Chapter 244 0245
How do you spend the Spring Festival at home?
Those with wives and children spend time with their wives and children, those without wives and children spend time with their parents, those without parents spend time with their brothers and sisters, and those without brothers and sisters spend time with their friends.

Long Fei brought Huang Fei home, but his parents were overjoyed.The two older sisters were also at home, and the family gathered around Huang Fei to ask questions.Huang Fei behaved very well-behaved and sensible, she would say whatever was asked, well-behaved like a good child.Even if she was stared at by Long Fei for a few times, she would respond to Long Fei with gentle eyes.

Heck, Huang Fei still has such a cute side, and Long Fei didn't realize it after knowing each other for more than a year.Huang Fei didn't have the same knowledge as Long Fei, but it didn't mean that she really restrained her temper.It's just that he didn't get angry in front of Long Fei's parents. When Long Fei's parents went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, Long Fei naturally received Huang Fei's revenge.

Huang Fei twisted his waist until it turned purple, and Long Fei grinned in pain but did not dare to make a sound.Because based on his understanding of his parents, once his parents found out, he must be the one who would be scolded.

Have you ever seen parents who only discipline their own children?Have you ever seen two children fight and beat your own child first?Have you ever seen parents who scold their children first no matter what happens?
You may not have seen it, but Long Fei has always lived in such a family.His parents are very traditional rural people who don't know much about the principles. Apart from producing filial sons under the stick, they are unremittingly and strictly controlling their children.Although they don't have patriarchal ideas, they have the same approach.

For example, to practice calligraphy, Long Fei was asked to practice calligraphy since he was a child.I have to copy three copybooks every day. At that time, Long Fei's second sister was in junior high school.During the winter vacation, Long Fei has to practice calligraphy, but the second sister can practice or not.Father wouldn't say anything if he didn't want to practice, but if Long Fei dared to say this, Wuzhishan must be waiting for him.

I stayed at home for ten days during the Spring Festival, from the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month to the eighth day of the first lunar month.Originally, I wanted to leave after the fifth day, but the customs of my hometown did not allow it.Don't go out and don't go home, this is the rule of Long Fei's hometown.Many times Long Fei didn't want to follow this custom, but he didn't have the courage.

Since he wanted to find medicinal materials, of course he had to act before school started.Although it is destined to bring Huang Fei, at least it is better than waiting for another half a year.You can't neglect your studies. That would not only be a pity to Huang Fei's family, but also a pity to my parents.So even if Long Fei had many ideas, they were still limited by many real circumstances.

Buy a lottery ticket and win a jackpot?

Long Fei had thought about this a long time ago, not only thought about it, but also thought about some more evil things.He comes from more than a decade later and knows exactly where the economy has been going over the years.If he enters some fields at this time, even if he cooperates with those people, he will benefit greatly in the future.

But what's the point of doing that?Make a windfall and use that money for retirement?

That is not Long Fei's outlook on life, nor does it conform to Long Fei's life plan.The starting point cannot determine the focus, and the process does not necessarily lead to the result.Life and death is something everyone needs to face, and everything else should be uncertain.Not sure what will happen tomorrow, not sure what will happen in the next second.

Because there is uncertainty, there is hope.Because there is expectation, life will have hope.Having a goal can generate motivation. Once the goal is to go without motivation, I am afraid that even living is a waste.

Entering the provinces adjacent to the Central Plains, Long Fei and Huang Fei successfully arrived at the foot of Huangshan Mountain on the night of the eighth day of the first lunar month.Stayed at the Shanxia Hotel for one night, and entered the Huangshan Scenic Area early the next morning.

It has many of the same titles as Taishan, and of course it has its own uniqueness.Nobody likes the sameness, it loses its appeal.

It is a world cultural and natural heritage, a world geological park, a national-level tourist attraction, a 5A-level tourist attraction, one of the top ten famous mountains in China, and the most wonderful mountain in the world...

Huangshan has a total of 72 peaks, of which 36 are big.Among them, there are three main peaks, one is Lianhua Peak, the other is Guangming Peak, and the third is Tiandu Peak.

In ancient times, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor used to refine elixir at Lianhua Peak, so the mountain was renamed Huangshan.Huangshan has four wonders and three waterfalls, four wonders, strange pines, strange rocks, sea of ​​clouds, and hot springs.The three waterfalls are Herringbone Waterfall, Baizhang Spring and Jiulong Waterfall.

The most famous one in Huangshan is the welcoming pine. The welcoming pine in various shapes is amazing.Of course, it can't be better than the Grand Canyon of the West Sea. After all, tens of millions of tourists go there every year.

Compared with many man-made landscapes later, they are far behind Huangshan Mountain. It is not an exaggeration to say that Huangshan is not worthy of carrying shoes.For example, the later glass bridge, such as the later artificial cableway, such as the strange buildings built on the edge of many steep cliffs.

They can indeed attract the attention of young people, and they can indeed bring huge benefits to builders.But they do not have any cultural inheritance, let alone any cultural heritage.Any good scenic spot should be the product of hundreds of thousands of generations.

The beauty of nature is the most beautiful, if people admire man-made landscapes.Then there is no need to go outside in the future, and there is no need to keep those places of interest.Just build one if you want to see something, anyway, with the current technological means, building one is not a problem.But this is not the case. Many things that the ancients could create, we with countless high technologies cannot create.

