dong Zhuo had to rely on him. Now that Chen Wei was alive, Lu Bu knew that Dong Zhuo couldn't do without him even more, that's why he let Dong Zhuo punish him so recklessly!
Sure enough, Dong Zhuo angrily smashed the half-person-high vase next to him, pointed at Lu Bu and cursed, but he didn't mean to blame.

Gao Shun, who was next to him, came out and knelt on the ground and said: "Xiangguo, at that time Chen Wei subjugated the party without a fight, and tens of thousands of troops were surrendered. If Chen Wei was allowed to return to Chang'an, his power would increase, and it would only be good for us." It's even more unfavorable. This time Chen Wei came here with a large army, and he may not really dare to rebel, because he has no evidence to prove that the ambush is ours, and he will only be unknown. General Lu leads the army to fight, and he will definitely not let him enter Chang'an City with a single soldier."

Lv Bu stood up, held his head high and said, "Xiangguo, Fengxian only needs [-] cavalry, and they will surely be able to reach Chenwei, which is a hundred miles away from Chang'an!"

But at this time, a figure of Yiqian suddenly rushed into the hall, threw herself in front of Dong Zhuo and cried, "Grandpa, is Chen Wei still alive?"

Dong Zhuo glared angrily at the maidservant behind Dong Bai, and scolded: "Whoever let Miss come in, take her out!"

Dong Bailihua cried, "Grandpa, you can't kill Chen Wei, you can't kill him..."

After Dong Bai was dragged out, Dong Zhuo glared at Lu Bu sternly and said, "Fengxian, our family will give you [-] soldiers and horses. If Chen Wei really dares to rebel, we will order you to chop off his head to see me!"

Lu Bu said arrogantly: "This subordinate obeys orders!"


45 miles outside Chang'an City, Wannian County.

Compared with Chang'an City, the scale of Wannian County is much smaller, but although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, in a small teahouse in the south of the county, the small teahouse that used to have a good business is now empty, and the outside is empty.There were only three customers in the small shop, but the manager of the small shop still stood beside him tremblingly, with a flattering smile on his face. Although he didn't know the identities of the three people, within a few hundred meters outside the door, there were all cavalry. This is the second time the shopkeeper in this posture has seen it in his life. The first time was when Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Wannian County and stationed troops in Wannian County.But this time, these cavalry in thick black armor were strictly disciplined and did not offend the common people.

The shopkeeper's heart almost popped out of his throat, and tremblingly brought a pot of high-quality Biluochun tea, which was already the bottom of the tea box in the store, but in the eyes of these three customers, it might not be on the table.

He was terrified and didn't dare to look directly at him, so he could only glance at the young general.The young general winked at the lieutenant behind him, and the lieutenant immediately took out a piece of silver and handed it to the shopkeeper, then politely asked the shopkeeper to do his own work.

The shopkeeper glanced at it. It was a full ten taels, which was already worth half a year's money for his tea sales. How could he dare to take it?

The young general was very gentle, and said with a smile: "Shopkeeper, take it generously, just please borrow a place for me and the two adults to get together."

The shopkeeper managed to swallow a mouthful of saliva, took the silver with trembling hands, and retreated behind the counter while bending over and nodding, startled and afraid to put the silver in his sleeves.

At the tea table, Wang Yun looked at the young general in front of him, with a complicated expression, and said softly, "General Chen is really blessed."

The young general took half a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Thanks to you. I just let the two of you travel all the way to the outskirts of the city to meet me, a junior. Chen Wei first apologizes."

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Huangfu Song said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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