The brothers who traveled westward in those years

523 Chapter 0524, praying mantis catches cicada

523 Chapter 0524, praying mantis catches cicada
Feng Yang's goal was not the five monster clans protected by Wukong, he didn't even look at those monster clans hiding in the defensive formation.Even the rare family of mandarin ducks and butterflies in the world failed to interest Feng Yang at all.

At the same time as the six people left Wukong's new house, a large number of demon hunters gathered around the inner city wall.According to the noise they made just now, the patrolling soldiers must have reported the situation to the Royal Guards.

"Crack, creak!" With two muffled sounds, the gate of the inner city slowly opened, and a pair of royal guards poured out from inside.But he was stopped by the monster hunters of the monster hunter alliance who had been waiting at the door for a long time. In less than a cup of tea, the entire guard army was wiped out.

"They are?"

Standing on the tall building, Wukong was not only stunned to see what happened in front of him.Although he had guessed the general idea, he hadn't been able to come up with a reasonable explanation.Are these guys crazy or something, what are they doing to provoke the royal guards when they are fine.

Everyone who lives in Dunhuang knows that every royal guard has a spell on them.As long as someone has an accident, other people will receive the news as soon as possible.

Sure enough, when Bajie had just climbed to the top of the tall building, the second royal guard rushed out of the inner city.This time their number was twice as many as before, and they were equipped with a lot of heavy weapons.The Monster Hunting Alliance continued to kill, but this time their losses were also immeasurable.

Feng Yang rushed forward with his face covered. When they faced the third wave of royal guards rushing out from the inner city, Wukong seemed to have understood Feng Yang's intention.

This is to attack the big families in Dunhuang City, and the royal family must not dare to intervene in this matter first.They certainly don't even have to think about breaking into the inner city, but it's not very difficult to keep the royal guards from acting rashly.

"Bajie, I'll leave the house to you, I'm going to find some herbs."

Seeing that the third wave of royal guards was about to be wiped out, Wukong said to Bajie behind him.

The wound must be treated immediately or it will become infected.There are many pharmacies in Dunhuang City, but none of the herbs that Wukong needs.Since Fengyang's target is not the Yaozu, Wukong can safely entrust them to Bajie.As long as they don't leave the house, even if Feng Yang comes back for a while, nothing will happen.

"Brother Monkey, come back early." Bajie said.

"Okay, you're whining like a bitch, don't worry, I'm leaving."

Wukong patted Bajie on the shoulder, and then flew from the tall building to the ground.He didn't want to worry his good brother, but he had to look for herbs.A man's sixth sense is sometimes more accurate than a woman's, and Wukong has already vaguely felt that something is about to happen.

When leaving Dunhuang City, Wukong's head seemed to explode.Until Wukong left Dunhuang City, this feeling became more and more serious.In pain, Wukong didn't even have the strength to walk, and finally fell on the road outside Dunhuang City.

The gray sky, the dilapidated hut, and the smell of burning in the air.

Wukong slowly opened his eyes, and then began to cough violently.His brain still hurts, but he has forgotten who he is.It's not that I can't remember at all, but that there are too many pictures in my mind.His forehead was hot, and he still had a high fever.

A thin figure was busy there, seeing Wukong sitting up and running over.The little girl with a dirty face looks no more than ten years old.

The little girl was holding a square porcelain bowl with one corner missing in her hand, and the contents in the bowl exuded a disgusting bitterness.That's right, that's the herb Wukong was looking for.It's just that he doesn't know how he came to this place.

"Eat it, your injury will heal after eating this."

The little girl said timidly.

She seems to be terrified of Goku, or just naturally timid.Put the bowl one meter away from Wukong, and then took a few steps back.It's not like dealing with people, but rather like feeding a very ferocious beast.

Picking up the porcelain bowl on the ground, Wukong drank all the herbs in the bowl in one go.

Faithful words are conducive to deeds, and good medicine is conducive to disease.

He really wanted to thank the girl for the herbal medicine, but he couldn't make a sound after working hard for a long time.It was only then that Wukong realized that the high fever not only affected his brain, but also affected his throat.

The little girl took the medicine bowl away, and then started tinkering with her homemade stove.The pot is the leftovers she picked up from a nearby market, and the water is the rainwater she picked up not long ago.

She is so thin that she can't carry water at all, not even half a bucket.Cooking smoke curled up, and a faint smell of rice came to the nostrils.The little girl was very considerate and filled a big bowl for Wukong, and only kept a small half bowl for herself.He took out the steamed bun that had been kept all day from his bosom, broke it in half and gave it to Wukong.

Being so kind to a stranger, Wukong felt very uncomfortable seeing this scene.He didn't go to pick up the steamed buns from the little girl, but took out a few golden tickets from his pocket.

The little girl has never seen silver coins since she grew up, but she has seen copper coins a few times.Let alone gold coins, gold tickets are like an elusive dream to her.Being able to hear people talk about it is already a great thing, so when Wukong gave her the golden ticket, she returned it to Wukong without thinking.

