Chapter 357
Hearing Chen Wei's words, Lu Bu knew that Chen Wei was going to take the opportunity to make trouble. Now that Chen Wei is leading an army, it cannot be said that he is a rebel. In name, Chen Wei is still a victorious army. After analyzing the pros and cons, Lu Bu secretly thought, He winked at Zang Ba behind him.

Zang Ba had no choice but to kneel down on one knee angrily.

Chen Wei squinted his eyes, and secretly sighed in his heart that Lu Bu could really hold his breath. If Lu Bu dared to confront him on this matter, he would be in his arms, but Lu Bu was not fooled.

I only heard Lu Bu say: "General Chen, Chang'an is the capital. According to the rules, no army can enter within [-] miles of Chang'an City except the guards guarding the capital. I don't know what General Chen means?"

Chen Wei glanced at the army behind Lu Bu, and then said: "I have made great achievements in conquering the rebels, so what's wrong with leading the victorious army back to accept the emperor's reward?"

Zang Ba shouted coldly: "I think you have evil intentions..."

Before Zang Ba finished speaking, Gao Shun who was standing next to him hurriedly stopped him from continuing, and then bowed his body and saluted: "General Chen has made great achievements in beating thieves, so naturally he should be rewarded by the court, but since ancient times, all teachers who have made meritorious deeds can at most go to heaven. The army can only be stationed fifty miles away from the capital, so Dong Xiangguo's intention is to hope that General Chen's army will return to Tongguan, and General Chen can lead a guard army of [-] people to meet the Holy Majesty."

"Our army has been fighting for days and has traveled long distances back to Beijing. If we don't get the gift from the Holy One, we still have to endure the hard journey and return to Tongguan?" Chen Wei said angrily.

Gao Shun's face froze, and he looked at Lu Bu.His status is naturally far lower than that of Chen Wei, so it is naturally not his turn to say some things.

Lu Bu took the words and said: "Dong Xiangguo has also considered this issue, so before the last general was ordered to come to meet General Chen, Dong Xiangguo had already asked the emperor for instructions. It is the Holy Majesty's will for General Chen to garrison Shouyang Mountain, I hope General Chen can understand!"

Chen Wei cursed in his heart that this was Dong Thief's idea, and said coldly: "General Lu, the Holy Majesty's will is not based on empty words. If the Holy Majesty really has this intention, let Dong Xiangguo come and tell me in person!"

Lu Bu's face was ugly. He was not afraid of Chen Wei's fighting, but he was afraid of Chen Wei's pressure.Chen Wei obviously had no intention of rebelling, but this caught Lu Bu a little off guard, but they were all very deep in the city, and they calmly said, "General Ruochen needs documents, and I will send someone back to ask for them immediately."

"Didn't you hear what I just said clearly? Let Dong Xiangguo tell me in person." Chen Wei's attitude immediately became tough.

Lu Bu had no expression on his face, his eyes sparkled.

But Zang Ba couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted violently: "General Chen, Dong Xiangguo entrusts General Lu with full responsibility at this time, don't you dare to go against the will of the Holy Majesty?"

Instead of being angry, Chen Wei smiled and said, "Is that Dong Xiangguo's intention or His Majesty's intention?"

Zang Ba angrily said, "Isn't it the same?"

Gao Shun's face immediately changed, knowing that Chen Wei was deliberately setting up a trap, he quickly tried to stop Zang Ba.

But Chen Wei would not let this opportunity go, his face suddenly turned cold and he said: "The Holy Majesty is the Son of Heaven, Dong Xiangguo is just a subject, how can the monarch and ministers be the same. It seems that under the pampering of General Lu, the soldiers below see There is only Dong Xiangguo, there is no emperor. Today I will take General Lu to discipline the domineering who has no law!"

Lu Bu's face changed slightly, and when he was about to speak, Chen Wei had already made a move in an instant.

Chen Wei had already gathered his momentum, and when he shot swiftly and swiftly, he arrived in front of Zang Ba in the blink of an eye. Without any moves, he directly raised his arm and smashed it down like an iron whip that opened up mountains and ground.

The sudden attack made Zang Ba's face stiff, but after all, he was an invincible brave man. At that moment, the lightning boat subconsciously lifted up, and it happened to stand on Chen Wei's veins.