There are many tourists in Huangshan, some of whom are not very civilized.Throw garbage anywhere, and throw away the rinds of the melons and fruits after eating.Throwing them will not be thrown under your feet, but directly outside.Throw it halfway up the mountain, or throw it in a place where tourists are prohibited from entering.

Those places have no guardrails, not even roads.But there is countless rubbish in that place, which must be cleaned by a special person every day.When those people pick up the garbage that those people throw away, some people may even be injured or even killed.

There are also some tourists who will leave a line of small words on various buildings.So and so came here for a visit, or so and so and so and so came here for a visit.It seems to have done a particularly meaningful thing, but in fact it has done a particularly stupid thing.

Most tourists are good people, though.It's just Long Fei's personal experience in Huangshan. Someone helped an old man who had never met to climb the mountain together.Some people helped the old lady they just met down the mountain together, and some parents helped to carry things, and asked their children to help the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant in need.

Believe it or not, Long Fei has been to such a city.Although that city later had a bad reputation, or had a bad reputation for a long time.But before that happened, Long Fei had stayed there for two months.

The first thing that made Long Fei arrive at the incredible place was the bus in that city.Everyone knows that the bus must stop at the designated site.You need to be at the station to get on and off the bus. Generally, there will be no parking on the way.Even if the car is parked halfway and the door is opened, it must be a special situation.

In that city, Long Fei had taken the bus more than a dozen times, and there was only one experience for him.It's so humane that you want to cry, you can wave to the bus at any time.Regardless of whether he is passing by or returning to the field, as long as someone waves to him, he will immediately slow down and approach you.But there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, you must be one of the five groups of people who are old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant.

Another point is reflected in the bus. After getting on the bus, I consciously walk backwards. If the back is not full, no one will sit in the front.Then there are single-row seats on both sides of the middle of the bus. Everyone who takes the bus knows that those seats are for people with special needs.

What about people with special needs?It is still the five categories of people mentioned before, the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled and pregnant. Of course, another category can be added, that is, passengers with children.

Even if the carriage is full of people, no one who does not belong to the above six categories of people will sit in those reserved seats.This kind of scene gave Long Fei a huge shock, and also made Long Fei admire the people in that city from the bottom of his heart.Later, a piece of news broke the tranquility of that city, and when that city was mentioned later, everyone would look at it with colored glasses.

When you return from the Five Sacred Mountains, you don’t look at the mountains, and when you return from Huangshan Mountain, you don’t look at the mountains.Fortunately, Long Fei went to the Five Mountains first, otherwise this sentence would have come true for Long Fei.There are most strange pines and strange rocks in Huangshan, and all kinds of stones are dazzling.They are all naturally formed, and none of them are artificially carved.

Some of them resemble people, some resemble certain kinds of buildings, and some resemble certain kinds of animals.There are all kinds of strange things, only what you can't think of and nothing you can't see.Huang Fei kept pulling on Long Fei's backpack strap, for fear of accidentally falling it.She wanted to look timid and timid, but every time she was frightened by Long Fei, she screamed.

The tourists all stole envious glances, and at this moment Huang Fei would pinch his waist and reprimand Long Fei.If he dared to treat his fiancée like this, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

There is nothing wrong with the second half of the sentence, but the first half of the sentence can always make people stunned.Then everyone's eyes changed, and they saw that Long Fei clearly wrote two characters and four characters.


"Beasts are better!"

They are still students at a glance, and most people can tell that they are middle school students at a glance.Claiming to be fiancee in front of so many people, how could this kind of thing stop them from hating Long Fei.

Luckily, Huang Fei also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.Jumped off the guardrail and ran behind Long Fei, then continued to go up the hill by the hem of Long Fei's clothes.

It is not surprising that there are Taoists on Mount Huangshan, but there are still many monks on Mount Huangshan.One by one put their hands together and recite Amitabha Buddha with ten mouths, and with one mouth, it is an invitation to the benefactor. What kind of wish does the benefactor want to make?

The Taoist priests are also very polite, everyone holds a whisk and looks like a fairy.But he couldn't escape Long Fei's eyes at all, he had learned art from Laojun.No matter what, he can be regarded as Laojun's apprentice. Even if he didn't inherit all of Laojun's abilities, he at least got some of Laojun's true teachings.

They even used the wrong gestures for greeting. Few of the Taoist priests in Ganqing have real talents.It's just that the bullying tourists don't understand, so they are bluffing there.

Only by seeing through but not talking through can we be friends, although Long Fei has already seen the clue.But one thing more is worse than one thing less. Since those people are willing to be fooled, let them spend some tuition fees to buy a lesson.

You need to pay tuition fees to go to school, and you need to pay for meals.You need money to buy things, and even if you die, you need money to do the funeral.In this world, you can have enemies with anything, but you can't help but like money.Because whether you like it or not, money is money.It is not the money that is guilty, but the person who uses the money is guilty.

Passing a scenic spot, Long Fei and Huang Fei sat on the steps to rest.A little Taoist passed by and gave Long Fei and Huang Fei a fan.

Long Fei thanked the little Taoist priest. After asking, he learned that he was from Wudang Mountain and was about to go back down the mountain to Wudang.And kindly invite Long Fei, you can go with him to experience the charm of Wudang Mountain.

Meeting each other is worse than meeting by chance, all the medicinal materials are confiscated and must continue, Long Fei takes Huang Fei and the little Taoist down to Wudang on Huangshan Mountain, just to collect all the medicinal materials as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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