Looking at the little girl's clear eyes, Wukong couldn't help scolding himself in his heart.Why didn't he think of it, the little girl is clearly a little beggar.Don't say she doesn't know those golden tickets, even if she does, she can't accept them.Might get her a nice meal or two, but it's sure to get her nowhere in the end.

Who would allow a little beggar to own a gold ticket, afraid that when she went to the bank to exchange the gold ticket for gold coins, the owner of the bank would treat her as a thief and catch her.

After fumbling in his arms for a long time, he took out a few copper coins from his sleeve.The little girl's eyes lit up, and she happily ran out with the copper coins.After a while, he ran back, with a few fried dough sticks exuding a tempting fragrance in his hand.It was the little girl's favorite, but those copper coins were only enough for three.

I gave Wukong two, and the little girl only kept one for herself.Because the money belongs to Wukong, she should give Wukong two of them.He happily ate half of the fried dough sticks, and then wrapped the remaining half fried dough sticks with paper.She doesn't want to eat good things all at once, she needs to keep them until she gets hungry.

Wukong, who couldn't speak, smiled and shook his head, regardless of how the little girl refused.He insisted on giving her the two fried dough sticks, and then gestured to the little girl.It means that he doesn't like fried food and hopes that the little girl can help him eat it.

Wrapping two fried dough sticks in paper, the little girl turned her back to Wukong with red eyes.Ever since she was a child, no one has treated her as well as Wukong.In the eyes of others, Wukong just gave the little girl something he didn't like to eat.But in the eyes of the little girl, Wukong gave her her favorite food and treated her very, very well.

Patting the little girl's shrugging shoulders, Wukong took out a handkerchief that was not often used, and helped the little girl wipe off the dust on her face.It is still too difficult for her to light a fire and cook, and she will be disgraced every time.

Seeing a faintly visible scratch left on the ground, Goku patted his ass.He finally understood how the little girl got him in. He didn't expect that she was so small and strong.He could actually drag Wukong in from the outside, but he just noticed that the little girl who ran out to buy fried dough sticks came back with wet hair.

It must be raining outside, and Wukong, who has not recovered his mana, is not in a hurry to leave.Instead, one needs to sit still to allow the herbs to work, and then meditate to restore mana.Of course he would not leave without saying goodbye, he was touched by the little girl's kindness.Of course, I also hope to help the little girl and let the little girl have a home.

"Are you an orphan like me?"

The little girl said to Wukong while gesturing.

Wukong gestured to the little girl, meaning that he could hear, and he was not dumb, but his throat was injured and he could not speak for a while.This made it easier for the two of them to communicate. The little girl said that Wukong was listening, so she nodded and shook her head.

But what surprised Wukong was that the little girl lived alone all the time.From the time she could remember, she lived alone outside the city of Dunhuang.

Every day, many horse-drawn carriages transporting garbage leave the city, and there is a garbage disposal site nearby.The little girl went there to look for food when she was very young, especially looking for some carriages to transport leftovers.Then quickly fill up the small bucket on his back, and if he is lucky, he can still eat a few mouthfuls of hot food.

Of course, the little girl is not the only beggar. If she can't fill the keg as quickly as possible and leave, she will be surrounded by beggars later.

Several times, the beggars surrounded the little girl and stuffed her into the rubbish dump.The little girl could not crawl out, and the longest time was buried for two days and two nights.Fortunately, the little girl lived in such an environment since she was a child. The little girl was not starved to death for two days and two nights, but it made the little girl stronger.

The little girl has never read a book, and she has no chance to meet those scholars.So she doesn't understand the truth, she only knows that she eats when she is hungry and sleeps when she is sleepy.

Of course, what she knows best is to rely on herself.No one would be so kind, and no one would care if she was an orphan.The most practical thing here is the law of the jungle. Those who run fast will eat meat, and those who run slowly will not even have soup.

Simply because the little girl has been running very fast these years, although sometimes the meat will be snatched away, but she can at least drink a few mouthfuls of soup.He was staying at the entrance of the small restaurant, but he didn't want to discuss a meal with the boss.Instead, she was watching how the boss cooks, and finally the little girl figured out a homemade stove by herself.

Of course, they are not all bad people. Some people like little girls and even hope that they will go home with them.Although the little girl has never been to school, she always feels that the child brides-in-law mentioned by those people is not a good thing.She was dirty and thin, why would those people provide her with food and drink and a place to live.

The little girl couldn't figure it out, so of course she stopped thinking about it.Anyway, she won't leave, and now she meets this guy who was picked up by her.She won't even go to those so-called rich families. Look at him, he looks so strong, and he will definitely be able to eat and wear warmth in the future.

The little girl had an idea, although it was only a small idea, but she felt that she had to do that.With this stranger in front of her by her side, she will have a sense of security that she has never had before.

She always holds that rusty dagger when she sleeps, and the little girl has a strong sense of self-protection.But she didn't know why, on the night she picked up Wukong, even if the guy was still in a coma, he could bring the little girl a sense of security.Let the little girl let go of her defenses and have a good night's sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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