Chen Wei's arm was as hard as a rock, but he still couldn't help the numbness when the pulse was suddenly pushed, and he subconsciously bent his elbow.Zang Ba didn't have time to resist at all, and he didn't even have time to think. He still relied on his body's instincts to step forward and resist the opponent's knee that wanted to make progress.

Chen Wei exerted a strong force and continued to sink his elbow. Zang Ba felt that at that moment, a force weighing [-] tons was suddenly pressed down, forcing his knees to bend down. He originally planned to lift his foot to kick Chen Wei's lower abdomen to stop the opponent's attack. He could no longer support himself on one foot.But at this moment, he couldn't lift his feet, but Chen Wei's left leg jumped up suddenly, like a flying stone, kicking his chest straight!

Zang Ba let out a muffled snort, stepped back two meters away, and coughed again and again.

Chen Wei's eyes froze. He didn't expect that Zang Ba's physical fitness was so strong. He basically focused [-]% of his inner strength on this kick. Even if Zang Ba was brave, he would definitely be seriously injured with such strength. An ordinary person would have passed out long ago, but Zang Ba just stepped back two meters and carried it down abruptly.

Chen Wei didn't give Zang Ba a chance to breathe, in fact, he didn't give Lu Bu a chance to intervene, he stared at his feet, and in the blink of an eye he came to Zang Ba again, his sharp facial features tightened suddenly, he let out a muffled grunt, and his pair of The arms swept across like two stone pillars!
This time Zang Ba finally had a chance to react completely. He turned his arms upwards to block Chen Wei's sweeping iron arms. , trying to pull Chen Wei closer by relying on strength.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wei had no intention of retreating at all, and with such a pull, the distance between the two was immediately compressed to an extremely small size.Sure enough, Zang Ba thrust out his left hand, clung tightly to the back of Chen Wei's head, and smashed it over as soon as he lowered his head. If this head hammer hits hard, Chen Wei will definitely end up with a broken nose and blood; the same Just in time, his other arm suddenly increased its strength, forcibly pushing back Chen Wei's defense with strength, twisted his shoulder, and hit Chen Wei's temple again with the tip of his elbow.Once these two moves are made, if Chen Wei doesn't handle them properly, even if he won't be seriously injured, he will be in a very embarrassing situation.

But since Chen Wei had no intention of retreating, it meant that he was ready for any possibility of the opponent's counterattack. Sure enough, Zang Ba's head hammer did not hit hard, because Chen Wei's palm had blocked his eyebrows at some point , the five fingers spread out, covering the opponent's face like cotton flowers, and then the other arm did not forcibly block the opponent's elbow, but smashed fiercely towards the opponent's armpit exposed after twisting the shoulder!The middle finger of his fist protruded slightly, and he hit the spot fiercely.

This is the Bajiquan that Chen Wei taught Er Zaizi. Although Chen Wei didn't have Er Zaizi's natural domineering and full of strength, the aura he carried was indomitable.

Zang Ba didn't expect Chen Wei to react so quickly, resisting his double-click and counterattack on the spot.

He almost gritted his teeth and threw a punch. Although he was in a hurry, it was not difficult to rely on his strength to block Chen Wei's punch.

But when he threw a punch, Chen Wei re-entered with his left leg almost at the same time. The distance between the two of them was too close for Chen Wei to lift his leg, but his body shrank suddenly, and his knee was lifted up, really hitting the ground. At the root of Zang Ba's thigh, if Zang Ba hadn't been tall and quick to react, and turned his body in time at the last moment, this knee might hit Zang Ba's vitals.

As a result, Zang Ba's leg was hit by Chen Wei, and he felt his whole leg was so numb that he could not listen to his orders, and Chen Wei was taking this opportunity to sweep Zang Ba's waist again.

Zang Ba's paralyzed legs had no time to react, and his whole body was indeed swept by Chen Wei. The tiger's body, which was nearly two hundred catties, was directly swept to the ground by Chen Wei, and it slid three meters on the sand before stopping.

Chen Wei did not pursue, because he knew that he was able to knock down Zang Ba only because he made a sudden move and took the lead, and now Lu Bu would definitely not give him another chance to make a move.

Sure enough, Lu Bu stopped in front of Chen Wei, and said with anger on his face: "General Chen has already taught him a lesson, and he will be punished for ten days in prison. I hope that General Chen will not hesitate to enlighten me!"

Obviously Lu Bu wanted to dampen Chen Wei's prestige in front of the two armies.

(End of this chapter)

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