The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1202 0011, young and young

Chapter 1202 0011, young and young

Liu Wei did go to help her, but instead of helping her up, he pushed Qin Lu out directly.A box that couldn't stop the car loaded onto Liu Wei and passed over Liu Wei's right leg.

Liu Wei's leg was broken at that time, but he didn't cry or make a fuss. Instead, he carried his immobile leg and crawled towards Qin Lu who had already been frightened.

To put it bluntly, if Liu Wei hadn't pushed Qin Lu away at that time, the box truck would have crushed her in all likelihood.

Subsequently, Liu Wei was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.The legs were hugged, but because the box was too heavy, Liu Wei's leg bones had been crushed.Doctors are helpless in this situation.

Although the technology is advanced enough, the cost of some things is too high to complete, and it is not worth the loss if it is really done.

Later, Liu Wei was discharged from the hospital.He stayed in the hospital for three and a half months, and three things happened during these three and a half months.

The first thing is that Liu Wei has since become a lame man, walking on tiptoes.

The second thing is that Qin Lu was picked up by his parents to the provincial capital. I'm afraid they won't have the chance to meet again in the future.

The third thing is that during the three and a half months of hospitalization, Liu Wei became less and less fond of talking.A boy who was originally quite sunny turned into another person in just a few months.

With a height of 1.7 meters and [-] meters, he is a handsome guy, but he is a lame man with a slightly sloped foot.After seeing Liu Wei, many people would say such things.

Qin Lu was taken to the provincial capital by her parents, of course he was unwilling to leave, but she was still a child at that time.She can't control her parents' plans, and at best she complains after the fact.

Qin Lu has been greatly influenced, her personality has become more and more cheerful, and she is much more beautiful than before.At that time, Liu Wei made up his mind that he must apply for a school in the provincial capital in the future.In this way, he can go to the provincial capital to find Qin Lu.

The ancients studied hard in the cold window for ten years just to jump into the dragon's gate in one day. After thousands of years of inheritance, the time of studying hard in the cold window is getting longer and longer. Three or four years of preschool, six years of primary school, and three years of middle and high school.This will take twelve or three years at once, and this does not include the time it takes to go to college.

If a person wants to get the highest degree, he must spend at least 20 years in school.

At that time, they had an agreement that when they grew up in the future, they would go to the same city to go to university together.

Without Qin Lu, Liu Wei became less and less gregarious at school.In the past, classmates made fun of Qin Lu and nicknamed Qin Lu Braces Girl.

Qin Lu transferred to the provincial capital, and they never saw her again, so they pointed the finger at Liu Wei.And gave Liu Wei the nickname Pozi Liu.

Later, Liu Wei got into fights with his classmates and was ordered by the teacher to call him a parent several times.He even beat a classmate's nose to bleed.

From elementary school to junior high school, Liu Wei has always been taciturn.Ever since Qin Lu left, he had gotten used to being alone.In the past, there were always many people around him, but now he would hide away when he saw people.

His grades in junior high school were so-so for three years, but Liu Wei performed well in the senior high school entrance examination, and got admitted to the county key by accident.It seems that he was stimulated by something. In the three years of high school, Liu Wei was still a loner, but he devoted most of his energy to his studies.

In addition to studying, some people found that Liu Wei also worked part-time.It seems that everything he uses is earned by himself.

Liu Wei became a positive teaching material in the school and was used by many teachers to educate the students in their classes.

There is no doubt that Liu Wei can pass the college entrance examination.If you perform well, you may be able to go to a top ten university in China.

Dreams are full, reality is very skinny.

On the day the college entrance examination results were announced, Liu Wei locked himself in his room.Of course he wanted to know the results of the college entrance examination, but he was afraid in his heart.If the exam is not satisfactory, how can he be worthy of his parents who get up early and work hard for him to go to school.

Liu Wei's mother runs a breakfast shop in the town, and his father is a delivery driver.

Liu Wei is the only child in the family, so it is conceivable that his parents love him.As long as you don't do anything too extreme,
Liu Wei's parents will not be angry at all.

That year, Liu Wei was admitted to a well-known domestic university as a fresh graduate.The subject that Liu Wei is best at is the advantage of this university.

In this respect, this university can rival any university in the country.

Liu Wei has two ways to go, one is to go with his first choice, because that has always been what he wants to do most.The second is to listen to the teacher's arrangement, first study in a university for one year, and then study abroad as an exchange student.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.Before Liu Wei could make a choice, God had already ordered the worst option for him.

Liu Wei's father had an accident on a highway in other provinces. In order to avoid a car that was braking suddenly, he hit the middle guardrail and collided with a car in the opposite lane.

Leaving aside the matter of the car, the owner of the car died on the spot, and they all need to pay some money due to emotion and reason.Liu Wei didn't know it at first, but later he heard that his mother was going to sell the house, and only then did he know what happened.

Of course, you need to pay for killing someone. The freight company where Liu Wei's father works paid two-thirds of the compensation, and Liu Wei's mother had to figure out a way for the rest of the compensation.

After figuring out the situation, Liu Wei found his mother Fang Jie and made a decision that would affect his life.

In order to repay the partner's car purchase, Liu Wei and his mother Fang Jie worked hard to earn money.

He is a college student who is about to enter university, so his vision is naturally slightly different from that of ordinary people.In Liu Wei's view, if he goes to any university, he will inevitably put all the burden of repaying the debt on his mother Fang Jie.

His father is gone, and his mother is his only relative.Liu Wei must cheer up immediately, not only to let his mother live a life without worrying about food and clothing, but also to repay all the foreign debts his father owed during his lifetime.

Few people know that Liu Wei did not fail the college entrance examination ten years ago.He is the most promising college student in the same generation in the whole family, but now he can't even go to a third-rate college.No one can check Liu Wei's college entrance examination results.

Because he didn't want people to know that he gave up going to college because he needed to help his father pay off his debts.

He found an expert who was proficient in computers, and then hacked the website that announced the results of the college entrance examination.After he went in, he only changed his grades and left nothing else.

Now that the preparations have been made, the next plan is simple.If it is the industry that earns the most money, the only place Liu Wei can go to at that time is the construction site.

I earn a lot of money every day when I go to the construction site. Although it is hard, I don’t cry when I see the money.

When he first arrived at the construction site, Liu Wei couldn't bear it at all.In the dog days, I was exposed to the sun, and I had to work and study at the same time.Liu Wei, who has never experienced hardship since he was a child, was really exhausted from the work on the construction site.

(End of this chapter)

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