Snake King begging Ji

Chapter 344 The Grand Finale: Love Breaks Locks and Hearts Calamity

Chapter 344 The Grand Finale: Love Breaks Locks and Hearts Calamity (20)

Yuhu also knew Qing'er's reason for coming, he threw off his sleeves indifferently, and after a few gossiping words, he walked away.

Sure enough, after Yuhu left, Qing'er's eyes became red, and she went straight to Yushe, and said with grievance: "What about others?"

Yushe was a little bit embarrassed, but in the end she couldn't stand her stubbornness, so she just pointed to a pavilion outside and said, "Maybe it's there! Go gently, don't disturb others."

Qing'er nodded, pushed the door open and walked out lonely and resentful.

"Will he meet Qing'er? Ye Qing, what on earth is he thinking?" Panpan leaned against a soft cushion, and slept on the bed at an angle.Next to it is a small baby.

Outside the window, the sun is already slanting to the west, and the twilight is gradually rising between the buildings, which is the most peaceful and quiet moment in the dusk.But the few people in the room were no longer in a leisurely mood. Instead, their brows were deeply furrowed, their faces were full of anxiety, and they were fidgeting restlessly.

Yushe took the bird's nest cup that Jin Xia was carrying, and slowly blew it cold mouthful by mouthful, and fed it to Panpan.Reluctantly, she was physically weak after giving birth and her tongue coating was thin, so she really couldn't eat anything, so she just took two bites and couldn't swallow anymore.

Yu She frowned, and she couldn't help saying comfortingly: "If you don't eat, how can you get better?"

Who knew that Panpan didn't care but smiled indifferently: "It's okay if it's not better! Besides, if I never get better, you won't leave me, will you?"

Yushe felt a pain in her heart, and quickly took the silk scarf she usually used to wipe her eyes, and reprimanded: "What are you talking about! If you don't get well, you will soon be a little old lady! Don't shed tears during this time, otherwise, the wrinkles will grow fast!"

While talking, he pretended to be serious and looked at Panpan carefully.Then, he squinted his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly; his mouth said mercilessly, "Hey! When did a crow's feet grow out here?"

Panpan was taken aback. Could it be that he was really going to grow old soon?How can this be done?

There was a lot of voices asking Jin Xia to come over with a mirror to look at her face, but when Jin Xia finally found a copper carved Double Happiness mirror in the dressing table and came over, Yu She's long-suffering expression changed.

"Hey! Girl, you are still as easy to deceive as when I first saw you! Hahaha, you have been a child who will not grow up all your life!"

*****I'm sorry everyone, I can't finish writing tonight. I started working after dinner, and there are still a few chapters to write. It seems that I have to come back tomorrow. It's really not good. Excuse me!

Hey, Lin promises that it will be over tomorrow!

As for the extra episode, I won’t write it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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