The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 241 0242, watch a meteor shower with you

Chapter 241 0242, watch a meteor shower with you
Early the next morning, Huaxia was spreading the video of a group's concert wildly.There are not only live concert videos, but also off-site video clips.

There has never been a group that can gather so many fans at one time, and there is no group that can win the approval of so many fans at the first concert.

According to statistics from the organizer, there were no less than [-] fans at the scene that night.The stadium can only accommodate [-], and the remaining [-] are outside the stadium.In order to allow fans outside to see what's going on inside the stadium, the organizer temporarily set up twelve super-large screens outside.

It was planned to go back to Huang's villa, but unfortunately the three girls refused to let Long Fei go.When they first met Long Fei, it was the first time they felt a sense of security from a stranger.It was also from that time that they had an inexplicable trust in Long Fei.

There are very few people who give charcoal in the snow, but many who are icing on the cake.This world is like this, the more you need help, the fewer people are willing to help you, the more you don't need help, the more people will come to help you.

They are celebrities and public figures, even if they have a lot of troubles, they can't tell others casually.Of course, they can't be like ordinary people, they may not be able to cry when they want to cry, and they may not dare to laugh when they want to laugh.Many people dream of being a star, but they don't know that that kind of life needs to be exchanged for something of equal value.

Back at the hotel at two o'clock in the evening, the three girls slept for twelve hours at a stretch, and didn't wake up until two o'clock in the afternoon.Then eat the dumplings made by Longfei in the suite, which is the most classic staple food of Chinese people.The most common staple food during festivals, of course, the most essential part is dumpling stuffing.

The dumplings filled with three delicacies made the mouths of the three girls full of oil.They haven't felt this way for a long time. It's very similar to the feeling of reunion dinner with their families when they were young.

A piece of latest news was interrupted on the TV that was playing. Tonight around twelve o'clock, the earth will usher in a meteor shower that is once in a century.The most suitable places to watch this meteor shower, including the imperial capital.Although it is not the best viewing place, you can also see the entire meteor shower from the imperial capital.

As the old saying goes, when a meteor falls, it means the death of a genius.This kind of thing rarely happens in modern times, but it was very common in ancient times.Before a prince or general dies, there will always be a strange scene in the interstellar world.There are also some emperors of a generation, and there will be some signs when they die.

The three girls unanimously asked to find a good place to watch the meteor shower, but Long Fei proposed to go back to Huang's villa at this time.He still has a lot of things to do, and he can't be with the three of them all the time.Since the company gave the three of them a one-week break, the three of them should make good use of these few days.

Eat something delicious, go to a few fun places, and let yourself completely relax.The first concert was a complete success, and the next national tour concert will definitely go smoothly.

Although he was a bit reluctant to see the three of them, Long Fei still left the Imperial Hotel.I returned to Huang's villa, mainly to study the books on refining Liuwei Dihuangdan.Although Liuwei Rehmannia Pill is an elixir in ancient times, with the advanced technology now, there must be something that can help increase the success rate of Liuwei Rehmannia Pill.

Huang Fei kept sullen after seeing Long Fei, but Luo Qianqian was very polite to Long Fei.After all, Long Fei helped her find her mother, and Luo Qianqian always remembered this favor.Dong Hao doesn't like Long Fei, in fact Long Fei doesn't like Dong Hao even more.It's not a reverse actor, a big man looks like a woman all day long, which makes people annoying at first sight.

Luo Qianqian told Long Fei that Huang Fei gave her two tickets to her older brothers and sisters yesterday.The six of them sat together to watch the concert, but the boy was pissed off.But the boy behaved very well at the beginning, and even bought flowers for Huang Fei.Later, Huang Da taught the boy a lesson, and the boy was not convinced and insisted on making gestures with Huang Da.In the end he called a large group of people, Huang Da only brought two bodyguards.

This matter later alerted the police, and the boy was finally picked up by his parents who heard the news.They also kept apologizing to Huang Da. In fact, their strength is much higher than Huang Da's, but they know that peace is the most important thing than ordinary people.

If there are too many lice, don’t be afraid of biting. If you have too many debts, don’t worry. The more powerful a person is, the more careful he is to offend someone who is weaker than himself but relatively speaking.Because they know in their hearts that too many ants can kill an elephant, and too many enemies will eventually endanger their own safety.

Huang Fei glared at Luo Qianqian, but Luo Qianqian stopped talking.Now Long Fei opened his mouth and took the initiative to admit his mistake to Huang Fei.After all, he had flatly rejected Huang Fei's invitation before, but later showed up at the concert. If he didn't apologize to her for this matter, he would definitely be in trouble.

However, an apology is an apology, Long Fei will not agree to Huang Fei's request.She said that Long Fei needs to show some sincerity if he wants her to forgive, and she will ask Long Fei to cook a table of delicious food for her in the evening.

Long Fei could do this, but he couldn't, because he needed to study those books with great concentration.Strive to find a perfect solution as soon as possible, which can reduce the failure probability of refining Liuwei Dihuangdan.

Luo Qianqian came forward to reconcile, otherwise Huang Fei would lose her temper again.You don't need Long Fei to make dinner, you just need to watch the meteor shower together at night.

This is really a bit embarrassing for Long Fei, after all he still doesn't know what the three girls will do.Once she promised Luo Qianqian now, Huang Fei would definitely be impatient if she didn't fulfill it by then.This matter seemed to be wrong no matter what to do, but at this time there was no second choice, because Huang Fei's face became more and more ugly at this time.

A well-intentioned lie is called a white lie, and at this time Long Fei told a white lie.Because when he left the Imperial City Hotel, the three girls told him to wait for the evening.So he may be called away by the three girls at any time, and he will definitely release Huang Fei as a pigeon.

The whole afternoon was calm, Long Fei had been studying those few books in his room.Dinner was also very casual, because Long Fei was still thinking about those few books.Until ten o'clock in the evening, the housekeeper came to tell Long Fei that someone was looking for him at the door.It was the three girls who were already fully armed and wanted to come to Huang's villa as guests on a whim.

They had heard Long Fei mention Huang Fei more than once, and they also knew that Huang Fei was Long Fei's fiancée.They are four or five years older than Waste, so they are naturally more thoughtful than Long Fei.Since we want to watch the meteor shower together, where is the difference?Since Long Fei has a fiancée, he should stay by his side.

Long Fei brought the three girls into the villa, and saw Huang Fei coming down the stairs as soon as he entered the living room.His face was drawn very long, as if he wanted to swallow Long Fei alive.When he went downstairs, he kept staring at Long Fei, only for a moment, he turned his eyes to the three girls, and then locked his eyes on Long Fei.

Influenced by her parents since childhood, Huang Fei has an inexplicable affection for Long Fei.However, she also had an inexplicable resistance to Long Fei.Perhaps because Hang grew up, she had a kind of resistance to Long Fei from the bottom of her heart.Even after knowing Long Fei for a year, the resistance to Long Fei still exists.

However, compared to when we first met, the resistance now is obviously much less.The two of them will soon be 15 years old, and Huang Fei's jealousy towards Long Fei is getting bigger and bigger.Maybe she didn't even realize that, as long as Long Fei was with other girls, Huang Fei would suddenly get very angry.

Especially on the day of the concert, I saw Long Fei standing in the background, and later I saw Long Fei chatting with a certain girl.Huang Fei's temper immediately flared up. If Luo Qianqian hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed over to question Long Fei. "I'm your fiancee, you are not allowed to talk to other girls."

The girl with short hair is named Chen Hua, the girl with oblique bangs is named Ren Xuan, and the girl with straight bangs is named Tian Zhen.If it wasn't for them introducing themselves, Long Fei really didn't remember their names.I only know that they are called the SE group, and many fans will also call them that.

Seeing that Huang Fei wanted to get angry again, Long Fei immediately used his trump card to prevent Huang Fei from doing it this time.Not only would he not be angry with Long Fei, but he should also be grateful to Long Fei.

He asked the three girls to take off their masks and hats, and Huang Fei was stunned at the time.Her first reaction was to yell upstairs: "Qianqian, Dong Hao, come down and have a look."

Luo Qianqian and Dong Hao came out of the upstairs room and were obviously stunned when they saw the three of them.Then he ran down the stairs in a flash, and Dong Hao almost rolled down when he went down the stairs.

They read it right, they were not dreaming, they did see the SE group in person.And it was the three of them, which really made them happy.

Huang Fei looked around the three girls for a long time before she was sure that she was not dreaming.The excited screams pierced her ears and buzzed, but Huang Fei didn't notice it.Surrounded by the three girls, they kept asking questions, but the three girls satisfied their curiosity.As long as it does not involve special privacy, they will answer.

Long Fei said: "The three of them want to find a place to watch the meteor shower. Since you just said that there is no place, let's go to another place."

Huang Fei grabbed Long Fei's collar and threatened: "How dare you!"

Showing a sweet smile to the three girls, Huang Fei said: "Since the three sisters want to watch the meteor shower, then go to the roof with us and wait. I have checked everything, and our community is the best place to watch it." Place."

Long Fei really didn't know about this, but he believed Huang Fei's words.After all, she still has a layer of status, and the current head of the Emei faction has no small rights.Figuring out the best location is a piece of cake for the Emei faction, not to mention that now Huang Fei wants to keep the three of them the most, after all, she likes the songs of the SE group so much.

You need a reason to hate someone, and you need a reason to like someone.But liking to listen to a song doesn't need a reason, it's just an inexplicable feeling in many cases.

At 11:30 in the evening, a group of people came to the roof of the villa.The meteor shower arrived as scheduled half an hour later, and they all faced the sky and made wishes.

Legend has it that if a mortal makes a wish on a shooting star, the wish will be recorded in the sky.When the person who made the wish has accumulated a certain amount of merit, God will fulfill his wish.

Long Fei made a total of three wishes, the first is to hope that Brother Hou and the others will suffer less.The second is to hope that the parents are safe and sound, and the third is to hope that the three girls will have a smooth life.

He has received the most traditional education in China since he was a child, so he never thinks about himself first when encountering problems.If there are delicious ones, I will want to leave them to my parents, and if there are fun ones, I will want to share them with my friends.This is the difference between him and many people, he has never been selfish.

It's not because he only has three wishes, but because the meteor shower's time is too short for him to continue wishing.

(End of this chapter)

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